>wat do when not spooky
Same as a wizard, studying arcane lore, delving into secrets of the plane of shadow/shadowfell/weave of toril, cliche stereotypical wizardly bullshit. In practice, it depends on what kind of spells they know.
>hit points
they had a die size higher hp than wizards in 3.5, same as warlocks, so i put them with the same hit die as warlocks in 5e.
>DC 15
Good catch. Its supposed to be Wisdom(Perception)
>spell uses per spell known
They dont cast like regular spellcasters, nor do they get the ability to upcast spells with higher level slots. Its one of the drawbacks of the class, as well as having its own spell list.
>spellcasting modifier with markup
noted, ill update it soon
>shadow cast
ah, yeah a relic from 3.5 i copied it from. ill also update this, good catch.
>0th level
another relic, ditto on update.
yeah I converted most of it straight off the 3.5 book, The class has a fair amount of versatility, like most spellcasters: what it does depends on what spells they know. The archetypes presented were 3 of the prestige classes from the original plane of shadow, each built on the base shadowcaster by specializing in one particular area of expertise. Compare to the warlock: pet class, faux melee martial fighter, or better spellcaster.
>bonus weapon attack
is not an attack, as a bonus action you can modify your attack to have 15 foot reach.
honestly, i got lazy and just typed that out. officially they do intense study on shadow magic and use the reflections of regular spells from the material plane into the plane of shadow to draw their power.