Welcome back, brawlers, to the thirty-eighth installment of Mecha Space Pirate Quest. I'm your host, Wong, and you are Admiral Roarke Starwind, leader of the reborn Iron Kestrels, secret crush of women from the flying vacation cities of Venus to the gas mining colonies of Uranus and Neptune, and pilot of the insurmountable Knuckle Kaiser.
Previous Threads: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com
Master Pastebin: pastebin.com
Upgrade Menu: pastebin.com
List of Moves: pastebin.com
Rogues' Gallery: pastebin.com
Last time, you endured your first day of training hell, you both teased and rescued Karen, were forced into compromises by her, had some questions answered by the Undefeated, and watched the news like a responsible human being.
Today we're starting off a little early, and for good reason. The wall of text that I'm about to post is probably the longest that will ever show up in this game, and it will be some time before I'm done posting it. I figured you would rather have a full transcript than a summary, after all. To avoid depleting my image reserves entirely, I'll be using adorable pictures of piggies for the newscast.
Grab a beer if you've got any, kick back, and relax. It's time to see how deep the propaganda rabbithole goes.