All hail to Alarielle's feet edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
All hail to Alarielle's feet edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Queek shall rise again.
Hail to the King.
Not if I have anything to say about it, faggot.
If you do, it's because I allowed it.
4th for Ushoran a best.
So i've decided to pick Slaves to Darkness as my second Army. The theme is that they are a kingdom that has recently pledged itself to Chaos as a way to survive the never ending dangers of the the realms.
So, how do warriors of Chaos work in AoS? I know Chaos has little to no ranged game, and thus, are entirely focused around melee. I plan on using mostly Warriors, with some Marauders, led by a Exalted Hero, but I know ill need other things. I just have no idea what they'd be. Anything I should add onto it? Also, Id love to hear ideas for their kingdom: Why they fell, how they worship, how they fight, etc. Im also looking for cool character ideas for their heros.
>Implying you could wipe your own ass without a Skink assistant
Froglets, when will they learn?
Lol rat men demolish you temples
No they didn't. We went into fucking space.
I have evolved beyond pooping, user. I am one with the stars. You're just living in the shadow of bigger things. Pathetic.
When do you think the traits and abilities will be available for other sub factions like ironjawz and pestes
>getting things
To hell with the orks, I just care about the pestilens
I'm impressed by that the latest releases don't have the most retarded names possible.
This ain't 40k, maybe someone in the design team actually cares about fantasy Orcs
Probably pretty soon, one of the good things to come out of AoS is now GW has an effective digital delivery system for minor additions and updates (AoS app), so they can push through a few minor changes.
I wouldn't be surprised if they provided some kind of pdf within about a month of the General's Handbook dropping containing updates for Ironjawz, Flesh-Eater Courts, Stormcast, and Seraphon.
Potential Seraphon player here: with the changes to summoning in matched play, has the Slann lost a lot of value? His kit seems so focused around it that I wonder if you might as well just take Kroak anyway.
>Seraphon didn't get an update
Didn't Stormcast get Warlord Trait Table or something but Seraphon was one of the 3 that didn't?
Don't take Kroak. He is a trick. He is about 200 more expensive than he should be. Take a regular Slann + Starpriest. That'll do it.
Overpriced toad
Too much legs.
Given that Kroak is more than twice the cost of a Slann, I think a Slann is still a viable option if you're intent on bringing a frog.
Anyway, for 260pts the Starmaster is still alright as an option. The Constellation provides a decent set of buffs that you can potentially tailor throughout the battle as need requires, and the Command ability provides decent maneuverability.
Being able to cast 3 spells in a turn is pretty good, too. Sure, you might not be summoning 3 units a turn anymore, but that's still +1 to a save, d3 mortal wounds on an enemy within 18", and being able to take Battleshock on 2d6 dropping the highest, each turn.
The Starmaster also isn't terrible stat-wise, with 7 wounds and a 4+ save. 6 attacks in close combat with rend 1 isn't bad, either.
That said, he isn't anywhere near an auto-take now either, and personally I think I'm more likely to go with an Oldblood or Scar-Vet on Carnosaur most of the time, but that's mainly because I like the model more.
She has big thighs. There's some serious muscle going on there. Probably for crushing skulls with.
>Didn't Stormcast get Warlord Trait Table or something but Seraphon was one of the 3 that didn't?
I thought 'Order' as a very general allegiance received traits and artefacts, but I'm pretty sure Stormcast specifically haven't gotten any yet.
I'd let her crush my skull any day
What is this in the red square?
Thanks for weighing in. Kroak looks/looked appealing due to the better inherent spells and dice manipulation.
Anyone mind showing off a 1000pt build just to point me in the right direction? Slann as general not mandatory.
It is for Order as a whole, but, shock-horrors, there's a Stormcast in the picture, so whiny Sera-fags feel under-represented. Again.
Bird with sprite on the back. Probably just artistic license based on warhawks. I doubt we'll see more trees beyond current release now.
You know, if you like Kroak's model more, which most people do, you can totally still use him as a normal Slann.
Example list for Seras is hard. You could run lots of Skinks and their pets, you could run Saurus Knights, Skink Starpriests and Carnosaur Heroes, you could run footslogging Saurus and a bit of Stegadon fire support... The army has a lot of combinations that fit in 1000 points, a lot of them viable.
Off the top of my hat, what I would do:
>Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur
>Skink Starpriest
>5 Saurus Knights
>10 Saurus Knights
>Stegadon w/ Bolt Thrower
Simple tactic, toss your buffs and charge while the Stegadon also gives fire support.
No such things.
She is also a life godess, so she needs strong thighs for all that procreation.
You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this.
Probably at least as long as I have.
So how rushed do you guys think this book is?
Really sucks they missed one several battalions, the silver tower stuff, etc
I guess FW has to release their points and such at a slower pace. But if all this is to prepare for the summer battle it's a bit lame how some shit is absent.
Certainly sucks to be a Chaos Dwarf player, that all i know.
I love the fact that the life goddess is also their crazy war goddess in her spring/summer aspect.
Something about a god that is down with fighting and fucking is great.
>the silver tower stuff,
I think they'll just update the existing pdf.
>tfw Chaos undivided sucks
>tfw Warriors, Marauders, Harpies and Hero's all suck.
How do I make Chaos undivided viable?
>I guess FW has to release their points and such at a slower pace.
FW has always had to release their own stuff, so it shouldn't have been suprising that FW stuff didn't have points in the GH.
>But if all this is to prepare for the summer battle it's a bit lame how some shit is absent.
For all we know they might have the PDF with point values ready and are gonna post it on the website on the day of the GHs release. I wouldn't count on it but it's still possible.
Spoken like someone who has no fucking clue how this sort of thing works.
Do you really think they added two factions that haven't been released yet but "forgot" about Silver Tower? No. They left that out on purpose. There is a Tzeentch release coming in the future. This release will probably include all the stuff we got sneak peaks for via Silver Tower, but it is so far in the future that they didn't want to include it yet. So you can use the Silver Tower in Open or Narrative, but Matched will have to do without it until they have an actual release including Battle Traits and Artifacts.
As for the Forgeworld stuff, when has the main GW team EVER supported FW? They LET Forgeworld decide on their own rules, at their own time, as they have always done.
The narrative batallions are probably missing with good reason (such as being fucking bullshit) and I really doubt GW expected the Silver Tower stuff to actually be as popular as it turned out to be.
In the end it is apparent that the book was not initially meant to be part of the release cycle, to be sure, otherwise Jervis Johnson and his ilk wouldn't have defended the lack of points and structured play as much as they did, let alone releasing the relevant book only a year into the game.
Overall, the point values in general seem pretty much on spot, some exceptions notwithstanding, and the rule tweaks overall make sense and clear up the largest issues the game has apart from the Knight-Vexillor bullshit being still broken.
And FW shit being absant from a GW book is surprising for nobody. That's how things have always been, and FW probably has a pdf with the point values and such waiting in the wings.
And playing Dawi Zharr sucks for a great many reasons, lacking point values are such a minute concern when compared to our shit-tier infantry, it hardly bothers me.
I dislike that a unit with 10 models costs the same as one with 30, and that it's skewed toward having lots of models like WHFB did, but I can deal with it.
So long as people arn't taking mournghuls in competative play, im happy
And this is coming from a death player
What did JJ say? There was an article he wrote on points that did the rounds after AOS came out, but that was from a classic white dwarf years ago.
80 GBP = 106 USD
Cost in on US GW Site = $130...
sure why the fuck not.
Did you factor in the cost of moving it across the Atlantic Ocean
So are there any NoVA fags here? Had a question about the Springfield GW store.
>I dislike that a unit with 10 models costs the same as one with 30
Being retarded must make life difficult for you, user.
It does please don't discriminate user-kum
It's also a great representation of nature that is not some romantic hippy drivel. Real world mother nature is a violent bitch and there is all kinds of war going on in the animal kingdom.
There was some talk of the design team on a con or some such, where they said that AoS not having points was a brilliant move since they wouldn't be able to make it balanced anyway and anything the fans would vome up with would probably be better.
Is it really that difficult to understand that you pay those points for each batch of (MIN number) models you take? I thought it was just some anons taking the piss out of a somewhat vague system, but I keep reading such comments...
Buh? If you don't intentionally only play mass infantry, you are unlikely to go above 40 models in 1000 points.
>I dislike that a unit with 10 models costs the same as one with 30
So what? 10 Blightkings can mulch any 30 mass infantry models of their own cost. The reason mass infantry is weaker is because they're shit unless taken in great numbers. If you decide to go that route, then yes, you will end up with 80 models in 1000 points. If you play a monster and some elite infantry, you will most certainly not get to huge numbers. Out of 4 1000 point lists I've made so far (Bloodbound, Sylvaneth, Rotbringers, Seraphon), one has 18 models, one has 28 models, one has 35 models and one has 38 models. Sure, you can go out of your way and cram 150 Ungor in 1000 points, but that would be a) shit and b) your own choice.
Why? If it costs 500 points, I'd be okay with it. Remember, in Matched, you can only cast 1 Mystic Shield per turn.
It doesn't cost $24 to ship a box that size to the US from the UK
£80 is $142 aud but the model is $225 here, stop complaining that you have to pay a little bit more then England, at least you don't deal with Australian prices.
>Why? If it costs 500 points, I'd be okay with it. Remember, in Matched, you can only cast 1 Mystic Shield per turn.
You'll be happy if it costs even 340 and you'll like it. 500 is a massively hopeful dream knowing FW
And mystic shield isn't even the problem, but even that one shield will go a long way on a Mournghul, the things are nigh unsinkable
As of RIGHT NOW 80 GBP is 106$ so idk where you're getting your numbers.
AUS$ you doorknob.
Actually lately FW has been getting pretty good with their balance work. Ask any 30k player and they'll readily tell you 30k feels more balanced than 40k.
If anything the Mourngul will be priced so high it's nigh useless and it'll cost more than Behemoth slot.
Remember prices aren't based on today's exchange rates. The pound is suffering from fluctuations. Also the buying rate on a currency ain't what the market sells at. You've got to be buying a lot of money to get those rates.
hrmn. i've been thinking on a kill team/skirmish level for the game. something like 300 points to select dudes, dudes are bought individually. Dudes act individually but you can glom dudes from the same valid unit into a single squad, which you want to do a bit for the ability of having ablative wounds and spreading unit buffs. (like if a unit can be only spear or only swords then only spears can glom together, etc.)
Thinking no restriction on what you can buy(300 points is tiny tiny), and allegiance stuff is in effect so you can get command traits and general stuff and an artifact.
So what's the official ending to all gates?
You don't. Undivided has always sucked ass.
Chosen smack shit around real good. Compensate you lack of range with a hell cannon, and think about aligning them to a God of Chaos. Khornish warriors of chaos are brutal melee fighters. Maybe use this choice as a story arc, but either way, it lets you introduce more models to your army.
Lead character wise, the aspiring death bringer gives you additional attacks to your units I think, might only be khorn. Honestly Archaon's Warlord Without Equal is really good, but he's expensive $ and points. Hellcannons will make your opponent hate you though, don't bring more than two.
NoVa fag here. I've been trying to find people to play with forever. Usually go to Fairfax though.
I mean I was trying to get into AoS but I didn't know if there were any people in NoVa who actually played it. Pretty close to Manassas, so...
Yeah, no shit the 30k is balanced, all the armies are basically the same.
The funny thing is that the only one that is not (mechanicum) is also the one that is incredibly unbalanced.
I was also thinking that things that are limited to one/unit are limited to one/warband. So you could only take one unit leader per different squad (for example you could only have one Freeguild guard sarge in the warband no matter how many freeguild guard you buy. but if you buy a handgunner they can be your one handgunner squad leader, buy a crossbowman they can be your one crossbowman squad leader)
Maybe change the unit thing to a coherency thing. where dudes from the same warscroll (regardless of loadout) are counted as a unit for unit benefits as long as they keep an unbroken link of dudemans with no more than i dunno, two inches between each dude?
Any londoners here?
Where do you play AoS?
After a full day of going through the book now that i had access to it...
I am liking the path to glory campaign stuff (however only the factions which have had aos updates are playable... and all of chaos.)
But i havn't found points cost for any of the formations from the realmaget wars books
I have a friend who is collecting an army based on one of the formations and with no points cost i don't know if one should be made up for it or if its okay to play it without points? (its not the 200 points one cos its calledskullkers of runestruck path)
i play at my local store in west london,
This. 30k is so bland it'd be impossible to fuck it up. AoS is whole different game.
Just have to agree on a number. most formations cost about 60-80, 80 is probably a fair price.
I can't find the cost for the Virulent Horde but i assume it will be about 60 given how weak it is.
Anyone read this already? Are stories interesting?
Just pay a 100 for it and call it a day.
not out yet, that one is out next week, and ill probably pick it up.
talking about lore quickly. who here has bought all the aos cds? i listened to the first one but havnt bothered with the rest as i don't want to fork over £12 for 1 hour of talking. If so can i be given a quck runthrough of what happened?
It's out as e-book. But I'm reluctant to buy it not knowing its quality.
Hey I really think my highlights have improved
Is 1k the new default game size for AoS?
I think that puts me at almost 3k of chaos..
I thought AoS didn't use points, are you just using the fantasy points values?
The General's Handbook, a new Rulebook for AoS, is adding a point system.
Considering the point system isn't even officially out, saying anything is a default game size is a bit premature.
I'm probably being retarded but looking at the Skaven points for the WLC I see that it gives the points for 1 but the max size is 1. Does that mean that I can only take 1 per army?
1k seems fairly small for most of the newer armies. Stormcast and Ironjaws have tiny forces under that value, for example. I really hope for 2k to become the standard, to be honest. AoS plays quickly anyway, so it shouldn't be much of an issue.
One per 'slot'. No unit of WLC, basically.
Ah that makes more sense. Another question, is it still possible to make a Throgg all troll and monster list? Now with the forge world prices dropping I'm thinking about getting a hag
In Open Play yes, in point games no. You'd need to have some Battleline unit and none of the monsters are one. Also, the Hag is only destruction, you wouldn't be allowed to field her in a chaos army in matched play (the one with points).
Aw...I've been wanting to make this list since 8th ed but I've been gun-shy because of the price...my wallet is safe I suppose
>Friend tells me feminist are ruining aos/40k
>this comes out
ayy lmao
I wouldn't say they're ruining it, they're just writing about ruining it.
>Friend tells me feminist are ruining aos/40k
Your friend is a fucking idiot and needs to spend less time on /v/, Warhammer is the one thing feminists simply cannot touch, the designers don't even pretend to give a fuck.
Hell the GW team barely listens to it's own audience, why would they give a shit about some unpleasable bitches who won't even play the game
>Alarielle the thighqueen
>Your friend is a fucking idiot
>GW team barely listens to it's own audience
sad but true
Looks good, but a tad harsh for cloth. Maybe ad a wah or two.
The getting started boxes are about 500, give or take, so I'd assume they want you to at least buy 2.
1k is the points values I keep seeing lists for.
1500 is probably more realistic.
>GW can actually design characters that look female
What world is this I'm living in
The 'official' game size in the book is 1k, 2k, and 2500.
Why there is no 750, or 1500 we shall never know. But house ruling will provide that, and yes you are somewhat encouraged to buy 2 of the starter boxes, it's not a bad idea for most armies and they are good value.
The world where the designers started producing testosterone
The wash was what made it harsh. It was originally like in the above pic until an user recommended a wash, so I did that, got a muddy green colour, and just used Nurgling. Which wash do you recommend? Also, do you recommend doing a base of death world instead? Atm I go castellion earthshade straken then earthshade then Nurgling.
You should see my Ogors. My list got 14 models on the table.
This is one before the second earthshade
What is a good General for a Skarbrand centric force that doesn't want another Thirster?
Would like to have Command Ability but Skarbrand rolls alone.