Remember when stuff like this was totally acceptable in (A)D&D? Weird how sexy stuff was still a-ok in the cleaned-up 2nd edition days, but now that we have demons and other "controversial" stuff back, sexy is out.
Remember when stuff like this was totally acceptable in (A)D&D...
It actually has more to do with the time periods in question, the 80's and 90's.
Visual aesthetics were different back then.
Remember when the audience was about 1/10th or less of its current size and revenue generation so now one gave a shit about the standards of a cottage industry and it's potential future revenue?
Me too!
To be fair, everyone was naked in Dark Sun.
Dude, roleplaying games sold insanely well in the seventies and eighties compared to now. Then they got their feet cut out by the rise of vidya.
So it's more like "remember when the audience was about ten times what it is now"
IIRC there was this Wizard Lord that had a harem of warrior-women, which is actually what I'd do if I was a Wizard Lord. I don't remember the specifics though.
>he thinks RPGs are more popular now
lol you're fucking stupid.
it was a different time
Why can't a lady adventurer wear a nice metal bikini without being bullied these days, Veeky Forums? What happened to our nice, casual, fun-filled RPG's?
This is not precisely accurate.
They sold about as well as they do now, perhaps just slightly worse.
But just like how our parents could pay for an entire collage degree with one part-time job and conversely we have to go way into fucking debt to do the same and many other financial woes, money went a LOT farther back in the 1980's then it did now so even though sales were perhaps marginally higher at best D&D was actually making more money for it's developers.
Even accounting for inflation for price, the rising costs of developing print media and the costs of distribution of the books mean that basically even successful RPG's even if they sell the exact same amount that D&D did during it's height kind of often manage to break even at best.
That would be why many RPG books you see these days are made El Cheapo, to actually turn some kind of marginal profit.
A better time in most senses.
Because customers now aday see that such things mostly sugar coates bad mechanics or bad systems.
Today bad systems are sugarcoated in shiny photoshop art and hardcover books with high production values instead.
I thought it was more of a problem that RPGs still had too many pointless slutty female pictures.
How the fuck is that weird?
They're two totally unrelated things. Why would the presence of occult shit mean the presence of sexiness?
You just want to make a bait thread.
Your life has to be pretty shit right now for you to think the 80s were better than nowadays.
If you're a faggot, maybe.
>hurr he doesn't want to see naked grils everywhere
>hurr hurr faget
You're a wild animal.
You seem somewhat upset.
>You seem somewhat upset.
It's okay, not all of us can be born with positive blood testosterone levels.
What the fuck is Freddy Mercury then?
>Why would the presence of occult shit mean the presence of sexiness?
virgin sacrifices?
A virgin doesn't have to be sexy and can often have the connotation of being distinctly repulsive.
But why would you want to do that? Hot chicks sell.
no self respecting demon lord would accept such an offering though, they dont get anything out of it other than a perverse joy of seeing something "good" destroyed
Bisexual spermatosaurus
Nowadays, there's nothing more perverse than perverting the belief that "it's what's inside that counts".
Can you think of anything worse than making the ugly, shy, bullied girl, evil?
Or even just ensuring she meets a bad end.
The pure purity damsels are for when people thought good = pretty, not for nowadays.
Violence A-OKAY
This proves that USA is domain of Khorne
It's funny because in summer you see girls wearing less than this just walking around the street.
I don't know what to say.
I require more visual evidence to compare.
>War on Drugs
Oh dear
Maybe because its just hot
What's your point?
I for one welcome our new Khornate overlords.
>No sexy allowed
>No edge allowed
I don't want to live in this world anymore
Because when it's just hot and you live in otherwise modern society the only thing that might matter outside of aesthetics is a perceived way to be less hot, especially when you might for instance possess modern brands of sun screen etc.
Point being that there may be other factors to consider.
That's my point at least.
Not sure what his point is.
It's also comlaring small 20 or so page booklet sales to 100 page plus hardcover book sales.
As of now, the gaming population is actually more than double what it was in the 80's.
What the fuck are you talking about? Tabletop roleplaying was far bigger 30, 20 years ago than it is now.
I can only assume you're barely 20 yourself and you think the small resurgence in the last 6-8 years is some kind of long term trend.
And kickstarter pitches from california hipsters with foppish fashion sense.
That's just not true. Everything from convention attendees to consumer polls indicates that the community is double what it was thirty years ago.
Who needs armor when you're good?
The only creature I ever played that wore sexy armor was a Celestial. And the armor was mostly cosmetic because he was strong enough to break swords with his muscle.
Pic very related.
Someone who wants to be more good.
In 2001, D&D hit record sales that past the previous peak of 1981. Tabletop sales were shit in the 70s and most of the 80s-90s and more people are playing now than back then.
D&D was in decline until post 2000 after the release of 3.5, and D&D was majority share of the market.
Different planet!
>Load me up in the time machine and send me back Doc
Nigger just because you were a dumbass kid in the eighties and nineties doesn't mean they were better, just that you didn't know shit back then. And also that you have a shit memory.
Nothing you cry about is new.
>the modern RPG player base is 1/10 the size it was in the 1980s
user I want you to stop posting for a while and reflect on how retarded your post was.
>no links, just hearsay
Metal Bikinis are dumb where metal is basically normal.
Cloth skimpy tops work in basically any setting.
Stupid question, but aren't metal bikinis terribly uncomfortable?
>health at every size
This is such a fucked up mentality
Those obese women are not a healthy size
some people get off on that
I love the way my chastity belt kinda digs in, it's arousing
You are an idiot manchild.
Honestly, the ugly girl is more likely to be evil than the pretty one. The pretty one will be treated better.
>bikinis for all the bodies
>the fattest chick is still covered uup
You'll like it a lot less once you've been marching, climbing, and fighting in it for a few hours when the sweat makes it catch and chafe your skin bloody.
And even less the next day when it tears the scabs open again and rubs them back into the wounds.
And still less the days after that as your skin turns into a gel-like mass of blood and scabs mashed into paste and oozing puss as infection sets in.
The rule is hard and fast: absolutely no bare metal against the skin, ever.
Far too many people that play are waac faggots that only create warriors or edgy killers and talk about their new abilities or special rules. Their roleplaying is limited to shouting some warcrime while crying ERP if you're a female character or try to play as a charming minstrel. RPG's are only violence escapism for them.
I miss Brom too, he did nice mtg art.
Seems like a self fulfilling prophecy desu.
And being treated preferentially doesn't have to mean that they're going to be good or pure if she realizes that she can get away with significantly more.
Literally nobody buys into their movement besides chubby-chasers, omega males, fat women and people who think they can make a quick buck off their lard asses.
It's literally a movement whose voice only exists on the Internet.
I remember of these days past...
It was before... the triggering...
[cello starts playing]
Isn't everyone half naked on Dark Sun in any edition?
This is what winning an argument looks like.
Back when they weren't afraid to show a wizards intelligence at work.
>That eye
Is she talking anything for her allergies?
>There weren't feminists to cry all day about sexy scantily clad women back then.
Healthy at Any Size originally meant something completely different. It originally meant "If you eat right, get enough exercise, and don't have any health issues then it's OK that you don't look like a fitness model". Which is actually good, most people are not going to look like fitness models even if they are in great physical condition. It isn't supposed to mean "I can be as fat as I want and anyone who says otherwise is obviously fatphobic".
the pretty girl is more likely to be callously cruel, because she can get away with it.
The ugly girl is more likely to be vindictively cruel, because she was treated poorly.
>there were no feminists in the 80's and 90's
>"M-muh sentimental old geezer fallacy! MUH UR TOO YOUNG TO JUDGE FALLACY!"
Whatever fags.
>There were no 3rd wave feminists in the 80's and 90's
There, is your autism satisfied now?
Autism is NEVER satisfied
user, that's not sexy at all.
She's showing all her skin, and yet, she couldn't lack less sexuality. This is trully a paradox to me. And I fap to everything: I'm That Guy WITH The Magical Realm that everyone doesn't want in their table.
>and yet, she couldn't lack less sexuality
Is your fetish not understanding sentence construction?
3rd wave feminism started in early 90's
well it acknowledges that feminism isn't a single monolithic entity, so yes.
Even now there are sex positive feminists, and other breakdowns.
While there are feminists who are stupid and yell at stupid shit, saying they are all the same is like saying all animal rights activists are PETA.
It's just that feminism doesn't have one group the crazy naturally gravitates to.
But it does allow them to no-true-Scotsman their fucking faces off.
Yes. That and being mocked over the internet. Proceed user, you are pleasing me greately.
it try to get around it by denying all of them the term 'true' or 'false' (except for proven con artists in the case of false) and add a descriptor(s) on all of them. Like I did with many social movements, and Dave.
But again, it's lot harder than me saying "I'm an SPCA animal-rights activists, not a PETA animal rights activist"
>While there are feminists who are stupid and yell at stupid shit, saying they are all the same is like saying all animal rights activists are PETA.
>It's just that feminism doesn't have one group the crazy naturally gravitates to.
When the "sane" feminists start taking control of the political course of the general movement, I'll start caring about what "sane" feminists think or do.
The nature of any movement is dictated by its most influential movers and shakers, which, unfortunately for you and any "sane" feminists, the crazies.
Kevin Ibbs rapes Christine Watson, she just may have conspired for it to happen knowing that he would ignore her under the advice of his wife.
I'm not going to bother looking at em each of the other tiles.
This sort of self policing isn't actually a thing that can happen if there isn't as single organization.
You can call them out on being stupid, and condemn them, but they'll ignore you.
>The nature of any movement is dictated by its most influential movers and shakers
many movements are too disperesed to have single movers, and shakers are just those who shake things up and can't be controlled by disapproval.
The crazies make more noise. Going back to the example. How often do you hear about PETA saying something crazy? How often about the SPCA being reasonable?
And that's a very centralized movement. Where feminism is an extremely de-centralized movement.
Remember when OD&D had a naked woman on a cover?
Remember when AD&D 1e had naked boobs?
Remember when 3.5 had every adventurer covered in belts and pouches?
Remember when OP wasn't retarded?
I hate you blockheaded fuckers who don't understand that mainstream standards change over time. Especially since you just focus on the battle bikinis and not the whole atmosphere (EVERYONE was half-naked in Dark Sun art).
>The crazies make more noise. Going back to the example. How often do you hear about PETA saying something crazy? How often about the SPCA being reasonable?
How often do PETA advocates control college campus?
How often do PETA advocates dictate national policy?
I am wholly ignorant on the matter of PETA and I am not about to go further into them, but pretending that the insanity that is feminism is some innocent cultural quirk whose crazed advocates don't hold significant social power is the height of stupidity.
>many movements are too dispersed to have single movers, and shakers are just those who shake things up and can't be controlled by disapproval
A lack of willingness to self police your movement is functionally identical to supporting the whims of your most extreme members. You can claim that you just "can't do anything," but that hardly stops Christians from condemning the West Boro Baptist church.
I can name precisely one significant feminist author I would ever consider sane: Christina Hoff Summers, but she is not the type of person who influences laws across the nation. She is not the one who shuts down public discourse on mens issues. She is not the one who has caused "rape" on college campuses to extend its meaning to "sex I later decided I didn't want." She does not drive policy, but at the very least, she speaks out against the madness. She is not the face of the movement.
The ones that drive policy are the ones that matter. Crazies drive policy and spread lies, and your allegedly "sane" feminists are the ones who silently allow them to go unopposed.
only read the first one but that's rape. If you're having sex with someone and they go "yo I dont wanna do this anymore" you stop. just because you are about to nut doesn't make it okay to have sex with someone against their will
I miss old fantasy art
user, it shouldn't matter what people as a whole think, but what your group is okay with.
If your group is fine with plenty of scantily clad warrior women, then go ahead and play it. Be the change you want to be. I'm sure some people would even just enjoy some variety, lack of realism be damned.
And don't think the guys were left out when it came to bikini "armor"
In what situation can you imagine proving in court "Yes I said he could have sex with me, but I said "stop" right before he came so it's rape"
In all honesty there are also neckbeards who get all autistic about "Muh realism" and alt rights who complain about "degeneracy."
Armor shaming isn't just a feminist thing anymore.
i guarantee you that postmodern regressive feminists advocate for it