Now, I know it's not the most popular opinion, but what if these are actually the good guys?
Hear me out.
>care only for humanity, liable to hate and purge xenos far more than Imperial forces do. Just look at how they've taken the fight to the Eldar while most Imperium forces just ignore the threat.
>Adapted to survive and thrive in an environment that is anathema to most xenos
>able to channel this environment to fight these xenos even better than Imperial forces
>some are even immune to chemical weapons, making those weapons perfect for use against xenos
>zero concern for their people defecting and joining xenos, they're too loyal for that
>don't go and murder entire planets of their own people on matters of "faith"
>zero corruption. Seriously, how often do you hear a warband that was skimming off the top of tax revenue?
Now, I know you all are just going to spam "heresy" memes at me and ignore the discussion we could be having over this, but I'd like to lodge my point. Nail it up on the church doors so to speak. I think it would do us all good to sit down and talk as much as we like about how these guys really aren't that bad.