>Mono White
>Protection from black
RoboRosewater went full Veeky Forums on this one.
>Mono White
>Protection from black
RoboRosewater went full Veeky Forums on this one.
Rosewater made that!?
RoboRosewater did. They're Magic cards generated by a Recurrent Neural Network, posted once a day on RoboRosewater Twitter account. Not Mark Rosewater.
He wishes he did tho.
>If it fails it turns into a super nigger killerman.
Fucking lol
Some of those learning AIs have been set to the task of making Magic cards, this kind of thing is the result.
I can see the twisted logic behind that
Killer of the Dead, the EU in spirit is a walking corpse propped up by vested interests
First Strike - No one seriously saw Brexit coming
Protection against Black - Protection against Immigrants
Discard effect - If they decide to reverse brexit there will be violence(and 5/5 assassins)
With flying- eerrm, they'll crash that plane with no survivors?
RoboRosewater comes up with the best cards sometimes
Actually a viable card.
So is this.
>not Spellshaper
ya blew it!
The Dead are Wales, who have a barely functional economy and are basically going to get fucked to death by Brexit and ironically voted for it.
Protection From Black is protection from financial solvency.
The black Assassin with flying is because this shit is unavoidable now.
The 2/2 is because it's going to accomplish fuck all.
That second ability is clearly green, though. Maybe make it green and switch protection to black.
That is genuinely hilarious. My sides have gone catatonic
Speaking of which....
10/10 card.
Why am I laughing so hard
the best. that FLAVOR! Cats scaring birds into the sky and all
So either you sacrifice it or you blink it then destroy it?
Cat/Bird Tribal Deck confirmed
Oh nevermind actually it dies when it enters the battlefield.
It should also be mentioned that the image matters. Cards with older computer images are newer and less experienced, so the newer the computer the better the card (in logical/playable sense). I find the networks have a hard time with non-keyword color-specific abilities. you find cards that would be fine with a color tweak and small changes often.
Cards with mandatory casting are the future
They tried to assassinate Nigel Farage in a plane crash to stop this from happening.
That seems pretty strong, but at this moment I'm more concerned about what exactly a choncer is.
But user, Boris Johnson lead Brexit.
unless you have buffs for artifacts, blue creatures, humans, soldiers, etc...
Hoverlandwalk and players controlled by other players
This one seems actually pretty well balanced/playable. But I'm not sure about the color identity.
You Cannot Grasp the True Form of Giygas' Attack!
I'm about to lose control, and I think I like it
This is actually a good card except for the creature types
Both the elf goblins it made are pretty decent
Who says an Elf-Goblin isn't possible?
So, wait, there's no "instead" or anything attached to that black Assassin clause, right? So, you're still discarding it, it just is better now that it's discarded?
Just what a card with a name like Mox Keyrune would do
Digging this sweet elf/goblin tribal. Someone should make a cube out of these.
Concrete tribal too strong.
Stand is the hero Innistrad needs
>T1: Keyrune, land, 1/1
>T2 swing, sac, Emrakul
Carl is a card
I say we force em to fuck.
For science, of course. Just science, yeah.
it's like watching non Veeky Forums boards try and make mtg cards except these are actually kind of funny.
Bat Wizard Tribal When?
Actually playable in some kind of bizarre deck
>Each creature doesn't untap during your untap steps or abilities you control, then shuffle your library. If you do, untap it.
This is actually alright.
turn 2?
you mean turn 1
>T1 island
>Opponent's T1 counter their fetchland. it stay's sac'd
I like it!
>they was kicked
Possibly playable
>bat wizard summons cat clerics
>that FLY
print it now.
Show your devotion! Waifu topdeck!
It's a spider. It's supposed to be green. Besides, green needs something like that.
>Watch me Swith right in.
I mean the tapping other stuff thing. Seems blue.
This one definitely has a type.
But was thay kangs?
Creature to yard instantly. Sounds janky enough to try and build around. 6/10
GOAT. 9/10
Carl a Carl then Carl. Wtf am I reading/10
What a powerful piece of cardboard. 5/10
Broken as all hell and I kind of love it. Needs balancing work. 7/10
Another powerhouse and undercosted/under rarity too. Value. 8/10
Broken as all hell. Rating countered/0
Solid as hell with good value. Would draft or sideboard. 9/10
Why am I making pudding at 3am/10
Plausible and actually kind of in color. 10/10
Cast the cow. DO IT NOW. 4/10
Still born as hell. Would try and break. 4/10
Decent card with good flavor. 10/10
Best new mechanic of all time. May even top Carl. 3/10
Holy shit that power and value. Should be green though, but land fetching is rarely rarely in white so it sort of works. 7/10
Yes. YES. Would play with 4of and madness triggers. 9/10
Best use of anus mana in a long time. 1/10
Needs verbiage clean up, but solid card. 8/10
Fuck you I'll rate computer generated cards as I see fit.
Green needs it since blue has ramp.
holy shit where did my sides go?
Thats... pretty cool actually
Would you say this is on curve?
forgot card
>Fallather, drudes! Dwarf it 420 lol
We have stifle for that. This is much better, obviously, but it isn't new.
Fucking amazing.
+ Urborg
10/10 perfect
Don't play Rooting Cyclops.
Let's not be too strict with him, just give him a 1 turn time-out
For the player with memory loss
Oath of Liliana?
It doesn't say shuffle, so that's a nice scry 3
>the rat bird is neither rat nor bird
Q u a l i t y
That second ability is equivalent to an emblem.
There's a bunch of these with absolutely ridiculous costs. These are my favorites so far.
no, it doesnt say top 3
just any 3
you know, have a nice look at them
oh this art is kinda nice
Well yeah, but obviously the best benefit would be to look at the top 3.
So you pay the cost for it to attack you, block your own creature, and get the anthem effect.
That ain't half bad, I gotta say.
I was inspired
That second ability is fucking awful/donate bait.
Here you go
Love it