Share your horror stories
That Girl
Other urls found in this thread:
>Is DM's Girlfriend
Enough should be said there, but
>Browses Tumblr on her phone during the game
>Stops combat on her turn to browse tumblr
>Will loudly talk about tumblr posts at the table with her friend also in the party, distracting her as well
Send your enemy beautiful women to cause discord within his camp. This strategy can work on
three levels. First, the ruler becomes so enamored with the beauty that he neglects his duties and
allows his vigilance to wane. Second, other males at court will begin to display aggressive
behavior, which inflames minor differences, hinders cooperation, and destroys morale. Third,
other females at court, motivated by jealousy and envy, begin to plot intrigues, further
exasperating the situation.
It's so weirdly effective. You'd think in this day and age we would be over it but this tactic stull, STILL, instigates the desired effect even if it's just at the table
Alright here we go. I'll cover all the bases from the beginning so we can move on to more concentrated arguments
>Not all girls are like that
>Girls are just as good as guys pretty much
>Women are inherently inferior to men
>I have [ANECDOTAL RELATIONSHIP] so I don't know what you're problem is (both sides)
>Anyone who likes these stories are basement dweller neckbeards
>Anyone who doesn't like these stories and complains about them is clearly either a female agent or a white knight faggot to be pitied and derided
Did I miss anything?
You missed the fact that all girls ARE like that. Whether they'll personally admit to it is neither here nor there.
It's like why all girls like horseback riding. Sure its a nice activity but we ALL know whats really going on and, again, they'll probably not admit to it or downright deny it in an attempt to save face they didn't have to begin with.
It's an attack we have formed no defense against and that the vast majority doesn't want to form a defense against.
How about the 5/10 girl who manages to form a neckbeard harem at the LGS where she can keep her beta orbiters at arms length and enjoy all the attention because gamer grill.
best player I ever had is a girl.
Like what?
Tell us what all girls are like, oh oracle of Veeky Forums who is so psychically endowed you can determine what a girl is like without any evidence of what she has actually done.
No, really, you're this fucking stupid. You may as well say all men are That Guy by the same exact reasoning you used, which is absolutely none.
Maybe it will be different when sex is post scarcity.
None so far.
My two girl players aren't the best, but they're not the worst either.
pretty thorough
First story
our group has a No DMs GF policy, players may bring lady-folk, the DM may not, here is the story of why
>our normal group cant agree on who should DM one day, so we find a pickup GM who wanted to try some modules, we figure, hey, why not?
>DM has a nice place, nice guy, knows his stuff, we're pretty pleased
>has a hambeast gf, but she keeps to herself, plays music and browses interwebs, is a nice person, we bear her no ill will
>around the third or fourth session she wants to play
>everyone is too busy playing to help her make a character
>my paladin gets grabbed by a choker, pulled off a cliff and obviously dies, body unrecoverable
>im now available to help hambeast make a character
>she seems quick on the uptake but is INCREDIBLY indecisive
>agonizes over every spell selection and feat
>it takes two hours to make a core only level 2 elf bard
>the gf sits at the table and browses her phone during play, doesnt pay attention, you know the drill
>I make an excuse that i got a shift change to nights the next day
followup story that'll give a more positive example soon
why are these threads always cringe?
I believe this falls under "women are inherently inferior to men" unless you'd like a special clause.
Because people can never stay on topic and tries to discuss gender politics instead
attention whores. Our society is literally built for them to grow up learning that's their place in the scheme of things and men are their to work and please.
Sure there's variants on the overall plan of it but it's why men end up in high fatality jobs and women end up being hired as secretaries purely for looks.
Go ahead. Prove me wrong. And don't use any of that "anecdotal" shit you were whining about earlier.
How this subject could possibly not fall under gender politics?
this is the worst, and it arguably isn't even the woman's fault. It's the beta orbiters. See . Two of the three problems caused by women are caused by the men surrounding the woman.
this goes here.
It has nothing to do with inferiority. Is a male cardinal inferior to a female cardinal because the male is bright red and the female is all camouflaging earth tones? No. Just because somethings pretty and the others not doesn't raise or lower ones status.
>everyone else about to get into the usual shouting match
>I'm just here cause OP's pic is from porn
It's like we've forgotten how to be nice to each other.
And all men are posers who need women to pay attention to them regardless of their looks, age, and breeding.
By that logic "that guy" threads should akso fall under gender politics.
Its just people recalling bad experiences with girls at thier table.
Collars, muzzles, and reconditioning would achieve better results. I'm just sayin.
which is dumb, because identity politics are just the tools of the elite to distract and divide the working class.
My fantasy kingdoms should not need to have these discussions. My working class is either historically suppressed and dominated by the elite, or it is a liberated society with foreign threats because there is no internal strife.
>That Guy stories
>haha yeah we've all known one of those guys!
>That Girl stories
It's just that communication has opened up so much that people think they don't need others' approval as much since they can find a few fuckheads to validate their shitty behavior.
Politeness is very much a missing aspect of culture nowadays. People are shocked when you are not wearing a uniform and are nice. Tumblerinas treat men like scum of the earth when you are polite to them. Men think women are flirting if you are polite to them.
It really is awful.
im invested in this now, mostly because I want to know how the FUCK it takes 2 hours to make a level 2 core bard.
>Starting a new PF campaign, its my turn to DM
>need another warm body, younger brother brings a lady-friend that he is not romantically involved with.
>the girl is a big sweet-heart, seems to pick up the rules quickly enough
>her biggest asset is that she's a graphic artist and draws every funny moment in the game, immortalizing it
>many in-jokes are made from those drawings, she has a good sense of humor and is able to sketch things out remarkably quickly
>her grasp of the rules is a bit touch-and-go, but she's an excellent roleplayer and has a talent with accents
>she gets a boyfriend after a bit less than a year and spends her weekends with him, leaving the group
>we bid her a fond farewell, we're sad, but take it in stride
>find out later she taught the bf and his group of buddies to play RP games
>she DMs and uses our old characters as NPCs
If your reading this, godspeed Rachael
Except you said that "all girls ARE like that." "That" by context of this thread, is "That Girl."
That Girl makes tabletop games more difficult for others by virtue of some personality quirk.
Therefore you have said "All girls are people that make tabletop games more difficult for others by virtue of some personality quirk." Which means you believe that "all girls are inherently inferior (at tabletop games)"
Woah. Back up. Only thirsty bitches and betas think a women is flirting when they're being nice.
Most of us have known girls like that too. We've also known girls who were not that girl.
Veeky Forums is just filled with SJWs and /pol/tards who hated creative content that ignored their agendas and have forced the people who actually had a clue out in order to create a /pol/tard and SJW echocamber in Veeky Forums.
>she DMs and uses our old characters as NPCs
They're worse at tabletop but better at getting people's attention. I consider this a networth nuetral exchange.
i cant blame her, i've done worse
They're doomed from the start. Why people can't just make unisex That Guy threads and put all relevant stories in them is beyond me.
It's not really an echo chamber. It's 2 extreme sides trying to yell each other out of existence, which somehow ends up being even worse.
Eh, it depends on how they're handled. If they end up being a major NPC it's a very good idea to work together with the old player to properly characterize them, but if they just show up as a cameo and are portrayed decently accurately I don't see a problem.
Best GM I know is a girl. Extremely organized, impartial, invested in making an interesting game. Too bad she doesn't GM more often.
She's a real powergaming, minmaxing bitch as a player though. Seriously I argue with her every session when I'm the GM, like minor rules interpretation bullshit because she's trying to eke out a little advantage in the fight. She only does it 'cause she knows I'll fold like a bad hand of poker if she makes a halfway decent argument and gives me that shit-eating grin.
I'm a fucking pushover, guys.
Just stamp your foot down. If she makes a good argument concede the point, then completely ignore the argument and tell her how it's actually going to go down and how she's being a bitch.
If you don't slap idiots down like that hard they'll never learn and keep doing it. Do it softly and they'll think there's some give there still and push that much harder in order to get what they want.
It's never too late to stop being a pussy, user. You're the GM, that means you're the master of the game. Let the players influence, but never control.
regardless of whose fault it is that shit is annoying as fuck, a for sure sign that the store has a shit community or a shit contingent if you notice the neckbeard harem when you walk in.
she's honestly the best player in my group and one of the only two to actually care to read the rules and get into character
Don't worry user, that's natural, the only thing stronger than argument complemented with a smug loli is the argument of being smug loli. She got you fair and square.
I'm sorry Mattias, but you leave your vulnerabilities open like a big red button. I will press it. Wether as a player or a Gm.
It's just that everyone else does too, the nice things that happen? The victory you have? It makes you relax. I can hurt you more as a DM. It just makes it "interesting" for you guys. Me? Im trying to hurt your characters as badly as possible without hurting my RL relations.
Fuck off barbarians, we aren't falling for that again.
She rarely says anything but when she does she either screeches at the top of her lungs or goes into excruciating detail about something nobody cares about. Everyone has to wait for her to stop talking before they can do anything because she just raises her voice and talks over if she isn't done.
She was invited by the last failure of a DM even after we all explicitly agreed to keep the group the same size.
pls go
She made an OP as fuck character that ended up able to steer the plot to her living when she felt like it. DM wasn't able to stop her because she was operating within the rules so he felt it was fair.
To be fair to her she did tend to show restraint, but she could definitely go to 11 when being That Girl and hijacking the plot or doing things like killing other player characters.
>Easy premade characters with unique traits
I'm not seeing the issue famalamalon
Oh please. Women are fine, so long as you don't buy into the "Womens' feelz are valuable or justified" meme.
Treat a woman's hurt feelz as unimportant, and problem resolved.
Moreover, it's possible to have a girlfriend or even a wife without her developing unwarranted self importance - just put a medium amount of effort into training and domesticating her.
The problem isn't women.
The problem is people who have low standards and who pander to hurt feelz.
Women, like most sentient creatures, adapt to their environment. Make "feel offended and make demands" no longer the #1 easiest way to get what you want, and people will do something else.
>I'm not seeing someone use my name on a constant basis on legal forms without me being present
Nice try Elena. Different fucking player.
Please, I want to be abused more, senpai.
Women take the easiest route to get what they want, and I don't blame them.
It's the job of Men to make sure this easiest route ends up being a benefit to those around them, rather than a burden.
This is remarkably easy and yet people refuse to put in any amount of effort.
If "women are the problem"
and you have the power to change women, but you refuse to use it
then honestly you make your own damn bed and the problems persisting are your own fault.
Teach a woman that "muh feelz, muh sovregnty over muh own personality, muh freedumbs, muh rights" aren't an easy ticket to free shit.
Imo it's more the womens rights supporting men who are the problem.
You can't just say that and don't provide a sauce.
>It's an attack we have formed no defense against
Bros b4 hoes.
>Not all girls are like that
>Girls are just as good as guys pretty much
>Women are inherently inferior to men
>I have [ANECDOTAL RELATIONSHIP] so I don't know what you're problem is (both sides)
>Anyone who likes these stories are basement dweller neckbeards
>Anyone who doesn't like these stories and complains about them is clearly either a female agent or a white knight faggot to be pitied and derided
Good argument
Very misogyny.
Much John Ringo.
Wanting to upgrade a person is the opposite of hate.
Anti-agency and oppressive, perhaps. But not hateful.
>People take the easiest route to get what they want, and I don't blame them.
Fixed that. Taking the easy route is not gender exclusive.
Relies on the LGS owner being an enabler.
Good anecdote.
Medium anecdote.
Good anecdote but that is the DM's problem
Bad anecdote.
Yes but misleading
Good anecdote
Complete bullshit. Prettier birb = best birb.
Zone, I think it's called Modifuckers or something.
Speak for yourself, I'm effectively chem-gelded, and thus impervious to women and their shenanigans.
Obviously I still fake some interest on the virtue of social acceptability, but that's another story.
Yeah, it's a parody of
Maximum Yes. That is both practical and also my fetish.
Brain chemical imbalance or miscalibration
Best Anecdote of the thread, I r8 it 9/10, might get saved to a screenshot
Logic valid. Premise false.
wait, /pol/tard AND SJW echo chamber? Those are some dissonant echoes.
neutral response
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Bad anecdote.
Good anecdote
Well I have a boner now. Give details, want to play in your campaign.
Bad anecdote
Good anecdote
Yes, Yes, Yes, No, No, Yes
I do not understand.
I understand.
Yes, No, Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No
ok this was a good thread
>ok this was a good thread
Wait, what? Are you going to delete it now after autistically responding to each and every single post? I wouldn't be surprised.
I hate this type of replies "to everyone"
Theres a difference between "girls" and "that girl", just like theres a difference between "guys" and "that guy". If you notice the thread didnt start with "have u ever played with a girl? How was it", it clearly stated "that girl".
So if youre trolling, congrats heres your (you). If youre actually getting defensive, theres a nice bored called tumblr you would absolutely love. You dont need to derail threads because they trigger u.
Now to actually contribute, ive only had 1 girl play dnd with my group (my sister) and she was definitely not that girl. We actually had a good time since she was into the RP. A guy did get kicked out of the group tho, for whatever reason he couldnt handle being in the presence of a female without becoming overly creepy and uncomfortable. Sucked we had to boot him.
Woman up, pussyboy.
> heres your (you)
Thx but you didn't reply to me, you replied to someone else
Shit anecdote tho. "creepy" is not a real thing.
>"creepy" is not a real thing.
So what is the word for when Sweaty McGreasebeard sidles up to the only girl in a group and starts making uncomfortably sexual comments while breathing heavily through his mouth?
Not him but that's pitiful desperation.
Creepy is when a guy asks you to follow him into an alleyway
It's like he thinks he's done sort of authority!
Fuck off retard.
Our group has a female DM, she does her job pretty good but i am still wondering why the fuck do most NPCs have husbands/wives in weird races.
Recently i met a Dwarf(who acts like a jew) with an Orc wife, another Dwarf(who also acts like a jew) with a Goliath wife, and several Minotaur hookers...
Not likely. On Veeky Forums there are people who actually believe this.
She might be a person who thinks Dwarves are stand-ins for Jews and is obsessed with diversity.
More like
>That Guy threads
>haha but like wouldnt it be funny if it were just fetishbait instead haha
>makes elf druid
>describes in detail how she loves her wolf pet
>accentuates how much she dislikes other PCs compared to her cute wolf
>insists on kissing/hugging her pet when she doesn't have an idea on what else to do
>shares bed with the wolf
Thankfuly, DM and everyone else got fed up with the shit, so she had to leave after 1 session because she refused to rethink her behaviour.
>Actually taking "women" into account
>Giving them special recogniition
>Not knowing and admitting that "female" is a tumblr-gender with delusion of relevance
>Not realizing how "women" were instituted as a "normal" thing in 1985 by the SJWs, the Social-Marxists, the Frankfurt School, the Bohemian Grove and the Jews using advanced MKULTRA psycholinguistic.
>Not remembering how, for the entire length of human history before that, all 45 billion kalpa of it, "women" where rightly considered deviants, mad, impure, medical errors, mentally and physically diseased sub-persons that shouldn't be considered equivalent in any way to a pure male.
And on Veeky Forums, and on Veeky Forums of all places, where the lie that "women" are 50% of "humanity" should be the most apparent !
Keep guzzling on your blue pills, good goys !
>putting a space between the last word in the sentence and the exclamation mark
We're dealing with a truly unhinged individual here, men.
The DM's girlfriend is super obviously a furry, and I constantly suspect that the two of them are basically using us as setting-dressing for their extended ERP in between sessions.
>tfw my sickhouse barbarian badass is just a side character in someone else's furry hentai adventures
>tfw I know that my passtime has been coopted without my explicit knowledge to satisfy someone else's degenerate fetishes
>tfw for all I know those two have written a short story about running a furry knot-train on all of us and we were mindwiped by wizards afterwards
This has to be what it feels like to be /pol/, the fucking Jew could be anywhere, but instead of a Jew it's a huge wolf dick exploding out of a bag of D20s
well meme'd my friend
Utterly disgusting.
what the fuck happened to this place
>So what is the word for when Sweaty McGreasebeard sidles up to the only girl in a group and starts making uncomfortably sexual comments while breathing heavily through his mouth?
Unwanted sexual advances have many names.
But "creepy" implies your feelz are his responsibility.
They are not.
If you feel uncomfortable, your feelz might just be oversensitive or out of sync with reality.
While it's possible (and common) for unwanted sexual advances to happen, it's all in your mind until someone tries to physically touch you.
I don't see how refusing to put up with someone else's petty bullshit is misogynistic. Oh, right, tumblr SJWs have decided that logic, evidence, and reason are "tools of the patriarchy to oppress them" and they should go by emotion alone. It amuses me how much modern feminism resembles the anti-feminist movement of the early 20th century.
This is Veeky Forums, when is it ever NOT rused
That is her magical realm.
This is not fetishbait. But it would be nice if it were.
I'm siding with her on this. You guys are too easily [TRIGGERED] and oversensitive. Don't get your feelz hurt because a fictional elf fucks a fictional dog.
MKULTRA did not work, the Bohemian grove was dismantled, Women were normalised starting in the 1920s and had delusions of relevance dating back as far as ancient goddamn greece, the normalising force surprisingly enough wasn't actually jews until the '50s, and lunacy + hysteria were quack diagnoses at the best of times.
There is truth to what you wrote in that the Frankfurt School did push for special womens' rights from the '50s onwards.
But please do not repeat everything you hear on /pol/.
Of course the women are setting up their magical realm.
Override it with your own. Prove the penis is mightier than the vagina.
>what the fuck happened to this place
>I don't see how refusing to put up with someone else's petty bullshit is misogynistic.
If a sex consists primarily of petty bullshit, then being hostile to petty bullshit is being hostile to that sex.
> tumblr SJWs have decided that logic, evidence, and reason are "tools of the patriarchy to oppress them" and they should go by emotion alone.
Emotion is unreliable. It can be oversensitive, unjustified, out of sync with reality, unfounded, or incorrectly attribte feelz to an external source (Tom hurt my feelz) rather than to an internal source (my memories hurt my feelz), or vice versa.
Don't discard it tho. Emotion is quite useful if you sanitise it and clean it a bit, and perform regular hygiene with it to scrub off the grime.
That Guy threads are a time honored tradition on Veeky Forums, because every poster on this board is able to assign and take responsibility for ridiculous or spergy behavior. These behaviors, while exaggerated for greater storytelling effect, are at their core believable due to a common grain of truth and experience. 'That Girl', a concept that's already a dubious one due to the dearth of women in the tabletop hobby, is rife with politics and other memetics that lead to secondhand embarrassment due to the absurd logical ends those farces must take.
>be male
>have a character who is an old burglar, now turned into a monster-hunter because plot
>he has a big hunting hound, and does exactly all of this as well because it is the only creature that he completely trusts
I'm sorry, but I honestly fail to see the problem here. Could you explain ?
All things contain politics.
Yes even Kinder surprise eggs.
ESPECIALLY Kinder surprise eggs.
Magical realm
A tale most foul
>All things contain politics.
Perhaps instead I should have said polemics.
Oh. I thought it would have been something more like pic related. Guess I'm too naive, then.
>dat pic
>"Other guy spreads cancer that I don't like!"
>"Better spread my kind of cancer!"
>"Inshalla, /pol/ is board of peace"
With girls, it's usually about sex.
Spread your own 3rd kind of cancer to outdo them both