What would a space opera be like if the dominant human culture was Latin American?
What would a space opera be like if the dominant human culture was Latin American?
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It would be a buncha humans pretending they were from another civilization because their ancestors killed off all the inhabitants and fucked some of their neighbors.
Mostly because in the end they have no real culture of their own and that makes humans insecure.
Space tacos.
There are Latin American cultures, not a Latin American culture.
Bunch of Latinos trying to get past the light barrier into not-Latin America.
Alien invasion tomato monster Mexican armada brothers
dragon ball z
>Space telenovelas
Evil clones and green mistresses as far as the eye can see.
The idea that latin americans will not only exist, but be the dominant group in the future made me chuckle.
Terrible. Like latin american soap operas.
Planet Krishna!
>Latin America
Better than Space Burritos, I suppose.
Pretty corrupt and incompetent. They'd take a siesta on their spaceship and crash into a sun.
Just going off of Mexico, different Latin American cultures will have different things.
>Collapse of the US in 2053 under the strain of civil unrest caused by a decline in the quality of life for many of its citizens.
>Europe has returned to bickering within its boarders as nations gradually fail to find common ground and instead isolate from each other, eventually settles into a cold war as the UK drags the rest of the non-US anglosphere into it.
>China attempts an invasion of Japan, stalls, but winds up isolating the island from the rest of the world by virtue of an unmatched regional navy and static emplacements, attempts to fight against India-Russia, eventually wins a Pyrrhic victory after exhausting itself completely.
>Rise of alternative energy in liquid hydrogen causes the collapse of the oil market almost overnight, turning the OPEC and pretty much anyone reliant on oil into less than a third world country.
>Meanwhile, Latin America experiences unprecedented economic growth in many industries as scientists, inventors, industrialists and entrepreneurs flock to what is now, at least relatively, the most stable places on the globe.
>Fueled by the need for hydrogen, the space race begins anew with Mexico at the forefront, leasing the old site of NASA from a now independent Texas.
>Gran Columbia, Mexico, and Argentina collectively enter in to a time not unlike 50s America within their borders as the rest of the world is still picking itself up from the shit they're embroiled in.
You know, I find it easier painting the backdrop of Latin American rise to space, but I can't really think of how their culture would change things once there.
The Jovian Republic.
>latin american
>getting to space
>mexican intellectuals
wasnt aeon kinda like that?
It's just called two brothers
Every colony would launch into an armed rebellion. Then they'd become glorified drug gang territories
It would be confined to earth
The literally only reason the South American and Mexican drug cartels exist in anything close to the capacity they do today is because they're poor neighbors of the world's dominant nation, which happens to consume huge amounts of a drug which is best adapted for growing in parts of South American. If South America was dominant there wouldn't be any such issue because the cartels wouldn't have so much power, there wouldn't be as much profit in smuggling to neighbors, and the government would have much greater powers to oppose the cartels.
>beneficiaries of brain drain
There'd probably be some blending between that and what's now southwestern US, shifted borders, and the like. I'd guess it's something of a 2300AD situation where through various circumstances everybody quit the space game except for one major nation in Latin America, likely Mexico or Brazil. Space for a long time would be named and dominated by this nation and even after a more global coalition becomes the norm (Likely a blend of everything that exists at that time), they would use terminology and naming conventions inspired by Spanish or Portugese-language explorers who first colonized the Local Bubble near our sun.
Everything else is basically the same.
Speaker for the Dead/Xenocide/Children of the Mind already answered your question.
Xenocide was the best of the post-Trilogy. Jane is cute, she should've married Ender.
Ayy I picked that up a few weeks ago!
UC Gundam Earth Federation.
A small but fiesty group of rebels fight an not evill just amoral empire...all the while illegal gangs try to destroy one another for territory....
blaming your problems on someone else is a sure sign you're a loser
did you know that countries are not actually people
Cowboy Bebop
The only reason cartels exist is USA making them profitable.
Stop being dumb junkies or legalize that shit and cartels cease to hold any power the same way the only reason the human-trafficking mafia from russia shrank brutally when Ukraine became the semi-legal sex tourism capital of the world.
>Fueled by the need for hydrogen, the space race begins anew
This is quite possibly the dumbest statement I think I have ever heard on Veeky Forums.
lol newfag
Being an idiot who refuses to try to understand the causes of issues is a sure sign you're going to stay a loser.
Lowrider spaceships
What the fuck am I looking at?
Apparently a car so Chromed out that even the bits that would get damaged if you drove it down the street for a gallon of milk have been extensively chromed.
At that point the car is just a really large piece of jewelry.
A lowrider spaceship
You know, all the ones that dont bother to cross the border because they cam find a job. Or maybe you dont, since you've never been to Mexico.
Its more than just taco town.
This is the best picture
>more than just a taco town
>legalize that shit
>shit that makes you scratch your skin off
Yes, good call pedro.
>implying the US doesn't work directly with certain cartels in secret to keep the supply lines in order and gangbang anyone who tries to fuck with the approved system until sub-human trash stops using chemical substances to "enrich" their lives
>what do you mean usage rates go down after decriminalization
Let's take a look at weed use in Colorado since it was legalized and see how wrong you are.
>more than just taco town.
It can also be cheap slut city
Han Cholo
If you paid for it, that was a cheap whore. Sluts do it for free.
If we're going off of Mexico you's have a corrupt and generally incompetent government with a flare for brutalizing its population. It wouldn't be a homogeneous society and there would be massive inequality between the more pure humans and the more ones that it is more apparent they are mongrels. The poor will be deeply religious despite the government actively suppressing religion for a very long period of time.
>what do you mean usage rates go down after decriminalization
That's not true - decriminalization simply means that govt needs police to cook the books in the opposite direction: before they have to exaggerate usage and related crimes to play the war on drugs drama, and with decriminalization they have to play it down to justify the reform. And even that is usually not enough to suppress the usage climb, although related crimes to take a hit.
But more importantly - what's the fucking logic behind that?
1. We stop discouraging people by force from doing that thing we don't want them to do, and actually turn it into a profitable business.
2. ???????
one can understand the argument for light drugs, but it's not like the cartels are making a living off weed and fast pills.
Russia makes a rather nice example - right after the fall of the union and the failed GKChP coup (read: when shit went from decadent to a total bedlam house), police literally ceased to prosecute drug distribution and traffic - the criminal codex was undergoing a total rewrite, there was a lot of talk over complete decriminalization, so cops eased on the issue completely (and largely got into the biz themselves). And their result was the largest heroin usage spike in human history.
/pol/ and memeing aside, I always found Latin America as a much better potential background for dystopian cyberpunk noir compared to US or the mother-fucking-fuck-the-wapanese.
It wouldn't be fair to generalize. Some parts of it are burrito town.
Space telenova\DBZ lovechild
>thread this long
>no space chupacabras
Are you even trying?
I did just out of curiousity (i have no horse in this race) and he seems to be right.
Being from Brazil, I can offer some perspective.
>No/weak centralized governmental power
>multitude of small loosely connected organizations and communities based on established regional/planetary culture (but not generally mutually hostile)
>very accepting of aliums and friendly (but beware of scams)
>lots of junkers and handymen flying around in barely functioning tin cans trying to make their way in the galaxy
>improvisation and nigger-rigging everywhere, especially in any military
>space football
>space telenovelas
It would be absolutely DANDY.
In the unlikely scenario that we manage to leave meaningfully colonize other star systems, humanity will develop its own multiple cultures and languages. They will be as alien to us now as we are to cavemen.
Cavemen are not that alien though. Sure, you won't be able to discuss how broken are the current Warmahordes or your opinion on Dostoyevski, but my experience says that subjects of bitches and booze know no language or culture barrier. Former is obvious, and late Cro-Magnons probably knew how to beer.
>space opera
It would be a space siesta.
I was just going to ignore the user who said it wouldn't decrease, but thanks for the graph backup
@OP : remember that scene in the Heavy Metal cartoon where they snort kgs and kgs of cocaine in a space ship?
Death. Lots of death. Latin American culture is really shit about maintenance and responsibility. It's good as long as it looks good, regardless as to anything was really fixed.
Worse than if Russian culture was dominant. At least Russian/Slavshit is relatively easy to fix.
Beer, or at least alcohol, seems to have been one of the first things we developed, just as soon as we'd got pots to put it in - there's evidence of us fermenting stuff to drink as early as 7000 BC (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
So I agree - even if there are new cultures, they'll likely still be recognisable and reasonably relatable
>Worse than if Russian culture was dominant
Ee cho blyat you don't like about that, sooka padpindosskaya?
not that different from 40k/dune
Space Narcos.
And Space guerilla.
It is impossible for Latin American cultures to be the dominant culture because the only thing they know how to do is exist off the scraps of dominant cultures. If the US fell they would start latching onto someone else, devolving if need be rather than stand on their own feet.
>ctrl-f H. Beam Piper
>0 Results
It's almost as if none of you read the Stories of Argentina in Space.
Thread should have ended here
>spaceships are largely held together by vast layers of duct tape and zip ties. No mechanic other than a Mehikan Bastardo can hope to understand how it travels in subatmospheric conditions.
>The men and woman both grow long, bushy black hair off their lips, similar to dwarven mythos. The chin and jaw are stubble, which never grows and may never be shaved.
>One day a year, every Mehikan turns into a skeleton, raiding the cosmos for fresh pendejos to join their ranks.
>The captured dead appear under the next full moon as Mehikans.
>Known as the best crafters of decadent food in the entire known universe.
>Reggaeton and mariachi blast across all audio channels when a Mehikan warship approaches public space.
I would %100 watch this movie
Brazilian here.
Would represent the star empire's bureaucracy, judicial system and politics.
Would be the routine in the outer colonies.
A intergalactic Firefly where the 90% outer colonies' residents try to be part of the 10% inner systems.
Expect some of this as well:
How do you feel about being a criminal to survive and thus hunted by adeptus arbites as modified as adeptus astartes, Veeky Forums?
btw, abhumans are blanka-like.
Space dictatiorships
Space guerrilas and revolutions
Turbo Racemixing (like with actual aliens)
>Turbo Racemixing (like with actual aliens)
>Jan Cholo
>Veeky Forums shows again how ignorant they are
come on boys mexico isn't the only spic country
Space Cocaine.
it's the USA of LA tho
As a mexfag I approve this post.
It's another way of saying Mexico in space what do we do?
Willing slaves are always useful.
Under rated.
>Han Cholo