My MTG ban list preditions for this month:
Modern: Stoneforge Mystic is unbanned. Jace, the Mind Sculptor is unbanned. Batterskull is banned.
Legacy: Terminus is banned.
My MTG ban list preditions for this month:
Modern: Stoneforge Mystic is unbanned. Jace, the Mind Sculptor is unbanned. Batterskull is banned.
Legacy: Terminus is banned.
>terminus is banned
topkek someone doesn't play legacy.
Jace unbanned in Modern? And kill SOI pack sales? Because Nahiri is literally the only thing selling that garbage set right now.
Stoneforge maybe, with Batterskull banned it could be fine.
So make Blue Tron suck even more while making D&T the best deck in Modern? Yeah, keep Stoneforge banned.
It's the card that makes Miracles, which already has good combo and control matchups overall, immune to creature-based strategies that aren't Dredge or DNT and makes zoo decks unplayable. Counterbalance can be pushed through with Abrupt Decay, Krosan Grip, Cavern of Souls, playing 12post/Eldrazi/MUD or just by countering CB. Top is required in too many archetypes and sideboards to eat a ban, only Miracles makes it to time every round with it.
Why should pack sales be a factor?
Banning Pod hurt KTK sales alot, as Rhino became irrelevant in Modern as a result. Just as unbanning Jace would make Nahiri irrelevant in Modern. But WoTC doesn't care, as the vast majority of people buying packs buying them for their Standard decks.
Nahiri is already being power crept, though. Thanks to the reveal of the new Tamiyo, Jeskai Nahiri players are switching to Bant Tamiyo.
You see, WoTC knows EXACTLY what they are doing with Modern. They have designed it to benefit speculators and scam the players. They banned Twin to push Eldrazi and OGW pack sales. Because that nearly destroyed the Modern format, WoTC decided to take a different approach: with each set, print a new planeswalker that every Modern player will want. The next set, print a new walker that completely outclasses the walker from the previous set. Tamiyo will be that walker that makes Nahiri irrelevant in Modern. And when Kaladesh comes out, there will be a brand new walker that makes Tamiyo irrelevant. Rise, repeat, profit.
part of the problem is i don't think wizards is gonna give a singular shit about legacy like it usually does. at best its gonna ban something exceptionally stupid like it always does such as top or FoW, and legacy is gonna collectively flip its shit calling wizards a pack of retarded shits.
Brainstorm is banned
this would put me on a buttrampage like the world wouldn't believe because its obvious wizards is trying to make everything like memedern then.
>Nahiri is already being power crept, though. Thanks to the reveal of the new Tamiyo, Jeskai Nahiri players are switching to Bant Tamiyo.
What the fuck does Bant Tamiyo look like? Bant as a straight midrange/control strategy is garbage in Modern, worse even than the current B list, Esper and Mardu. Even with Knightfall combo it's still mediocre.
Esper and Mardu are more like C list. Jeskai and Grixis are B list. Jund and Abzan are A list. Temur, Bant, and Sultai are D list. Naya is of course the F-list since that color combination is the epitome of pure aggro.
Specially because of the zoo part innit?
>Miracles so oppressive!!! Wuzards halp
Git gud
You're a retard if you think bans and unbans should take into account the shit tier decks. That's like saying Hypergenesis shouldn't be banned because Timmy McMuffin loves it in his Terra Stomper deck.
>Rhino became irrelevant in Modern as a result
>what was the Abzan domination in PT FRF
Any form of tron needs to be banned. Eye of Ugin getting banned and the collateral damage it caused to tron decks was a masterstroke by WotC.
There's nothing to be gained from getting more gud than I already am if a deck has every answer for everything except its two 80-20 matchups which no sane person plays.
Aaron Forscythe has said that JTMS and Stoneforge Mystic "can't" be unbanned in modern. Not "won't", but "can't". Green Sun's Zenith and Seething Song are the other two cards on that list.
Think about that for a moment.
I never understood why people bitch and moan about SfM in Modern. Everyone and their mother runs bolts, and those that don't typically run you over faster than you could do something. On top of tgat, artifact hate is necessary in the side so you dont auto-lose to Affinity, so swords or bskull are pretty lame in comparison.
If you use SfM in a control shell, you're dropping her in t3-4 with counterspell backup, and the games' pretty much decided by then.
Have you ever played with the fucking card? If you blow it away it still got you a crazy piece of equipment. That's the worse case. The best case is that if you're allowed to untap with her she starts cheating out shit.
The whole point is that you can jam multiples of her so you don't have to play multiples of equipment that are otherwise dead cards.
The artifact hate to kill the equipment isn't a silver bullet, you still have to contend with the rest of the deck and the rest of the (aggro) deck is beating you down or more than happy you're playing such a narrow hate-card (against control) to slow down your own game plan.
Modern: not happening
They aren't going to ban batterskull when SFM is the problem card to begin with.
Legacy: not happening.
I hate Miracles as much as the next person but the deck isn't busted beyond belief.
Have you looked at the current modern metagame? It's probably the absolute worst for SfM. Burn, Infect and Affinity literally do not care what you tutored, they'll push your shit in so hard, you'll be bleeding for a week. Tron shouldn't give a crap either, between Karn and Wurmcoil. Good luck keeping that tutored equipment when Jund/BGx rips it from your hand.
Seriously, the top decks have so many main deck answers, SfM does next to nothing.
All of those 4 cards are banned only to sell new product.
Seething Song would allow combo decks to outpace aggro decks, so that shiny new new mythic rare creature would have a harder time breaking into Modern. I.e, Voice of Resurgence, Kalitas.
Green Suns Zenith coming back would prevent new cards that cheat creatures into play that WoTC shits out from breaking into Modern. I.e, CoCo, Eldritch Evolution.
Finally JtMS is banned so WoTC can push whatever shiny new walker they shit out into Modern. I.e, Jace AoT, Nahiri.
And forgot to add: Stoneforge is banned to prevent D&T from suppressing the Zoo aggro decks that WoTC keeps printing new support for
No, Stoneforge is banned because D&T would supress the TRON decks that WoTC keeps shitting out cards for. (Ugin, Newlamog)
And? Yeah, unbanning those cards WOULD be a problem for sales, and WoTC IS a business. Look at Legacy. Nahiri, Newlamog, and Voice see very little play. Ugin, Coco, Kalitas, and Jace AoT see zero play. Eldritch Evolution isn't out yet but it is clearly not legacy playable, hell, there's literally a strictly better version of it in the format.
I dont even want to know how deluded you have to be to think this conspiracy theory crap
>durr planeswalkers are being pushed
Nahiris been the only playable planeswalker printed in a long time
Wheres the decks running SoI Jace, Sarkhan Unbroken, Sorin Grim Nemesis, Gideon Ally of Zendikar, etc.,
Oh right they dont exist. And those are all recently printed planes walkers
New Bant Tamiyo isnt playable but go ahead and spec on her and watch as she ends up a $8 mythic.
God fuck Tron. I play Burn with foil Goblin Guides just to tell tron players to eat a dick.
I can see the argument for Jace and GSZ, but putting Misty and Song in the "never ever" list is just dumb. For fuck's sake, Seething Song is the weakest fast mana on the banned list right now.
Forscythe is a hack.
>banning tron-lands
Why do you want this!? As long as stay away from all overpriced shit like Ugin and Karn, Tron's one of the cheapest archetypes in modern.
If anything, Karn and Ugin should be banned. This would reduce Tron's power (reducing its price even more), while not destroying the entire archetype.
a thread died for this
>Memedern babie got into legacy
>get his ass blasted by real control
I think you are in the wrong place, go here
The eye of ugin ban did jack shit to tron. If anything, it made the deck faster.
Nobody wants tamiyo in modern. She's shit
Why do you post user? You're so stupid it actually hurts me
I mean faster in that it ends game faster than when tron had eye of ugin. Every tron player I've spoken to say the same thing.
Krosan grip cannot force through counter balance
Losing a land that tutors a game ending creature makes the deck faster? Oh do tell me more
I'm not sure what you're trying to say beyond the fact that you're stupid as fuck.
Nice argument. How does losing a utility land that helps cast game winning creatures making this deck faster? Fucking how you dense motherfucker?
>let's remove a ramp deck's only turn 3-4 payoff cards in a format where people are regularly dead by turns 4 and 5, surely the deck won't die
How do you remember to breathe?
Great arguments.
Yes it can, because the average Miracles list only plays Entreat and/or Clique as their 3cmc so the odds of blind flipping one are low.
Yeah, i thought you were stupid. Let me break this down for you.
Imagine two relatively common scenarios:
1.) Tron + EoU on field, karn in hand
2.) Tron + Sanctum of Ugin of field, karn in hand
For 1 you have to spend a turn to activate eye of ugin or you play Karn, you can't do both.
For 2 you can play karn (or ugin because guess what sanctum taps for mana.) Then immediately tutor for a creature, either Wurmcoil, or if you know you can get to ten mana Ulamog. Sanctum of ugin is better at putting more pressure on your opponent faster, while Eye of ugin just gives you inevitability. Are you fucking getting it now?
I'm aware that it would hurt the deck, but its a good alternative to banning the tron lands themselves like what the other user was suggesting/implying.
Being unviable is significantly better than being banned.
>sanctum of Ugin
Oh okay. Dropped.
It's the exact same thing, no one cares about what goes on in the kitchen table.
There are other tron decks.
Not viable ones.
Yea totally bro! My stormtide leviathan Tron deck crushes my sisters cat tribal
Miracles is unfavored against combo
No one wants to argue with an idiot
I wasn't suggesting kitchen table. Tron could survive without Karn and/or Ugin, it just wouldn't be as good. There are a bunch of replacements that could fit in.
Hell, Ugin has actually lots popularity among Tron decks, and many verions don't play a full playset.
RG/Eldrazi Tron has been doing very well in tournaments, and that deck doesn't run a full playset of Karn half the time (and almost never more than 2 Ugin).
You've even started to see a bunch of slower tron builds that play 0 Karn 1 Ugin do very well.
Really minor, but Council's judgment is also a card. However, K-grip does permanently deal with top so it's still good.
Just fucking shut up.
What I expect:
Legacy: No changes. Outside chance of a counterbalance ban
What I want, from least to most controversial:
Earthcraft unbanned
Mind twist unbanned
Survival of the fittest unbanned
Necropotence unbanned
Yawgmoths Bargain unbanned
Balance unbanned
>Survival of the fittest unbanned
The dream.
Shardless Survival?
>Necropotence unbanned
>Yawgmoths Bargain unbanned
whatever you're smoking, can I have some?
Necro is great card. One of the best engines in the game. But magic is different from when it was banned. There are more good counters. 2-3 power 1 mana creatures are everywhere. Necro's drawback is more pronounced than ever. Will it break control to pieces? Yes. Will it give Storm a tool that it doesn't deserve? Yes. Will it make Pox and The Gate real decks? I think so.
As for Bargain? 7/7flying lifelink Bargain is fine, so I'm not worried.
>Balance unbanned
Please let it happen. I have four judge foil Balances on standby.
Can this be unbanned please?
Turn 1: city of traitors chalice on 1
Turn 2: mox diamond, ancient tomb, sphere of resistance, balance
You guys are storm players, I take it.
Actually i just want to play it as a one or two of in burn. Net 5 cards in hand and refuel the gas tank seems better then Sulfuric Vortex.
Delver, painter and Goblin Stompy actually. I just think that Necro is legitimately fine in the format. Wheel probably isn't though.
I mean reforge the soul is only two more mana
Magic is a great game because that 2 mana makes it go from overpowered to unplayable.
Would a 2 mana delver of secrets be playable?
It's not that I think it'll be too powerful if they're unbanned, I just don't see where they would go.
Yawgmoth's Bargain isn't gonna see play when Griselbrand exists, since you can't reanimate Yawgmoth's Bargain (unless you do some shit with Academy Rector, and if you're doing that, might as well just reanimate Griselbrand).
Necropotence I could see in some sort of mono B or UB Storm deck, but I don't know enough about Storm to know if this deck would actually have enough support. Then again, this is Necropotence, so it could happen.
The final nail in the coffin, however, is that neither card was reprinted in Eternal Masters. This is why I (personally) didn't object to the prediction of Balance being unbanned.
So yeah, it's not that I think there's a problem with either of these cards being unbanned, It's just that I don't imagine that they will or that they need too.
Bargain would go in storm. I'd play it in a heartbeat.
Auto 4 of in storm, pox and the gate is my initial thought. Any deck that runs Dark Ritual wants it
Its usually better than AN. But is it enough better that it needs to be banned?
Paying 1 life per card is SOOO much better than paying 1 life per mana.
JTMS won't be unbanned because there's no way to print enough supply to meet the eventual demand for it if it ever came off the ban list. Honestly it probably can come off it now, but it won't.
SFM is only oppressive if they make busted equipments again, like Batterskull. I've always maintained that if SFM got unbanned, Batterskull would take it's place. And there's enough hate cards now (mainly Abrupt Decay) that would let them target either SFM itself or the equipment that gets dropped onto the field.
GSZ probably has to stay on, simply because it narrows deck diversity, as every deck that runs green cards will include 4 of them.
Seething Song probably has to stay on, simply because it lets UR Storm get too consistent at turn 3 or turn 4 combo kills.
Why not just play Ad Nausium? You wouldn't need Bargain for more than one turn, and none of your cards are more than 1 or 2 CMC.
Legacy Storm already runs Ad Nausium as a one-of, plus one or 2 Dark Petitions to fetch it.
I forgot Pox was a thing that existed for a bit there. Scratch that, Necropotence would fit in Pox easily.
Pretty sure the raw card advantage that Tammy provides is better than the shitty abilities that Nahiri has. Nobody plays Rummaging Goblin or Oblivion Ring, and her ult is overrated and impractical.
JTMS and BBE are considered the safest cards to take off the banlist, but they still won't come back. JTMS because of price issues, and BBE because Jund is still tier 1 without it.
Poeple don't use Nahiri for the same reason they use Tamio (or at least would use Tamio if she saw play).
Firstly, Nahiri isn't card advantage, she's filtering. Specifically, she's consistent filtering that you can use over and over, and doesn't rely on some stupid shit like how many creatures your opponent has tapped.
Secondly, Nahiri is removal, which last I heard wasn't a "shitty ability" for a planeswalker to have. Killing two things for 4 mana is a very good deal.
Thirdly, Nahiri's ultimate is leagues and bounds superior to Tamio's. Tamio's ultimate lets you cast spells enough that you win the game eventually. Nahiri's ultimate lets you cheat out Emrakul from your deck, and that wins you the game then and there.
>Pretty sure the raw card advantage that Tammy provides is better than the shitty abilities that Nahiri has.
Uuuuuuh, have you been living under a rock for the past month or so? Nahiri is literally a win condition for Jeskai Control. Her +2 isn't technically card advantage, but it's a decent filter for your hand. It certainly is way less conditional then needing the two creatures to deal combat damage. Her minus ability is decent when you need it. Her ult is easy to get to and again, is a win condition all on it's own.
Right now, there is no deck that wants her nor will she enable a new deck archtype (highly unlikely at least). Being Bant colors makes it super restrictive on where she can be run
>Nahiri's ultimate lets you cheat out Emrakul from your deck, and that wins you the game then and there.
Heh, not a problem, I'll cast Bribery or tap Emmy down with Cryptic Command! Nahiri is bad guys, shes super overrated and a meme card :^))))))
You joke about that, but I've won a bunch of games thanks to sideboard Bribery against Jeskai Control for just that reason
BBE won't come off because K-Command is a thing that Jund runs maindeck.
JTMS for price concerns like you said.
I honestly don't get why some people are so stubborn to recognize that Nahiri is actually a thing in modern. I can't help but feel that "Nahri is bad!" is a meme at this point.
People are like that whenever something from Standard stirs up the meta and becomes a permanent feature. If I remember correctly, there was some similar shit that happened with Snapcaster Mage.
Really? What were the arguments for Snappy being a bad card when he was new?
I'm not sure what was said online or anything, but I remember in my play-group there was some serous scepticism over Snaps.
They weren't even arguments over weather he was a good card or not; people were just so surprised that these two innocuous cards (Snaps and Delver), out of nowhere, come along and become staples in every Eternal format in Magic.
People always tell themselves "Wizards doesn't print OP cards anymore, Standard is always less powerful than Modern." So when anything from Standard shakes up the meta and breaks this perception, people are always skeptical at first.