Also, general thread to discuss giants and how to implement them.
Needing Giantess Pics
snu snu?
momotaru is not for lewds.
>"post giants"
>starts with ogres
Giants live on the clouds. They dreamed the world into being, and when they were done they dreamed their kingdom into the sky. From there they seed and harvest the dreams of mortals. If you've ever wondered where the morning fog comes from, it is the remains from the giants descending to the ground to do their work. So the legends go.
Occasionally a giant falls from the sky, some say cast out for crimes, they are often reclusive. But they still need to feed off dreams, most seek the easy harvest of nightmares by attacking, raiding and generally being terrors.
Generally preferring to war amongst themselves in storm clashes, it is not unknown for them to descend to the earth to claim resources of one nature or another.
I got ya.
Ok Veeky Forums, youreally character is on this situation. He is walking across the mountains when suddenly you are attacked by a group of horny giantess. They don't want to hurt you, they actually want to have SEX with you and won't take no as an answer. The catch is that the act can PROBABLY not kill you, but will at least might hurt a lot. How he react?
Nigga doesn't even see or care where he is going.
That's just Gannon.
dammit d
So how do giants cloth themselves. Even a fucker in rags would need a shit ton of leather? That's not even getting into metal for armor and tools.
And caloric requirements how does a family of giants not DECIMATE through hunting or just farming.
What are some settings that explain this, because I can't think of any setting that just has Giants running around naked or imply they don't need to eat.
That didn't work last time Red Mage.
>I can't think of any setting that just has Giants running around naked or imply they don't need to eat.
Attack on Titan?
Say yes, all you have to do is stay on top for as long as possible and give it your best.
One would assume there would be a lot more crazy mega fauna forming a bigger food chain on top of the mundane animals running around all supported by the growth of magic flora that is huge or hyper reproductive.
Couple this with many giants being elementally aligned, like fire giants, and they likely are sustained partially by magic.
Volume increases more than surface with size. Giants have to make sure they don't overheat. That's why they wear revealing fur bikini's and not much more. SCIENCE!
>discuss giants and how to implement them
Read that as impregnate at first.
Very different thread...
>giants and how to implement them
Well, first of all, you will have to engage in eugenics and genetic experimentation. Gigantism gene has already been identified, all you have to do is cross-breed people with the genetic link responsible for said condition.
They have giant cows.
They kinda just take what they need and/or want because who is going to stop them?
So giants are the fantasy equivalent of the mob and farmers have to pay "Protection Fees" to get them to eat somewhere else. Man between the Dragons squeezing out every shiny valuable and the Giant Mafia, and the Orc Gang Bangers being a farmer in fantasyland must fucking suck.
>Sex between giantess and male humans
Would not that automatically unsatisfactory for the giantess?
All non humans should be purged.
Not really. Wang size doesn't really correlate with body mass, especially for bipeds. Monkeys and Apes are all over the god damn place in that regard. Devoting bloodflow and body mass to having a giant wang when you have no way to cover it up from exposure isn't especially beneficial to an animal. Most mammals with a huge dong are herbivores who need to fuck and run and have an internal sheath to cover it up with.
Aside from that, most female pleasure in sex is related to stimulation of the clitoris. The big dick thing is a meme made by the porn industry.
I remember one thread noting that, due to that whole difficulty with food thing, giants work best when they're in small numbers, and as part of a nomadic group of other races.
Can't remember the exact specifics, but I liked the idea - they had some sort of symbiotic relationship with each other.
How common should giants be in a setting?
varies, some female animals don't even orgasm, and horses, for all the vaunted dick size of males don't get much stimulation from their clitoris. As it turns out there's a g-spot about two inches in that you can stimulate quite easily.
if you remember the old tales about centaurs largely being drunken assholes centaur females might very well decide to settle down with human males who would have an easier time hitting their g-spot.
Diane of the Serpent Sin, from Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins
Centaurs in Greek mythology were asshole rapists and raiders to the Greeks but I'm pretty sure the relationship between the males and females were the topic of a mostly romantic and loving scenario. Though that may be because the only firm story we have on them is one about a Centaur wife who loved her husband so much she killed herself when he died in battle.
Just because you're an asshole to your enemies doesn't mean you don't know how to treat your wife well.
honestly I find it kind of odd a male centaur would bother trying to rape human women. Maybe all the ones in the stories were dropouts. Chiron was wise and chill.
Maybe the rest of them were, except for the drunken morons who'd fuck anything.
something something cult of bachus.
>7 years ago
I miss the old Veeky Forums sometimes.
The Giants came from Below and the Dragons from Above. They warred for eternity, until only half survived.
The Giants stole the fire of the Dragons and fed it into clay, creating the Dwarves. The Dragons stole the bones of the Giants and wrapped them in old scales, creating the Dragonborn. Because their two races were not immortal, they were made to breed, so the War could continue forever.
But more and more Dragons died and more and more Giants died, until only two remained. The last Dragon was so filled with grief, he tore himself to pieces, his scales scattering Above and his body falling deep Below. These scales would become Drakes, while his body became Kobolds.
But the final Giant was cruel and heartless, so celebrated his victory with food and ale. But as the Giant slumbered the Dwarves, who hated his cruelty, split him apart with their axes and broke his bones with their picks. The Giant's blood sprayed Below, becoming magma, and his bones were thrown Above, become minerals.
And that was how the War ended.
Maybe they just liked the girls for their personality and wooed her the normal way and the Greeks were just butt hurt about foreigners seducing their women with their giant horse cocks.
Also acceptable.
On my group to be honest, there is a giant girl that is interessed on my character.
But we don't know own how to make it work, she is like 4 meters tall and it is a low magic setting without spells to grow.
Nah. Horses have that shit around 8ish inche in. Human women are 2 inches. The clitoris also has these "branches" that follow the side of the walls which is why girth is a big source of pleasure during sex but length isn't as anything beyond 7ish inches runs the risk of you jabbing them in the cervix which just plain hurts. Another issue with the g-spot is it like being slid along so say someone who's exactly 2 inches long hiting the human g-spot thats just a lot of grazing and not very fun versus say a 6 inch that usually pulls out to just to then back in in a steady 4 inch forward 4 inch backward sliding motion that doesn't quit.
Tl;Dr size matters, just make sure its the right kind of size.
this is highly accurate
pic not related
don't forget those slattern mares, luring pure honest greek boys astray with BIG, WET, HORSE PUSSIES.
>Female giants
>Sex is impossible for either of you
>She can literally crush you purely by accident
>Sex is impossible
Why are you giving up so easily?
Google mating press and use a giant pic related afterwards for her.
Oh. And female mares orgasm just as quickly as the males do if not more due to their vaginal structure being crazy and their sensitivity being insanely high for literally no evolutionarily satisfactory reason.
A. You have a very narrow definition of sex.
B. You're a quitter.
C. Necessity is the mother of invention and i NEED that shit.
Female horses*
I'm tired.
>Oh. And female mares orgasm just as quickly as the males do if not more due to their vaginal structure being crazy and their sensitivity being insanely high for literally no evolutionarily satisfactory reason.
I always knew mares were sluts.
I've seen farmhands raped to death by mares. It's actually pretty common as far as horse related deaths go as far as i've seen. Literally 50% after last year.
Why is this a discussion?
No, wait, better response: Stop it, stop it now before it gets worse. You've already invited the Monmusu-fags enough.
You're trolling, right?
Depends on how big she is. Using your arm can be very effective for larger types of girls like oni and centaurs.
I cant confirm them being raped to death. But i own a mare and she slams me up against the barn and tries to rape me.
Monmosu centaurs are the worst. That one chapter completely ruined the centaurs who went from noble knights to chucklefuck barbarians with that cuckold teaser shit for no reason.
Well this is as good a thread as any.
Without the use of magic or really /d/-tier shit like spelunking, could a normal human dude and a ~80-100 foot tall giantess procreate? Assume that if sperm and egg could meet, conception is possible.
We've got a potential and very useful political marriage that could be followed up in our game between just that, a human guy and a giantess (in this setting, the giants are on average around that big) but a prime concern is if they can have children. I guess the question is, could a normal human sperm travel the distance of the reproductive tract of a woman that size?
>A big funnel maybe or a catheter, to help with the distance?
Man, every time I see a giant regardless of gender I have to think about those giants that just walk on cities and kill hundreds if not thousands of people and I get fucking mad.
I really wish I could see that picture and another picture right next to it with Saitama punching them in the mouth.
Just let it happen, user
This guy knows.
Nope. Personally only 1 on my land but i've seen it happen 4 other times elsewhere. Basically a farmhand is young and stupid and didn't listen when they say not to be in a pen or corral with the horse without having a way out at all times, keeping an eye on the animals 24/7, or having a buddy keep a look out/on hand.
So they hit estrus and they seem to like you. So they work their way to getting you in a corner where they rub their rear up on you. Hundreds of signs including general behavior and winking preclude this so only a blind idiot would miss it. The only issue is they're like giant puppies and don't understand their strength or how frail we comparatively are so if no ones around you're just sitting there watching your ribs and spine get ground in.
If it's any consolation the horses actually get pretty fucking sad once they realize the mistake.
>Horses WINK
>Then then RAPE you
>Until your SPINE BREAKS
Tell me that this is a bad joke. Please tell me this isn't the world I live in. Don't mares see that you don't even remotely look like a stallion?
I'm no fucking my horse. I just fist her to help her out when she is in heat.
They either dont know or dont care. Horses develop EXTREMELY tight relationships with the people that take care of them.
At that point you could probably just climb right in and have sex with the cervix, which is a whole 'nother kind of fetish.
I've learned more about horses from Veeky Forums than public school has taught me about standardized testing.
When they're in heat and no male is around they tend to get desperate. It's kind of like how some dogs hump their owner's leg even though they know it's not another dog. they either love their owners a lot not to care or are so horned up they need release.
Woah. Back up. Winking is when a horse shows her clitoris by flexing the muscles around the area moving hood back. They do this several times to make sure its seen as its a sign to possible mates they're ready as if you can't smell that a mile away.
They may also wink like normal humans but due to eye placement and the fact i've never kept an eye out for it I can't say.
This. Mares are not winking their eyes, they are basically winking their entire vagina.
>I just fist her
>Horses develop EXTREMELY tight relationships with the people that take care of them
Just when I thought magical realms got bad, I learned the most magical of them all was right in front of me all along.
Dogs don't care you're not a canine either, yet they hump better than Bill Clinton.
Domesticated animals develop such close relationships with humans that they consider us sexually compatible.
This guy
More or lesson has it. Horses are extremely smart by animal standards but their emotional capacity is greater than most people i've met and stronger than an angsty teen. Mares more so for some reason.
Me fisting her is entirely non sexual. But i feel like it must be cruel to need to have sex and have no way to take care of yourself.
>sex is impossible
With that attitude maybe.
You ever wonder why women LOVE horse riding? Yeah. I've not met a single one who does who won't admit that the friction isn't at least part of it.
Aaand back to reading Mare Holic.
Go get an old log, sand it smooth and debark it, take your post hole digger, dig a hole, plant the log. Let the horse have some private time with the rubbing post.
Bonus: it doubles the rest of the year as a legit scratching post.
>just climb right in and have sex with the cervix,
Sure but again, the idea is to avoid that as best as possible. Like the DM expects at least some realistic justification that reproduction could be possible, but will put his foot down if it requires something too /d/ like internal exploration.
Can we please get back to posting giantess pictures? Please?
And yet another reason to believe all women are sluts
But that's not even a frikken giantess. It's a gill person from Pathfinder.
I am actually gonna try this. Thank you.
user, all people are sluts by default
I am people and I can confirm that.
this is a monster breeding thread now.
accept your fate.
>greek boys
>liking pussy
Virgil went into female centaurs in depth
Just tell him in the background the mechanics and then let him fade to black it in the actual game.