Rave Lords Edition
Gustave Sub-Edition
In the last bread we learned about the lightning the NLs use, one user was explained the reasons why the Hellbrute Contemptor sucks, the differences between the Fists and Warriors were posted again which would lead to one user saying the Fists weren't siege experts, we talked about the series's failings and which BL writer is the best, Khorne's favorite croc was mentioned and talk on the Dreadnought RoW was made, we talked about our favorite generic models, Wayland games is horrible, and it really does seem like a BA player is making the rules for 30k IXth legion plus more in the last thread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
Strawpoll link: strawpoll.me
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
First for the angry ones
word bearers are shit
This isn't real right?
God damn Forgeworld you cheeky buggers, I love you.
Mate, you fool! The New Janitors will ban you for breaking Galactic Rule #3!
Sure they are.
I want to see more of those, someone posted one for Blackshields last bread.
>I want to see more of those, someone posted one for Blackshields last bread.
They did?
So I'm wanting to run a lot of storm eagles without having to take angel's wrath as my RoW.
Can I take storm eagles and put squads in them to keep in reserves? I feel like 3 would be enough to take 3 reaver squads into battle while I can take black reaving as my RoW
Help me /hhg/ I'm realy confused about colour schemes
Did all Legion darken their colour schemes for destroyers?
Also when did Chaplains change their colours, the BaC chaplain and Erebus are in Legion colours but Zardu Layark is in black?
Also were Libbies only blue after Nikea?
Finally Whats the deal with Apothecaries?
Chaplains should actually be in black with skull helms, actually. Don't know about Destroyers, sorry.
>Did all Legion darken their colour schemes for destroyers?
No. Their line of work would make sure of that.
>Also when did Chaplains change their colours, the BaC chaplain and Erebus are in Legion colours but Zardu Layark is in black?
I saw a picture of that chaplain who Lucius beheaded and his armor was black. I think.
>Also were Libbies only blue after Nikea?
I believe so.
>Finally Whats the deal with Apothecaries?
They're medics. I have seen pictures of them in full white, but I think nowadays it's just one pualdron with white.
I'd assume most of them did, considering the stigma attached to being a destroyer and using the typically frowned upon weaponry.
Was probably personal preference at the time, but they might have changed once the heresy was underway to denote their seniority/special status as morale raisers
Post Nikea they returned to being regular legionaries, and thus dropped whatever coloring they had adopted. Blue came into use for librarians majorly after the codex was implemented
They've been the same since forever - primarily white with secondary legion colors and the apothecary's helix to show their medic status
Have always been black with a skull helm, and orginated in the Word Bearers.
Pretty sure, but I've seen pics on FW's site where they're in normal legion colors, so take what you will.
>Also were libbies only blue after Nikea?
Probably. Traitors might not have followed that though.
>Finally what's the deal with Apothecaries.
They've always been white or white/legion color, or legion colors with white shoulder.
Let's make some planets.
Create a planet or two and make some proper 30k fluff for it.
Or use this planetmaker.wthr.us
how the fuck do I export Battlescribe lists in any format that I can actually post here
Plain text and neaten it up
Who still think that Ultramarines have the best gene seed? 40k sure, them and dangles have some great jizz in them. 30k they have to compete with IW who could churn out more marines with a knack for math and technology with no abnormalities.
And then there's the Alpha Legion who's troops where bugger, stronger, faster, and smarter than all the other legions. They also had no defects and were on par with the other top tier gene seeds when it came to rejection rates.
Why are the Silver Skulls assaulting Kylie Minogue and why do they need medics to do so?
On my phone, otherwise that'd be a breeze
Because something something heresy.
>Need medics
Because they need some docmarines ASAP.
Because nobody actually knows that the AL stole the gene codex and can make perfect marines in enormous quantity
They were they way before the Heresy
I would argue that the Moon Wolves would have the best geneseed because Horus being the greatest primarch, and the only thing it does to you is make you look a little like Horus. Or the EC's seed which is purer than everybody's thanks to the high standards they have. You'll become an albino, and be more sensitive to external stimuli of course though.
Theirs was on the high end of the median
who had the worst gene seed? Space wolves?
What was their geneseed's flaw anyway? Just looking like Horus?
How is the status of the primarch reflected in the gene-seeds? Also, didn't Horus have like ages time to hone his skills and work his magic to get the title before other primarchs came about?
Having a predisposition to topknots.
I can't take them seriously with them. I also hate Abaddon, so that might have something to do with it.
space wolves, WE, NL, RG BA all have shit geneseed
NL have the purest geneseed.
Night Lords focus on stealth, so the Spongebob stealing Patrick's secret box fits better.
Raven Guard does stealth and jump pack operations, so Spongebob trying to fly in a bat costume fits better.
If it wasn't for the whole Flesh Change tidbit Magnus's genes wouldn't be so bad, but that depended on how you view the probability of becoming a psyker.
>How is the status of the primarch reflected in the gene-seeds?
I'm assuming that since he was the greatest that his genes would be the best. Or I'm taking things too far here.
>Having a predisposition to topknots.
>I can't take them seriously with them. I also hate Abaddon, so that might have something to do with it.
What's wrong with topknots? What did Lord Abigail Topknot do you?
WE have pretty stable geneseed but have extra agression. Curze's jizz is actually purer than you'd expect but it has been noted to make marines paranoid and self destructive. If it wasn't for the Alpha Legion ruining Corvus's attempts at rebuilding his legion it wouldn't be so bad. As for the BAs the Red Thirst is the only flaw.
Now that's where you're wrong friendo. Decimation level wrong.
Iron Within, Iron Without!
They just look stupid to me, mate. Plus Abaddon's never really appealed to me, neither as a character or a model.
ultramarines DO have the best geneseed. they even used it to neutralize former enemies of the emperor.
>just pump em full of smurf juice, thatll make em goody 2 shoes
>They just look stupid to me, mate.
I''ll take that.
In that case, an image version is the least intrusive
Nah man, the new janitors actually give bans to anyone who posts First! Or any variation thereof.
Really it's more the Sons of Horus' one. The White Scars and EC ones are fine.
>Really it's more the Sons of Horus' one.
Are you sure it's your dislike of Abby influencing you?
I also agree but it makes 5 or 6 images which is just annoying
>bat costume
>not night lords
Also Night Lords also do terror ops too and RG do stealth as well.
I am sure of the 18 legions Night Lords bizarrely had one of, if not the most stable geneseeds when tested, the problems their Astartes suffered were mostly environment based as opposed to genetic.
The purest is Grey Knights, but they are faggots.
Possibly. But I just don't like it.
>I'd assume most of them did, considering the stigma attached to being a destroyer and using the typically frowned upon weaponry.
This literally never made sense to me. "We are the Emperor's mailed fist, we kill without mercy, RPGs that explode in your stomach, flame weapons, melta, nothing makes a difference to us, we're willing to obliterate all life on any planet and we tolerate both the Night Lords and the World Eaters (AND the Emp's Children who on Terra killed literally everyone on Antarctica because they were religious)"
"But those guns, oh no they're bad"
>Mate, you fool! The New Janitors will ban you for breaking Galactic Rule #3!
Aaaw I got here late. Damn, what happened?
Why is one of those guys a GIANT and the other looks normal?
Because they ruined planets.
It's just the perspective.
Why are they so peppy
So peppy
>It's just the perspective.
Perspective is fucked
>Because they ruined planets.
And massive amounts of Flamer weapons wouldn't?
On threads past they said "Yes, how else would anybody use them?", so there's that.>Also when did Chaplains change their colours, the BaC chaplain and Erebus are in Legion colours but Zardu Layark is in black?
BA legion Wardens are also black
Most Chaplains or Chaplain equivalents were painted black, as they served the Emperor directly -- that's what the black is supposed to mean.
That's what it meant for Siggy anyway
>and Flamers wouldn't?
It's just fire
Destroyers go ad mech on planets and make them uninhabitable
>And massive amounts of Flamer weapons wouldn't?
Plants grow back, and ash is a great fertiliser.
I suppose it really depends on what promethium actually is.
>Perspective is fucked
Welcome to older 40k art.
>And massive amounts of Flamer weapons wouldn't?
If you set a forest on fire it will grow back, and the fire is good for the forest. If you throw rad-grenades at a river then you poisoned the river.
An user posted first for the angry ones and pic related.
Flamer weapons only burn the top layers of dirt and enemies, chem and rad weapons stick around in the atmosphere, soil, cities, and people. Remember, the great crusade wasn't a purge, it was a war of reunification among humans, and a subjugation of those who resisted to harness their resources.
Destroyer-Grade weapons were usually leveled against hostile xenos and stupidly toxic/deadly worlds in order to prep them for mining/settlement, but the cleanup post-war would still take months/years to reach habitable state. Remember, legions are massive, meaning not just a couple hundred destroyers, but rather tens of thousands - you're nearing exterminatus levels of rads/chems being deployed over the course of an entire campaign - typically months to years.
Still, they were preferable to virus bombing, cyclonic torpedoing, or any other variant of exterminatus, which would have rendered the target planet basically useless whereas damage from destroyers would still be recoverable from.
Is Predator worth a shit these day? I bought it when HH first came out, but nowadays it seems Predator gets outshine by all sort of shits that came after it.
These where funny
They're okay when you can take them as troops. Let's you spam sicarans better
Some didn't have flaws, just gave the marines disposition towards stuff. Luna wolves were marked with high aggression and individualism.
They are really inexpensive, 75 points is pretty good for what you get.
the plasma one is good
Spam them and theyre fine, they got access to really nice guns like the plasma cannon and the autocannon variant isnt bad at all.
The reason why they gave disgruntled allies of the imperium the ultramarines gene seed was because it made them more inclined to cohesiveness and respect to a hierarchy and rules, not because it was the best.
Don't feel to bad, I never put a top knot on any of my SoH modles. I think they look stupid af
>because it made them more inclined to cohesiveness and respect to a hierarchy and rules, not because it was the best.
that combined with it having the one of lowest rejection rates is why its the best geneseed.
Angels of caliban says blue was always the colour for librarians but I don't think we've seen descriptions of other legions or even in forgeworld
Hmm, Pred Plas vs. Pred C-Beamer. Which is your choice?
Plas for reliability and C-Beam for cool factor.
conversion beamers look cool but they suck most of the time. better of with the plasma pred or a vindicator
The most obedient and disciplinedarines were the the IW
Nobody would take seriously the order of "gather your tactical squad, you're planetary overseers now. All 10 of you"
BA geneseed only really started degenerating once Sanguinius died. Before then it was pretty acceptable. Only a handful of marines out of a legion of 120k over a couple hundred years got the red thirst.
As opposed to none from the other legions, a minor mutation is still a genetic flaw.
There were other legions with flaws. Like the 1k sons and the wolves.
Because Primarch dna was used to stabilize the geneseed. It doesn't help that the BA are doubly cursed, both from Signus and from Horus' "I will punch you so hard your children will still feel it 10k years later"
And yet exterminatus is also fine
I seem to recall reading that flamer weapons could create fires that would continue to burn for days even with no extra fuel
That was Phosphex.
No, because I'm pretty sure this was from back in 3ed when I hadn't even heard of phosphex
Then I'm at a lost.
>Other legions had flaws therefore my flaw isn't really a flaw
They said that all the other legions were flawless, simply pointing out that wasn't the case. No need to be autismo
No those were fucking mutants, BA flaw is more on par with RG/Salamander melanin mutation.
By other legions I meant other legions that didnt have flaws, not all legions.
It's always helpful to clarify before getting ironic with other people.
How can you confuse "other legions" with "all legions"? I mean they are both different concepts with no relation, in fact 'other' implies an antithesis to the concept you are comparing.
What does an Iron Warrior list look like?
I was thinking ternies as troops and some dread talons, with preds and basilisks. And some of the beep boops with Perty for killing the shit out of any uppity combat units that get into my line. Maybe some outflanking melta vets cause who doesnt need those
>as opposed to none from the other legions.
Am I the only one who's seeing this?
I wanted to do IW for a bit before I got wind of my real legion being on the horizon. I had a list with 3 blobs of tacs backed up by medusas and rapier chassis. Nuncio vox everywhere. When I proxied it, it played very defensively and always took large casualties and I loved it for that.
>What does an Iron Warrior list look like?
depends but you typically see ether phosphex spam with like 3-6 thud guns and 2-3 medusa, add typhons to flavor, usually tyrant terminators. or you see the full cancer 20-30 tyrants with pert deepstriking turn 1 + other bullshit
If you're a cuck sure. AL on the other hand had better marines period who could think for themselves and followed the chain of command even better. Face it smurf fag, the meme legion is plain better.
The only thing UMs have that AL doesn't is numbers and that was intentionally built into their system
>AL have less numbers than UM
Only pre Calth. Once the AL fucked over the RG, the hydra grew quite a few more heads
Even after being blindsided the UM still had the most members after the end of the heresy. They literally constitute 65% of the loyalist forces.
Satan, I think you're mistaking the percentage of how many UM descended chapters exist in the modern 40k.
So tried out the Sacrificial Word Bearers ROW last night...........shits tight as fuck with a com relay and aegis line + cultists. My whole WB force outflanked and caused absolute havoc to a friends tank heavy mechanicum force. Play of the day was the spartan full of combi melta terminators + HQs outflanking a squad of tanks and then wrecking them. Really happy with the ROW and can't wait to play some more games with it.