>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Game Finder Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>GM or Player
>Time availability
Running Saturdays, willing to set the start time between 1500 and 1900 EDT (-4 GMT). Sessions should run between 4~6 hours.
>Text or Voice
Text, roll20.
>Contact Information
Discord: discord.gg
Email: [email protected]
>Additional Information
Please don't contact if you cannot make the start time(s).
Chargen/houserule info: pastebin.com
It's been a while since I've played Pathfinder. Expect me to be rusty.
Game's up to the players. I'm willing to use adventure paths or run with the characters and their backstories. Golarion's the setting either way.
Well, I say take a chance anyway. If my game doesn't pan out for whatever reason, I'd like to at least grab some good players from it.
GM or Player
Home brew set in the ace combat universe.
>Time availability
Session start is 6pm EST on saturdays.
>Text or Voice
Text, IRC
>Contact Information
[email protected]
Thunderceptorf91 on skype.
>Additional Information
I'm looking for 3 to 4 players to join one of my test groups for the game I'm working on. Currently the core mechanic's are completed, and I'm mostly looking for player feedback so I can tweak anything that needs to be balanced. Looking primarily for players with RPG experience, who are willing to commit for the next couple months.
Ace Combat is a series of video games focusing on combat between fictional countries using (mostly) real world aircraft. The current campaign is set during the Belkan War (1995). Players take on the role of mercenaries hired by the nation of Ustio. Successful missions earn players XP to upgrade their characters, and cash to upgrade/modify existing, or purchase new aircraft. Game play so far has been comprised of in cockpit missions, and more roleplay centric out of cockpit sessions. You don't need to know the video games to play in the RPG, but that's a plus.
I'll be monitoring the thread and able to respond to any questions, but as I'm on my phone at work I can guarantee neither promptness nor great detail.
Would you allow me to play an intelligent anthro plane? Pic semi related.
Sure, if you can explain how your plane came to be sentient (and sexy!)
Anybody running WoD games?
From the previous thread:
I'm considering to start a rules-lite homebrew campaign that draws inspiration from Kingdom Death: Monster, Berserk and other similar happy things.
Before I delve further into this, would there be people interested in such a game? Consider it might well take one or two months before it's ready to start, I'm just checking for potential interest.
The setting would be the aftermath of a Berserk's Eclipse-esque apocalypse, so the world is twisted and corrupted, noone has a fucking idea of what exactly is happening and terrible monsters roam the land.
Body horror and creepy twisted shit would be a prominent theme, such as the themes of humanity and monstrosity.
Two anons have already shown interest, so I think I'll be doing this after all. I'll add further information as it progresses.
Depends on when it is but definitely
Just post an email already so we can just email you to confirm we're interested.
Question is will there be rape?
You mean you're using a homebrewed system? How do the mechanics work?
The theme of the game sounds great.
>GM or Player
>Time availability
I'm in PST so not aids late or early, other than that flexible
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: Mych.Planech
>Additional Information
I have an excellent understanding of the rules due to my amount of GM experience, so I'm not a nub
goddamn online groups suck
how do you guys typically look for pickup games at your LGS?
Still looking for a third and fourth player.
My FLGS closed down years ago. Now I gotta travel for an hour or so to visit one... so I basically just stick to online games now.
Looking for 1 to 2 more for a pathfinder game.
See for more information.
It will start as soon as I get the system ready and a well defined plot. Might be one week just as well as it might be a month. I know I'm not giving you much but I prefer being broad and vague until I can give proper date (as I stated, I'm mostly checking for interest).
Also, I live in continental Europe (GMT+1) and we'll probably play at night (or at least, when it's night in my time zone).
[email protected]
Short answer is "Maybe".
Long answer:
>Does rape exist in the setting?
>Will rape be mentioned during sessions without involving the characters?
Possibly (ex. "There's been a raid at the nearby settlement, the bastards pillaged, killed and raped at their leisure!")
>Will rape be mentioned as a constitutive part of plots where the characters are involved?
Possibly (ex. you might have to save a prisoner who has suffered it)
>Will rape happen to PCs?
Dunno, but monsters can do other pretty nasty things. Body horror for one is one of the points of the game.
>Can we as PCs rape people?
You have agency to do as you want, but if you weird out me or other players you'll be asked to tone things down.
In general I'll assume we're all sensitive and mature people (inb4 "LOL not on Veeky Forums) so everything can be discussed
Basic rolls will be based on 2d10, you'll have four basic attributes, four saves and a list of skills that work pretty much like in D&D plus feats/perks which define special abilities of your character.
>GM or Player
I only am familiar with the 40k rpgs but I'm up for learning anything
>Time availability
EST but will try to work for anytime
>Text or Voice
Would prefer voice
>Contact Information
Skype: willnye2cool
>Additional Information
Honestly I'm pretty desperate for anything to do some shit has gone down in my life I could really use a new group of m8's and something to distract myself.
Ouch. I'm on PST, GMT-9. You've got one less potential player now, sorry.
I am hoping to run a oneshot of red markets next Saturday. Details can be found in the lfg channel of this chat.
Your link expired
Sorry resending.
>Not!Japan 5e GM here
To anyone who applied: i've now freed myself from most daily obligations so i'll be contacting the players later today and form the group proper.
hopefully i will finish all the stuff i've been writing by then [/spoilers]
It's been kind of exciting, the anticipation! Either way, I hope it goes extremely well for you.
Are these links not supposed to last for 24 hours? Why do they expire after 1 and a half?
I have them set to unlimited time, but a limited number of uses to prevent flooding.
That being said I've yet to get any concrete responses, so still looking for folks.
I'd be interested. I've never played Pathfinder, but I have gone over the rulebook a few times.
As of right now, I have five potential players, but if somebody can't make it to the first session, I'm going to kick them out of the game and someone else can fill in their spot.
Right now the game looks like it's leaning towards a sandbox sort of game, possibly the Kingmaker AP.
Feel free to make join the discord and make a character. I'd be willing to give you some build tips. Pathfinder suffers from an issue where, if you don't know what you're doing, you can build a pretty useless character.
Bumpity bump
How can you guys play online? Role without the human presence just feels incomplete.
I some what agree if you're playing with just voice over the internet, but if you're playing text only it's such a different experience that it's neither better or worse than in person.
Sure, I get what you are saying. For some quick erp, text does quite the job to deliver a interesting experience, but for long campaing I feel like having the player in front of you gives the game the "human" element, something like intimidacy but not quite the same.
>for quick erp
You know there are other uses for text games outside of ERP, right?
Sorry friend, I have no intend to be hostile but, in my whole post did I ever implied that I only use text for ERP?
No, but you implied that was the only utility text only has.
I enjoy a lot of text only games because it's a lot easier to disassociate characters entirely from players and play games as a sort of writing exercise with dice. Everything is done through the character's actions, but all of my effort is put into trying to make the character I'm playing as feel as real as possible, without having to spend a lot of my time doing that through acting.
Text only isn't about trying to flex your acting muscles, it's about trying to flex your writer muscles. For some people this isn't really enjoyable, but for people like me it's incredibly fun.
Ah I see, so you are more of the "writer" kind than the "actor" kind. Thas cool, both are form of expressing oneself, both are completely valid.
For the record though, I can clearly see why you have no friends, you fucking autist asshole.
Whoa, what a moronic escalation.
Welcome to Game Finder
>this fucking guy
>GM or Player
Looking to either play a particular type of game or GM one of two campaigns I have prepared.
As a player, no preference beyond 'not 3.finder'. I know GURPS, 2e, 4e, 5e, Talislanta, Cosmic Bumfights, Paranoia, Traveller, Savage Worlds and WFRP to varying degrees. Willing to learn a new system as long as it looks reasonable.
As a GM, I will be running either a hexcrawl with sandbox elements in 5e using a setting of my own devising, or an exploration and travel based game in Talislanta.
>Time availability
Late evenings GMT. I have a flexible schedule due to working mostly from home, but daytime is generally reserved for getting shit done.
>Text or Voice
Either or. Voice has more of a time constaint than text, since I'd rather not keep the waifu up.
>Contact Information
#9210 on Discord
>Additional Information
So I'm kind of tired of 'stantard fantasy' settings and 'it doesn't matter' and 'you tell me'. I want to explore an alien, exotic millieu with a GM that knows what he's doing worldbuilding-wise and similarly-minded players. Hear the sounds and inquire about the language. Admire the vistas and learn why the land is that way. Meet strange and exotic people, kill them, and take their stuff.
As for GMing, I try to offer the same, perhaps with an added bonus of having a hand in building the 5e setting.
And of course, I dun goof'd.
Not meant as a reply, it's just easier to click a post number to get the posting window on mobile.
The Mutant Epoch
Im trying to get a group together for a game of TME. Obviously the hard part is finding a GM so im willing to provide the rulebooks and help learn the system.
The exact time and dates can be discussed once the GM is on board.
If anyone wants a link to the books let me know.
Keep being excellent Veeky Forums!
Contacting you on Discord apparently requires more than the number. You need either email or the tag and #.
>GM or Player
>Games I can run
Powered by the Apocalypse Engine games, the 40k RPGs, Night's Black Agents, Vampire: the Masquerade, Vampire: the Requiem, Hunter: the Vigil, Numenera, Savage Worlds, Unhallowed Metropolis, Call of Cthulhu, New Delta Green.
>Games I want to play
Exalted 3e, oWoD, nWoD, Apocalypse World, Urban Shadows, Black Crusade, Rogue Trader
>Time availability
Very open availability.
>Text or Voice
Text only.
>Contact Information
Esoteric Memeologist on Skype.
>Additional Information
I am looking for reciprocal one-on-one text campaigns. You run for me, I run for you. If you happen to be running any of the games I listed under 'want to play', feel free to contact me for group games as well.
>GM or Player
5e, preferably a oneshot
>Time availability
Weekends any time, Fridays also any time but that may change soon. MST without daylight savings.
>Text or Voice
Either, if we do voice though then my availability stops around 9PM
>Contact Information
skype: ammy5500
>Additional Information
This will be my first time playing any tabletop game so i was hoping for a oneshot just to dip my toes in. I'm mostly unfamiliar with the rules but i have read some of the players handbook. I already have an idea for the character i want to play but if it doesn't fit the setting i can change it.
Legend of the Five Rings games, with a EU-friendly time zone... where are you!?
And I goof again. Not the best of days for online elfgames, it seems. Go here instead: [email protected]
>GM or Player
While I can GM, it's not something I overly enjoy doing.
Basically any WoD games would be swell.
>Time availability
Basically anything but Tuesdays and Thursday I think, I have no fixed schedule for another month. GMT+1.
>Text or Voice
I'm awkward with voice but I can do it, though I prefer text.
>Contact Information
Faggotry2 on Skype, Sigsen is probably what it'll show up as.
>Additional Information
Pretty out of shape when it comes to all the RP stuff, it's been a while since I last played.
Gotta stay up until 7 am if you wanna play L5R, bud.
>GM or Player
Jovian Chronicles 1e. Manual and supplements can be linked as needed.
>Time availability
CST evenings. Looking to accommodate interested people during that time.
>Text or Voice
VoIP on Discord with Roll20 gaming input.
>Contact Information
Discord: discord.gg
Skype: [email protected]
>Additional Information
Two players have already showed interest. I've ran Shadowrun and Cascade Failure campaigns before and particiapted in a wide range of other RPs. The setting and level of "realism" in terms of mecha is dependent on the group consensus, but the RP will be seriously taken. The included setting is likely going to be our universe with the group being a rag-tag militia funded by the outer planets, but I have no issues creating my own fluff or lifting from another source to jump off of.
I would be interested in that 5e game, possibly.
Sent you a friend request on Discord
>GM or Player
Player, potentially players depending on things.
Exalted 3e only at this time.
>Time availability
Late afternoons/evenings EST; some days are better than others, but all are generally open.
>Text or Voice
Text only, please.
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
I have a friend or two who might also be interested in playing Exalted 3e, depending time/day of the week. We mostly game over IRC, but we can be adaptable.
This is hella dead, man.
People who actually play p&p games are by far the minority on Veeky Forums.
Why not come over to the Planescape thread if you like those settings so much? >
I just want to play some World of Darkness
Run some Hunter
No, run Changing Breeds.
Fuck that, run bad wrong Hunter where people try to negotiate and keep peace between monsters and off of humans. That way everyone gets to hang with their own monster bff.
Every time I've run a game it has ended, well, poorly. Not that I'm that good to begin with either.
What kind of Darkness did you want to play?
Hunter is boring as fuck
Hell, at this point, anything. I'm partial to Demon and Vampire though.
if I wanted to hunt monsters, I'd play D&D
World of Darkness is for being a sweet vampire or whatever and eating people
>D&D Modern
Where the hell all the exalted games at?
>Preferred system(s)
New World of Darkness
Black Crusade
-5 CDT
Pretty much any time later at night. 8 or 9 o'clock
>Contact info
(My skype is the one with the ship being lifted by a kraken. Also, kraken city)
Any Song of Ice and Fire RP going?
Bumping because that sounds pretty good.
There's a Deathwatch game recruiting in the 40k rp thread.
Not the guy you're replying to, but enjoying Planescape for its worldbuilding is much like watching porn for the plot.
Clearly you're not watching the right porn.
(The best stuff isn't free)
Of course, that runs the risk of getting engrossed in the plot and forgetting to fap.
Tried to reach you on Discord, but looks like it doesnt work. Should i send you an email later?
But it actually does have good worldbuilding.
But user, untranslated doujins are unfappable
Sure, though if you're a player it's not looking all that likely.
I see. Nevermind then.
Good luck with your game.
Swefag here. Any groups in Stockholm looking for a player?
I'm mostly into fairly generic pathfinder/D&D stuff but I can branch out if it sounds interesting enough.
Might be able to do online games as well, but it would be my first time.
No, it just has a LOT of, mostly shitty, material.
I've had a concept for a game for a while now but I would only run that system for bookfags.
I'll look for you at the Trident.
Does anyone here possibly live in Houston and want to play irl?
bookfag here
pls run
Me, what is your skype?
Whoo, I'm halfway through the books. Please run.
You better be there to support the true Monarch.
Bump for sake of possible game.
This is repost of a game from the old thread. There were several interests and I got 3 players willing right now. Still open for a couple more. The game is hopefully set to start next week.
>GM or Player
GM here.
GURPS 4th Edition, fantasy game.
>Time availability
Can be discussed, but something acommodating to European timezones is appreciated. We got 3 people on GMT+2 and 1 person on GMT+4.
>Text or Voice
For me, either's fine, but this game is going to be text.
>Contact Information
Can provide skype, e-mail or other contact information, or add sc7817 on Skype.
>Additional Information
Low fantasy, 125 pts.
It doesn't matter whether you know the system or not.
Magic is ritual-based, with the current starting points may not be very viable for adventuring characters.
Expect knights, battles, plagues, religion.
Aegon is the one true king.
Please run.
>For me, either's fine, but this game is going to be text.
And your post was looking so promising up until this point. Also
I'm interested, but you should really use discord over Skype, it's infinitely more convenient and stable.
'Robert', Jon thought for one mad moment, remembering poor Owen, but when the trumpets blew again and the knights charged, the name they cried was "Stannis! Stannis! STANNIS!"
Pls do
Red markets
Saturdays, hoping to start around 4-6pm EST.
Voice + roll20 for visual aids.
Join this discord channel. discord.gg
Some details;
For now I'm just planning to do a oneshot but I'd like to put together a group for a full campaign.
For the oneshot you'll be a group of takers robbing abandoned L.A mansions for foreign fans.
>GM or Player
I really would like to get an extended game of DnD 4e going, but I understand it's pretty unpopular here.
I'd be interested in playing, though I don't have an absolute fuckton of experience with, Exalted, Legend of the Wulin, Nechronica, Magical Burst, and Various WoD games. I'm willing to learn almost everything, but I favor crunchy ones to rules-lite ones.
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
If you run something cliche as fuck, I will eat that shit up.