Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
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>Thoughts on the current Meta?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Your local Meta?
>Next MTG Purchase?
>Thoughts on the current Meta?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
The overall and paper Modern Metagame.
Information on Tiers and how they're calculated:
Direct link to the spreadsheet:
Modern deck primers link:
This baby is gonna make Esper T2. I can feel it.
hey Veeky Forums, is there a halfway decent Spider-themed Modern deck?
The tribe would even be hard pressed on casual
I've seen this card floating around Mardu meme lists. It actually seems like it might be worth a try considering a lot of your deck is instant speed.
I suppose I should clarify, I'm not talking about pure tribe as I know the only three tribe decks that anyone plays are Goblins, Merfolk, and Elves and they can't be beaten, but I was curious if any decks make use of any cards like that spider-token creator one from Innistrad, or anything like that.
Ah well. it's probably just a fool's dream that I'll ever get any use out of these Swarmyards I own...
I think the only spider that sees play is recluse something. And it's just a fatty reanimated in living end.
I think out of all of those, rats would be most viable
After putting a bit of thought into it, I think this card is actually legit in the right deck. Burn for example is a deck that's half instants. You're getting a 3 power beater and quite possibly triple the draw power of your opponent for 2 mana. This is a potentially dumb topdeck. Also gives you game against Liliana. Hold onto it just to play it with the +1.
We justify it cause it's fun and our hobby. It's like how someone will drop a couple hundred on golf clubs or a ski pass. Just we do it with cardboard. Cardboard that is collectable and has increasing value. Don't get into the format by dropping a grand on a tier one deck. Buy burn or some sort of tribal or something and if you don't like them, resell them. If this hobby is for you, then upgrade to better decks over time. Research the hobby before bitching about being a poorfag
That combo is only good in commander you dumb fuck
I wouldn't put this in mardu. This might be good for 8rack, but besides that it's bad. Maybe if it was a 3/2 for 3cmc and 2 madness cost it'd be played
Jeskai Bugs
Its a spell slinging deck that uses Delver and Mantis Rider as beatsticks
make it happen user
Mardu colours get hellbent pretty fast and run lots of instants. It seems like a perfect fit, especially with being above the curve. Probably better than Bob in the deck. There are lists on mtgtop8 running it and it's a junk rare so I think I'll give it a whirl.
4x Thrumming Stone and like 30x Relentless Rats.
You know you want to.
>few dare to trespass
Have fun losing
>bether than Bobs
Top kek
Anyone have dank flowcharts?
I made a couple.
Tron player here. Do any of the spoilers look tron worthy? Newmrakul looks promising. On par with newlamog.
Well it actually can be better than Bob.
>Higher power
>Can draw more cards
>Pays less life
Honestly in a lot of situations it's going to put in just as much if not more work than Bob. You could easily poke holes in Bob as a card, and in fact Bob wasn't run anywhere for like 2 years so hailing it as almighty is just dumb.
Nothing looks that good honestly. Emerge is just begging to be broken though what with delve creatures being a thing in Modern. Elder Deep-Fried Chicken basically says UU: Time Walk while making your Angler/Mandrills larger.
It's much less consistent than Bob and the types of decks that want that kind of effect also want consistency.
>On par with newlamog.
I wouldn't say so. Newlamog gives Tron an out to things that go infinite life like Abzan CoCo. Newmrakul does not. Only thing you can do is kill their field provided that they're dumb enough to not sac the Viscera Seer in response.
Maybe if you're running Lilies and a playset of inquisition and thoughtseize. But at that point why even bother playing mardu?
>But at that point why even bother playing mardu?
You're likely to be running far more instants than Jund or Abzan, so making your opponent hellbent can result in value from it. And being able to run Lingering Souls, Bolt, Path, and Thoughtseize in the same deck is just filthy. It's basically all the best non-creature parts of Jund and Abzan mixed into one big stew. There's also Soulfire Grand Master which the others can't run due to RW.
This thread is nothing but standard jank.
Since when is Prognitous standard jank?
Fair point, but I still don't like the card. I will say if you run nahemrikul and lootings it might be better just because you can discard and pay the madness cost. But I'd also jam lillies into the deck if I were to try her out
>mill progenitus
And to answer your question, ever since they printed griselbrand
>mill progenitus
Are you retarded?
>mill progenitus
that's like actually impossible retard
Dies to just about every bit of removal there is, drawing cards is cool but if you have nothing to do with them its worthless.
No it is you. You are retarded.
All the work to get tombstalker out is wasted when you just shuffle it back in
Is there like an excess of lead ink in boosters and intro packs that's making you idiots even more widespread these days?
Why does this place not understand bait?
Eldritch Evolution seems like it would be better applied to like, Myr Enforcer or Tangle Golem than Delve creatures.
serious question user, how does this help shore up espers bad matchups?
This website is literally months out of date. It garbage.
This site is so old it ranks zooicide as tier 3 LOL.
MTGgoldfish is much more up to date.
>5/1/16 - 5/31/16
Do you like it Veeky Forums?
4x Progenitus
4x tombstalker
4x Shambling Attendants
4x birds of Paradise
4x simian sprit guide
4x tome scour
4x thought scour
4x thoughtsieze/inquisition
4x Eldritch evolution
4x dispell/your counterspell of choice
1x Overgrown tomb, watery grave, breeding pool
1x swamp, island, forest
2x dakmor salvage
4x Verdant catacombs
4x Polluted delta
4x bloodstaind mire
no, go away
why on earth would you need all 4 progenitus? too many 4-ofs, see me after class.
Why should I play this instead of Pauper?
Who the hell can afford these decks?
I guess I could cut it down to 2, and run 2 more dredge spells, or something to let me discard him if I end up drawing him by accident.
No one actually plays Pauper outside of MTGO
I knew Veeky Forums was bad at magic but this is pathetic.
You're an assmad poorfag. Neck yourself
>Why should I play this instead of Pauper?
who says you should? play whatever you can afford.
>Who the hell can afford these decks?
plenty of people as modern is the most active format after standard.
There are multiple pauper nights at local stores where I live.
Good argument.
So you agree Jund should cost 2k USD?
Can you just start a pauper thread & not try to derail this one? I like both formats
>There are multiple pauper nights at local stores where I live.
You a very lucky man.
Where I live the only formats that are played are competitive EDH, legacy and modern
>So you agree Jund should cost 2k USD?
Fuck off. Nobody said this. Just because you can't afford something or have some self righteous high ground doesn't mean others can't buy expensive cards.
Are you on your way to a legacy thread all caps sperg at them too or was that your previous stop?
>So you agree Jund should cost 2k USD?
The free market obviously does.
I run red white token burn in modern. The goal of the deck is to play a ton of tokens, use purphoros and/or impact tremors to deal lots of damage, then use odric, lunarch marshal to give everyone haste and flying and win. Or use Elspeth, Sun's Champion to create loads of tokens and buff them. Or just swing with everything and use an instant speed buff. Does that work very well, and any tips you guys can give me for the deck? Budget preferred, I'm a poorfag
yeah, go BWr instead.
I made a pauper box (5 mono color decks) with two playmats and supplies and put it up with the boardgames. Good to get people into magic.
Then I started saving up for a Modern deck. Not there yet but I love both formats. Aether Vial so expensive hngggg
Eh. I was considering it, then I realized I have no Mardu staples, and I wanted to do my own thing instead of what everyone else does... Wait, what tier is Mardu token burn?
Just started playing modern and I built elves seeing as I had most of the money cards already (CoCo, Chord) it seems like I can sneak in a few wins in an event but usually do pretty bad (Anger of the Gods = gg). Any tips? Should I buy Caverns? Should I ditch the deck?
>Bought a box of EM for 225
>Gonna sell it eventually
>Give in and Crack that bad boy
>Opening packs
>Not getting shot
>Get to last pack
>Foils and Rares and sh1t up to this point add up to about 170 dollars
>Ass hole is blown out, literally in tears, I deserve this
>Last pack
>Foil Karakas
Lmao, I can only imagine if that was a foil worldgorger, god I'm so fucking cool.
God damn it why can't I have pulls like that?
Same as BW tokens (T2.5/T3), maybe a bit better but I've haven't played with it enough. Tokens in general is inconsistent as fuck.When it comes together it genuinely feels like a T1 deck, when it doesn't you're just embarrassed that you've ever though this was a viable deck.
Hey, I've had this deck come together amazingly. Only when I get land starved is when shit hits the fan. Sadly, I don't have any fetch or shock lands, or any of those plains mountains lands. Those would be nice
mind posting your list?
Feel free to bask in my glory, friend
4x Cavern of Souls
4x Verdant catacombs
2x Overgrown Tomb
1x Temple Garden
1x Pendelhaven
6x Forest
4x Llanowar Elves
4x Elvish Mystic
4x Nettle Sentinel
4 Heritage Druid
4x Dwynen's Elite
3x Elvish Visionary
4x Elvish Archdruid
4x Shaman of the Pack
2x Ezuri, Renegade Leader
1x Reclamation Sage
4x Collected Company
2x Eldritch Evolution
2x Lead the Stampede
2x Fracturing Gust
2x Chord of Calling
3x Beast Within
2x Kitchen Finks
1x Reclamation Sage
1x Spellskite
1x Kataki, War's Wage
1x Burrenton Forge-Tender
1x Phyrexian Revoker
1x Mirror Entity
Proxied out Eldritch Evolution for Elves. The card is insane. Now you get consistent turn 2 Archdruids no problem, and in the late game it can be any creature you want, from Ezuri to that last Shaman of the Pack burn
Feels especially disgusting with Kitchen Finks as well, you can do Kitchen Finks -> EE -> Kitchen Finks on Burn if you catch them off guard and other disgusting things. The card is easily the best thing out of the Eldritch Moon so far.
Sadly, I do not have it on me, and I'm on mobile, on the way to a weekend camping trip. If you guys are around when I'll get back, I'll post it on Sunday. Just open a new thread, I'll show up.
I had the same thing with my EMA box.
>Decent pulls but nothing too valuable
>Sneak Attack is the only good mythic I open
>Need something big in the last pack to break even
>Foil Brainstorm
Is this the same (((free market))) that defends the reserved list?
Lol it's free market! Jk don't ever reprint these cards again so I don't feel like a fucking dumbass who invested in cardboard.
The only thing that makes the secondary market anything remotely like the free market is the fact that the Chinese are printing "substitutes".
The fucking fact that there are counterfeits are the only signs that it's a free market. That's fucked up.
So I'm testing this Esper control deck, nothing special just tries to win with Sorin + Lingering souls, if it's not good I'm planning on making dredgevine. How relevant is dredge? And how does it get past graveyard hate?
>get past gravehate
Artifact/enchantment destruction
Esper seems pretty sweet at the moment though
It's maindeckable and strong against Infect, Burn, Zoo, and Bogles all at once.
>How relevant is dredge
its really popular right now actually. The last big event I went to (just over 100 players I think) had at least 12 people playing dredge.
Depends which variant. There's the Squeeflagerate version and the Prized Amalgam version. The latter is more popular as it has more explosive draws and ridiculous synergy. The former is niche but its more flexible and offers better outs vs hate.
I'm a new player and I'm looking for something that won't break my bank. I like big green creatures and I want to have Loxodon Smiter in there, but I struggle to find a deck that I like with that in mind. Any suggestions?
I would post my list but it's pretty trash
Mono Green Stompy. Most honest competitive deck thats only around $90. Good for FNM level events, dont expect to go far in big events.
No Smiters in that list though, but you're still casting super-efficient creatures that can end the game in 1-2 swings.
I appreciate the recommendation! I like how straightforward it is, cause I haven't really wrapped my head around how some of the weirder mechanics in this game work.
You can also try 8whack goblins, its around $100 but is a lot faster and has ridiculous draws that end the game by the 4th turn. It does suffer the same problems as Mono Green Stompy though, because your entire gameplan relies on you getting a good hand rather than planning things out. There's no middle ground in those 2 decks, its either you get a nut hand or you lose.
But everyone says Dredge dies to one card.
Manaless dredge dies to one card. just plain ole dredge can sideboard in enchantment/artifact hate, heck some even mainboard it.
RIP/Relic hate is very maindeckable in dredge.
>people doubting Asylum Visitor
If you have even a little bit of discard it's gonna draw you tons more cards than Confidant for a fraction of the life
I know new things are scary but do try them before you judge them
Fuck off you stupid same fag. The card is not that good
Have you tried it?
3/1 at GP São Paulo today with Esper Rally. I am becoming the meme.
Post your list queer
Creature (28)
3x Blood Artist
2x Bloodthrone Vampire
2x Cartel Aristocrat
4x Hedron Crab
2x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip
4x Magus of the Bazaar
3x Pack Rat
2x Tidehollow Sculler
2x Viscera Seer
4x Zulaport Cutthroat
Sorcery (7)
3x Ideas Unbound
1x Immortal Servitude
3x Lingering Souls
Land (21)
1x Breeding Pool
4x Flooded Strand
2x Godless Shrine
2x Hallowed Fountain
1x Island
3x Marsh Flats
2x Plains
3x Polluted Delta
1x Temple Garden
2x Watery Grave
Instant (4)
4x Rally the Ancestors
Sideboard (15)
2x Gnaw to the Bone
1x Immortal Servitude
1x Kataki, War's Wage
2x Meddling Mage
2x Phyrexian Revoker
3x Qasali Pridemage
1x Surgical Extraction
1x Tidehollow Sculler
2x Zealous Persecution
Hope you enjoy it fampai. Just remember to tell everyone you shit on with this deck that you got the idea from a retarded brazilian kid who couldn't decide between the grindy abzan version and the quick combo esper one.
EE saccing kitchen finks to get a Thragtusk is going to make a lot of burn players cry
All those 2 and 3 of's are triggering my tiny burn player mind.
any terminate fans out there? is this the second best dedicated creature removal after path?
probably the biggest advantages visitor has over confidant is madness and that it lets you run gurmag angler and delve stuff without fear of killing yourself
Fuck I love watching channel fireball YouTube videos but pascale Maynard is so fucking retarded it's unwatchable
How is this chucklefuck a pro?
Magic isn't a hard game
I guess so
Then why is Veeky Forums so bad at it?
Terminate is great, can't really compare it to path or bolt because it's two color but I love it
1 less rat 1 more blood artist?
How do i make this combo into a thing in tron. maybe a different deck would be more suitable. help me build a deck around this. i got the combo out a few times at a local tourney and made some neckbeards perspire. very satisfying.
U-Tron with Reshape maybe?
Its probably worse than the standard build, but I could see it doing some neat stuff. Sac maps or talismans you don't need lategame when you have a ton of mana to tutor a wurmcoil or something, nice value with solemn simulacrum, and it lets you run only 1 or 2 painter's servant because its not a card you want to be clogging you deck with despite the nice interaction with ugin.
Modern dredge.
subbing in the new haunted dead for stitchwing skaab, provides an additional body for instant speed blocking and a stronger rally. rest in peace, leyline of the void, and grafdigger's cage own me.
4x prized amalgam
4x bloodghast
4x narcomoeba
2x haunted dead
4x insolent neonate
4x street wraith
4x stinkweed imp
4x golgari grave-troll
4x faithless looting
3x burning inquiry
2x darkblast
2x life from the loam
2x conflagrate
1x rally the peasants
1x copperline gorge
1x mountain
4x mana confluence
4x gemstone mine
3x city of brass
3x dakmor salvage
1x darkblast
1x conflagrate
4x lightning axe
2x gnaw to the bone
3x invasive surgery
4x natural slate
rate my build Veeky Forums