How does your dad feel about your tabletop lifestyle?
How does your dad feel about your tabletop lifestyle?
Joke's on him, he died of cancer years ago!
When I said I started playing D&D, he told me he played 1e at work during lunch. I think he quit playing when I was born.
I know we're all faggots here but since when did playing D&D become equivalent to being gay?
That aside, he wishes I could get a real-lfe group together again instead of playing online. He thinks spending too much time on the internet is having a negative effect on me, and he's not wrong.
He actually introduced me to Mongoose Traveller.
so, pretty well.
Since a bunch of insecure crossboarders didn't assimilate and brought their shitty board culture along with them. We should build a wall or something I tell you.
He was supportive of me getting into warhammer, when I mentioned I thought the idea was cool, although I never did (It was just too pricey, had the price been like half of what it was I would've dumped all my money in that shit).
I haven't spoken to him in about 8 years though, so I wouldn't know how he feels about it now.
My dad was full on frat-bro back in his day. He thought I was a little weird for spending college playing D&D instead of going to parties or chasing after girls. But his general approach is as long as it doesn't involve drugs, drunk driving, or gangs, he wants his kids to do whatever interests them.
He still thinks there are better things I could do with my time.
Honestly I think I should start listening to him on that while I'm still young
You should diversify your activities when young. It's much easier and has a big life long pay off.
How much D&D are you playing that you can't party? As an adult I partied and still played D&D, let alone in college.
This. Don't overspecialize. Try new things, even if you don't think you'll be good at them. The people who like you want to do things with you, and you'll become better friends with them by doing the things they like.
Don't be a pushover or a doormat, though.
Nearly two years deceased now, so I doubt he feels anything.
What happened, user?
You must be hurtin'
Less I couldn't party and more D&D was just one of the only regular social outlets I explored. My roommate was in one of the larger fraternities and he got me into a couple of their parties, but those were few and far between and even when I went I wound up just feeling awkward.
Graduated a year ago, and just now realizing just how empty my social life's been. Unfortunately my home town is a black hole of boring, so it's proving hard finding new social spheres outside of running a game for a couple friends from high school. Right now I'm burning for a real job that can get me out of here and to a town where I can actually try having a real social life.
Only 22 though, so it's not too late yet.
Tabletop gaming is a fun hobby if you consider it a lifestyle you are a wierdo.
As everyone else has said, it's not a lifestyle.
He supports me having hobbies that interests me, though he worries I spend to much on warhammer minis (he's not wrong).
It's not the only thing I do, and we still do father son stuff like house projects, fishing, whatever.
He thinks it's a worthless hobby. But I stopped caring about what he thought decades ago.
He plays in an AD&D game with me every Sunday when I'm home from college.
I inherited literally hundreds of airfix plastic soldiers and more from him which he testified to have played with well beyond the usual age.
Does he ever roll for penetration?
>implying I know my father
Some of the stereotypes are true, alright?
My dad got me into it
lol no
Regardless, my dad finds it vaguely amusing, but otherwise doesn't really care one way or the other. Likes to joke about it being Satanic.
My sister, on the other hand, thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
He never went to college, but he's been reading the Dark Elf trilogy, without any kind of encouragement from myself. Didn't even know it was about dnd until like halfway through the first one. Otherwise, he doesn't really know or care about nerd stuff like that.
>tabletop lifestyle
If it's your hobby, then that's fine.
If it's your lifestyle, you're got serious problems and need to straighten your life out.
Nah, I'm fine.
Thanks for the concern internet stranger.
He played old-school D&D back in college, and I've run one-shots for him and my brothers a couple times over Christmas.
My dad was my DM. I miss my DM.
Every response has been positive, so I think they assimilated perfectly well. A thread about parents and tabletop is perfectly Veeky Forums, IMO.
>Hood nigger who likes tabletop
At least you're breaking one. The more you break the stereotypes, the less they're accepted as true.
same here
Disappointed that my ttrpg memories are not as varied and glorious as his from his 30 person college group.
Aside from their incessant "this isn
t Veeky Forums you should only talk about /pol/ and games we like and nothing else" claptrap.
Or hadn't you noticed the fun police never complain about /pol/shit being off topic?
all these normies saying Veeky Forums isn't a lifestyle.
If you're on this board, it is your lifestyle. Its too late.
He's vaguely supportive, but doesn't really get much beyond what I've told him.
He thinks that all my hobbies are a waste of time, and that I'm a failure. Mainly because he wanted me to be a sporty lady killer kind of guy. Despite him never being so.
Jokes on him, I'm a fencer and pretty popular with the ladies. So I'm exactly what he wanted me to be. And to boot most of said ladies know Veeky Forums stuff and actively participate in Veeky Forums stuff.
Still, when he asks who's party I'm going to and I tell him I'm going to play boardgames at a friends, he gives me the most dissapointed look.
Do you live in Georgia
No, I'm from wisconsin
He thinks I'm a fucking nerd, which is hilarious. He got me into the hobby anyway.
My dad is a huge history buff too, so he gets a kick out of seeing me paint and collect my historical minis.
He doesn't know I play TTRPGs, nor would he understand the concept much. Can't imagine he'd hold any strong opinions about that either.
You ok user? Do you want a hug?
I'm sorry to hear that user.
He thinks it's cool since he played way back in the day, and wants to drop in on my games some time.
When I get the campaign going steady I might have him drop in for a quest.
Dad started playing Warhammer with Adeptus Titanicus and he played DnD as well. He also really likes power metal and stuff like that. He passively supports my gaming.
The only thing separating my father (who has a big beard) from being a neckbeard is he has a 6 figure salary and drives a cool Mustang and managed to get a wife so people just think hes a cool dude. You guys wouldn't believe how autistic he is
>He still thinks there are better things I could do with my time.
Well, he was a frat boy, so he's probably disappointed you're not out sexually assaulting someone.
Playing games is a hobby not a lifestyle, user.
>Honestly I think I should start listening to him on that while I'm still young
Ever played D&D while snorting rails? It's fucking great. Adds a whole new intensity to the game.
My dad doesn't really give much of a shit about me or anything I do, and I get the feeling that he never wanted me in the first place.
He doesn't. Since the divorce we see each other like 5 times a year at various family reunions. And when that happens we usually talk either work or politics.
Talked about how he used to play AD&D.
Never would have panned him for someone who played PnP though, I knew he played MUDs as a kid
I knew this feel for years, now I am too ashamed to talk to him because at 23 I have nothing to show for myself.
for the record I'm white.
My dad was an 80s skater punk who played AD&D specifically because of its satanic associations, I grew up reading his old Monster Manual. I don't know if he knows I still play RPGs these days but I doubt he would care.
I was introduced to DnD by reading his old AD&D books, and he introduced me to warhammer (although I've stopped playing since due to more interest in roleplaying than war-games). Also he DM's a game I'm in.
He and my mother make jabs occasionally but its all in good fun. I keep my hobbies in moderation though so they don't have any reason to say anything other than some light banter
He doesn't even know what RPGs are and I moved out 7 years ago. So it's the classic "what eyes can't see, the mind can't even react to".
Tbh, my 100% normie girlfriend is more in line with my hobby than anyone else and she mostly keeps joking how bunch of guys at our age can get so excited about rolling dice and having imaginary adventures.
My dad played DnD exactly once, when he was a teenager.
I can't remember how, but apparently at some point his character got killed and replaced by a doppelganger.
He convinced the DM to let him play as the doppelganger.
And then proceeded to murder the entire party, one person at a time, in their sleep, over the course of several sessions.
He had a great time. The rest of the party didn't.
They won't play DnD with him to this day.
He was happy I had a reason to leave the house and shower more than once a week.
Considering I have no idea who my father is (nor do I really care), I wouldn't think he thought anything of it.
I'm not convinced he understands the difference between tabletop gaming and just having a few friends over to have fun.
As far as I understand, he's totally ok with it.
I think he quit playing when you were conceived.
Tumbler is leaking again
>I'm not convinced he understands the difference between tabletop gaming and just having a few friends over to have fun.
is there that big of a difference?
There must be, since threads aren't usually opening asking if fathers condemn their kids' socialization efforts with their peers.
He's why I stopped, and he still doesn't let me forget that I ever started in the first place.
or there was once a perception of such difference, but now there isn't, as basically every response has been somewhere between 'doesn't care' and 'plays tabletops games himself'.
He thinks I'm a nerd and a failure, just like him. I'm currently stuck living at my grandparents, with him.
I moved out when I was 18, but after two years my parents tried to split up and my dad left my mom with my three brothers, the house payment, and the car payments. He then just started drinking again, smoking pot every day.
My mom filed for bankruptcy, which took a year because the divorce hadn't settled and he was refusing to sign anything. So I ended up draining my savings account to help her out while I worked at a minimum wage job to offset the house payment a bit.
It fell through and the house foreclosed.
Now I'm working 6 days a week, 10 hours a day for a bit above minimum wage. I run games on my single day off. I've got around 6k in my bank account and I'm fully able to move out, but my grandparents wont be able to handle my dad without me, so I feel trapped.
If it's any consolation, user, you've made me feel much better about my own relationship with my father.
I mean, it still sucks, but now I see it could be a lot worse.
I'm pretty much a carbon copy of my dad that looks like my mom. I imagine he would have gotten into it back in the day if he had ever played. He enjoys hearing about it and thinks it's cool, was big into sci fi and fantasy before it was cool to do so, into power metal and stuff, big history buff, plays video games. He definitely would have been into it, but you wouldn't know from his exterior. Tall, well built dude with a strong jaw and large nose. Looks like a handsome lincoln. Deep gruff voice, real quiet. My dad is super cool.
He got me into it, and I'm pretty sure he now regrets it because I spend half my time diddling in notebooks and making tables instead of worrying about a social life or career.
I learned about D&D when I was probably 8 or 9.
I begged my stepdad to play with me. I didn't know there were rulebooks or anything, I thought you just came up with dice rolls.
He humored me and played a few times, just making up random adventures. I only really remember climbing up a cliff from a rope when a giant bat attacked. He told me to roll to swing with my sword, I said i let myself fall a few feet so the bat slams into the cliff face instead of me. He was impressed and the bat was defeated.
Nowadays neither of them know I play, because I'm normal, well-adjusted 28 year old married man with a wife and home. I play on Mondays with some buddies. It does not define me.
My dad's a whiner who gets pissy when people beat him at MTG. He's also one of those fucks with the waifu game mat and card sleeves.
So glad I moved away.
He laughs at my clothes and haircut, I don't think he should know about RP
My dad was real big into d&d when he was a kid growing up all over the west coast, when I expressed an interest in the game in high school he handed me all his old core books, splats, campaign notes and other such stuff. From reading his old noteschool I can see that he liked being either a rouge or paladin, the latter makes sense since he became a cop with strong convictions for justice and the law . I guess it's also family tradition to be forever dms.
It's not exactly a lifestyle, just a hobby I sink money into. I also like shooting/hunting, pro wrestling, and mma so I'm always sinking money into those things too.
He's a non-combat sports guy, loves cars, and plays golf. Can't talk him into going hunting and he always looks bored when we go shooting. Doesn't get pro wrestling or tabletop, but I know better than to ever try and get him involved with those two things. Will only talk about MMA if it's a big name involved like back when Rousey was on her streak. So, we bond over fishing and beer like any good father and son should.
oldanon here. Where I grew up (midwest) playing D&D really was equivalent to being gay. If you weren't into sports/hunting/fishing, you were gay. If you showed imagination, you were gay. If you read fantasy literature, you were gay. etc. etc.
He's a Christian who bought into the "D&D is evil!" craze, but now I'm old enough that he has basically no control over what I can and can't do.
You're just starting out. Don't be down on yourself as a 23 year old. Right now you're in the "Working hard/making connections/socking money away" stage.
I dunno, probably not much. I have a lot of other hobbies that I share with my dad and my tabletop RPG hobby has never really come up because if I'm hanging out with my dad we're doing /k/ and /out/ stuff.
My dad tried out D&D with his friends for a short while years ago, he never really got into it and forgot all about how to play.
He asks me how my sessions went sometimes, he's not really interested in the details but I don't mind, we share other hobbies. We share all our comics and talk about them together. He's also a major Trekkie and he's super hyped that I finally started watching TOS. I guess my next step in the quest for dad approval is to start reading all his fantasy and sci-fi books.
As my Dad has no hobbies at all, I think the only thing he actually gets enjoyment from is telling me (and my mother, and my brothers) how useless we all are and how we never do anything.
My dad is a burnt out man after participating in my country's special forces during our war. He probably is upset and disappointed in me for the way I turned out. I am pretty sure he doesn't like me.
Win some, lose some I suppose
Ouch. What country are you from, user?
It doesn't matter.
Fair enough. My sympathies regardless.
Fuck if I care, I make more than double what he ever has in his life.
...It makes me very sad. He was a hard working person until a lack of success over 3 decades broke him down.
He's still alive and quite well, no need for sympathy. He's not a bad person, just has a short temper and not really any personality. I think the war killed his humanity. He will engage with you and even joke around but you can tell there is nothing behind his eyes.
Not to sound like an edgelord. I still love him as my father. I just am honest. He was in war very young.
My dad went blind about the time I got into Veeky Forums as a hobby. So he doesn't really understand MTG, but he enjoys that I have a hobby and is currently in a dnd campaign with his friends, with myself as the DM.
So he likes it. I'm glad he enjoys it.
Don't be sad. It's (should be) a parents dream to see their kids do better than them.
He's kind of ironically disapproving and calls me a geek a lot but in reality he doesn't really care.
I get a lot of sarcastic comments like
>"My daughter the dungeon master... I'm so proud"
but he means well for sure.
>uses both the 'n' and ampersand in a single sentence
I'm triggered
That's fair enough. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going to turn out like that, considering I've kinda been brought up where any emotional reaction to something prompts savage mockery. At first I was just pretending not to be interested in stuff, but now I'm afraid that it's happening for real.
If youre still worried about losing your empathy and humanity then you're likely still fine.
Just read philosophy and realise that being a good, ethical person is actually quite logical.
>Just read philosophy and realise that being a good, ethical person is actually quite logical.
Any idea where to start?
He's disappointed in me in general so I haven't cared to tell him. For some reason I feel like he'd be even more disappointed because it's not hunting or fishing.
Hmmm, nowhere is bad. Try wikipedia first, look for concepts you find interesting. Or you could jump head first. Some may say "start with the greeks" but that's pretty controversial, it's even a meme on Veeky Forums before that board got split.
You need to understand certain concepts though before reading certain authors. One of the most important concepts is the Socratic Dialectic. Learn it, love it, breathe it, live it. Also, understand how to formulate arguments using Aristotle's Formal Logic. Familiarise yourself with Ancient Greek history and mythology as scores of works make allusions, comparisons, metaphors and references almost constantly. Arguably, the most important philosopher of modern times is Georg Hegel but he is pretty unwieldy, even for the experienced. Hegel, indirectly corrected the course of human progresss as it were. Very, very, VERY important to understand him, not just for philosophy's sake but for being an individual in a larger world. Really, you want to build a foundation to prepare yourself to thoroughly understand Hegel.
Some other names to look out for:
>Marcus Aurelius
>Immanuel Kant
>Fredrich Nietzsche
>Soren Kierkegaard
>Renee Descartes (the likeness of "le gib her the dick" meme)
>David Hume
>Jean-Paul Sartre
>Karl Marx
>Arthur Schnopenhaur
>Baroch Spinoza
>Albert Camus
My dad has been playing DnD since it first came out. He's also the reason i'm into fantasy n shit.
Oh wow. That's, erm, quite a lot to take in all at once, user.
I'll give it some thought.
Almost forgot something there friendo
>Carl Popper