> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
This thread needs bingo!
Asking again here:
>Well that'd bloody obvious, isn't it? Think of your family who has to pay for the damages, you inconsiderate bastard.
And it's unavoidable as you can't run into battle skyclad without getting shot, poisoned, irradiated or worse.
I have a feeling that the Imperium doesn't send out notifications of death, but bills for damaged, destroyed and lost equipment instead.
Your family is turbo-fucked if you happen to crew a tank or fly a Valkryie.
You just need to buy a single attack bike from GW, and put the Cataphractii captain on the attack bike. He also needs a thunder hammer, which you can probably obtain from your GW's Bit Box.
Can you Anons make a good command squad with Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken?
Cataphrachii terminators can go on bikes?
Yes. Read Angels of Death. Essentially what it is is that Cataphractii Captains(just the captain sadly), can take Special Issue Wargear. As well, Cataphractii Armour's rules does not say it counts as terminator armour for the purposes of wargear, only formations and transport capacity. Therefore a Cataphractii Captain can take a bike or a Jump Pack.
RAW, yes.
RAI, no.
So good luck trying to get a pickup game with this approach to the rules.
Anyone else suffer from thinking all the armies are cool and can't pick one?
I think psykers are cool and don't really like anything Imperium
>don't really like anything Imperium
Fucking race traitor.
This is mainly why I never started Fantasy, I like most of the armies so I decided to just get some minis I liked and settle for 40k. But that's ok since I disliked the setting and rules in general of fantasy.
I'm still stuck deciding wether to go IG or Renegades. Fuuuuuuu.....
What would you do? Also I'm aiming for a fun list and either allying with daemons or power armour.
I had the same problem with fantasy. I ended up going with Lizardmen, cause who doesn't like dinosaurs?
As for 40k, there is less variation. Space Marines are, well, Space Marines. The new BA's are awesome though. Eldar are OK. Imperial Guard are great due to unit variation. Forge World does some sexy models.
only by the most twisted munchiny interpretation of RAW.
Good luck finding a tournament that lets you play that either.
renegades are cool because you can customize them a lot, instead of just having boring starship troopers
Not really.
The instant i meet my faction and learn its lore, I knew that was my thing.
I like a lot of factions, but I love mine.
Tanks and valkyries are not personal equipment, though.
Of course not.
If you think that they can, then you are part of the cancer that ruined the game in the years.
Mhm. In 40k there's only 2 races i liked and a subfaction. Necrons, Tau and the Thousand Sons legion. The rest are ok but not nowhere near enticing enough to ever field or even collect.
But fantasy, man.. you like Arthurian Knights and legends, egyptian skellingtons (I use some of the Tomb Kings range for TS), Sneaky vile were-rats and abominations, giant aztec dinosaurs, marauding beefy viking motherfuckers, castlevania-tier badass vampire monstrosities like vargheists and varghulfs? Fantasy's got so much cool fucking shit in terms of races and models.
I was that way when I started reading the lore and found out about Tyranids, but upon hearing about how bad they are I feel reluctant to blow money on them if they're just gonna look nice.
They're signed over to the person who commands them (tanks) or pilots them (valks and other flyers). It's pretty common to sign over equipment like that in the military. When I was in I had signed for a couple of HMMVWs and had $15kUSD in personal equipment. I can't imagine the IG doesn't do the same.
So how many paints baseline is necessary for an okay job?
I play Sisters because I love the Exorcist tank so much it sold me on the army as a whole. I like DE models so much I'm starting an army of them despite them being bottom tier trash according to the internet (they might fare better in my local meta, who knows).
Play something because you like it and want to have fun with it, not because the internet tells you to. Regardless of what you start with initially you'll lose a lot anyways, so might as well lose with something you like until you get good enough to win with it.
Of course they're issued to their operators, but usually the Guard rules are far stricter in terms of personal equipment over merely issued ones.
Depends on the paintscheme and what level of detail you're aiming for.
Bare minimum for a 3 color scheme job would be about 6: 3 base colors, and 3 colors you actually want to use to paint over those base colors (unless one of them is black, then you only need 5).
I play Mono-God CSM.
I'm the definition of bad on the table.
But I love my army and I don't care.
They're awesome, and I'm gonna buy, paint and play them no matter what.
My dudes are so awesome every game is a moral victory.
Spoken like a true man
>But I love my army and I don't care.
>They're awesome, and I'm gonna buy, paint and play them no matter what.
>My dudes are so awesome every game is a moral victory.
And that, is the only true way to play the game. Everyone enjoys playing against someone who truly loves their army and is passionate about it (plus painted armies are the fucking awesome) over playing someone who just cycles through armies like a Sororitas Order going through tampons during their period.
>like a Sororitas Order going through tampons during their period
It depends on the brand and the Order.
inspiring, i think i'll pull my 1k sons out of storage for a few games now
Bloody Rose using the generic brand tampons.
I play pure 1k sons CSM myself but honestly, they are just not fun to play.
I love the army, I have converted, kitbashed, fluffed, painted and based most and I don't care if I lose (In fact I win a lot with them in my meta, no WAACfags) but they just aren't fun to play. Before the cabal, I couldn't even field a good amount of sorcerers, now I'm paying a premium for the privilege of being fluffy and cutting out so much shit I have already to field them. So not only do I get to do nothing but walk forwards and shoot and now, finally, cast a few spells, but I'm leaving half my legion at home because everything's so expensive.
I think they go through those quickly. I have a feeling that Valerous Heart doesn't use any, but what brand would Argent Shroud use?
I played without any God specific units (just haven't gotten the models, autism won't let myself play proxies) and I get what you are saying. I love pairing with daemons when my games get stale, although that's better for higher point games
Can someone explain how void shields work? They're not in the core rulebook and I can't seem to find them online.
It's an AV12 shield that comes back on a roll of 5+ at the beginning of your turn.
If it doesn't come back the first time, is it gone forever? Or do I get to keep rolling?
Just go with Imperial Militia and Cults. It's a 30k army list that's better than renegades and highly customizable.
Each void shield is AV12. Glancing/Penetrating hit from shooting attacks causes it to collapse. When all shields are depleted, the target itself takes damage normally. At the beginning of your next turn, roll a D6 for each shield that's down and on a 5+ it comes back online.
The rule can be found in the Escalation and Stronghold Assault books.
Looking to build a small Inquisition force. Does anyone have and good ideas for models to use as acolytes armed with bolters? I might build some using various bits like Victoria Miniatures. Also general advice on how to run Inquisition would be nice.
Yes, you can keep rolling every turn, as long as there's shields that are down.
You get to roll for all of the missing ones every turn. Also, they eat a hit entirely. So if you get shot with a weapon that fires two shots and both roll 12 to pen you lose two shields, but if you get shot by something that pens once and then does d3 hull points (like a D weapon or turbo-penetrator rounds), you only lose one void shield.
here's the thing dude, i get where you're coming from but getting your ass handed to you in a competitive game (competitive meaning pvp) over and over because my guys suck is just not fun no matter how cool they are in my head
the legion-specific units make all the difference. My rubrics are the backbone of my army, I love them to death but unfortunately they cost me 484 points base, without transports or anything for the leader. My mandatory Sorc HQ is another 130 and the cabal is another 500. Bare minimum to even be considered a 1k sons theme costs me 1.1K points.
I love them, truly, but they are simply not fun to play. I don't care if they remain shit, but if we get some choices and shit to do, I'll play these till the sun explodes.
Cultists with different heads and the chaos icons filed off?
I can't confirm, but I've heard rumors of Tzeentch deamon kin. It's the reason I'm holding off on buying God specific units. Could of course be wishful thinking, so take it with a large grain of salt.
>It negates an entire D hit
I use Dark Vengenace cultists as my bolter dudes.
Make sure you only take one psyker per elites slot since they're BoP and you only get a warp charge for the first guy in each slot.
Don't give your acolytes anything more than bolters or maybe flamers, they're pretty bad with BS 3.
Fun units:
DCAs protected by Crusaders. Mix Arco Flagellants and Daemonhosts to taste, but personally I don't run either.
5 Jokaero in a Chimera spitting out HF templates
2-3 Jokaero getting Prescience rerolls on lascannons from a psyker
Conversion Beamer/Hellrifle Inquisitors, with Plasma Cannon servitors on the side if you want. Make sure to bring a Crusader for a 15 point 3+ invuln.
Deep Striking Scions guided by Servo Skulls to represent your storm troopers
I know those lips.
Would be bit of a shit if it didn't. The thing's suppose to protect titans from orbital barrages, etc.
Source then plz.
You said that just InCase somebody didn't?
I can't speak for Tzeentch Daemonkin as that rumour has been coming and going for like a year now but I know Tzeentch is getting some form of love later on this year probably with the second Wulfen book and next year will be 8th Edition, a CSM codex update and lots of chaos focus. I'd hold out on buying legion-specific unit in case we get dope plastic rubrics.
>next year will be 8th Edition,
Too clean for me.
Next year is 40k's 30th anniversary and all but confirmed by the most trusted rumour guys, those who are basically never wrong. The Hour of Chaos will be upon us.
So what human planets are the ones being fucked up by Tyranids the most? Fucked up but not abandoned, just constantly being defended piling up corpses from both ends endlessly.
Argent Shroud uses pads with silver threads woven in.
Art looks familiar. Sauce?
InCase is awesome. I prefer lesbians and yuri for my schlick material but her stuff overrides that and I end up enjoyong her futa stuff.
If they pull the same garbage they did with Age of Sigmar, I'm burning down a GW store.
At this point I haven't had any sort of GW scene in my area for months. Either they fuck it up and nothing changes, or they fix something that makes locals comfortable playing again. In short this can only be a positive change for all the people who vaguely want to play 40k but the rules are too retarded.
If they REALLY fuck up then we might see a complete fan edition like the 9th Age or something.
Meh, AoS is structurally sound, especially now that it has points values. 40k would be fine under such a system as long as it gets the free rules datasheets too.
Plenty of games in my region, and I like the complexity. I remember how 40k was in the 90s with its charts, tables, and variety. They dumped most of it and increased army sizes to sell more models.
Extra stuff like fliers and planetstrike built up over the 2000s, but were haphazard. Unifying buildings/bastions, superheavies, fliers altogether in basic rules is awesome. More variety of models and fewer rules required. Brought me back to the game after 10 years of absence. That and the renaissance of old lore. (Aside, I called them on the phone circa 1996 and told them they should have Horus Heresy rules, and they said balancing the superhuman primarchs would be too hard.)
But now people are apparently complaining it's too complicated? I don't want my game turned into paste eater kiddie nonsense.
Doing a 200pt kill team doubles thing tonight with the Black Library rules. How bad will I get spanked with pure Ork Bikers?
Streamlining won't make it paste eater levels of stupid but instead put the focus on tactics over rules loophole exploits.
Simple to learn but hard to master is what a good wargame should be and I'd welcome a 40k like that.
Well, if you play CSM or Daemons now, you should be more than enough familitar with charts. So it's not like that's gone. Besides, a lot of games in the old days had charts.
>But now people are apparently complaining it's too complicated?
Well, when you have new supplements and formations with special rules getting released every other week, and the FOC is a joke, it's a bit of a mess really.
The Devils aren't so bad compared to the rest of this Tyrannoformed hole they call home.
Does anyone have the Space Marine Start Collecting formation?
I just realized I have an overabundance of Terminator Captains
what changes to the core rules would GW make in 8th if they wanted to make the best game ever?
What's better for a Blood Angels captain, Valour's Edge or a Relic Blade?
Not the same user, but I think current 40k sometimes gets described as complex when what it really is is bloated. There's a huge number of special rules to remember/look up, formations and detachments spread across campaign books and other supplements, and so on. And yet a lot of interactions in the game are relatively simplified, for example vehicle damage is just a straight chart rather than working out where the shot hit and what it did to that component.
buff combat and make av hardier
If keeping a combined arms game, then I generally agree. But the variety of armies and units types requires a variety of special rules. Getting rid of too many will damage the diversity of the game and (worse from a business pespective) ruin people's armies. No one wants to put $500 into a miniatures force only to see it rendered illegal or obsolete.
A new edition should be tweaks, not an overhaul. But if it's only tweaks, why need a new edition? Consolidation of FAQs, like I've seen suggested?
Reduce the BS table across the board, say shift it one column across (with a buff for orks and anything else BS2, before the orkbros all jump on me). It's too easy to hit now, too much stuff hits on a 3+ or better, when back when they had BS penalties for cover etc. 3+ was where a good marksmen started from before penalties were applied.
Sometimes an overhaul is a good idea (Rogue Trader to 2nd Ed, 2nd Ed to 3rd).
>formations and detachments spread across campaign books and other supplements
But unless these are actively used in your game, they're irrelevant. No one has to use them, and if no one does they don't matter. They're options that fit into existing rules, not true bloat.
TSRs Player Options rules expansions were bloat. God damn... they broke everything.
>Warhammer 40k turns 30 years old next year. The new edition is due. The clock will be taken from 5 minutes to midnight to 1 minute to midnight with the return of the Daemonprimarchs - or will they return alone? This is the theme of the new setting - think along the lines of 13th Black Crusade - but this time, it's serious. They want to get the same excitement as the community had during the End Times - without actually going as far as Age of Sigmar did.
>Chaos fans - this is your hour. Stop beeing grudgy, there will be lots of love for all of you - renegades, former legions, daemon lovers.
What are you attacking with him
Marines- Valour's Edge
Anything without 2+- Relic Blade
Natfka has a claim that it'll drop Sep '17.
If true it'll line up with the release of Rogue Trader 30 years ago.
Damn who is that stone cold bitch
Derandomize charge distance, make it 6 or 12 inches STANDARD
Remove restrictions from charging out of reserves
Make vehicles more durable. No rolling on the damage chart unless the weapon is AP3 or better, and shift all results up by one (so explodes is now on an 8, immobilized on a 7), a roll of 1 always means "downgrade to glancing hit"
Thunderhammer/powerfist and a stormshield if you plan on having him dance with the big boys. Otherwise, relic blade.
>charges are now 12"
>can charge out of reserves
congrats you just handed the game daemons and marines
I win mist my games on points with my de, they miss out on the cheese but can play well regardles. Have great mc weapons as base and some great anti tank options to boot.
Okay everyone, go ahead and mark off "Orks are a strong codex, I win with them all the time" on your bingo boards.
No pls, i just started this hobby...
>Add reaction shots
>Remove snapshots
>Nerf psychic powers
>Remove summoning
>Bring the truckloads of wargear back from 3rd edition
>Add in a couple more detachments alongside CAD that every faction can use
>New vehicle damage chart: Add the amount you beat the vehicles AV by to the vehicle damage table
>Give snipers pinning.
Send help
Orks are a strong codex though, I win with the all the time vs. Deldar and Tyranids.
>Derandomize charge distance, make it 6 or 12 inches STANDARD
I wish there was a game store nearer than 2 hours away. There used to be a game store just a few miles away, but they had a hard time getting enough people to come by regularly (lots of people in the area, but almost no Veeky Forums people) so they closed this year...
Years ago there was also a store sort of near where I now work, but it was broken into three times, losing many thousands of dollars of merchandise, so they closed down too.
Going to the nearest GW store and back would pretty much be an all-day thing for me.
The city I live in has nearly a million people, why do none of them play traditional games???
>Derandomize charge distance, make it 6 or 12 inches STANDARD
Yep, just fuck over 50% of armies because they are guaranteed to be steamrolled by 12" charges. And while we are at it, lets make more melee units suffer and make it so they can only charge 6 inches. That way the 12 inch charging melee guys can just move out of the way slightly and then return so that they can get the bonus for charging.
This actually isn't too bad of an idea.
Lone Vostroyan Sergeant + lowly scrubs are on their way!
>The city I live in has nearly a million people, why do none of them play traditional games???
They probably do, you just aren't looking in the right places. Many people before gamestores were popularized ran their tabletop games at home. Ontop of their tables.
Search online in you area for groups looking for players for rpg. Get together with some people and build a table between you people and host Warhammer Wednesday at a house.
I didn't even notice that there was a sororita in the picture at first.
sounds like your gaming group needs a "all models have Hatred (unpainted models) and Preferred Enemy (unpainted models)" rull