What are some good rules light games that aren't bound to a specific setting...

What are some good rules light games that aren't bound to a specific setting? Extra points for beer and pretzel games that don't need prep time for adventures.




That sounds stupid as fuck.
I hate to love it.

And I'm out

Forgot about that one. Last one now for real.



This is fantastic, exactly what I've been after for a while now playing with a group of non-committal and low attention span fuckboys.

bump cause i want moar

Thanks for bumping while I'm asleep. Does nobody have any more?

Does anybody have a rules light cyberpunk game? Something with a paragraph about drones would be great.


Dead of Night

Fiasco. Lasers and Feelings.

more DnD Hacks?

that looks awesome

Risus is super quick, for zero prep games you can go for Inspectres, Fiasco which has a ton of different playset charts out there, and Maid RPG - roll on the charts for a setting like Samurai, Fantasy or Cyberpunk, a boss, a mansion and you're done.

Is maid only good for weeb shit or can i use the ruleset for scenarios without 2d girls?

last bump before i let my thread die

Maid is generally good for silly games, thanks to the randomness of it all. The setting, such as it is, can be refluffed into basically anything where you are part of an organization under the guidance of one person. You run missions with a team while vying between each other to impress the boss the most.

Is there a version without any pictures?


>don't need prep time for adventures

Man if you want to be a lazy GM just get a board game, literally any decent adventure needs some prep, no matter what other retarded lazy GMs tell you.

Plenty of games don't require much prep time, especially if you consider the character creation in games like Fiasco, Maid, and Dread to be part of the game and not "prep".

Stop being all "one true way" just because you haven't played a quick game before.

Read the pdfs i posted. Havoc Brigade and one last job dont need any prep time. I can run them whenever some friends have time.
I run normal games as well but pulling an adventure out of my ass if we meet spontaniously is shit, so we play these games instead.

Next time you assume stupid bullshit write it down, crumble the paper and stick it deep down your ass along with the pen you used.

>I'm a lazy GM who runs shit games.

No skin off my nose fampai, but gotta call a spade a spade.

Holy hell do these games suck dick.

OP please ignore the other shitty suggestions ITT.

What you want is Dungeon World

It's pretty much objectively one of the best currently out there. It has fast easy to use mechsnics and is perfect for beginners, it's a lot cheaper than most of these other rules bloated systems that cost fifty dollars. There is no reason for extra rules when it is he role playing that matters. Dungeon World is fast and innovative and still feels exactly like the spirit of ADND before DnD 3.5 destroyed the hobby and ruined a generation of role players.

What's the difference to you between spontaneously playing a boardgame and spontaneously playing a beer and pretzel game?
I cant always have an adventure planned out just in case some people visit, or always have a spare if someone cant come to play the campaign, I've got this thing called a job.

You are jumping into conclusions without any basis mate.

I don't even play these simple "beer and pretzel" games. I just think you're an idiot for dismissing them and saying they're "shit" games. You're literally judging them as something they're not meant to be.

Powered By The Apocalypse Games take like 40 sessions to play, and aren't made for one shots. Also, Dungeon World does NOT feel like AD&D. If anything, does.

>I just think you're an idiot for dismissing them and saying they're "shit" games.

Nobody said that. Stop being a retard. He said you're a shit GM if you try to wing entire adventures. Which you are.

Except no one is talking about winging "entire adventures". We're talking about games like Fiasco and Maid and Dread. Literally games that I listed. Games that are zero prep time, you start out by making characters together right then and there before you play, and don't do any sort of heavy pre-planning.

>Except no one is talking about winging "entire adventures"

>Extra points for beer and pretzel games that don't need prep time for adventures.


Are you completely unable to understand things?

Everyone is John
Lasers and Feelings/Tactical Waifu
These are not games that you prepare in advance. These are not games where you come to the table with grand plans or notes on what will happen in the next few sessions.
These are games SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to be played with zero to no prep time and last only a single session.

You seem to be under the impression that people are talking about games like D&D or something. If you think all of the games listed are "shit games", well, fine, your opinion is like your asshole: Full of shit and no one wants to hear it. This thread is for games like that. It isn't for "lazy" GMs, it's for an entirely different type of game.

If it really triggers you so much, think of these as boardless board games.

>Listing Fiasco and Everyone is John as actual p&p games


>If it really triggers you so much, think of these as boardless board games.
If you want to argue about what is or isn't a "game", go do that on /v/. I hear they like things like that.

>You seem to be under the impression that people are talking about games like D&D or something. If you think all of the games listed are "shit games", well, fine, your opinion is like your asshole: Full of shit and no one wants to hear it. This thread is for games like that. It isn't for "lazy" GMs, it's for an entirely different type of game.

You seem to be laboring under the mistaken assumption that "simplistic rules for conflict resolution" = "no need for prep." You can take your "no prep needed" attitude into literally any p&p game, unless you count actually knowing the rules of the game as prep, which is retarded.

Further, you're continuing to imply that he called those games shit to begin with. He didn't, he hasn't, and he still isn't. He's calling you a shit GM for trying to run games with no prep.

Which you are.

>Implying Fiasco is a p&p game to begin with and not some gay theatre trope thing

Are you an idiot or something?
You literally cannot plan anything for Maid in advance. It is entirely based on random rolls. I would like to know how you prepare for a game of Everyone is John or Werewolf.

I don't care if you feel that Fiasco "isn't a game". Grow up and take your "it's not a game" bullshit to... I don't know, some GamerGate website.

>You literally cannot plan anything for Maid in advance.

Uh, yes you can. I don't know what rulebook you're reading, but it's the PCs that are randomly generated, not the game at large. Tables are presented as an option for lazy GMs (like you), and it usually skirts by just fine because nobody walks into a game of Maid expecting it to be any good regardless, but "literally cannot plan anything for Maid in advance"? You've drank just a little too much of your own koolaid.

>Everyone is John

You're literally the person who defines the beginning situation to start with. By definition, a GM is going to be aware of a greater situation that John is a part of.

Look, I get it, you're a lazy GM who desperately wants to convince yourself that your games do not need to be even remotely structured and that they'll be just as fun and entertaining as actual good GMs who put effort into their games. However, like literally everything else on the planet, that's not how it works.

Sorry, friendo.

Git. Gud.
Seriously, our DM doesn't prep shit and his games are fun as fuck.
When he does take the time to prep, his games get balls-bustingly hard, though.

Even if you don't use the randomly generated scenarios that the game clearly assumes you want to use, how are you supposed to plan out a game when you have no idea what characters there will be? Also: LITERALLY WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU EVEN WANT TO IN THE FIRST GODDAMNED PLACE?
At this point you're just being pedantic.

>Look, I get it, you're a lazy GM who desperately wants to convince yourself that your games do not need to be even remotely structured and that they'll be just as fun and entertaining as actual good GMs who put effort into their games. However, like literally everything else on the planet, that's not how it works.
First off, I don't play these games. I think most rules lite one shots don't have enough meat to be as interesting as a board game or even a one shot of a more traditional game. But you know what, two can play at this name calling petty childish bullshit:

Look, I get it, you're a micromanaging GM who desperately wants to convince yourself that you absolutely need to plan everything out in advance and that they'll be just as fun and entertaining as actual good GMs who know how to improvise.

Although, you know what? I'm betting that you don't actually micromanage everything and railroad your players. I'm assuming that you, like most GMs, have a few ideas in advance--maybe you take notes, maybe--and mostly just wing it and work with what your players give you. But here in this thread you want to start shit, so you're trolling and pretending to be an idiot. Maybe you really did misinterpret something, and you actually thought people were talking about not planning anything at all in advance for "real" games like D&D or Fate or something. Or maybe you just wanted to stir up trouble and post a GURPS thing and insult everyone.

I basically never prep or take notes, except when I'm bored (and usually those get tossed), and my players generally seem to enjoy my stuff. Most people don't take extensive notes, I think.

Holy hell, I wake up and this thread is an only argument.

I asked for rules light setting free games as an alternative to gurps and sawage worlds, mainly to get newbies in the game and have a bigger variety of universal systems.

Beer and Pretzel games are semi-rpgs and I want to collect a few more just as you would collect boardgames. I use them for spontaneous meetings or if someone doesn't show up anĸ I dont have a spare game prepared, as I mentioned back here
I didn't make this thread so I can be a lazy dm or anything, I just want to play more games.



needs about 3 mins of prep for an adventure, 5 max.

german Bier und Brezel game.
You play imprisoned humans on a space station and try to break free
