>players who don't invest in their character and always sit back detached making the most rational decisions possible with the long view in mind
>GMs who attempt to force bad decisions on characters and making it very clear that it's a bad decision from the get go
>players who refuse to build flaws or weaknesses into their characters
>GMs who insist on forcing flaws and weaknesses into a character so they can exploit them oh so conveniently
>players who attempt to knock-off something real-world to force it into a fantasy campaign where it doesn't exist
>GMs who pick and choose real-world cultures and stick them in-game without alteration, or true understanding of that culture at all
>players who constantly nitpick the GM's setting
>GM's who complain about characters not fitting into the setting despite not sharing his setting notes until after characters were made
>players who make assumptions about the setting because of other settings (all elves are Tolkien elves, right?)
>GMs who try to rip off some unknown fantasy culture 1:1 and get mad when the players realize
Bitching and Moaning General - /bamg/
>>players who don't invest in their character and always sit back detached making the most rational decisions possible with the long view in mind
I don't see how these two are related and how is the latter one bad unless there is metagaming involved.
The latter is fine if you're playing a smart character. Less so if you're playing the fool of the group.
Loki and Thor in the old myths adventuring around, Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, the Fellowship of the Ring, just about any good fantasy story has the heroes making rash/risky/emotional decisions.
It's what separates a fun adventure from tabletop Final Fantasy Tactics.
The players are supposed to be adventurous risk takers, they should have an impulsive element to them, not act like a bunch of Vulcans (unless they are a bunch of literal Vulcans).
Otherwise smart people can act just as impulsively as dumb ones. Many out of a feeling that they are SO smart that their gut instinct is just naturally better than everyone else's.
>GMs who try to rip off some unknown fantasy culture 1:1 and get mad when the players realize
Or players who try to play a character from an "obscure" fantasy novel, which it turns out several people are familiar with.
Smart people make stupid choices all the time. For example, I'm posting on Veeky Forums instead of getting a job.
sounds like you aren't very smart then.
I guess so, but I hope you understand my point.
>players are supposed to
Play according to their characters personalities.
Neither of those things are bad IMO if you don't get all butthurt and defensive when someone calls you out.
>players who keep meta-judging and second-guessing every fucking in-game event instead of just playing the fucking game
>players who keep triple checking if someone else's action was permitted by the rules
>players who keep trying to apply "logic" to fucking fantasy magic or super advanced sci-fi technology, based on their own almost nonexistend understanding, who find "logical holes" and keep bitching about it
>players who just keep bitching about "GM being cruel" when they are defeated due to shit luck and piss poor decision making
>Play according to their characters personalities.
Yes, but in RPGs you get people making overly tactical choices in situations where a quick reaction or some imaginative flair would be far more entertaining for everyone than "pause the world, I have to think this over"
>GMs who insist on playing in their "homebrew" settings that contain almost fucking nothing aside from a crudely drawn map with stupid names
>GMs who try to portray something "in a realistic way" without knowing how it works in reality
>"pause the world, I have to think this over"
Only if you play some fast-thinking genius. Otherwise your character is just standing here while everyone else acts.
Is this a "That guy" thread?
>Frostmourne shattered
Nah, the master blacksmith just turned his sword into a dagger
>dorf used as a battering ram
I didn't know I needed this shit in my life.
Not quite as focused a subject as that. It's just a thread to bitch and moan in.
Shit was crazy yo
>Players that try to be DMs and fail at it, turning any game they touch into a trainwreck
>Then snipe players from games that they were going to be in themselves until they decided they wanted to try and run a game
>Then rope you, the DM from the game they sniped players from, into the position of helping them DM, "until they learn the ropes"
>And then want you to back-seat DM, giving them answers to every little thing that happens, instead of actually learning how to run the game themselves
>And then won't give you information you need, which stops you from giving them answers to their questions, forcing you to press them for information, like you're trying to torture it out of them
>And then, when you get enough of this bullshit and just ask the other players what's going on, they throw a hissy fit disavowing that they had ever had you helping them in the first place, and claiming that you're an idiot that doesn't know the first thing about running a game
Online games via IM. Once. Only once. Never again.
bump, anger must flow somewhere
bump again
can it be a case of the rules promoting such behaviour? Like WOW where you carefully pull one enemy group at a time. While dull, it's what the game 'wants' you to do.