>+2 Dexterity,
>+2 Strength
>–2 Intelligence.
Would it fit?
>+2 Dexterity,
>+2 Strength
>–2 Intelligence.
Would it fit?
I'd swap out strength for wisdom since its the Druid stat along with perception and survival shit.
>would it fit?
Fit what? Night elves? Those specific characters? A specific person? Need more info...
Give them wisdom and endurance boosts for charisma drop as well.
I'm pretty sure OP meant Night Elves in general. I wouldn't give them the strength stat since Night Elves have a martiarchy
They don't have a mathriarchy, they have a gender seperated society.
Women are hunters while men tend the emerald dream as druids.
They have a matriarchal face at least, but that's only because the male leaders are always sleeping while the priestesses are always around. With how submissive and reverent some of the huntresses and priestesses are of the druids I'd say NE even lean patriarchal. All their great leaders have been male as well. The only exceptions being Tyrande and Azshara.
i thats for night elves its wrong.
id say -2 str but you could argue -2int since they failed to be mages and arcane. they also let the burning legion come 3 times now.
This is +0 Strength
I was never a fan of the male models.
+dex and +str makes no sense. neither does -int
They're supposed to be very adept at using arcane magic, they just have a cultural taboo against using it after their magic-using ruling class thoroughly fucked up and caused half the world's landmass to be blown up because their queen was such a turboslut that only the colossal flaming dong the the lord of the Burning Legion could satisfy her. The ones who wanted to keep using magic were banished and became the high elves.
Considering what arcane withdrawals do to elves, weaning themselves off arcane magic was probably the best decision they ever did.
Do you even know who the Night Elves are?
These are the motherfuckers who's first contact with the eastern kingdoms were to assassinate a paladin trying to broker peace between humans and orcs and the murdering those said humans and orcs.
The Night Elves are insanly xenophobic and a lot of the time straight up feral.
They are +2 Wis, -2 Int in the official Warcraft RPG campaign setting (the good one, not the WOW one)
+2 Wisdom; led by various combinations of clerics and druids
+2 Dexterity; don't really know what WoW looks like nowadays, but they used to have a passive that granted bonus dodge chance
-2 Charisma; society of isolationists and shut-ins, completely normal to lie in a cave for thousands of years, only recently started traveling outside of muh sacred forest
I feel like -int could work as well based on how unwilling they are to learn new things
Warcraft thread?
Warcraft thread.
>+2 Dex
>+2 Wis
No negatives because that's dumb.
If I did them up in 5E... +2 Wis, +1 Str? What else? Or did scores?
I think you mean 'different', user?
Fuckin ugh, yeah, my bad
I'd go with +2 Dex, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma (to make up for the fact they're supposed to be isolationist, nature-first, and with huge pride issues)
What would Gilnean worgen be? Same stats as a human when in human form, but going worgen means +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma?
Or how about -1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, and -2 Charisma?
The worgen form doesn't make them dumber, just more impulsive and instinctual, which I feel would be best represented by a wisdom penalty.
The problem in general with trying to represent Warcraft characters with D&D stats is that a lot of the classes work very differently in each setting. Wisdom might be the go-to stat for clerics, but I don't think anyone who has played WCIII could ever claim that Tyrande is strong in that regard and she's one of the most powerful priests in the setting.
The WoW RPG added spirit as a stat, I can't remember what else it did besides being the primary stat for priest-types, though.
>+1 Str
lol, no
Give them Dex or Int.
>increased physical stats
>decreases intelligence
...This is a nigger joke, isn't it?
Night Elves?
+2 Dex
+2 Wis
+2 Int
+4 Cha (if female)
+1 Penis (if female)
>+1 Str
Is this normal for 5E? Looks odd.
I actually have some of the old pre-WoW warcraft RPG books. Let's see...
>Elf, Night
> +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence. Night elves have very keen senses, but they often rely on instinct over intellect
>Medium, 30ft, etc.
>Superior Low-Light Vision: Night elves can see 3 times farther than a human can in starlight, moonlight, etc etc
>Energy Resistance: Night elves have cold and fire resistance 1. This trait represents but a lingering portion of the resistance that the race once enjoyed.
The book talks about their link to the world tree granting them resistance to magic and resilience in addition to immortality. Continuing...
>Shadowmeld: At night or in low-light environments, this extraordinary ability grants a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks when not moving.
>Spell Resistance: Night elves have spell resistance equal to 5 + character level. This is but a lingering portion of etc etc same as with the energy resistance
>Weapon Familiarity: Night elves may treat the moonglaive as a martial weapon, rather than an exotic weapon
>+2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks, also are class skills for them
>automatic languages, bonus languages, blah blah
>Favored Class: Scout (custom for the setting, basically an almost nonmagical ranger
>Level Adjustment +1
And the special bit:
>Prohibited Classes: Night elves foreswore the practice of arcane magic centuries ago and even built up great resistance against it. They can master arcane power, although doing so changes them forever. Once a night elf gains a level that grants the use of arcane spellcasting, he suffers a painful transformation that strips away his native night elf abilities and replaces them with high elf racial abilities. The complete change occurs in the space of one week and cannot be reversed once it has started.
It doesn't say they change to LOOK like high elves, just that they get their traits replaced. High elves have +2 Dex, +2 Int and -2 Con, and a bunch of magic-related traits.
Are blood elves in there? If so, are they different from high elves?
Nah, at the point this book was released there was no distinction between blood elves and high elves. Not in terms of race traits, anyway.
Did the first rpg come out before Frozen Throne did?
It came out before *Burning Crusade*, m8.
Standard racial stat bonuses in 5e are +2/+1, unless you're human in which case it's +1/+1/+1/+1/+1/+1.
Yeah this is why I always played female characters with most races. They all look like monsters (look at those hands!)
There were two editions. The Warcraft RPG and then the WoW RPG, with the last book release being Dark Factions which came out a little before BC.
The first book of the first RPG, yeah, I think so. It has a bit talking about Arthas ruling over the ruins of lordaeron, still. But then in the Manual of Monsters for the same run of books, it gives his stats for after he became the Lich King.
They succeeded too well at being mages and decided to not pull that bullshit again.
Why are the night elves in the alliance and not in the horde?
>weaning themselves off arcane magic was probably the best decision they ever did.
high elves are sexier than night elves, though
right cant insult your perfect elf.
elf fag
Because horde a shit
Learn how to post like a human being.
You just fell for his bait and showed how stupid you are.
So did frozen throne, the expansion to Warcraft 3, released 2004, if I remember.
Er, so I totally read "Frozen Throne" as "Wrath of the Lich King". I forgot completly about the WC3 expansion. Mea Culpa.
Because the Night Elves hate the Orcs.
>+2 Dex
>+2 Cha
>-2 Wis
Penalty to Constitution is better. And I'd give their bonus as Intelligence instead of Charisma.
I'm gonna second this. That sounds perfect for Blood Elves.
Also, IMO, the Night Elves are
+2 Dex
+2 Wis
-2 Cha
Dex and Wis for them favoring Ranger and Druid archetypes respectfully, and the Cha drawback due to their xenophobia/isolationism.
Should there be any difference between blood elves or high elves stat wise? Or should it just be traits that separate them? Or how about just personal actions?
Like before M'uru purified the Sunwell; you're a blood elf if you drain magic to sate your addiction, but if you meditate to deal with it, you're still a high elf.
There's also 10,000 years to separate high/blood elves with night elves, though; given how drastically different their societies are, as well as how much magic can modify things in Warcraft. I would think there'd be some differences, if nothing else to better show their leanings.
Plus, a -2 to Con fits for blood elves especially during the period where they were in magic withdrawal. Without that, though, their society is still "softer" and less martial relative to night elf society, so it still works.
I think I'd stick with charisma over intelligence though, it fits their spellcasting better, leaching off demonic energies as sorcerors and warlocks.
Yeah, I suppose if you look at it more specifically from a gameplay mechanic, you make a good point.
Night elves are mutated trolls taller than most NBA players, yet ripped enough to pose for workout magazines.
Blood elves are -2 STR if anything. But not Nelves.
Grom cut down their trees and killed Cenarius. And because the Alliance (human, dwarf, gnome) needed a 4th race to balance out the 4 Horde races (orc, troll, tauren, forsaken).
so the Alliance had a faction to balance out the Forsaken
in reality neither should have joined a faction in vanilla
>they failed to be mages
if by failed you mean "were so good that they nearly destroyed the planet" then ok
All this +2 Wisdom shit, but my experience of Night Elves is that they're dumb as shit.
They can't seem to predict anything, make good decisions or understand the root causes of events.
I think NE druids just practice a lot until they get it right, being immortal.
If you're playing to lore Night Elves probably aren't balanced in stat gains and just have overall positives. The strongest mages and druids ever have been elves, no? I think Azshara outclasses everyone else.
Yeah there are some races that ought to be better stat-wise with no penalties, but then munchkins and minmaxers would only ever pick those choices.
But then again, they'll find out what is the best mathematically anyways.
I ran into the same problem while statting Draenei for 5th edition. They should really get bonuses to int, wis, and cha, and probably str too.
3.5 handled the problem with level adjustment, where more powerful races gained xp slower, but in practice it rarely worked, and any LA higher than 2 usually completely gimped the race.
based on their portrayal within the games and novels they should have -2 to every single stat.
lorewise i think they should be closer to demigods than mortal men. trying to play a thousand year old creature at the level of a decades old human is inane.
faction-wise their weaknesses would be extreme xenophobia, adherence to tradition, low population and birth rates due to gender segregated society. not to mention complete disinterest in the world outside their forests.
Night Elves were the lower classes,they have never been mages
Sooo... Wood elf stats ?
nah there were high class who gave up magic among them and the split between high elves and night elves is a bit wonky at times
after all Illidan was heavily into magic but remained full on night elf until he went demonic