Which seems the more interesting couple
Male Barbarian/female paladin
or Male Paladin / Female Barbarian?
Which seems the more interesting couple
Male Barbarian/female paladin
or Male Paladin / Female Barbarian?
Other urls found in this thread:
Male pal
Fem barb
Over done but way better
I'm partial to Male Paladin/Female Barbarian. Mostly because I like the "Lawful Guy, Chaotic Girl" dichotomy. Plus, they both would theoretically represent what a person of that class and gender would want in an ideal partner.
The Paladin is a straight-laced, by-the-books kind of guy. He's not Lawful Stupid and genuinely works to make people's lives better. He's used to society girls, noblewomen, aristocrats, and he's gotten tired of what he sees as "useless" women. He's occasionally sardonic and has a decent sense of wit. Maybe even Fraiser-esque. He's unsure how he feels about the Barbarian, because even though she's everything he secretly wants--tough, headstrong, self-reliant--he's never really had time for a relationship so he kind of waffles on the whole thing.
The Barbarian is of course confrontational and violent. She's a social retard, but painfully aware she doesn't fit in and often feels uncomfortable when put in the Paladin's world. She's enamored with the Paladin, because he's one of the few "civilized" men who actually upholds her culture's tenets of STRENGTH and HONOR. He's also genuinely nice to her, which is a rare experience. Her life's been one hardship after another and here's someone who constantly adds a little warmth to it. She won't put out right away though. She can't tell if he's actually interested or not. And either way, he's really gotta earn this ass.
>playing wow on RP server back in the days
>playing a priest
>hey friendo we need a priest for our wedding
>male paladin female warlock
>hey friendo whatshisface recommended you
>could do you our wedding?
>male paladin female warlock
>hey friendo
>male paladin female warlock
Only time it wasn't like this, was a nelf priest and druid lesbian wedding.
This is what I get for playing a shadowpriest with alcoholism.
Male barb, female pally.
Because on a higher level it speaks to their gender traits, a barb stereotypically has very masculine traits and behavior, while a paladin has comparatively more feminine traits and behavior.
>while a paladin has comparatively more feminine traits and behavior.
Like what? By that logic any class which doesn't adhere to barbarian stereotypes must have some kind of "feminine" personality traits.
There's nothing intrinsically feminine about Paladins. Maybe, just MAYBE, you can argue the "protect the innocent" relates to motherly nurturing instincts. But that's pretty oblique.
I don't think you can even argue that, given that protection is also a very masculine behavior.
>empathy is exclusively a feminine trait.
Did you not have a good relationship with your dad or something?
None of these situations are in a vacuum, they're by comparison.
I wouldn't call Detect Evil 'empathy.'
M Paladin F Barbarian.
I could come up with any number of rationalizations. But in the end, the answer is that female barbarians make my dick leak.
Male barb
Female pally, preferably tsundere
Replace object of worship with barb penis over time. Simple.
Well it's not like barbarians are incapable of empathy. They just come from an environment where they're much more selective with it.
Sorry, but you're gonna have to elaborate better on this if you want me to think Paladins are feminine, even in comparison to barbarians.
Historically speaking European barbarians were less patriarchal than Mediterranean cultures, so a male barb may actually be more respectful of a female pally that she'd be used to, depending on how much each society of origin takes after their real world counterparts.
Well if the lady paladin's society allows female knights I doubt it's all that patriarchal either.
True dat.
There a plenty of Paladins with little Empathy, the ability to know right from wrong and enforce it does not require being very compassionate.
Both sounds good, but since female Barbarians tend to be hotter, I go with Male Pala/ Female Barbarian....
There is always the option that Lady Paladin is a special case in her setting. It would make the respect of Male Barbarian all the more important if he's one of the only men she's met who has respected her in her profession.
depends on the characters doesn't it
If she's an actual Paladin you could make an argument that since the deity (of whatever type) has chosen to grant her powers the (church organization) doesn't discriminate whereas other organizations might because who are they to question who their (chosen deity) blesses with power
Female barbarian+female paladin of course.
Obviously Female Paladin/Female Barbarian is the best pairing.
Did you LARP the alcoholism? Cause i would at that point.
I agree with this user. He is wise and knows that the more interesting romances are gentleman knight meets bad girl.
>tfw playing paladin courting minor villainess after he started flirting with her
> campaign ended on their wedding
Fun as fuck
>the paladin "teaches her a lesson."
>later the group sits through a lovingly LARP'd session of the paladin "Smiting" her
>the villainess "confesses" her sins in the paladins "holy court"
Honestly the most impressive part is they didn't even stop for a glass of water.
To further add to what I said, The opposite is very boring. Think saint wifu going out with muscle pig man, its boring as hell and reminds me too much of family comedy where the wife keeps saving her dumbass husband from his own stupidity and gets really angry with him yet somehow loves.
Really there is a lot of examples of good guy, bad girl romances: Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler, Batman and Catgirl, James Bond and too many girls to count.
Why can't it be good guy bad girl, but still male barb and female pally? Doesn't even have to be a blackguard, could be like you said, one is incompetent while the other pulls the slack but still loves them. In this case though it's the woman as the incompetent insteaad of the man.
In that case it would just be barbarian acting like a paladin which is possible and vice versa
What is this, a waifu for ants?
Why do you assume that the male barbarian must be some awful creature of low moral fibre when you could do it in a Tarzan and Jane fashion?
Phone upload
Because he's discussing bad/evil and good people together in that instance you fucking dingus
Let's face it. Most people play their barbarians as Not!Conan that are dicks. Plus Tarzan is the most polite kind savage ever. He is like a paladin in barbarian cloths.
But thanks for the idea user, next Barbarian I play is Tarzan.
Bad girl/guy need not be evil. they can be trouble makers or brooding and strong.
Average tg is gonna say female barb over male barb, because a female barb is a sexy tsundere muscle girl, and a male barb is a Chad. meanwhile a male paladin is a philosophical bro and a female paladin is a stuck up ice queen.
Veeky Forumswould.much more prefer to imagine the philosophical warrior getting the genki muscle girl to the Chad fucking the hit perfect chick, just like highschool
James Bond = good guy?
But he's so rapey!
Nah, ya gotta smite ALL the evil, boy! Even if they are just babies.
But paladins are high str and high cha, they are twice as much a Chad as a barbarian
These guys know the right truth.
Not really. It is just a better romance. Paladins aren't always philosophical, they can be fairly bloodthirsty zealots as well. It's the idea of a woman being almost the complete opposite of what you strive for and still being completely in love with her.
> female barb is a sexy tsundere muscle girl
Was thinking that for female pal desu senpai.
And the two aren't mutually exclusive.
male Barbarian.
but then i play a CN Barbarian so i don't know how he'd get along with a Paladin.
Who did it better?
Considering Pair 1 actually "did it", and Pair 2 hasn't, you've got everything you need to know.
I got you, fellow user.
male pal, female barb
dat snoo snoo
Most times I see Veeky Forums do female paladins, they're made out as 2pure waifu bait.
Sexy tsundere is played out, but it's far less grating than "S-so THAT'S what s-sex is?" *blushes*
What if they're both Barbarian/Paladin multiclass characters?
The former is more stereotypical but the latter doesn't really seem any more or less interesting, I'd say flip a coin
another player in a not-so-old game of mine played out his female Paladin as that classical trope, deadly and no-nonsense in all beings, but really awkward in all scenes related to sexuality. I played a changeling bard who loved to hit right into personal weaknesses of NPCs and PCs alike.
In the end, the paladin became known as the village-slut without even having sex for the longest time. Until diplomancer level charisma rolls made it seem like "sexy female paladin twins seducing the BBEG" was the best battleplan available.
Female paladins being played out as tsundere are the only way to make them interesting at all. It's not like they can have a family (pulling a Hawkeye) and settle down without quitting adventuring. And only playing a religious fanatic is boring. And playing a chaotic neutral slut is forbidden. So, yeah. Only one way left.
>only one way left
jesus christ you guys must be boring to play with
Male Paladin / Female Barbarian, pic related.
supreme taste
Male Paladin/Male Barbarian
Fem barb, Male wizard
Male barbarian/smaller male barbarian, obviously
male pal winning by 73%
Female barbarian
Female paladin
Now stop shitposting
You and your group sound like you have very limited imaginations.
Top tier taste. You got anything else to share?
Best option
Why not male paladin, female rogue?
Top one is a heartwarming buddy cop movie
Bottom one is an unexpected romance action flick
>His weapon
Snip-snip to keep you a pretty boi
As I said before, bad girl can a couple of things.
Best example for that is batman and Sherlock Holmes.
>Male Barbarian/female paladin
I prefer that one.
>Replace object of worship with barb penis over time.
Why though. It's much more fun if there is no replacement, but overlap, or even struggle to concile the two. I like drama, sue me.
Weew das pretty hot, got any more bubby?
>TFW you will never bed a female barbarian
Why even live?
Skipped at first, then went back when I realized it was M/M. Ya got good taste.
Lemme see if I can dig something up
Eh, this is pretty much all I got for a blue board.
Personally I'd prefer that with female barb, male pally, end with him worshiping her as his new muscular goddess
MB FP is the old school/doujin variation but MP FB is just fuel for muscle girl fetishists.
If Paladins are blessed by god to smite and purge then the society's opinion of them is irrelevant because they'll fulfill their calling to rip and tear regardless of social norms. It might just mean FemPally hides her plate armor and rapesword in a suitcase and wanders around town dressed normally looking for sinners to redeem with three feet of cold steel.
Male Wizard / Female Sorcerer
Female Paladin/Female Barbarian
There is justice in this world
>Jon Snow
Nice try. He barely clocks in as a semi-competent rogue.
>Why not male paladin, female rogue?
This is perfect. No-one can complain about this.
I like that pairing, but I prefer Male Fighter and Female Rogue if the Fighter is LN and the Rogue is CG.
Lawful Good Paladin who woos the NE Rogue and, by the end of the story, turns her CG is absolute top-tier shit.
>NE + LG
>somehow she ends up Chaotic aligned
Male pal / female barb because the stern but benevolent paladin enforcing his will and control over the hyper-emotional and under-dressed young barbarian who understands the paladin knows best but can't help acting up regardless gets me hard.
He's obviously a Ranger
Gotta keep rebelling somehow, user.
>no spells
>knows nothing
Nice try
>No spells
What is warging then?
Racial ability for Starkblooded Humans
I play my female paladin as a caring, but stern mother-figure
I flip a coin to decide gender, because I play whatever character I get without much of any regard to gender unless the situation calls to it. The female paladin I played was tired of the pomp and circumstance of working in the cities. She joined in the first place because of a fortuitous encounter of that order that saved her village when she was younger. And it would have been the exact same idea if I was playing a male paladin.
I get the feeling the choices in the OP don't really matter because how well they come across is entirely dependent on who is playing the characters. If they are good and smart players, it won't matter, but the first is definitely the easier if you are lazy or sloppy.
>Motherly Christmas Cake FemPally
>Brash and Bold Genki slightly younger Barb of either sex
Well now.
Use imgur. Then post links