Is this show Veeky Forums?
Don't know anything about how good it is or in what way, just that it's fantasy.
Is this show Veeky Forums?
Don't know anything about how good it is or in what way, just that it's fantasy.
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Is that the Sword of Truth/ Terry Badkind show?
Well, if you enjoy protaganist-centered morality...
Was terrible when compared to the books, which were terrible.
Watch it if you literally have nothing else to watch on netflix. Fuck, watch the newest batman cartoon there before watching this.
There's more hot chicks in there doing naughty things than in Xena.
There's two kinds of Terry: the kind that writes "how did this even get published?" tier drivel and the kind that's a le ebin memester. Goodkind is the former.
Considerably better than the books though that isn't difficult to accomplish, all it required was a director whose moral compass doesn't point in whatever direction he wants it too.
Unsurprisingly, Terry Badkind and the fans of the books hated the live action TV adaptation. Probably because they didn't enjoy the thought of the righteous being able to be as ruthless and self-serving as they want and still being righteous.
Just read the books.
Go to bed, Rory.
Liked the books.
Is he still Conan the Libertarian in the show?
No, he is Hunky the Tortured-by-Doubt
It's based on a book series that we enjoy mocking because of how absurdly terrible and preachy it is.
The show deviates wildly from the source, though.
>read the books
What has OP done to you and your family? I've never seen the show but I can personally attest that the books were pure cancer. They're always shit (creepy little girls who killed their dads are stand-ins for the Nazgul/the first girl that told Terry "lolnope," every character has exactly one distinctive physical gesture they repeat over and over and over again, the protagonist and love interest are the standard unbearable Superman and Action Girl archetypes with no personality) up until Faith of the Fallen, where Superman gets personality, and his personality is "I bet I can make this a longer and more tedious novel than Atlas Shrugged by literally just regurgitating the entire text of Atlas Shrugged halfway through the book and then continuing on to show the world how Ayn Rand's brain cancer is objectively right with the ultimate tool of reason, FORCE."
It's like the Xanth novel with the girl who goes from being ugly and smart to sexy and retarded and she's literally painted as the perfect ideal woman because she represents all women, and in the same book there is literally a randomly-included rape trial where it's determined that even though the victim (not the were-slut) was definitely raped she also definitely deserved it. You can read it as a kid just getting into fantasy and it seems okay maybe.
You can never go back.
This is as close to an unbiased explanation of the series as you will ever find, because it's written by a fan who thinks it's great and it still shows you exactly how fucking shit it is in detail.
The show basically tries to lean away from Rand and into Twilight is how best I would put it. It's...what you'd expect. Just watch Merlin.
>Richard says, “The only sovereign I can allow to rule me is reason. The first law of reason is this: what exists, exists; what is, is. From this irreducible bedrock principle, all knowledge is built. This is the foundation from which life is embraced” (Faith of the Fallen, p. 21.) Of course, “existence exists” is Ayn Rand ’s first axiom.
this can't be real
these are classics?
>Is this show Veeky Forums?
Ah the mord sith. We get it Terry, you like bondage and lesbians.
Downloading now!
And how!
Holy shit, is this for real ?
don't look into the abyss, user.
There's some unintentional gold in there, but it's just not worth it.
Realler than real life, user
>Zip fasteners in a pre-industrial society without complex automated fine metallurgy able to mass-produce thousands of highly standardized hard-metal millimetric items for a comfort product.
You were zooming in on her boobs, weren't you user
can someone explain the whole 'protagonist centered morality' thing to someone who hasn't read the books but would like to understand the joke
Boots, too.
>'protagonist centered morality
The protagonists regularly commit war crimes, genocides and other atrocities that are treated in setting, by the characters and by the author as objectively good, pure and necessary actions because they align with the political opinions of the protagonist/authors.
Like, there is a village of pacifist people, the author-insert declares that pacifism is just wrong-headed and evil and communist, massacre them like dogs to the last, and it is treated as a victory of goodness and randism and the world is a better place for the protagonist having done so.
And take a look at this link, for various reasons to have opinions about Goodkind
Dude commits war crimes and does shit that would put him into the villain camp of any other story but it's ok because he does it.
Running down unarmed anti-war protesters for example.
Yes he was on the clock and they were in the way. I can accept that. Most people can accept that.
It goes over the line when he stops to take a swing at the ones he missed and then acts smug about it.
Or the time when he incited a football riot that killed thousands and gave approximately 0 fucks about it.
Or the time he had his step-brother executed for no reason and never gave a single solitary fuck.
Or the time he kicked an 8 year old girl in the face and shattered her jaw bone probably killing her. Yes she was being a cunt. No she didn't deserve execution by Chuck Norris Boots. And he acted smug about it.
Or that there were sadist torture bondage nuns, not as cool as it sounds, whose initiation and training involved torturing them as little girls, making them watch their mothers get tortured to death and then making them torture their fathers to death. He himself had been a victim of their ministrations. When he came into power his first act wasn't to outlaw the creation of new Mord-Sith, it was to get his entire national population to send two hours singing hymns to his own glory. By book 4's end he still hadn't outlawed the practice.
I didn't read past book 4 and wished I hadn't started book 1 by that point and it was many years ago and I never re-read them. There was other things but details get fuzzy.
And the prose was shit. And the world building was non existent. And the rest of the characters were equally as unlikable as the protagonist, especially the ones on the "good" team. And the antagonists were depthless. And he copy and pastes like a mother fucker. And goes on 30 page rants about the virtues of Objectivism and the evils of everything else.
By the end of doorstopper 4 I was starting to root for the Communists.
I read the books when they were still being released.
I remember liking the first few novels. But that was like 15 years ago and I was 13.
Then the later ones started becoming even more preachy.
I ended up skipping whole chapters because the author would keep repeating himself and over describing stuff.
I still enjoyed the series partly but I never read his other works besides the one that took place in our world and it was pretty damn bad all around.
I've heard he just got worse since then.
Sounds pretty based, concise and goes straight to the point, good character.
Have you read the Fitz Chivalry series by Robin Hobbs or Any of the book by Brent Weeks?
How about the King Killer Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss?
If so what are your opinions on those?
I forgot the name of the book in the series but there is one that has the a protagonist that is taught Richard Rahl is evil and she is ordered to assassinate him.
I have read both of Assassin and the Fool books in the Fitz Chivalry series.
I honestly liked them.
Yes the character was a bit of a dick prone to bad decisions and his job required him to kill dudes on the orders of his king but he never acted like it was the Good and Morally Pure thing to do. The Spotted Man, previous royal assassin and his teacher, even warned him away for moralizing about it. They are loyal to the king, the king needs some fucker dead for national stability and yes that sucks royal balls.
But holy shit were those books slow. Like fucking glacially slow. You thing the Belgaraid and Mallorean books by David Eddings are slow? You don't know slow. Not till you've read Robin Hobb.
But much like The Extended Camping Trip by David Eddings I did enjoy the Fitz Chivalry series'. The story is solid, the world is fleshed out and the characters are relatable and make sense.
I heartily recommend.
>was definitely raped she also definitely deserved it.
But rape is all women deserve.
I used to love this as a kid in grade school. It was the show that I would watch with my mom all the time, and I was so sad when it ended.
It has elements from the show, but not in the sense of the objectivism. Instead, all the pieces are used to play a different game, if you'll humor my metaphor - the characters are present, but instead of Richard becoming emperor and going on a morally righteous conquest, he and his friends travel the world going on adventures, fighting the evil emperor Darken Rahl in the first season and the god of death The Keeper in the second.
Given that the villain's first onscreen moment is him killing a kitten, it isn't for those who enjoy subtlety - but it does have a simple charm to it.
>It was the show that I would watch with my mom all the time
You must have a pretty cool mom user
The worst thing about this is that it got adapted before Wheel of Time did.
Not him, but I'll try. I haven't read Fitz Chivalry, but I ended up reading Tery Goodkinds books when I was younger and Kingkiller Chronicles more recently.
Kingkiller is much, much better. Kvothe still has a bunch of sue-ish properties, but because we are getting told all of these events in hindsight through the meta-narrative of Kvothe telling his own life story, its so much better.
Because Kvothe, despite his claims, is an unreliable narrator with a penchant for drama. Its obvious that at least some of what he is saying is true, and chances are good that most of it is probably true, but when it comes to specific scenes and details he is probably blowing some things out of proportion to make it a better story/that's honestly how he remembers it after all these years.
And even with that, Kvothe is willing to admit the times that he was being a shit in the story. Especially since, while we haven;t gotten the third book yet, its obvious this all ends badly enough for him that he gives up magic and music and retires to some fucking inn in a no-name town to mark time and wait for death, broken and alone save for Bast.
That, and after talking to the Cveach or however the fuck his name is spelled, we know his life is doomed to shit-town. It would take some serious bullshit for him to find some way out of that now.
It also helps that Rothfuss is a much better writer than Goodkind. The Name of the Wind is basically Harry Potter, but the wordcraft and writing flow is so damned good I couldn't put it down. Its hard to explain unless you experience it for yourself, but I know I'm not the only one who has had that reaction. Its just really engaging.
>Wheel of Time
Have read up to book two so far, and I gotta ask, does Robert Jordan get better about the gender divide at all? Because it was fucking annoying
Not that Wheel of Braid Tugging and Dress Straightening is any better. It is just a different kind of bad.
Those long shots of the brunette with a dildo in her face made me lol.
I got halfway through the second Kingkiller book before I couldn't headdesk at Kvothe any more and stopped reading. Never got around to starting back up again. Does it get any better?
Specifically, the Denna plotline drags like fuck and he seems incapable of spitting out his feelings plus doesn't seem to realise she's functionally a prostitute (if that "horse has to be ridden" remark was anything to go by) and Devi is better anyway (perhaps slight waifufagging on my part there, admittedly, but fuck Denna for being so goddamn annoying), every time he seems to get one up on something it goes away (so much page space devoted to getting that warding charm disc thing he wears, and he loses it off-fucking-screen), we're halfway through the second book and he's still in school, half his interesting adventures get cut (see the note about losing his warding charm disc thing in the second book, because something about pirates etc. that sounded far more interesting than let's-go-hunt-bandits-for-Maer), and he still doesn't have more than a single fucking Name of anything. And the money problems, fucking money problems I was sick of reading about every three chapters.
I mean, the actual writing quality is far better than Goodkind, don't get me wrong. I just cannot stand the characters.
If you wanted him to do more interesting shit? Then, yeah, the second half of the book is where that happens.
After hunting the bandits he runs into a classic 'faerie lady in the woods' scenario and gets stuck on Faerie for a while before tricking his way out, fucks his entire destiny right the fuck up and ruins the rest of his life in ways he won't fully comprehend for years, learns some more about the Chandrian and has to go meet up with and train with the Adem about the Lethani for a while because what little of it he was taught by that guy he hunted bandits with for a while turns out to have been SUPER illegal.
Basically, you don't get to have ninja training until you make it through the whole program, which is part murder training and part ethics course about knowing when to use it. You don't get to go halfsies about it. As an outsider, Kvothe shouldn't have been taught any of it AT ALL by the guy so he gets himself in a situation where unless he convinces them he knows the Lethani well enough not to misuse it they are going to kill him.
But yeah, the Denna arc kind of drags. Wise Man's Fear suffers from being a middle book, Rothfuss clearly wanted to save certain developments for the third book so certain plotlines have to stay in a holding pattern.
> Devi is better anyway
God damn right she is. An Auri is fine too.
Yeah, sounds like I basically left off right when things start to get remotely interesting.
I might pick it back up again. On the other hand, it already took one and a half books just to get that far. Does he actually start keeping some of the knowledge he's supposedly learning? He had fuck all by the end of the first book despite everything that happened, and still keeps on losing shit in the second.
Also, Auri is acceptable. A bit too weird for my tastes.
>he could have had pic related, she literally offered to fuck him on the regular
You know, I never imagined them being that phallic in the books. They are metal rods used as magical torture devices/'Wizards get BTFO' counters.
Making them look like dildos just makes it all very silly.
Well, it is from the same guys who made xena so I'm not surprised.
The problem with Kvothe is that he picks up skills very quickly, at an absurd rate really, but his judgement and maturity are still appropriate for his age. I think, by the end of the second book, he just reaches 16 or so.
So he is great at Sympathy. He can play music like a muse. He knows all sorts of science facts and other useful trade skills. Even learns some swordplay and naming.
But he is largely really shit at using that information, because he is an impulsive kid that makes a lot of bad decisions.
Kvothe is the definition of high int, low wisdom.
As for shit Kvothe passed up out of stupidity, he could have had Fela after saving her from that fire. The girl who basically everyone in the book admits is the hottest shit they have ever seen. And he was oblivious to it.
I'm skeptical of poster on the internet who chop events out of context and present them as if they constitute the entire story in order to squick out potential readers. Too many SJWs have used this same technique.
Also, the fact that it's ASoIF fans bitching about gratuitous rape and violence is pretty fucking rich if you ask me.
All I really remember was that the wizard was by far the MOST WIZARD of any wizard I'd seen on TV in a long time.
Is this a TV show or an intro to a bad porn?
Both, I guess? Its a TV show, but the books get pretty fetishy at times. Presuming your fetish is BDSM.
Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander is pretty based, honestly it was a very good but low budget tv series.
>But he is largely really shit at using that information, because he is an impulsive kid that makes a lot of bad decisions.
I sort of gathered that. It doesn't make it any easier for me to keep reading, though. Some level of learning from mistakes, keeping things he builds, getting past his persistent money problems. He's still basically the same person he was right at the start of the series, when by now there should really have been plenty of solid character growth. Maybe I'm just not seeing it, I don't know for sure.
Hopefully the latter. We need more Fantasy-themed pornography.
By the end of the second book he is much less impulsive, his money problems are solved, and while he still only knows the name of the wind he has done it a few times now and is confident in his ability to do it again.
Oh, and he knows the names of the Chandrian.
Look up Whore of the Rings, you'll lol and get your fap on.
Does Denna go away for a very long time and not get mentioned?
The show isn't bad if you haven't read the books. If you've read the books, the show barely follows the books. Seed is a decent choice, Kahlans not bad, but the rest of it doesn't even come close to the semi-realism of the books. The show feels like you're watching "Once Upon a Time".
Almost. If you saw him depart to fight bandits, you probably have seen the last of her until near the end of the book.
Though there are a couple of times when she comes up in the narrative or conversation. The one that comes to mind the most is he gets taunted with some information about her abusive relationship with her benefactor.
If I remember that right though, wasn't the village full of people who are able to totally negate magic?
And the lead bad guy can control people?
And by leaving them alive he would be able to complete some sort of world ending spell thing?
The armor is supposed to be laced up the back with leather thongs. This is one of the reasons to hate the show. They took shortcuts which killed the immersion.
What's wrong with Brent Weeks?
You're missing a lot of the information behind these situations. And I'm not sure where you got some of them.
>anti war protesters
Don't know when that happened.
>football riot
Entire stadium was full of enemy soldiers and generally bad people. No one goes to the games who isn't an evil fuck.
Oh you mean the one who raped and murdered, or the one who raped and murdered and betrayed his people, or the one who betrayed his wife people? Michael, Oba, Not-Richard.
>kicked an 8 year old
Hahaha I forgot about that. Yeah one problem here: the little cunt threatened the love of his life, I think it was maiming, rape, and execution, so yeah, she got a boot to the face. I would too.
>sadist torture nuns
Nowhere near nuns, and that's called background because making people like that is difficult, and demonstrated how "eeeevil!" the antagonist was. As for not outlawing, fuck if I know. Dude just overthrew BBEG, found a way to fuck the love of his life, and found his assumed-dead grandfather/father figure. I'm guessing "torture nun" went to the back burner.
>shit prose, world-building
Yeah I can agree the books are a little wordy, and I'm glad he didn't do too much world building because then it becomes obvious he's just world building. It's like Star Wars: he only talked about the parts of the world the main characters directly interacted with. Fine by me.
Pillars of Creation
Well it's not a traditional game. Or even a game. So no.
You don't really understand the point of this board.
Two different instances, actually.
The remote village of anti-magic people just wanted to be left the fuck alone, and Richard freed them from imperial rule and basically let them choose their own destiny or some shit.
The time most people talk about is the bad guys completing the a ritual to create a fortress where time is fucked up inside of it, making anyone within not age. So evil mind control emperor dude could live basically forever as the unending god king of the world. It also would have had super magical defenses IIRC.
They didn't have much time to stop the ritual, and a bunch of imperial civilians banded together to form an unarmed human wall to block one of the major streets so Richard and his group couldn't pass. Going around them meant probably forfeiting the battle, and Richards response was 'weapons or no, they picked their side. Kill em.'
Which under the circumstances was proooobably the right call? The book definitely would have benefited from not making Richard act so goddamn smug about it.
Either way, seems like the sort of situation that would be a valid thing to throw at a group of players. See how they handle it.
I thought the description in the books was a leather rod, so yeah a dildo. It's been 15 years since I read any of those books so I may be misremembering.
Ok so both book and tv show are shit. Any book series Veeky Forums would like to get the HBO treatment? Here are mine
The Commonwealth Saga
Dawn of Wonder
The Magicians (no scifi)
After the last 2 seasons of GoT I'm no longer sure that HBO could handle it. But if I could be:
Baroque Cycle
Hyperion Cantos
Scifi is doing Hyperion. Not even joking.
And I doubt anyone could do the Baroque cycle within the lifespan of the average human.
Scifi is doing The Magicians as well, I am terrified of watching it...
A couple more
The Cryptonomicon
The Stormlight Archive
>"Set on the eve of Armageddon with the entire galaxy at war, Hyperion is the story of seven pilgrims who set forth on a voyage to seek the answers to the unsolved riddles of their lives," reads the press release. "Each carries a desperate hope and a terrible secret—while one may hold the fate of humanity in his hands."
>The adaptation will be produced by American Sniper’s Bradley Cooper, who according to Screenrant cowrote a spec script for the project back in 2011. Joining Cooper as executive producers will be Graham King (Argo, The Departed) and Todd Phillips (The Hangover). Boardwalk Empire writer Itamar Moses will be penning the script.
No point in getting any hopes up. It's already shit. And it's going to be worse for having such a high bow source. The book is very symmetrical, rich in symbolism and full of dissonances. There are few ways to turn it into a TV show, and none of them will work with a Syfy formula. It'll be confusing audiences, giving fans of the books the finger, and the new bad example trotted out whenever a producer gets ambitious over material to develop.
Cryptonomicon could totally work as an AMC show.
It's amusingly bad.
It's a regular saturday morning fantasy flick with little to none overarching plot and a moral per episode quota. It has some nice costumes and provides gratuitious amounts of fanservice, but annoying protagonist (and not in the Conan the Libertarian sense; it's just that the inappropriately chosen actor struggled with the role), nonsensical episode plots, the curse of fairly low budget and no creative vision will leave you only camp to enjoy..
Suggestion for a drinking game - down a shot every time Zedd says that "it's a powerful magic".
Take a drink every time a girl dressed in tight leather snarls.
I'm not going to call Brent Weeks high art or anything, but I did appreciate that as the series went on the characters who were willing to do morally dubious shit fell from grace while those who (mostly) tried to be good people actually came out okay. It was a nice change of pace.
Plus, I like his fight scenes. That and his story about finding out that he'd accidentally (or not) ripped off M:TG's lore for his newest series' magic system made me giggle, and at least he owned up to it.
Oh boy.....
Wheel of Time
Not even close to being ironic.
I'd like to see Xanth: the series.
Sabriel would be pretty good for one.
That's woolheaded fool to you, rationalizing skirt straightener.
Hobb isn't that slow. Then again, there are novels where half the readers thinks the whole thing is done at a snails pace and the other half thinks it's breakneck speed, so maybe it's all relative?
>I read the first book and I thought it was good
Fuck the police.
>It also helps that Rothfuss is a much better writer than Goodkind.
>better than anything
He's the kinda writer who uses big words and fancy sentence structures not because that's what *fits* but because he thinks he's sophisticated for having done so. There's no thought behind any of his writing other than sucking his own dick about how great a writer he is. Which in turn makes his stories boring as shit to read because (on top of the garbage tier prose) he takes three entire pages to get a point across that would've taken literally anyone else less than a third of that to accomplish. Except the bit about the pirates, because he can't write anything *happening* that involves direct (non-dialogue) interaction of his protagonist with his surroundings and instead of doing the smart thing of just NOT MAKING THE STORY REACH A POINT WHERE THIS BECOMES INEVITABLE, he just pussies out. Rothfuss has no idea what he's doing and I'm actually fairly surprised his books even got published.
hes pleb tier and so are you for liking him, deal with it.
My melanin-enriched compatriot...
Yeah Old Kingdom needs to get a good show.
Disreputable Dog best dog.
Its nice to know that opinions are facts when you have them. That must make life so much easier.
are you proud of making fantasy lit even more laughable than it already is. is that the hill you wanna die on.