Redpill me on the ultramarines, Veeky Forums
Redpill me on the ultramarines, Veeky Forums
What the fuck is red pilling?
They're the greatest of them all.
Lesser Space Marine races would have you believe in Space Marine equality or things like "Dorn Power", but the fact remains that Ultramarines have superior gene-seed.
"Give me the alt-right perspective on something that's more or less apolitcal."
"I'm a cringey memeing faggot."
I'll bet half you redpill faggots haven't even watched the Matrix.
>I'll bet half you redpill faggots haven't even watched the Matrix.
There are so many easy targets here and this is where you choose to strike
Do you want a meme answer or a legit answer?
This is not /pol. Fuck off with this red pill bullshit.
What's this in English.
I can tell it's something to do with politics.
all you need to know is everyone else cries themselves to sleep at night because they aren't ultramarines
even the chaos marines
ESPECIALLY the chaos marines
"Captain King developed a resistance to chaos taint and punched out a demon lord? That sounds like chaos to me, let's put him in superjail."
Why not both?
Alt-right refers to the Right side of the political spectrum but to an Alternative way of thinking about said side.
If you had chart the "normal" Right side argument would be in the upper corner but the Alt-Right argument would be in the lower corner.
Now apply that political way of thinking to describe something that is in no way political nor can be properly related as such.
Ultramarines are colours derived from lapis lazuli, a precious mineral. The purer the mineral, the better the deep, dark blue hue you obtain once crushed, powdered and mixed with oil.
They are excellent for shadows, being a cool blue.
When did you grow out of the Ultramarine hate phase?
I did once their 30k legion got some fluff and detail
>"Wow this regular Space Marine has a Grey Knight tier resistance to corruption for no apparent reason. This couldn't be a trick by the Chaos god of tricks or a trap by the Chaos god of traps. Lets buy him a present."
Alt-Right is an attempt to rebrand white supremacy with a more acceptable and less accurate label. It's a Stormfront thing, and they've been testing it out on /pol/ for awhile now. Eventually it will filter out to the memesters who shitpost their stuff on other boards. It's just another shit meme of the season that will pass when they have to get jobs.
When I realised you can't blame them for the plot armour a certain writer put on them.
So, it's pseudopolitical white supremacy?
The more I learn of this world the less it makes sense to me.
In fact they wanted to make Grey Knight sequel befor THQ got rekt by shareholders.
>So, it's pseudopolitical white supremacy?
No, it's anti-SJW.
That may entail being flagrantly rascist, but it doesn't define it.
You didn't grow out of anything. Ultramarines have a lot of shit fluff, but it's improved in recent years as GW have eased off of the obsessive fanwankery. Getting better stuff now doesn't change the fact that they were piping hot garbage in previous editions.
>yfw Tidus is Cato Sicarus
>yfw Cato Sicarus acts like such a knob end because Tidus is under cover and has no idea how to act
>so he hams it up constantly
>no one would ever suspect stoic Tidus of being king douchebag Cato Sicarus
'Red Pilling' is the process of exposing the truth of a subject beyond popular conception or perception, the idea that 'this thing is not what you think it is, it is another thing, and that thing you think it is - is a lie"
This is of course derived from the Matrix, where Morpheus gave Neo a choice between red and blue pills - the red pill containing an encrypted virus that causes his mind to reject the Matrix and 'wake up', so he could be brought into the real world.
In /pol/ terms to 'red pill' is to strip away popular consensus or leftist propaganda and expose the so called 'hidden agenda' by those /pol/ would claim utilize marxist methodology to manipulate or control the beliefs and views of the majority.
As a concept, it shares similarities with Mystery Cults in the notion that there is some wisdom or knowledge hidden from the common mind that can only be revealed by the enlightened, usually to a chosen few. /pol/ and stormfront don't go quite this far but the intent is clear - to create a sense of providence and elitism, and engender the notion that those who share their views are just more in the know and stronger willed than the weak willed who buy into leftist propaganda.
In the context of Op I can only assume it means "strip away the meme's and Veeky Forumss bullshit, what is really there?"
>strip away the meme
This is pretty much what it means.
>Meme Answer
They're the greatest Space Marines and even other chapters revere them over their own Primarch.
>Real Answer
They religiously follow the Codex Astartes (instead of just using it as a guide like many chapters). They have a Roman aesthetic, and are called Ultramarines because they are based on the worlds of Ultramar, and the color of their armor. They have had some really awful fluff in recent years because of Matt Ward. Despite the terrible fluff, they actually are extremely competent and reliable, with their crippling weakness being that they can be taken completely off guard by tactics the Codex Astartes does not cover.
well explained
Despite the heavy political connotations it gets from being used on /pol/ all the time, red pilling refers to the movie The Matrix in which the protagonist is offeredared pill or a blue pill. The blue pill will cause him to go back to his normal life, while the red pill will wake him up to what is really happening in the world around him. "Red pilling" is opening someone's eyes to the reality of something.
Guy who asked here. I'm sorry I asked, but thank you.
Personally I call not getting caught up in propaganda/politics being sensible. We've all got different ideas but politicians want you to have THEIR ideas. So you need to think more about what they're actually doing, and what their idea really holds, rather than what they're doing to promote their idea.
Fuck I just said something that sounded political or whatever. You get what I mean though.
I still don't quite understand the notion but I think I get the gist.
Well look at it this way.
You look at your arm and say "thats my arm."
A redpiller will go "NO! Bad! Thats not your arm! Its America's arm! You ate their food, grow up in their culture, you wouldn't have existed without it doing the same for your family tree. Thats arms not yours, its america's. Consider yourself redpilled. Now help me burn down the police state so we can all go back to being free." The redpiller now considers you redpilled by putting you "in the know" using pseudopolitical nonsense he truly believes is real.
You must been one of those meme shitposters the others were talking about.
I'm saying thats the way idiots who use "redpill" unironically actually think and /pol/ is full of them.
I don't go on /pol/ but ok.
you don't need to throw a hissy fit every time someone says "red pill me on [x]" it's site culture at this point and only has what political undertones the subject matter could open the flood gate for.
If someone can turn the topic of ultramarines into "all niggers and kikes must die" I'm honestly impressed
Well they are all white and hate anything thats not the human ideal. Which is white.
The emperor isn't white.
This, it's a sad state of affairs when many Veeky Forums boards are now easily triggered by racism and political shitposting, but then I remember that many of you were preteens in 2010. Tip: it doesn't matter, if you don't like the meme then ignore it and move on, like people did before the latest batch of gen y showed up.
Tee bee aych the internet has been both a blessing and a curse. On one hand it gave us unprecedented access to information and instant global communication, on the other hand it turned every single fucktard in the first world into a political activist. I miss the politically apathetic commoners, this new pseudo-democratic paradigm is becoming a tyranny of the facebook idiot.
Slander and Heresy!
it's why they're so awesome. To make up for their inherited Original Sin.
The "Vanilla" marines. No quirks except they are rome military-themed. One of the most stable and pure genseed storages of all chapters. Basically "your dudes", when you want just space marines, without any other bullshit. Praised by GW and hated by some neckbeards. That's it.
Also check my 6.
You had 8 chances for a 6 and failed every one.
The red pill was introduced as a method to wake from the dreamworld in Total Recall long before the matrix
Since it has been since the days of Priestley and excessively brightly colored 40k artwork, they are the Greatest of All Space Marines.
And their feats have only gotten more ridiculous from there, such as Phil Kelly's tale of Sicarius winning a slamjam against a Transcendent Ctan Shard while Calgar redirected a Necron Orbital Defense battery with his bare powerfists
Ever since they got Matt Ward's sticky mitts off them, the Ultrasmurfs have gone from one of my most hated Chapters, to an apathetic 'meh,' to finally now being one of my favourites out of all of them.
Just goes to show how dramatic an effect one shitty writer can have.
>yfw Matt Ward fluff is just 2e Codex: Ultramarines written almost verbatim