What are half-dragons like in your game?
What are half-dragons like in your game?
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Modern dragons are tacky and childish, and half dragons/dragonborn/kobolds are, without fail, snowflakes or scalebait that should be expunged.
Surely not lazy fetishbait like your pic related.
In my fantasy setting, non-existent. Not for lack of trying but when given even nice dragons are pretty racist and those open minded enough to try mating with mortals will inevitably accidentally kill their squishy mates... Yeah.
in my super hero setting: pretty much look like humans with stat bonuses since that seems to be how it goes in mythology.
And lastly in an urban fantasy collab story with a friend, they're able to shift between three forms, alter their size, and are pretty darn powerful. In fact, technically would be as powerful as their parents if not for being thousands upon even millions of years younger.
Half-breeds in the urban fantasy setting are stupidly rare and really painfully hard on any human mother, but supernatural blood takes dozens of generations before it starts to actually water down and then it basically just becomes "human with x-ancestry"
This was mostly to avoid the "one sixteenth angel, one fourth dragon, etc. etc." thing.
My setting doesn't have any species that can breed with other species. Half-breeds don't add anything interesting to the setting.
I've had one half-dragon appear in the fantasy game I run.
Her other half was catgirl, and she was a pirate.
It was not a very serious game.
There aren't any, they don't fit. No fertile offspring can be produced from parents of separate species, and dragons are much further removed from anything vaguely humanoid than that.
They're half-wyvern half-dragon.
I miss fluffy dergen, I miss seeing the poor things try to chug, only to see it dribble down their neck.
Nice. I'm thinking that tge ONE dragon that was in my setting probably tried to reproduce using humans somehow. What should his terrible half spawn monstrocities be like?
Half human, half dragon.
You motherfucker
I like them to look the way they are in official art. Blending humanoid form with draconic features.
Chimeras with severe health problems due to doubling-up on vital organs, muscle growth that exceeds what the body can manage, and inconsistent bone density.
Most of them die from organ failure. The ones lucky enough to not have the more severe complications are capable of living for up to 60 years.
Half-dragons generally are abominable creatures with few human characteristics.Few are conceived, even fewer survive long past childbirth. However, those that do are very dangerous.
Dragons are the most powerful demons. Demons, unlike devils or Fallen, are universally incapable of creating a physical body of their own in the material world, instead relying solely on possession. Dragons are too powerful to keep an average host's body for more than a few minutes before it is torn apart by the strain. If the dragon serves as the mother, any children it produces will be full demons. Obviously, this poses a problem for creating half-mortal children.
Even if a host mother were to prove suitable and stable enough to successfully conceive a dragon's child, carrying it to term will be hard on her. The child will feed off of her spiritual and physical energy to grow and keep itself alive. At birth, the monstrous infant will usually die once the link is severed. Its demonic heritage makes maintaining a physical body difficult, while the mortal side makes doing so necessary. Anything rarity that has the power to do so in those conditions has immense spiritual energy.
>Being Demons
Get out of here, Tanar'ri, we're on to your lies.
Violent and sad.
The are prone to terrible, explosive rages in which they will often destroy and kill indiscriminately, with little ability to control it or predict when they occur.
The few that survive childhood will inevitably abandon their homes and families and live out solitary existences for fear of hurting those around them.
This is similar to how I handle half-immortals. Except the only person who can give birth to such a thing is someone who has innate divine power, like how sorcerers have innate arcane power.
Growing one inside you depletes this power quite rapidly. If you don't have enough, you'll simply give birth to a matricidal abomination that constantly hungers for flesh, and is capable of killing shortly after birth.
I elaborate on it more here.
I mean, the term "Dragon" is more a rank or title than a species of demon. One might look like a fiery lion covered in human faces while the next is a giant dog-maggot.
Cavalrymen that happened to have misadventures with an axe.
lol ok edgelord
>*tips fedora*
Is she wearing a tiny dragon as clothes?
Considering its tail moves from one image to the next, it's not just a tiny dragon, but a tiny LIVE dragon.
Running a game at the moment where the half dragons that Tiamat has recruited to fulfill a prophecy.
Have them slowly losing their humanoid features as Tiamat's influence rips out the mortal bits. Very much claw, fang and scale once we get to the end.
Depends on how much dragon the wizard mixes in. The same applies to the half-giants.
Most of the recent ones have been the result of dragon-worshiping cults performing rituals with dragon's blood or dragon eggs. Of those that survive the process, a good half of them go insane almost immediately. Those who are able to keep their physical forms from falling apart and being torn to pieces by magic without losing their minds are looked upon by their cults as heroes and figures of worship as nascent dragons. All half-dragons share the same goal: to transcend the frailties of mortality that plague the "lesser races" and become true dragons. Whether they believe the best way to doing is so is through virtue or might or otherwise depends on the individual.
It's a slightly smaller dragon with a predilection for walking on it's two hind legs. Dragon genes are dominant for the most part but strangely enough seem to be rather weak in the legs department.
Dragon fucks a human, bipedal dragon
Dragon fuck a horse, hooved quadruped dragon
Dragon fucks a mermaid, finned flying fish dragon
Dragon fuck a Dryad, stump dragon.
In my games, the dragon shapeshifts to make mating even remotely possible.
The only thing that really transfers is the inherent magical talent, something like the Draconic bloodline is treated in Pathfinder. BBEGs with draconic blood get the Eldritch Heritage (Draconic) for free, and use their blood in rituals and shit for plot-magic.
There's not really any such thing, considering that it's biologically impossible. Dragon genes do not mix well with human ones. I suppose it's not impossible for a human to be altered to resemble a dragon in a few ways, but that's probably not even 1% dragon.
Of course, we're talking full magical dragons here. In that case, they can sort of reproduce with humans. However, the child is basically just going to be a dragon in human form. One day it'll shapeshift into its true form and fuck off to join the rest of its kind.
Dragons cant reproduce outside its genus so...maybe a half drake half dragon, or half wyvern half dragon.
After the The Burning, a bio-engineered disease that caused a dragon's internal elemental forces to turn against it's own body, most dragons species have gone extinct while the survivors are among the strongest, most powerful dragons to have lived. With the birth rate drastically dropping, dragons have turned to the mortal races for a solution.
Lineage being one of the most important things to a dragon, they've found that producing half-mortal progeny is a convenient way to ensure their bloodline and name while providing a readily accessible and easily pliable servitor race.
The features of a Half-Dragon are determined by it's parentage. If the mother was of the mortal races, the child is live-born like most mammals and bears only slight resemblance to it's father's race, with patches of scales, reptile eyes, pronounced fringe and exotic coloration being present.
If the mother was dragon, instead the child is born from an egg and has a higher chance of exhibiting dragon features, such as wings, claws, full-body scales and reptilian skull and body formation.
Slightly smaller dragons because the only thing dragons can produce offspring with is wyverns
In this specific case, it was mostly a obnoxiously powerful half-giant who used his dragon blood to power his sorcery.
He had a complex because he was picked on by the other giants for being small and ugly so he killed his tribe and made up for it by being a total degenerate. Eventually, he met his grandfather and learned how to be a real dragon, and spent the rest of his life trying to purge the "lesser races" from his blood.
>same filename as
Unfortunate souls, caught between two worlds.
The lucky ones are akin to their draconic parent, and long lived and potent elemental beings.
The unlucky ones are simply long lived, and hard to kill, so they must watch their friends and other mortal compatriots die as they keep surviving all.
The fact that almost every dragon is on a different plane does not help them.
Half dragon half humans look like humans, but may have heterochromia, strange eye colors, or colorful birthmarks.
Half dragon half lizard men are just lizard men but bigger with some brighter colors. These are the only races dragons can reproduce with, but most dragons live up in heaven and only come down to Earth on official business or if they went Rogue.
The offspring of a dragon in the form is a humanoid and a dragon is a pure bred dragonling in the form of a humanoid baby. It can transform back into a dragon with the same ease that a dragon can become humanoid.
The offspring may not ever realize it's actually a dragon without being informed or being exposed to forensic magic, however and issues regarding species identity may occur.
This is potentially very dangerous if the dragon transforms itself into a non-humanoid species such as a rabbit, since it will produce rapidly reproducing intelligent rabbits, which given their lifestyle are unlikely to actually discover they are dragons and may subsequently result in entire populations of what appear to be mundane rabbits suddenly turning into extremely powerful firebreathing reptiles if a wizard or druid happens by and informs the rabbits of their lineage.
>a forest full of magical dragon rabbits
Fund it
Why don't dragons as a species just shapeshift into bunnies, make a shit load of rabbit dragons, and then tell them how to shift
They'd conquer the world overnight
I like the way you guys think.
My half-dragons are pretty boring-- They just tend to function like paragon humans that only faintly resemble their parentage in apperance, but are nearly identical in personality. They live on magic and are generally only plot devices so far. Never major plot points either. . . They need more work
To be strictly fair.
My setting's dragons are actually manakete.
'cause they're cool, and more useful as characters instead of forces of nature.
This makes me want to do something with a breed of firebeathing dragonmice.
Non-existent due to flavor reasons and a lack of a reason for their inclusion.
Because dragons, even the good ones, are tremendous egotists who balk at the idea of a hierarchy that doesn't put them at the top. It takes a god asserting its authority to make a dragon accept being rank and file, and even then they'll grumble about it.
My favorite scheme for half dragons was one which gives them much reduced age categories, and so the analog of a great wyrm is similar to a giant.
>Implying I've ever had half-dragons in my games.
my dear dear ocelot
D&D dragons are basically Manakete anyway since most of them polymorph into humans and become god-kings and shit.
Manakete are cool though.
90% of them are sterile and look more akin to draconic chimera than their base species. Their lifespan is short, and they tend to not be particularly smart, but they make for good soldiers due to being strong and hard to kill.
Another 9% are paragon half-X half-dragon types, looking like your typical example of it's race except with scales/horns/wings. They aren't sterile, but will only ever produce chimeras. They are, however, extremely long lived and naturally exist on a different level to the baseline of their species.
The final type, making up only 1%, are entirely draconic in form and become full dragons when their progenitor dies.
I cannot picture myself talking to a dragon like it was a normal person and my players must feel that, too. I think that dragons, as they are (big, scaly, winged magical beings), won't ever make someone think "Oh, that thing here has a family, a personality and even thinks of getting married." Nowi opened a new world of possibilities for me.
In my game's first chapter, dragons always have hunger for something, be it knowledge, treasure, slaughter, pleasure... They can vary as much as humans in personality and cannot reproduce with any other race by natural means. If they do, the spawn will be an abomination that lives for up to 5 years.
In the second chapter, manaketes are a playable race. Their story is shamelessly stolen from the Fire Emblem series. They can reproduce with mortals, but their offspring will almost always be infertile. Oh, and they have the appearance of a manakete, much like Nah and Corrin.
90% are unholy abominations ranging from superpowered human to dragon and everything in between, whose entire lives are nothing but pain waiting for their death but cursed to always fight back.
8% are your typical scaly humanoid with wings.
2% are perfect hybrids capable of all the feats of human and dragon with the ability to shift from Human to Halfling to Dragon at will.
Pic related. Making them lizard people just seems silly to me, sticking some dragon bits and a tail on them feels right.
So wait, what changes between the first and second?
In my setting, dragons were banished from their home plane to the material plane, but couldn't cross over completely, essentially becoming dragon-shaped holes in reality to said plane. Being a giant hole to a plane of eldritch energy, spending time around them starts to warp you a little bit. It's not very noticeable at first, but spend a good chunk of your life serving one directly or living in a city they frequent and you'll notice your features starting to change a bit, and very, very slight draconic features emerging.
It's not too noticeable unless you have a kid. But if you do, then expect your kid to look something like what you will after a lifetime of service from the get go, and change much faster in response to exposure. They'll still be born a 'human', but they'll change much faster around dragons, actually sprouting real scales, horns and a tail.
Depending on where you go, you'll either be respected for taking on aspects of the dragon, or hated for becoming like the enemy. A fair amount of them have just relocated to far off settlements to preserve the elements of their humanity they have left.
And the kicker is, the dragons are fully capable of repressing the field, and humans of resisting it, if they have magic. Which you only develop as a result of dragon exposure or magically inflicted wounds. And the dragons that are cultivating large followings aren't usually interested in having flimsy human attendants.
Read about manakete lore and you will know,
They don't exist
Magical, arrogant, pointy-faced dillweeds.
Elves, in other words.
>sticking some dragon bits and a tail on them feels right.
makes your dick feel right, you mean.
Meet Peltan. Peltan tends bar, and has accepted the fact that he will never father children, despite all of his human friends having settled to raise families. Peltan's family is his cat and his boss.
Peltan is an alcoholic, but because half-dragons have such an advanced metabolism, he requires a colossal amount of alcohol to get drunk, which is what he uses most of his money on.
Peltan is what half dragons are like.
Well, yes, that too. But if you can't feel affection for something you made, what are you?
not into incest?
The product of mankind once again taking it too far in their longing to screw everything.
Peltan. Kill.
Feral beasts that roam the dunes in raiding parties, devouring those foolish enough to dwell beside known water sources.
Or solo nightwalkers, who prey on the unwary in towns above and cities below.
Your "TOO FAR" is my new frontier.
The question is what the other half is.
Magic beast of size comparable to a young adult Dragon?
Then it turns out as a drake with some features of the magic beast.
Outsiders (angels, devils or eldritch horrors) ?
You get your holy/demonic/12 eyed tentacle Dragon.
Dragon shapeshifts into another humanoid species that can interbreed and offspring is of the 2 humanoids races with guaranteed sorcerer bloodline and some minor shapeshifting abilities (shifting hands and legs to claws and growing protective scales when needed - now I wonder why draconic sorcerrers Don't get alter self as an at will in d&d 5e).
>elves are actually a race of human X dragon offspring
It somehow makes more sense than fey ancestry.
I don't see what's edgy about the offspring of two completely different things having major genetic problems.
Gee but you don't see a problem in a freight truck sized lizard being able of impregnating a less than 2m tall humanoid.
Shape change shifting etc. means to me that they are biologically of the race they changed into.
Almost always a bad idea. As the person gets older, ususally into adolescence their dragon half expresses. Like teething but worse, for their entire body as the dragon half more or less rips through the non dragon portion. Probably around 9/10 people lose their sanity in the process, all in all it's pretty ugly. And that's for those that physically survive the change.
Doesn't mean dragons care or take this into account when considering whether or not to sleep around. Maybe though, just maybe they're not a shit parent and opt to stick around and help them through the transition.
Skinned and butchered after I've given them a one-way ticket to the bone orchard courtesy of my double-barreled shotgun.
The age a dragon can reproduce is seldom elaborated on but it could be possible for a younger to impregnate a human. You know, when it's not fuck-off huge?
If the assumption is that adolescence is equivalent to puberty and/or reaching age of sexual capability, then at least in D&D if I remember correctly, a red dragon at least at that age is large size category so around as big as or maybe a little bigger than a horse (wings and tail are taken into account so it could be smaller than a horse but overall take up around that size dimension).
So it would depend on your magical realm, how big dragon dongs are, since even if it was horse sized, it could very easily have a shlong smaller than a horses. And considering human women can and have taken horse dingus...
Human cultists too overwhelmed by their draconic masters "gifts" to maintain any semblance of human form
They're treated as monsters or demigods by the people, as the genes don't always synch up well and often creates stillbirths with severe deformities. Those that live are truly frightening to behold if they ever flex their abilities.
As such, they often leave normal society and pursue the life of an ascetic. Warrior monks who seek to understand what they are, what they are capable of, and their place in the world.
When they return, they are often vagrants who live much longer than their non-draconic fellows, so take a long view of things.
Then if a settlement they've been accepted in is raided by brigands, and they find said attackers... well...