Nothing of value from GW in months for 40k edition
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
Nothing of value from GW in months for 40k edition
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
Other urls found in this thread:
40k end times when?
>tfw general is dead and 40k releases are garbage
Is it finally over?
An user said I could pick up some primer from home depot but now that I'm here they don't actually have just a black spray on primer, a paint and primer is the closest I can find. Would that be too thick or would it be a decent substitute to the chaos black GW primer? I've never painted a model before and don't quite feel like fucking up and learning the hard way. Pic related, closest I can find
dont use this shit!!
What about this? Or is home depot not actually an option
Hey guys
Does anyone know if mixed chaos god cults of chaos are a thing? I've been converting some dark vengeance stuff, but I don't think slannesh terminators are very good. Should I ally them with a CAD?
Get automotive primer. The grey stuff is decent.
>Does anyone know if mixed chaos god cults of chaos are a thing?
>who are the Word Bearers
>who are the Black Legion
>who are the Alpha Legion
>who are the Red Corsairs
Chaos Undivided is a thing, user, and until all four of those go away, anybody who tells you otherwise is wrong.
>but I don't think slannesh terminators are very good.
They're situational. They're really good at killing Loyalist MEQ's, because of their +1 I, so armed with anything that lacks Unwieldy they will almost always come out on top.
You can also spring for the IoE, and that will make them significantly more survivable.
Sorry, I am not into 40k that much. I was given two dark vengence boxs. I'm a ork player. I'm going to put some of the more fucked up converts to nurgle, and throw typhus corrosion onto them.
Sorry if that came across as a bit condescending. It's just...Black Legion and Word Bearers are HUGE in the setting. They're kind of a big deal, so it's just odd that you're doing Chaos stuff without looking into the all, really.
That'd honestly work. If you've already done Slaaneshi terminators, they'll be aight.
sup, guys
how do i build mono-god tzeentch? what about nurgle?
It's fine. I havn't done them yet, just painted the helbrute as a test. Is their other supplements I should read besides the codex?
I use this stuff. It's always worked fine for me, but I recast all my minis in resin so I don't actually know how well it adheres to plastic.
Eh I already left since it didn't seem like Home Depot would work out, I'll just have to order the shit online and hope it doesn't explode in transit. That or drive the 40 minutes to the closest GW store.
My friend and I played our first game of HoR Kill Team today!
It was a lot of fun, I look forward to playing more. Everyone seems difficult to kill though.
Which greater daemon is the most awesome?
Any ridiculously awesome feats?
I guess go to
as to not divide up the generals, the other one is a bit more populated.
>Mfw this thread doesn't have the typical anxious shitposting the previous generals had
This can be a good thread
Skarbrand tried to kill khorne, everyone else seems lacking that determination.
Doomrider versus Wazdakka novel + model remake release WHEN?!
>tfw orks will never get tribe tacktikz.
Or any tactics for that matter, despite that being emphasized heavily in their lore right now.
It's a shame. I just want units that have different slots. IE, Def skulls can take lootas as infantry, Snakebitas can take squigs as infantry and squiggoths instead of trukks.
When is IA 14 due out? I needs Muh some admech transports.
Hope you enjoy your 120 dollar short bus
what will you do if the book comes out and admech don't get transports? also forgeworld hate might see your locals refusing games
>looking at custom templates on eBay
>"these are fucking stupid it's just a clear piece of plastic with the army logo on it"
>see one with my chapter's icon on it
I have no GW's near me. Is shelling out the 10$ for the apoc template my only way of getting it?
I'm building an army of squats using the Grey Knights codex. If you think about it, it fits surprisingly well.
- Coming out from underground with deep strike
- Extremely strong and durable close range units
- Using the dread knight as a mining rig, perhaps
- Hammerhand representing dwarven strength
- Preferred enemy daemons, from digging to deep and fighting balrogs and shit
>all psykers
play it off like how the space wolves do, just play it off as ancestor spirits
>what psykers? these guys just commune with the spirit of fenris
>those are totally wolf spirits
Rules are all I need. My local group already OK'd taurox if I want.
In WHFB Dwarves hate spellcasters and are the anti-spellcaster army so if you played the psychic powers as Deny the Witch dice only it would still work. Maybe Force weapon activations also count as witch killing weapons.
I used to be the biggest forgeworld hater in the land. Then necron and eldar books made me realize forgeworld cheeze could never be as bad as what we already have.
I was just gonna play it up as dwarven priests filling everyone with the fury of the moutainhome, but, Ancestor spirits work too.
But we're not talking WHFB, is it?
FW was only ever legitimately cheesy in Apocalypse and early 6E when things like Sabres, Thudd Guns, Vultures, and Contemptors were actually powerful.
Nowadays FW is shit. You only play them for cool models that you can use GW rules with otherwise they're underpowered. The only exceptions are Knights and Apocalypse.
Dwarves are dwarves. You gonna tell me dwarves in space are drastically different from regular dwarves? The whole point is that they're going to be like regular space.
Are we*
you can use the psychic phase to represent things other than pure psychics i.e. powers of the C'tan, or Psychic Sisters hombrew rules
Fuck, my typing today is horrible
The only way something like that will be seen is when GW gets someone who is an Ork enthusiast.
I believe GW admitted that their design team didn't really know what to do with Orks.
That's because Orks are a challenge. What gameplay role or niche should they occupy that isn't already occupied by another force?
Make them stubborn with reinforcements or reserves to simulate their fungal nature? Done by Necrons.
Weight of fire?
Maybe they could be he Heavy Hordes to the Tyranids Light Hordes (if that concept applies)?
Though to be honest I always thought that "massed everything" was their specialty when it came to melee and shooting.
light and heavy as in numbers or armor saves? would guard or daemons count as a light horde army?
FW actually provides extra models that fill rolls that some armies were missing. The only model I would say that FW fucked up on was the Ta'unar. God damn is that thing the worst to fight. It now provides a reason to fill my LOW slot with a warhound at 2k points.
>Not powerful
No Walmart nearby???
Get this primer brand online instead. Krylon has some really bad spray primers which are only suitable for fast muddy, ashy weathering.
whops, forgot pic.
Heavy as in Toughness, but in armor and numbers as well I suppose.
And yes Daemons and Guard would be the Light Hordes.
I happened to have a chance to go to my friend's house and grab his Chaos Black primer so I'm going to primer the shit out of my entire army ASAP before I see him again next week.
Like 20-30 minute drive which in this city (now rated the worst to live in in the country AGAIN) can be pretty stressful. I vaguely painted my first model but forgot to grab the abaddon black from my friend and was too excited to watch the How To Paint video again before I got started so it looks uh.... rough to say the least. Also it's a SM from the Dark Vengeance kit just painted Blood Angels colors so it looks extra wonky. I'm using the Dark Angels from that kit as a test run before I paint the models I put together myself
Just Toughness and Numbers rather.
In general I believe Orks can put more Infantry and or Vehicles on the field than any other faction.
1498 CSM, trying for a fun "chaos 'advantage' " list by using chaos-specific units or upgrades
+++Combined Arms Detachment+++
Daemon Prince – 220 Points
• Daemon of Tzeentch, Power Armor, Wings
10 Chaos Space Marines – 185 Points
• 2 Flamers, Chaos Rhino Transport
10 Chaos Space Marines – 205 Points
• Aspiring Champion: Combi-melta, 2 Meltaguns, Chaos Rhino Transport
3 Chaos Terminators – 112 Points
• Terminator Champion: Combi-plasma/Power Axe, 2 Combi-plasmas/Power Axes
4 Chaos Spawn – 120 Points
Forgefiend – 175 Points
• 2 Hades Autocannons
Chaos Vindicator – 115 Points
Chaos Vindicator – 115 Points
+++Helcult Formation+++
14 Chaos Cultists – 66 Points
15 Chaos Cultists – 70 Points
Helbrute – 115 Points
• Missile Launcher, Reaper Autocannon
Trying to decide which audio drama I want to listen to next. Has anyone listened to either pic related?
List rate time, lads?
Captain - 180 pts
• Artificer Armour, Fury of Baal, Jump Pack, Meltabombs, Relic Blade
Death Company Dreadnought - 185 pts
• Blood Talons, Drop Pod /w Deathwind Missile Launcher, Meltagun and Heavy Flamer
15-man Death Company Squad - 450 pts
• 10 Bolt Pistols, 10 Chainswords, 5 Power Weapons, 5 Infernus Pistols
Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost - 130 pts
7-man Scout Squad - 112 pts
• Camo Cloaks, Missile Launcher, 6x Sniper Rifles
10-man Tactical Squad - 205 pts
• Heavy Flamer, Meltagun, Rhino
10-man Tactical Squad - 205 pts
• Heavy Flamer, Meltagun, Rhino
Sicaran Battle Tank - 195 pts
• Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons
Quad-Mortar Battery - 180 pts
• 3x Quad Mortars
General plan is to have the death company, captain and Sicaran rush ahead and demolish anything in front, while the mortars, scout squad and tacticals provide fire support from behind cover.
This thread needs some bingo!
Find the points to make the Prince a Psyker or swap him for a Bike Sorcerer hanging with the Spawn.
If you keep the Prince, split that spawn into 2x2.
>Flamers on Marines
The fuck are you doing, nigger?
Find the points to at least give the Vindicators Combi-Bolters to protect against Weapon Destroyed.
I'd give the list a 3.5/10.
A master-crafted Plasma Pistol is not worth 25 points. Especially not when he's in a unit full of Infernus Pistols. Give him an Infernus as well, although I'd probably just drop the Infernus Pistols. They have a super short range, which you have no way of getting into easily, and you really, really don't want that unit to explode a tank and be forced to stand around with thumb up its ass.
Honestly, that Death Company squad is just way too expensive for T4 3+ models. It will never in a million years come even close to making its points back.
Missile Lawnchair wants to take pot shots at light vehicles. Sniper Rifles want to shoot at infantry/MC's. Drop one or the other.
Give the Tactical Rhinos Overcharged Engines. Might as well make it more likely to get where you want them to go before they get exploded.
>missile lawnchair
dumb phoneposter
>Give the Tactical Rhinos Overcharged Engines. Might as well make it more likely to get where you want them to go before they get exploded.
Rhinos start with Overcharged Engines senpai
Orks are a strong codex, I win with them all the time.
Don't respond to shitposter, just report and ignore.
Ah, I knew they were Upgrades for Vindicators and assumed it was the same for all Rhino Chassis vehicles.
Give them masses of cheap equipment but with bad stats so they can't go wild with it. They already have the (mostly bad) stats, they just need more equipment.
Change it so burnas can be used as flamers and power swords in the same turn.
Boyz can take burnas again and get 3 special weapons pet squad, plus 1 per 5 extra boyz.
Everything except grots and kommandos can buy armour.
Tank bustas can swap rokkits for kustom blastas for 5 points.
Kombi weapons are no longer one use only for Orks.
Etc, etc, make things cheaper so the.orks can swarm the board with special weapons they have no idea how to use.
>combi-bolter on vindi
if my vindicator is taking penetrating hits it's not going to be firing or living much longer anyway, seems like a wastes of points to me to be honest family and is only a 50% chance to protect the cannon
>flamers on marines
I play against orks/guard enough that I wish I had them when I don't, that squad is just for killing light infantry or generally being annoying, I don't expect great things
>I'd give the list a 3.5/10
to be fair the "cheesiest" CSM list atm is probably a 5/10 (barring forgeworld and allies) but how would you do it better keeping my theme in mind
I got a terrible idea; for every 2 orks you buy you get 1 free.
Here is the most meta list possible with CSM right now.
++ Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Air Superiority Detachment) (1700pts) ++
+ Flyer Wing (1700pts) +
Heldrake Flyer Wing (680pts)
··Heldrake (170pts) [Baleflamer]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Baleflamer]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Baleflamer]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Baleflamer]
Heldrake Flyer Wing (510pts)
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
Heldrake Flyer Wing (510pts)
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
>GW raises prices on orks by 50% afterwards
Oh cool, that's such a terrible list, you're literally tabling yourself on turn 1. Don't you know that you automatically lose if you end your turn with no models on the table?
Okay, here is the new pricing scale coming in next year. For triple price, you get twice of the models. A good 2 for 3 deal!
orks are bad because there are fundamental design flaws with the assault phase and overwatch
you can't have a horde army that relies on melee combat and then make it so that half the time they get a squad or two of guys in at the absolute most and those guys die before they even get their attacks in. because then you don't even have the numbers advantage going into melee
Just make ork boys fearless above 10 models and have HoW that doesn't require base to base
quality post bro you're an invaluable asset to this community
Here is the real way to take advantage of CSM.
1 Be'lakor
1 Chaos Sorcerer
10 Cultists
10 Cultists
1 Cyclopia Cabal
Rest Tzeentch Daemons
that's not a half bad idea since you don't get a lot of HoW and some orks will at least get to have some hits in
Can I get a list reviewed here?
Its for a local escalation league
pt limits are 800 to 1400 to 2000 to 2500
So 800:
3 dakka flyrant with ESG and warlord with AA
3 Muccolid spores
Genestealer Cult
Canoptek harvest as above
added AA to flyrants and a crone
so this is the 1993 pts breakdown from above
+500 CAD
Meleyrant- Wings, OA, RC, LWBS, ADG
Deatleaper- cause he is my favorite
2 Muccolid
So there it is, would you be upset to play against this?
I know its an irrelevant question but its like 50/50 competitive/trying new things
Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Air Superiority Detachment) (1700pts) ++
+ Flyer Wing (1700pts) +
Heldrake Flyer Wing (680pts)
··Heldrake (170pts) [Baleflamer]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Baleflamer]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Baleflamer]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Baleflamer]
Heldrake Flyer Wing (510pts)
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
Heldrake Flyer Wing (510pts)
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
··Heldrake (170pts) [Hades Autocannon]
++ Renegades & Heretics: IA13 (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (150pts) ++
+ HQ (55pts) +
Renegade Command Squad (55pts) [4x Disciple w/ Lasgun (40pts), Disciple w/ Shotgun (10pts), Flak Armour]
··Arch Demagogue [Flak Armour, Laspistol]
+ Troops (95pts) +
Renegade Infantry Veterans (35pts) [Flak Armour, 5x Veteran w/ Shotgun (50pts)]
Renegade Mutant Rabble (30pts) [10x Mutant w/ Lasgun (30pts)]
Renegade Mutant Rabble (30pts) [10x Mutant w/ Lasgun (30pts)]
Here you go.
Okay, but that's only 20 T3 5+ models on the board, what if I kill all 20 of them? I've got casual lists at 1700 and 1850 that can table this. You need more models like that if you want to avoid getting tabled.
Spread out to maximum distance, hide in cover, wait till turn 2/3, profit.
>Heldrakes clog up the board and have to boost off the table every turn
>Only 2-3 flyers ever on the table
>Losing hard on objectives
Hey everyone, r8 and h8 my Sisters of Battle fandex:
>Increase Dominator cost
>Add Sister Dialogus
>Add Militia Wargear table
>Revise Repentent Host and Purge Squadron formations
>Streamline Acts of Faith
>Lots of Housekeeping
Also, what's a reasonable cost for a flying Immolator/big Stormtalon/baby Stormraven thing?
sup dudes
should i play mono khorne or mono tzeentch? i got some dosh recently
> Single-CAD 1850
+ HQ +
2x Techmarines: 130
+ "HQ" +
Captain Valentine: 255
- Aiolos Missiles
- Armoured Ceramite
- War on Murder
+ Elites +
Contemptor Mortis: 240
- Quad Lascannons
- Cyclone Missile Launchers
Contemptor Dreadnought: 245
- Heavy Conversion Beamer
- Cyclone Missile Launchers
+ Troops +
10-man Scout squad(Bolters, Cloaks): 130
10-man Scout squad(Bolters, Cloaks): 130
10-man Scout squad(Bolters, Cloaks): 130
+ Heavy Support +
Deredeo Dreadnought: 220
- Aiolos Missiles
Deredeo Dreadnought: 220
- Aiolos Missiles
Same as my 1850 Dreadnought List, except missing 2 additional scout squads.
I miss when Demon Prince didnt just mean "giant monster guy"
++ Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015) (Unbound Army (Faction)) (1845pts) ++
+ No Battle Role (HQ) (270pts) +
Spiritseer (70pts)
··Spiritseer (70pts) [Shuriken Pistol, Witchstaff]
Warlock Conclave (200pts) [5x Singing spears (25pts), 5x Warlock (175pts)]
+ No Battle Role (Elites) (1280pts) +
Wraithguard (160pts)
··5x Wraithguard (160pts) [5x Wraithcannon]
Wraithguard (160pts)
··5x Wraithguard (160pts) [5x Wraithcannon]
Wraithguard (160pts)
··5x Wraithguard (160pts) [5x Wraithcannon]
Wraithguard (160pts)
··5x Wraithguard (160pts) [5x Wraithcannon]
Wraithguard (160pts)
··5x Wraithguard (160pts) [5x Wraithcannon]
Wraithguard (160pts)
··5x Wraithguard (160pts) [5x Wraithcannon]
Wraithguard (160pts)
··5x Wraithguard (160pts) [5x Wraithcannon]
Wraithguard (160pts)
··5x Wraithguard (160pts) [5x Wraithcannon]
+ No Battle Role (Lords of War) (295pts) +
Wraithknight (295pts) [Two Heavy Wraithcannons]
> 40 Wraithguard with D-Cannons
> Wraithknight
> Warlock conclave to make it invisible
>Can't even cheese properly with Eldar
Consider suicide.
I'm not scared of your slow as shit, 12" D guns. They're pea shooters that will just get shot to death with rending bolters and Aiolos Missiles from across the entire board. You should consider buying wave serpents, or killing yourself.
>Potential 500+ wounds per turn, potential 626+ hull points per turn.
Jesus christ how horrifying.
Enjoy hitting on 6s m80
Tzeentch is better for Daemons. Khorne Daemonkin is better than CSM. Neither are good for CSM.
yo you guys gotta help me pick
or at the very least give me some direction on purchases
That's what a Heavy Conversion beamer to your warlock conclave is for, as well as a deredeo mopping up the survivors. Good luck casting invisibility when your casters are dead.
You're relying entirely on the spiritseer to roll that.
Daemons: Tzeentch > Tzeentch/X > Slaanesh/X = Slaanesh/Khorne > Nurgle/X > mono-Nurgle > mono-Slaanesh > mono-Khorne
CSM: Nurgle > Slaanesh > Tzeentch