>meet your new DM
Wat do?
>meet your new DM
Wat do?
Commit a little murder, so I can get a million bucks.
Brush up on my Paranoia (without telling anyone)
Oh thank god, it's not a neckbearded weeb.
Uh, they're in Japan, shouldn't it be in Yen?
I don't care if it's in fuckin' WOOLONGS, as long as he pays up.
Suit up and snipe aliens from as far away as I can
Also Fuck the Lara Craft girl
Yeah, Kurono's an idiot for not bringing back the girl who was both ACTUALLY INTO HIM, and a reasonably badass fighter.
Panic a little. And then start to meta the living shit out of the whole thing to save humanity.
Stand around without my BDSM onesie and my nerf gun and cry about morality until it's 5 minutes to go, then pick up said nerf gun and shoot all the others who cried, and the alien.
Later, stand around and gawk at the alien and act like "This can't be happening" and it's somehow weirder than literally being teleported around after dying.
Talk about edgy backstories that make me out to be this human punching bag devoid of emotions other than those of an autistic kabuki actor.
So, basically become every protag of the show.
Stat the gear Veeky Forums.
Why does that hurt so much to look at?
They're incredibly unergonomic and dated in their design.
Kinda like Bethesda Fallout designs, but Gantz is rather consistent in its clunky designs. The tools are intended for function and nothing else.
They're also intended to be mostly fool proof, especially considering all the fools that end up carrying them.
New protag isnt bad
You know, was there a legit storyline to the comic or was the author just making shit up as they went? I read just the first few albums and it felt incredibly meandering.
>exposed wires
There's a story.
>fight aliens for points
>get set free because you need to kill a lot of aliens for 100 points
>use points to bring someone dead back
>use points for better gear
Made to weed out weaklings because a massive alien fleet is coming to enslave earth. Gantz is literally the only way to defeat them.
Wouldn't that be a millyen
I have no idea what that thing is or what I'm supposed to do. Given that I will at least at first be under the impression that it's a game, I embrace my inner Doomguy, generally brush up on my snark and probably die quickly. That or become the comic relief guy.
To be honest, scoring points was german jew idea.
Gantz was given to humanity only so we could fight the aliens
Shit, I got enough 4th wall breaking metagame knowledge to make it, plus all my characters are completely selfish and merciless, I think it'll be just fine.
I was fortunate enough to play a gantz game in one of the shitty pfs wannabe living campaigns that popped up in roll20.
He didnt say it was gantz flat out but the premise was that our PCs were just copies of the original so dying in his mini campaign was meaningless aside from being permanently out of that one campaign. The game was extremely lethal and all levels were accepted. We often had games with level 3s and level 8ths in the same session. There were a few great things that made it especially enjoyable.
For one thing, we were not obligated to work with each other so it was the perfect opportunity to pay back that dildo who rolled up distruptive characters and messed with standard sessions, then the point system that not!gantz scored us with wasnt based on the total damage done to a monster but on who dealt the last hit. Finally to even things up, the PCs were given gantz gear (basically slotless armor that gave extra HP/AC to equalize things and wands that dealt good damage without needing a UMD check).
Shit was great, we backstabbed each other for the fancy 100pt Disintigrate gun and the lethal nature meant that the GM played his monsters to the hilt so the retards who played poorly were quickly punished.
The Gantz story.
>Receive advance warning of alien invasion.
>Given advanced technology to fight said invasion.
>Super advanced weapons tech. Teleportation. Resurrection/insta-cloning. Load of other stuff.
>Pressgang random schmuks into service.
>Like, random school kids, street punks, rapist yakuza, little kids, an old lady that can barley walk.
>Give them super advanced weapons tech and send them into Death Matches against random monsters with zero explanation.
>Seriously, don't tell them anything.
>Implant kill switch in their brains to drop them if they don't obey rules never actually explained to them.
>Expect this circus to fight against the coming invasion.
Humanity deserves to die if this is the best they could come up with. Honestly, I liked it better when it was just the Gantz ball fucking with people for inscrutable alien reasons. I figured it was all some sort of alien Reality TV, where they fucked with the stupid Earthlings for entertainment. It would have explained the game format of the Gantz missions.
The Gantz Story (from my perspective)
>Something about aliens
>Holy shit that chick is hot
>Wait is that Laura Croft?
>Delicious /ss/ with Laura Croft
>Laura Croft dies
>Throw the book across room
>Drink heavily
>Receive advance warning of alien invasion.
>Given advanced technology to fight said invasion.
>Super advanced weapons tech. Teleportation. Resurrection/insta-cloning. Load of other stuff.
>Decide to start reality show about deathmatches using random school kids, street punks, rapist yakuza, little kids, an old lady that can barley walk.
>Seriously, don't tell them anything.
>Implant kill switch in their brains to drop them if they don't obey rules never actually explained to them.
>Earn shitload of money
user you fucker, that was good.
You're obviously confused, user-kun
>send them into Death Matches against random monsters with zero explanation.
iirc the "random monsters" were literally and figuratively illegal aliens
Some of them were legal, though. It's just that humanity needed to train up for the apocalypse.
Flirt with it
Try to ERP with it
Introduce it to my magical realm
Attempt to rape it
>Honestly, I liked it better when it was just the Gantz ball fucking with people for inscrutable alien reasons. I figured it was all some sort of alien Reality TV, where they fucked with the stupid Earthlings for entertainment. It would have explained the game format of the Gantz missions.
Are you me ? Seriously, that's also what I was expecting. The whole alien invasion bullshit just made no sense at all. I'm so disapointed by all that wasted potential.
Should have built wall instead of Gantz balls IMO.
Protag isn't young enough to qualify as /ss/.
I've been following the thing back at the highschool, got to the part after the dinosaurs when vampires start showing up and one of the guys gets superweapon. Didn't really bother catching up since.
Time sure flies by.
She is an amazonian superwoman head and a half taller than him, it will serve.
She's a prime amazon material, sure, but that doesn't automatically make is /ss/.
So basically tight latex like clothing.
I enjoyed the micro sling bikini the girls had in the mangas from time to time.
I'm pretty sure I saw most of these in Joker Quest at one point or another.