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I'll dump some stuff for a bit. No idea what it is I'm dumping.
Requesting any and all Knight Bros CYOAs that I don't have.
Do you happen to have a cyoa that lets me be something like a Camarilla Prince?
This is the last one I have.
how important is the pretence for why you're getting powers/whatever?
An uglie but a goodie.
Not that important. Always nice to have an interesting one that doesn't just say
>hello user I'm bored or I fucked up so here's some powers
Well, I don't think so. I just had to google what that was, so I might.
I made some OC. It's probably shit. Please point out spelling mistakes. Once I've fixed spelling mistakes I'll make the mystery box.
As long as we don't get fucked over by our benefactor it's all good.
Dr. Jean Shekkelstein comes to mind.
So... what's the point, user? What am I getting for having to survive 3 months in a nightmareish room of hell (it's impossible to get companionship and food and entertainment)?
Does anyone have the gladiator cyoa called the arena ? I can only find the first page online
Last line of the first paragraph: "your there" should be "you're there".
It's not shit btw. Not very original but some nice ideas. I like the Attic. Here's my build:
You guessed it, I want to go in the
>Magical Items
>Anything I find can be taken when I leave
What kind of objects could I find?
Which cyoas are best for combining this with?
Is this oc? It looks like the original cyoa we have
So you might what?
Depends on your build, obviously. I think a couple anons played it in the last thread. One combined it with the magical creature CYOA to make a dragon pirate. The other used a wizard CYOA to become some kind of life creator with his own kingdom or something? Also he was a cuck.
Well, it's not IMPOSSIBLE to get any of those things. And not all CYOAs have to give you something. And it's not impossible to get stuff out of it (see attic [which also, I think is a very odd word])
I noticed that almost immediately after I posted it, and I feel dumb. Thanks, though. You could find little magical trinkets and shit. Boots of water walking, stuff like that.
Yeah, I just made this.
perspective is a little weird. Describing the room as "there" instead of "here" seems off.
I don't think you need the comma after "you get to make a few choices"
"Nothing will break whilst your there" -> you're
bedroom: "pick aperson" -> pick a person
kitchen: "random foods" -> food
study: "bookself" -> bookshelf
I pick mystery box.
I think giving three upgrades would make this better, so we can have a friend and Netflix, or bring back minor magical items
As is, I guess I'll take the mystery box which is totally the basement.
Might have a CYOA on it. Honestly I have no idea. I have a huge folder of them, never bothered to categorize.
you only get two upgrades, and magic items counts as two.
Yes, I was the dragon pirate. I want to branch out into a non-pirating lifestyle now though with a different cyoa.
Are you the creator or just an anti-bully vigilante? Either way, I didn't mean any harm. The design is not great but I do like it a lot. It's filled with fun stuff.
Cheers, I'll fix them before I go onto the mystery box.
I probably will, actually. As I was writing it, I was planning on having less upgrades, but I just sort of ended up adding more.
And it totally isn't. Honestly, I don't think there's much I could've done for a basement, so the attic got everything it would've been. There's a "room" that everyone forgets about though, user.
Do I at least get to kick you in the nuts for locking me up in a room for 3 months, fucking up my studies and ruining my life, you stingy kike of an author?
No :^)
It's either a backyard or a hallway, I can feel it.
or a closet.
Beelzebub is still my fav choice. Guerilla warfare vs the Netherlord for maximum effectiveness.
It's the shitter isn't it?
Road trip!
>Mystery Room
C'mon, send me back into the closet if you dare.
I become a Wizard in 3.5e. I challenge you to find a lazier build that breaks the fuck out of this option.
Any one have daughter cyoa's?
>turning your name off in an attempt to avoid Angel's wrath
New York City. I'll finally be able to shove my opinions in everyone's throat! I'll organize consultations and debate everywhere in the city to learn what the people want and don't want from city planning. Then I'll ignore all they said except the stuff I already wanted to do. Such as: preparing the city for future climate events and catastrophes as best as I can. Build redundancies of everything. Encourage vegetable gardens and stuff everywhere. Set up an immense amount of small, simple green buildings for the homeless and destitute. And so on and so on. The new WTC will be an Risks Evaluation and Planning Center that will focus on existential and global threats. Haha. THAT'll teach 'em.
So basically you shit / piss on the floor of any room that isn't the lovely. PASS.
Loli cyoas make me extremely uncomfortable because they always pretend to be wholesome and comfy but we all know which kind of person plays them.
Why even bother calling them "daughter" cyoas?
Ok, we will be honest. We just want to violate their cute little holes. Does that make you more comfy?
No, but I can respect your honesty, you filthy piece of pedophilic shit.
It's a hallway. It'll give you access to two other non-upgraded rooms. Trying to think of upgrades for it. Any ideas?
No-one said you had to shit on the floor user. I'm sure you could figure something out.
>Implying I have a name
Thank you, you cum guzzling moral fag sjw.
>Cartoons are real people!
Anyone have that old rule 63 supervillian waifu cyoa.
>Loving Djinn
>"I wish for all men present and future to be homosexual."
>"I wish for MPREG to be real."
I have sacrificed my wishes to make this world perfect. No need to thank me, boys. Just let me watch.
Increasing female promiscuity and acceptance of interracial relationships means your daughter will most likely one day take several nigger dicks and possibly give birth to a halfbreed child. Why set yourself up for that kind of mental torture?
Improved version, box to follow.
Kill yourself
I got bored and did the box anyway.
You have failed to give men a way to birth children.
This. My daughter becomes a coalburner i am disowning her ass and praying she ods in the street.
You sound like a grumpy queen uke
don't respond to him, user. It brings nothing good.
Here's another one.
No, just hope your family dies and you get raped.
Aaand last one I have.
So, is everyone ready for EVEN MORE OC?
It's even on a subject that people in /cyoa/ are interested in, so it won't be unpopular like my other cyoas!
Angel is for killing and raping not consensual
Give me about a week and I''l have something for you. It's taking me a while to make.
I love it, but I am too tired to build for it.
Shouldn't have spoilered it imo.
To Angel: if you ever look at this, just read the last few choices, they're actually nice.
Know that the silent majority here doesn't hate you at all. In fact a few of us like you. You're going to be okay, some anons are just lonely, bitter and angry at women.
>Know that the silent majority here doesn't hate you at all
Please. The "silent majority may as well not exist. Angel, we all hope you die in a ditch.
I wish this environment was less toxic.
Remove angel and it could be.
I just avoid tripfags like the plague. Got nothing against them. Just think it's kind of dumb to have that on a anonymous image board.
It's honestly not that bad. Except for the occasional shitshow. Could do with more OC that isn't about raping people though.
Angel is a camwhore, lesbian feminist. She would be obnoxious even if she did not tripfag.
Well, I like her, and I'm not the one you're replying to, so no. We don't all hope that.
That's ludicrous and we both know it. Angel is fine. She stands out so she gets picked on. Tale as old as time. But in terms of worth to this community she's a positive since she actually creates CYOAs instead of just complaining about them and insulting people.
What you making, user?
I just wish this nonsense would go a thread without being mentioned. I don't give 2 shits what someone else builds, even a shit build is more contribution than most posts in these threads now a days.
Like this one which contributes nothing for instance.
I hope YOU die in a ditch.
I also like Angel. She sounds nice and kindhearted, even if she's a bit airheaded. Pretty moe if you ask me.