Hello Veeky Forums, I need some help. I have a group of friends who never played tabletops that have decided they want to play D&D and they asked me if I could be the DM of the game and help them with the rules and everything else. The problem here is that I only ever had experiences as player and never as DM (and only with 3.5 and Pathfinder).
So I ask you: what's the fastest way to learn how to DM in D&D? Do you have any tips? Do I have to memorize the DMG?
Hello Veeky Forums, I need some help...
>what's the fastest way to learn how to DM in D&D?
Just do it.
>Do you have any tips?
Get a better system.
>Do I have to memorize the DMG?
Not if you can convincingly pretend that you do.
>Not if you can convincingly pretend that you do.
I'm kind of shit at lying.
It's the only systems I currently know
Then read a few other systems. Preferably ones that don't work against the GM every step of the way. It's not exactly rocket science.
Which ones would you suggest? My tabletop knowledge is really limited
Fantasy Craft, Apocalypse World, Ryuutama, Make You Kingdom, Maid RPG, Tokyo Nova, 13th Age (to an extent), Dungeon World (to an even lesser extent), D&D 4e, Beyond the Wall, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Dungeonslayers
Eating pussy: you're doing it wrong:
I'll check those out, thanks. Probably checking D&D 4e first because is more similar to what I already know.
It is not.
Why do you think 4e is so widely reviled?
I can't help but wonder if this thread pops up every week because of the same person.
>what's the fastest way to learn how to DM in D&D?
You already know how, you just don't realize it. The players are playing their 1 guy. You also play your guy, the difference is your guy is the world and all the NPCs. Just have a few NPCs with big plans, and go from there.
>Do you have any tips?
Don't plan out too much. Have some pivotal plot points sketched out, but make sure that you can transplant the combat / dialogue / whatever to wherever your players end up being when you need it. Decide what the main point of it is, and everything else can be played by ear.
>Do I have to memorize the DMG?
the DMG is not necessary, just be somewhat logical in the way that you explain the world, what you don't let the players do, etc.
Not really, I'm mostly a lurker regarding the tabletop part of Veeky Forums. I mostly hail in the MTG threads.
I didn't even know that. I don't really keep up much with Veeky Forums stuff outside the campaigns with my friends.
Are you sure the DMG is not necessary? What about the Monster Manual?
Every single game I listed has a different purpose.
And none of them share a purpose with 3.PF, since that arguably does not have one.
If you expect any of these systems to work like 3.PF, you're in for a harsh disappointment.
Not to mention that you'd probably fuck up GMing them with that mindset.
Ok, let's try to narrow the options: I need a system that is not hard to pick up for newcomers and allows flexible combat and wide roleplay
>widely reviled
There wouldn't be so much argument over its merit if a lot of people didn't really like it.
4e is a fantastic beginner system, only note is to slightly reduce starting HP.
Numenera or reign come to my mind
I didn't say it was bad.
But a lot of people hate it for being "not D&D".
Define "flexible combat". Define "wide roleplay". Both are pretty much meaningless.
Do you want combat with lots of mechanical options? A system that can mechanically interpret many actions? Combat that can be easily fluffed in different ways?
Do you want a system that mechanically supports and incentivizes roleplay? Roleplaying cues built into the system? A system that "gets out of the way" to make roleplaying easier?
OpenD6 Fantasy is incredibly easy to get in to.
Flexible as in "it allows many viable (read: good) playstyles" and wide roleplay as in "a lot of customization"
>wide roleplay as in "a lot of customization"
These two are pretty much unrelated, but okay.
So you want something mechanics-laden that isn't too difficult.
Sounds like a case for 4e.
Play the monsters. Play to lose.
Don't give any concessions to players the first time you DM. If someone complains, ask them to please let it slide because you are new.
For rolls that could impact a player, declare the nature of the roll and roll it in the open, so that the player doesn't think you are out to get him.
If someone wants to go somewhere for which you don't have notes made, tell the players that. You can let them go there for a short time if you want, but also mention a place for which you have notes. Then make sure they don't all die there, or you'll look evil.
>get a better system
DnD works fine senpai
Don't use Pathfinder or 3.5. It's best to use a version of Basic (Holmes, B/X, BECMI, etc.) or a retroclone (Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game).
>Beyond the Wall
Seconding this
>Dungeon Crawl Classics
Hell no
DnD 5e if you want something similar, but less retarded.
DnD 4e if your friends like vidya and want an actually good game
Savage Worlds or one of the many rules-lite games out there if you wanna make it quick.
FATE if you wanna just tell a story.
Don't play Fantasy Craft, it's overhyped. Or do, maybe you'll have a good time with it.