>it doesn't mean you sell drugs to kids.
For example, it means you might be fine selling drugs to kids.
>Most people would agree that is evil as fuck.
That's because humans generally are lawful as fuck.
>Chaotic Good is Batman.
Pretty terrible example considering he's firmly on the side of the police, likes law and order and fights criminals all day. The one time a D&D product stated Batman's alignment, it was lawful good.
>You cannot be chaotic good while breaking the law simply because they're social norms.
Yes you can. That's chaotic good's whole schtick.
>Or simply because your conscience says it's ok.
If you're going to have a discussion on D&D concepts like alignment, familiarize yourself with the fucking section on alignment.
>By that logic, Joker's conscience says killing civilians is good so Joker is Chaotic Good.
Joker does more than break the law, and he impinges upon other's freedom to do it.
You're still thinking of lawful good, by the way, when you say "you can't break the law just because your conscience says its okay."
If chaotic good sounds like its pretty villainous, good, because chaos was largely designed to be antagonistic. The soulless elves and fey in Poul Anderson's Three Hearts and Three Lions were largely a straight translation and they were Chaotic Good, and Zeus was also cited by Gary Gygax as Chaotic Good.
CG doesn't mean "he obeys the law, except when the just must become outlaws xD" it means the best of a very bad lot. They largely do whatever they feel like it, and selling drugs to kids falls squarely into the territory of what a CG character is capable of approving.
They won't *necessarily* improve but hard core libertarians etc. are probably primarily CG.