>A (Elf) race eats over thousands year only flesh.
Would that affect the body?
>A (Elf) race eats over thousands year only flesh.
Would that affect the body?
Other urls found in this thread:
Death seeing as how meat doesn't really preserve well for 1000 years
>What are carnivores?
Meat doesn't keep that long.
Rocks at best mostly dirt
Or possibly severe backpain from the ridiculous they get from digging out ancient carcasses from the glaciers, just hoping this meat is old enough.
Could be why they're so pro-nature. Global warming would speed up how quickly their race starves to death
>A race eats only flesh and that for a very, very long period.
Is that more clearly?
They all get Veeky Forums as fuck.
You mean that they only eat meat for a very very long time?
It would work wonders if they have the metabolism for it. Assuming humanlike? They would die of scurvy after a year or ten.
>Not garnishing your food
Just because you eat only meat doesn't mean it needs to be raw.
See, I thought you meant meat from thousand-year-old creatures, in which case the Elves are probably the best hunters of magical aberrations in the realm.
>either a thinly veiled veganfag thread or thinly veiled vegetarian bait
I can't decide. Either way it's awful.
Have an elf anyway.
I was more concerned about the unvaried diet. lack of vitamins and other deficiency disorder. There's very little vitamin C in meat and organs if it's cooked. Raw it still has enough. I assumed that the elves knows which animals can be eaten raw.
They would get Toxoplasma gondii, though. But them being unreasonable is nothing new.
Elves that eat meat gradually become deer. Little known elf fact.
Elves that only eat meat gradually become cumsluts
Don't elves live to be several hundreds of years old? Wouldn't that only be two or three generations?
English isn't your first language is it?
Depends on the setting.
Fair enough
Though, i don't think I've really seen a setting where elves didn't live several hundreds of years long or weren't flat-out immortal
So, the Bosmer from TES?
Elves are probably exclusive carnivores actually. Herbivores tend to be thick like gorillas.
It's magic. It does whatever you want it to.
Assuming they evolved for that, it'd be fine. Humans can live off of an exclusively carnivorous diet for a pretty long time before we start paying for it same thing with a purely vegetable diet. Optimally speaking you need a mixture of both to be totally healthy.
But, elves are not humans, and probably have different digestive systems. If they were optimized for consuming meat only, they could do just fine. A shorter digestive tract would be a start, and they would probably either be far leaner than humans (the cougar/leopard/cheetah route) or fucking ripped as shit (tiger route) compared to humans.
A few things would change though.
1: They would smell terrible. Pure carnivores have a distinct smell. Even humans have this, you can literally smell red meat in someone's sweat.
2: Their shit would be horrifyingly gross. Compare dogshit to horseshit sometime, you'll see what I mean.
These two factors mean they would probably be OCD levels of clean, because otherwise prey could smell them coming from miles away.
3: Their teeth would be way different. They might have larger canines than humans. They would need to be able to bite into living, thrashing animals with thick hides without losing teeth.
If they have the same dietary requirements as humans, they better eat a lot of liver or they'll die of scurvy a few months in.