Are there really RPG developers who secretly shill their games on Veeky Forums, or pay people to shill on Veeky Forums?
Why do they do it?
Are there really RPG developers who secretly shill their games on Veeky Forums, or pay people to shill on Veeky Forums?
Why do they do it?
No, and no.
Why not?
Paid shills on the internet are absolutely a thing, but I doubt they're on Veeky Forums.
Source: Used to be one for a local politician.
>Are there really RPG developers who secretly shill their games on Veeky Forums, or pay people to shill on Veeky Forums?
>Why do they do it?
The most common reason I've seen is to bring in money for a Kickstarter
The MLP RPG people actually hang around the boards and frequently drop discounts.
Because if they did they'd quickly realize that Veeky Forums is a shithole and the scum who browse here will only shit on their game, then pirate it. Even if nobody realizes they're shilling, they're liable to get zero sales from here. It's just about the worst place to advertise things.
Advertising your RPG on Veeky Forums is just throwing money down a hole. Paying someone to secret advertise on Veeky Forums is throwing money down a hole while sitting on a PR bomb.
I shill my homebrew but it's not for sale, I just want people to play it.
This answer actually explains why it's illogical to shill on Veeky Forums.
Everybody can go home now.
Doesn't Strike! get shilled on Veeky Forums all the time?
Why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Strike!?
Have you considered that somebody might like things you don't like, without being paid to?
It gets way less mention than GURPS.
No. /g/ has shills. We just have people interested in things.
I've asked for critique on /gdg/, does that count?
>secretly shill their games on Veeky Forums
Possibly, but I doubt there are many considering Veeky Forums's reputation and Veeky Forums's lower userbase.
>pay people to shill on Veeky Forums
Most publishers can barely pay their employees, a freelance shill would cost too much.
That said, I wouldn't be surprised if WOTC and Onyx Path have shills here. Dreamscarred Press also does questionable stuff in /pfg/.
>Are there really RPG developers who secretly shill their games on Veeky Forums,
It's probably happened once or twice. I doubt anyone from anything big, though.
>or pay people to shill on Veeky Forums?
No fucking way. Maybe they'd buy a buddy a pizza in return for name dropping, but no money would change hands. There isn't any fucking return on investment.
pretty certain spoony shills here, so does whoever the guy doing OOTS is.
also some stupid fucker is always on here shilling for god damn GURPS and Exalted, i refuse to believe either GURPS or Exalted is as well played as the userbase claims, everyone plays GURPS is a meme and I refuse to believe enough people can stand exalted to keep a fucking general going for it.
>That said, I wouldn't be surprised if WOTC and Onyx Path have shills here.
Why would WOTC do that when they have actual ass advertisement in LGS?
Do they think people haven't fucking heard of MtG or DnD?
>everyone plays GURPS is a meme
Exactly. Suggesting GURPS for everything is a meme, not the work of shills.
Exalted just has a small, annoying fanbase, like every other Veeky Forums game that's not D&D. because that has a large, annoying fanbase
no they have shills here for sure, since alot of Veeky Forums unanimously agrees WotC is complete shit, and then there are completely blatant dumb fuckers desperately trying to shill for their terrible decisions, for example the MTG lore thread has hordes of the fuckers.
>also some stupid fucker is always on here shilling for god damn GURPS and Exalted, i refuse to believe either GURPS or Exalted is as well played as the userbase claims, everyone plays GURPS is a meme and I refuse to believe enough people can stand exalted to keep a fucking general going for it.
just lol that atthe Exalted devs have money to burn on fucking Veeky Forums
just lol that they have any money, period
>implying they arn't collectively NEETS collecting government money and the reason why Exalted is complete shit is because instead of fixing their shitty game they spend all day shitposting on Veeky Forums claiming the game is good.
>Dreamscarred Press also does questionable stuff in /pfg/.
What questionable stuff do they do?
Veeky Forums is free add-space, so I see a lot of kick starter creators put up a shallow "hey guys this looks cool what do you think?" threads linking to their bullshit game. This is their desperate attempt to get momentum going which feeds itself with how ks works, and its usually shilled twice as hard on reddit, Facebook, and Twitter. But this is usually the creative team behind iit and not paid advertisers.
Luckily they rarely get success out of it here because all those threads either quickly die due to inactivity, or turn into shitstorms making fun of how dumb their page/product looks.
So why do they do it? It's free and barely takes 2 seconds to do, and it provides more hits on their page which strokes their ego. Even if none of those hits turn into backers, it doesn't matter.
Veeky Forums has two important demographics: Pathfinder players and ye olde MTG players.
Part of the big push of 5e is definitely grassroots interest but there can be no doubt that some is viral marketing. "It's like 3.5 but fixed!" has become ubiquitous on the board.
For MTG it's careful spoiling and promotion of new cards to convince old players to scratch the itch and go to a Standard FNM again.
Do you mean the lore thread that's a Planeswalker circlejerk or the "lore" thread that's an OC circlejerk?
>burlew comes to tg to shill
t. thunt
Post more qt gote and maybe I'll tell you.
Remember to take your medication on schedule every day, user.
take your pick user, i personally mean the Planeswalker circlejerk but both of them have that problem.
>no they have shills here for sure,
You're delusional. Nobody at WotC gives a shit about tg.
>since alot of Veeky Forums unanimously agrees WotC is complete shit, and then there are completely blatant dumb fuckers desperately trying to shill for their terrible decisions, for example the MTG lore thread has hordes of the fuckers.
I don't think you know what shill means. Dumb fuckers who like MTG lore aren't shills because those dumb fucker aren't being paid shit.
More to the point, everyone and their brother knows what MtG is. Why would WotC even need to shill it?
t. exalted dev.
no matter how much you shill your shit its still shit.
Waifu-pandering, posting in the general with trips to attentionwhore and advertise. Probably other stuff too.
You can't afford shills on government money.
>Veeky Forums has two important demographics: Pathfinder players and ye olde MTG players.
That's exactly it, though. WotC doesn't need to spend money to trick people into talking about their products, people on Veeky Forums do that anyways.
But isn't that just good PR?
I doubt that shitposting on a Taiwanese shadow puppet bulletin board is good PR.
not a gote but still unf
I only know that a german editor for shadowrun posts in /srg/. She does it anonymously, tho
Deerpeople are cool as shit. Whether for magical realm or just general shenanigans.
They use trips because they come in the general to answer questions and receive feedback. The waifu shit is just something /pfg/ does with fucking everything, and informing people about play tests is hardly advertising. You can fucking pirate 80% of their shit in like two clicks on the padtebin.
We get devs posting their kickstarter projects all the time, but they're usually open about it, and always make it obvious its them.
Just comes from the hobby being based on fellow gamers being able to make and share content easily. Compare to /v/ where making a fun and functional game is hard.
>We get devs posting their kickstarter projects all the time
Isn't advertising illegal on this site?
That's because people play GURPS.
>alot of Veeky Forums unanimously agrees WotC is complete shit
What else does "alot of Veeky Forums" "unanimously" agree on?
That's why you don't mention that it's YOUR kickstarter.
If by shill you mean talk about it, yes. They do this because they like their game and want other people to also like it.
I doubt the latter happens here, or that the former is as aggressively sales-based as your choice of terms suggests.
I imagine they do it because if your game isn't Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, or World of Darkness you're going to have to work your ass off to get anyone to give your game a try.
Some devs are known to post on Veeky Forums; the Dark Heresy devs do.
The only company with known shills here is GW.
Roll20 used to do a shitload of "guerrilla advertising" on Veeky Forums back in the day.
>Roll20 used to do a shitload of "guerrilla advertising" on Veeky Forums back in the day.
That's because the people who made roll20 were already fa/tg/uys before they made roll20
There's a big difference between shilling and discussing it.
If I came here and said "I'm the developer of Generic Dice System" when GDS was known to the board, that would be okay.
If it was utterly unknown, it would likely be spammy as fuck.
Yeah, I helped shill a friend's ebook on /v/.
We only got two sales fyi, someone pirated it and posted the whole thing immediately
>Are there really RPG developers who secretly shill their games on Veeky Forums, or pay people to shill on Veeky Forums?
Varg occasionally shills his game system.
>not pay-what-you-want guilt-tripping people into paying more than they otherwise would
How does anyone make money out of that? It cuts his sight traffic which is what he mometarises right?
I mean, I'm attempting to learn GURPS right now, just because the system seems nice. Still haven't decided what to run in it.
>How does anyone make money out of that? It cuts his sight traffic which is what he mometarises right?
I guess the idea is that people who don't already go to the site to read it will start going to the site for updates rather than waiting for it to get posted on Veeky Forums
This of course assumes that people would be motivated enough to want immediate updates
Alternately, he might actually like the Thog edits and would rather put up with Veeky Forums's criticism than the shitshow that is his own site's forums.
>"It's like 3.5 but fixed!"
But user, that was 4e
I'm always shilling Fantasy Craft, but I'm not getting paid or asked to or anything. I'm just lonely and I like the system.