So I just finished Telltale's Game of Thrones series and I want to get into the Roleplaying Game. Unfortunately I don't know where to start.
So I just finished Telltale's Game of Thrones series and I want to get into the Roleplaying Game...
>I don't know where to start.
Buy the book.
Right but which one.
If it's Ice and Fire game you want, I believe there is an actual game made out.
What you need is the game, some friends, and time to read the book, learn the rules at least to some degree and then just go at it.
Is it the one by this Green Ronin Company?
Seems to be so. Never tried to play it, so don't know much about it. Hopefully someone who has will tell you more about it.
Yeah, it's pretty great. It has rules for house creation, and some pretty good ones for intrigue and combat. I'd suggest finding a homebrew for widescale combat though, I forget which one I used, but there's a few out there that are good.
I've never played it myself (could never find a group or DM) but I've heard that the whole Intrigue mechanic tends to bog things down a good bit, and that the House building is pretty broken. Also, the widescale combat gets repetitive fast.
The Night's Watch expansion, I've heard (never played that either) does away with both of those (although I think you can still roll your own fort along the Wall) and is much better for it.
Thank me later.
>Homebrew for widescale combat
I desperately need something like this myself. Would be very interested in hearing about good systems for it.
>it's "OP pretends to be retarded" episode
The intrigue system rubs some people the wrong way due to having "mind control" style style results that can hit the PCs if they fail.
Oh please, it's not like our time is wasted helping a new possible roleplayer.
You want the real answer or pat on the back?
Real answer: You will need to DM it yourself if you ever want to have a game of it. The one with the spark should be the one to run the game, or so I believe.
Pat on the back: Yeah, maybe you will find someone in this thread that is in your timezone with a group of no flakes who also have a spot open just for you.
>Yeah, maybe you will find someone in this thread that is in your timezone with a group of no flakes who also have a spot open just for you.
Go fuck yourself, if I wanted patronizing I'd talk to my mother.
>You will need to DM it yourself if you ever want to have a game of it. The one with the spark should be the one to run the game, or so I believe.
Yes, I'd figured as much. But I don't want my introduction to GMing to be something that I've never even played myself before.
That's assuming I can find anyone willing to play it anyway.
Played a game of it with our group. It was fun for sure, but if you're not careful you can really mess yourself up in character creation. I took some disadvantages in creation and backstory, and it made things hard for my guy the whole game.
Is the telltale game good?
If you enjoy suffering.
Suffering because characters I like are getting killed off? Suffering because the game is a chore and boring? Suffering because I put a metal rod in my urethra?
There's a lot of ways to suffer please be more specific.
The game relinquishes all the qualities that we love the books and show for, in favor of just highlighting the aspect of uncertainty and tragedy. However, even this starts to become utterly predictable, as your hope for a conclusion you can be content with fades further and further away. By the end of it you will most likely have accepted that there is no point to what you're doing, because the bottom line? You're going to lose.
The game is deathly afraid of even as much as borrowing you a single victory, and takes great pride and joy in kicking you over and over again, until you're on the ground and coughing up blood dearly holding on to the dying hope that something else will follow. It never does.
It was mediocre. Nothing to write home about.
if you like playing a marginally interactive parody of aSoIaF where the game pretends your choices actually matter (but they actually don't), then yeah it's great, you should enjoy it.
Why would you do this instead of playing GURPS, you know, like George R.R. Martin does?
It seems like a dramatic case of doing it wrong.
He does what?
Plays rpgs using GURPS.
>So I just finished Telltale's Game of Thrones series and I want to get into the Roleplaying Game
No you don't. SIFRP is one of the most poorly designed games ever published. It's fundamentally broken on a number of different levels.
If you want to play in the setting, I'd advise using GURPS to do it.
But does he play in his own setting using GURPS?
I highly doubt he plays in his own setting at all.
Then his gurpiness isn't relevant, since we're talking about the setting, not the author.
As some one who is about to run a game of SIFRP this weekend to test it out, I'd surely be interested in specifics. Why do you think its so awful?
Why not? Other DMs do it all the time (both play in their own setting and play in the GoT setting).
If you watch the video where he talks about it his sentiment is that GURPS is better generally specifically because it is not setting dependent and is more versatile in general.
So you should still use GURPS.
The only people who should use GURPS are those incapable of learning more than one system.
The core mechanic for success is plainly broken. Take a look at page 199 in the CRB.
Players will almost always (and I mean almost ALWAYS, upwards of 99% of the time) succeed at anything they're good at, and even for the shit they're average at, they succeed the majority of the time - and that's against the highest recommended difficulty. The book straight up tells you that a character with 1 rank above average (all abilities start at rank 2 for free) has a 74% chance of success on the standard difficulty check. Not completely bonkers by itself (though significantly higher than it should be), but what the book fails to account for, and what the designers obviously didn't account for either, is that characters have specialty dice in addition to their rank dice. Sure, they only get to keep a number of dice equal to their rank, but they keep the highest. That 74% success rate is contingent on them not having specialty dice, and having a single upgrade in the ability score - frankly the average dice pool for a moderately skilled character is going to be at least 8k5 or so, which is in the "always succeeds at everything" bracket.
Combat is also broken because degrees of success on attack rolls multiply your damage, and missing just doesn't happen. Defense is way less powerful than offense, and caps out at like 15 for any (even highly skilled) human being. Beating a 15 is a given, it's basically impossible to fail even for someone who isn't good at combat, but those who ARE good are going to beat it by a margin, meaning at least double damage. Armor only mitigates a small portion of damage and reduces the static defense value too, but if you don't have armor on you will just die when you get hit.
There's a lot of other stuff about the game that just isn't well thought out too, like the values that go into house creation and what a long term campaign is actually going to play like.
What does work reasonably well are house creation and mass combat.
I've never played GURPS, but it is really that good?
Because it seems that people who do play GURPS never seem to shut the fuck up about it.
PCs are far more powerful than others, yes. This is not inherently a problem.
The best way to stay alive in combat is to have a high Endurance for reducing damage and use a Shield (Also, have a high Agility and the Acrobatic Defense quality). You can only attack once per round, so fights between two properly tough combatants become slugfests.
The system is lethal, but so is the setting, so it fits.
OP here, I looked up GURPS A song of Ice and Fire but I wouldn't know where to start to begin in it. The only game I've played before this was a few games of FATE.
GURPS is great. People that get mad about GURPS are autistic losers who whine about anything that isn't D&D.
>PCs are far more powerful than others, yes. This is not inherently a problem.
I think it's a pretty huge fucking problem, since failure is basically impossible from a mechanical standpoint, especially given the tone of the setting. Add in the fact that the highest difficulty listed in the book, reserved for feats such as "ignoring damage from a fall from any height", "throwing a 250 lb. object", "cracking an impossible code", and "learning the methods for forging Valyrian steel" is not only an easy success but an easy success with degrees for a mildly skilled character, and you've got a straight up recipe for disaster.
Furthermore, in combat having a high Endurance and good Armor and a good Defense will still not mean shit because you're gonna get hit, and that hit is going to get multiplied for at least x2 damage, so you're only taking 5 or 6 on swing instead of 15. If it crits, which is only beating the TN by double (which on most folks is just a low 20s roll - below average) then Armor and Endurance mean shit and you're getting fucked.
This isn't a problem so much for players as it is for NPC characters - a single decently built PC can literally lay waste to an entire army by himself.
What if I whine about it but have never played D&D? I've played Shadowrun 4e, Call of Cthulhu (Both Atchung Cthulhu and Delta Green), All the Fantasy Flight Starwars games, CofD/nWoD, Warhammer Fantasy Battles 2e, Mongoose Traveller, Eclipse Phase. and all the Warhammer 40k RPGs.
>oh user's just lying
>mfw he actually plays it
Found it
Am I the only one who saved Rodrik over Asher?
1) You're lying.
2) You have bad taste.
3) All of the above.
It says a lot about you that you only think of GURPS and D&D.
Guess I have shit taste.
I play a lot of games, I just think GURPS is one of the better ones.
Nice choices up there user.
>So I just finished Telltale's Game of Thrones
I'm so sorry.
So so sorry for your suffering.
Not disagreeing, but to play a SOIAF game using GURPS you're going to first have to make the entire setting using GURPS (some people will want to do this, some people won't), and then find a group who is willing both to give a shit about SOIAF AND gives a shit about GUEPS to play it.
As a GURPS player myself, that last part is going to be pretty goddamn difficult sometimes. Even the first might not fly depending on how much free time you do or do not have. My job and life certainly doesn't allow me the free time to work up Westeros in GURPS without sacrificing the entire roleplay session.
You use any system other than SIFRP and you'll have to "make the setting" for that system.
No. I like them equally, but I chose to save Rodrik, just because it made more sense.
I saved Rodrik because he only exists to suffer.
>ITT GRRM plays GURPS because he's lazy and doesn't want to learn more than one system, and it also has nothing to do with playing in the world of Game of Thrones.
I know, but unfortunately GURPS takes some time to put together.
You can't just slap it together just before the game that night or make it up as you go because the system requires some actual prep.
No saying that's a bad thing, but a lot of folks don't have the time for that anymore.
>GRRM plays GURPS for his political intrigue games
>Nothing to do with GoT
The character creation is hilarious.
You can make shit like a massive blind dwarf somersaulting while duelwielding heavy crossbows, or someone who is both so beautiful he or she rerolls 1s to persuade, but also so disfigured that he or she rerolls 6s too.
You can also min max you way to some truly outrageous shit, like a guy stronger than a giant, super fast, so much awareness he might as well have eyes in his neck, resilient enough to heal wounds by himself much easier than he'd be likely to recieve healing, and be one of the most skilled fighters in westeros, on the flip side he was completely incapable of functioning in society unassisted. People at first claimed he'd he an easy victim of intrigue, but looking at it, his intrigue defence was through the roof also. The afterwards I made a guy completely useless at nearly every physical task, but he shat money and could probably throw more dice at bartering than anyone else in the world, on top of that, he had sick social skills in general.
>All dat Pathfinder
Yep, looks like you do.
"Never played D&D" my ass.
Hey, I can own books and not play the game. Besides I got them for free.
>Physical books
This. People need to stop shitting up the board with "ZOMG y nobody wants to run teh gayem 4 me :-(((((((" threads. You want an obscure system? You GM it.
A friend of mine passed away from cancer and left me his books along with a small but thoughtful sci fi and fantasy book collection. Never cared to play the game but Ive read several of the sci fi books.
The criticisms of the SoIaF system in this thread are right.
It's way too easy to minmax an unbeatable character, combat is too complicated for how simple it should be, house creation is cool, but wonky, and the mass-combat system is fairly limited, social combat is save or die, and so on.
The biggest sin, in my opinion, however, is that the core rule book is one of the worst designed RPG books I've ever read in my entire life. Important rules are hidden in tiny sidebars, information you need is not where you'd expect it to be, there's too much back and forth flipping, and sometimes connecting all the dots to understand a single part of the system requires reading 1-2 other parts of the book, for no apparent reason.
I wanted to like it, but if I was going to do a game of thrones game, I'd just use Burning Wheel.
So now that we've verified that the official game isn't any good, what would you recommend for someone who wanted to play a noble house in a CKII style campaign of feudal intrigue, politics and warfare?
My brother bought me the 5e books for my birthday
I would say Pendragon, you play a NOBLE KNIGHT who DOES THINGS for NOBLE (or not so noble) REASONS while COURTING NOBLE LADIES who are impressed by your VIRTUE.
It's rooted in Arthurian Mythology, so some hacking may be required
Burning Wheel.
What is burning wheel.
srsly nigga
look it up
Link for pdf?
Wonder if D&D will hack it up in S7.
I'd fucking die laughing if Jon has to deal with the aftermath of their war and goes batshit because Gared deserted.
I think Jon being pissed depends on if Gared arrives back at the Wall(or Rangers find him) by Telltale Season 2. The game took place around season 4 so if the second season starts in 5 then I'd imagine Jon would either behead Gared for deserting and/or let the Forrester bastards chill with the wildlings.
Thanks user/s.
Added to collection.
It's not perfect but I really think the system has *a lot* of potentially if they just clean it up a bit in a new edition.
It does have some scaling issue but I do think the play is actually being reliably good at stuff they invested in isn't a downside.
I'd be really interested if they've even spin it off as a general system personally.
REIGN is built for this.
This is bait
>or someone who is both so beautiful he or she rerolls 1s to persuade, but also so disfigured that he or she rerolls 6s too.
Veeky Forums is into monster girls , emphasis on "monster". Sounds like the perfect woman to me!
It would not require more work than it would for any other system.
The thing that usually makes GURPS require a lot of prep is setting design, which in this case is already done. All you'd actually have to do is come up with some NPC stat blocks, download some maps and play with the wiki open.