Tell me about the ogres of your setting.
Tell me about the ogres of your setting
me smash little men
Your pic related.
Ogres are really good in WHFB.
They used to be giant not-Tibetan monks living in ascetism in the mountains, eating only bark and yak-milk but then a bunch of daemons told them to eat what ever they fucking want and forget about doing monk stuff, and so they started eat each other and after that moved away from the mountains to eat other beings and beasts.
Now they're oversized maneaters and the not-russian had to build a wall in not-siberia to keep them from pushing westward. The wall was built by the not-Czar's political enemies to a point of exhaustion, and those who died building it were used as building material for it. Hence it's called the ''Grave Wall''.
Also the ogres invented cannons by improvising giant bells as guns in order to shoot dragons from the skies for food.
That's fucking bad ass.
The Allfather created the titans, animals, plant, and the mortal races.
Some of the Titans rebelled while he was of doing something, started attecking the mortals.
Allfather got pissed at the sons and daughters, and punished them accordingly.
the The titan that started the killing was banished from Heavan, and became the lord of the fire giants. his two cohorts became the Lords of the Ice and the Hill giants( which includes the Troll God). God's that remained loyal to the Allfather became the Lords of the Sky and the Storm Giants, and still chilling out in their sky palaces in heaven.
the last two Titan, not wanting anything to do with it, was giving his own mountain and was to told to make a living, he was the smallest of the Titans, but he and his sons were the hardest working, supplying both mortals and Titans alike with fine crafted metal works.
The first Brother became the lord of Both Stone and Dwarves. The Later became the lord of the ogres.
Ogres kinda live in mountaious regions and communities, only trading once in awhile to outsiders.
they just kinda chill and work a honest days work and be family men.
TL;DR: ogres are basically neutral isolated "Dwarf Giants" who mine and make good weapons and armor and shit for big sometimes human size creatures. their shit's know to be nice and tough and reasonably priced for their quality.
end blog post
pic unrelated.
>Players need to go see the Elves
>Decide to ignore roads, just head in proper direction in a straight line
>Decide to give them an encounter so it's not just "lol you walk for three weeks"
>Me: you reach a fetid peat bog. You see a small wooden sign
>Sign reads "B-ware: Ogre"
>Have them roll notice. Tell them they hear faint sound of music.
>Start playing Smash Mouth on my laptop at minimal volume
>Music is slowly getting louder.
Pretty neat.
My Ogres were driven to extinction due to the actions of a powerful demigod enacting a one man genocide specifically targeting Ogres. However recently a giant old worm was killed and when it's belly was split open it was discovered that the beast had had an entire small civilization built within its belly. Due to magic weirdness the people within its belly were being digested over the course of millenia. They hadn't seemed to age at all the entire time but due to the digestion process and the years of constant darkness had gone blind and had their bodies slowly corroded away.
So Ogres exist in my world as half rotted, blind monsters of legend. Still huge and violent and dangerous but now deformed and trying to find a new place in the world.
>whole civilization in a worms belly
Heh, neat
In my setting Ogres exist as an idea of giant man-harming monsters but there's not an official race called Ogres or anything
What part?
my sides
A result of a Shadowrun like happening happened.
the population of nations turned into fantasy creatures based on national stereotypes.
Americans became Ogres, big, loud and more.
Small arms are pretty useless against each other so the second amendment now also covers hand cannons n rocket-launchers.
I assume France is simply inhabited by masses of Frogs now, yes?
Something like that.
Ogres and other lesser giants are what is left of the giant race after they were wiped out for defying their creators, who had created the giants in order to punish the elves for defying their creators. The term Ogre is mostly used to describe any monster bigger than a man, just as the term Elf is used to describe small monsters.
Once, they ruled the land with the giants, using their crude language to command the stone of the earth. That was until the primitive human tribes banded together to overthrow them.
In the following centuries, human empires rose and fell upon the backs of ogre slaves, until the Shazriq Empire was destroyed by the Impact. The Pyrrisian cult that formed the New Great Empire saw enslavement as one of the many sins that angered their goddess, so the ogres, giants, and goblins in their territories were freed. While a few territories of the Shazriq remain, ogres are generally considered to be free people now.
There is still mistrust between the races, but many ogres have joined the Pyrrisian cult, paying lip service to enjoy the benefits. Though it has been heard of a few returning to the geomancer roots of their ancestors, bring a new generation of Stone Lords to Aegeos.
They're a kind of mutant born by human mothers, usually with very difficult births. Getting stuck or not getting out fast enough account for how many of them either die, or are severely mentally handicapped (like oxygen deprived babies can be) which accounts for the stereotype that they are slow and stupid, and the high chance of the mother dying giving birth to it means they're often abandoned or put in the woods to die, and are hated in general.
If you ever meet one that's okay in the head it's one of the best friends or worst enemies you can make.
Their time is all ogre.
>so the second amendment now also covers hand cannons n rocket-launchers
>implying it doesn't already
Giant neanderthals with natural psionic ability. 9-12 ft tall, strong, lanky arms, short-ish legs, with the back of their head elongated and covered by a bone crest.
They retain a lot of ancestor memories that are shared among each clan, and sometimes between clans for older memories. This gives them a great affinity not only for psionics (crude as the application of such may be), but they can also channel the oldest of their memories into atavistic transormations. This most commonly takes the form of sharpened teeth and claws, as well as an exceptionally thick hide that the battle-shamans of the tribe specialize in. Among the humans on the continent, these warriors are known only in hushed whispers as the "stone coats".
Mostly, they just act as a sort of bogeyman in the setting. They're never the primary villains (in fact, there's at least one plot line where they become temporary allies), but when an ogre war party comes knocking, shit's going to go pear-shaped.
Smallest true giants and among the most common as their living requirements are much lower then their older cousins. Ogres are not particularly smart but tough, strong, and surprisingly fast. One day a wizard had the brilliant idea of increasing ogre intelligence by giving them multiple heads.
It worked...somewhat. The heads however tended to not get along and while brilliant by ogre standards.They are very clumsy as the heads fight for control of the body. Not to mention loud.
One can easily tell a multi headed ogre is coming by the arguing and the clumsy movements. So they are not by any means sneaky.
I am still working on them in my setting and that is what i have so far.
Sounds good and reminds of the Ogres of WC3. Don't know what WoW did with them
Giant green orc-like humanoid creatures living in marshes that drop with mucous. Usually solitary males, who are extremely territorial and aggressive against intruders. Sometimes though, they will capture domesticated or wild animals.
In fact the humans who live near these ogre populations sometimes even adopt their mannerisms and religion. Ogre religion, like thier culture is very crude and usually focused around basic day-to-day tasks like simple farming, cooking, and eating. Because their appetites (and bodies) are so large, most of their diet consists of native swamp vegetables, rather than animals.
His oniony scent is ripe and juicy. It's ogretime.
Deformed monsters that are usually born when a giant tries to fuck something, even another giant. Other possible results are trolls, ettins, and other horrible giantkin.
Half-giants are made by wizard experiments.
One of the later stages of the monster life cycled, goblin>hobgoblin>orc>ogre>giant>titan
Half-breed bastard offshoots of Hill Giants.
After giant society collapsed, they started to do whatever they wanted. Rampant incest produced the ''hill giant'' subrace and then hill giants interbreeding with normal humans produced ogres. As a result, they bear a lot in common with Hill Giants but are shunned by their progenitors.
Ultimately you get an arbnormally large, about 8-10 foot tall, rotund individual with extremely low IQ, low hygiene standards and a tendency to eat and fuck whatever it wants and is able to.
Inbred, cannibalistic giants. And giants are a subset of humans.
>Don't know what WoW did with them
all the recent backstory stayed the same but we find out that they're descended from Draenor's increasingly degenerate stone giants and used to be kept as slaves by them before rebelling and creating their own (Roman) empire that was destroyed by the Horde
>basically neutral isolated "Dwarf Giants" who mine and make good weapons and armor and shit for big sometimes human size creatures.
They are what happens when giants get mutated by a particular eldritch horror.
A bunch of cunts really.
they were made as sort of living magical batteries for a race known as the geigers.
they had no ability to use magic but they could store it very well.
to control them the geigers upped their metabolism to almost insane highs and limited their food supply to keep them constantly hungry. as a result of this they ended up forming a sort of religion based on food and as part of their funerals they cut the body up and fed it to friends, family and small children to pass on their strength.
they were later freed from their slavery by a human paladin, to this day they still have very strong ties to the human kingdoms and the paladin order.
once they were free they began to build a new culture, especially around the art of cooking. it's said that even a ogre child as young as 12 can cook a 3 star meal with only a small amount of effort.
this obsession of with food even extended to their magic as they found a way to turn the nutrients and minerals in their meals into superpowers.
food with lots of iron gave them iron skin, carrots gave them night vision and apples healed them and so on and so forth.
Mammoth hunting, tundra dwelling Stone Age primatives who craft and wield compound bows of size and pull beyond the capabilities of man. They keep small packs of kobolds (the original canine like breed of d&d fame) in their villages treating them like a human would a small dog albeit one that can do tasks in addition to vermin control and small game hunting. this behaviour can, if the tribe is exposed to other species, lead to a kind of slave taking.
Ogres that leave their homes for mans realm can become corrupted by the ease which their strength can be used to take what they will.
Subjugation and predation of smaller species tends to follow.
They often ease into the slavers role as a result.
Ogres are trolls that lost their healing powers. As such their metabolism is slow and they become very obese and retarded from losing the rapidly regrow in troll brain-matter.
Trolls try to pretend ogres aren't related to them because their healing ability is their gift from the Gods- something like an ogre existing is shameful. Otherwise they typically just pity them.
They're relict hominids adapted to cannibalism, and have adapted traits specialised to hunting and killing other humans for food; increased strength and speed, better short term memory and nocturnal habits.
They're hairless, large and preternaturally strong and have unpigmented skin.
Many are savage and bestial, but othes, particular smaller members of the genus infultrate human comminities, posing as large humans.
Imagine an entire species consisting of Judge Holden from Blood Meridian.
The ogres in my setting are built like caber tossers, both the males and the females. They are gourmands by culture, but not very good cooks. They live in highlands tending farms and raising livestock. The have a close relationship with the setting's halflings who live in the nearby lowlands. The halflings being excellent cooks provide good times for the ogres, and the ogres protect the halflings.
Sometimes ogres are captured by the Shadow clan of NotJapan and are forcefully bred with shadow (displacer) beasts summoned by evil mages. The offspring are called oni and have shapeshifting powers.
>Tell me about
Big guys, wear masks.
Ogres are kin to humans as both are descendants of Primordial Giants.
They tend to stand, at the tallest, around 12 feet tall and their bodies are muscular and somewhat squat looking both male and female.
They are very family oriented and social creatures and live and work alongside humans often time with Ogre women acting as Caretakers for both ogre and human children and many families even adopting orphaned human children into their own families even though the two can't interbreed
you alright user, you alright
Did he atleast make the ogres pay for it?
Coincidentally, same here.
The closest thing is clayfolk, which are like stocky, horned giants covered in tattoos. They live underground and shape the earth above. Despite their reclusive nature, they have very foul tempers.
Two kinds of Ogres exist in my setting. Original Ogres and Mules. Original Ogres come about by two ways, either by being a spectacularly greedy or gluttonous person who makes the mistake of going to the Fae lands and is warped by passage through the mist (as all mortals are) to reflect his true self. However, to truly become an ogre they must also be possessed of a certain amount of strength and self confidence, usually someone who has been successful in life to date. They come out with the same intelligence and memories of their previous life, but have bestiary visages and a constant hunger that they are powerless to ignore even while they are smart enough to know that pursuing this hunger at all costs is ruining any plans or goals they may have had. But they are helpless to stop themselves.
The other way is much the same, but done with intent and a strict period of training ideally starting before the person hits puberty and lasting until their mid twenties to ensure their personality is truly solidified. Then the Fae are petitioned to test them. Sometimes applicants don't come back for centuries, or at all, but usually the time they're gone is no longer than ten breaths. All come back changed, purified but distant as if they no longer can relate to the lives they once held. Often times they view it as a dream that someone told them about.
Mules com from the breeding of an Original Ogre. Rape, either by a Mistaken one or of a Pure one (Fuck in wizards yo.). They themselves are sterile, and in opposition to their parent Ogres are almost completely passion-less. They make for excellent guards and officers of the military. However most of these are aware of their lack, and almost isn't completely without passion. This results into them usually passing back into the Fae lands and what happens then we only have rumours. The ones that stay appear to be functionally immortal unless killed. Also, look up Hybrid Vigor.
Tl;Dr Ogres are people with all the breaks cut, or are obsessed with a singular ideal that they feel they encompass. Monsters and Big Damn Heroes. The details of the shapes may vary. Offspring are only half-alive because Fae can only twist life not give it, and given the nature of the OOgres it's extremely unlikely for their births to have been consensual on both sides, although possible.
They went extinct from being excessively hunted and ostracized in most societies, malnutrition, and being heavy cannon fodder. Some museums have ogre skeletons and ornaments from a bygone era
I like the Everquest Ogres
God of War was being that guy and made more races than anyone else.
Orcs Ogres Giants..
Also made them the strongest.
After they start attacking the realms of the gods they get cursed.
Now they're dumb as sack of bricks.
They're a bunch of big guys
Some people will claim ogres are a debasement of giants, but the truth is they are an enlargement of man. You find them among the ghost-eating cultists of the yellow cannibal god, or those epicurean mouth-scholars who acquire knowledge through consumption. A man is sustained by his appetite throughout his life - and often, it grows with him. Think of the hero who gathers his companions and defeats a great evil because of his appetite for glory. Think of the conqueror who enlists ten thousand men and tramples three countries to satisfy his hunger for dominion. The ogre is of the same type as these. His hunger is a raw, eternal hunger: a hunger for blood and bone and meat and spirit. His appetite for flesh is never-ending - and his own flesh grows to match it. He would drink the seas and eat the molten heart of the world if he could.