Give me some ideas for One Unique Things
Give me some ideas for One Unique Things
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Character can tell when somebody is lying but also must call them out on it on the first opportunity.
I once played a one-shot of 13th age that lasted three sessions, I played a Kobold wizard (evilish party) who's special thing was that he was the only kobold with brown scales.
Your character is cursed to be super good at blowjobs but he's not gay so no one knows
Played a one-shot character whose one unique thing was that she was born from a horribly flubbed voodoo doll ritual, and thus is physically identical to an actual person somewhere in the world, but ultimately made of cloth and wool.
Unusual scar or brand from a past they don't like to talk about
Odd feature hinting at inhuman ancestry
Is constantly mistaken for someone else considered either a hero or brigand depending on region
Incredible fashion sense
Convinced they can speak to certain trees
The fey really like you, for good or ill
You have a number. Not a lucky number, or an unlucky number, but rather in the same way that a god has a number indicating that their hand is involved in an affair, any time you act upon a situation or get involved in any way various things tend to eventuate towards your number.
4 dead bodies, 4 slash marks across the Orc's chest, the inn payment for the duration of stay you end up having will be 4 gold for your party, etc.
They unknowingly can comminucate one way to any living being and can't turn it off.
Your sneeze can sunder mountains.
Patrician taste
He knows more about shopping, bargaining, fashion, and proper coiffure than any other man alive. Turn him loose in a shopping center and he'll get you a nice set of dress clothes that fit you, a haircut you actually like, and a cologne that makes you feel confident, for about 40% less than you'd pay.
Mista pls go back to Vento Aureo
This paladin was given a fake not!bible as a joke when he was still a child, and learned right and wrong from there. While he did study the real scriptures once he started on the path of rightousness, he sometimes gets it mixed up
She's allergic to panties that aren't silk.
What system is this?
What if I want to be more unique?
Definitely not actually a toilet wearing a helmet.
13th Age is the system.
>What if I want to be more unique?
Sorry, son. You're ordinary.
13th Age and I do not understand your second question.
How can you be more unique than unique? You mean like having two unique things?
I meant two unique things, obviously
Every nine sentences end with a word whose last letter is 'e', without fail.
His parents were both secretly gay but married each other so that they could have children.
There is a specific phrase from a romance novel the character read when she was a child. If she hears someone use it towards her, she assumes the two of them are destined lovers (whether this is true or not).
She is especially adept at juggling anything with a reflective surface, because seeing the faces of the audience in the objects gave her confidence as she practiced.
Character made a mortal enemy when he accidentally stole a magical pie made by a master chef for his true love and eventual wife. The chef's children and descendants intuitively recognize him as an enemy, even if they can't explain it.
>His parents were both secretly gay but married each other so that they could have children.
Here's one i didn't get to use:
A dwarf druid scholar that's obsessed with unifying druidic powers and dwarven tradition, looking for a very specific alloy of metal that doesn't hamper druidic abilities. He only has an ounce worth of the material and legends to guide him.
>Character made a mortal enemy when he accidentally stole a magical pie made by a master chef for his true love and eventual wife. The chef's children and descendants intuitively recognize him as an enemy, even if they can't explain it.
Was that a reference to pic related?
One of the most interesting characters I ever played was cursed to not only appear very short and fat, but to not remember his curse.
The ability to speak any language, but in an utterly incomprehensible accent.
I think one unique thing is more meant to be a minimum requirement of plot hooks in character traits. Kind of like the minimum flair (buttons) needed to work at certain family restaurants.
My character has a kind heart toward the people he protects. Where other heroes call the job done and walk out with their loot, he goes the extra mile to make sure that innocents are helped and better off than when he found them. If someone gifts him a medicine kit, he pays that person back because he knows that kindness should be rewarded. If his actions broke something of value, even indirectly, he offers his services and recompense for it.
My 5e Monk came from a different country where they used Silver in place of gold, and had no containers besides bowls. My character drank milk out of my own personal bowl with his hands in our first tavern. I pretty much played him as an outsider who had no clue what cultural things to be aware of. He was also trying to hunt some guy to collect a bounty so that was legit.
5e Paladin of Bahamut frm Sossal. As such, exiled for worshipping heathen gods. A mix of dragon and Sossal beliefs. The strong do not protect nor hinder the weak. Opportunities are given for the weak to grow and the strong are expected to maintain their strength.
I've made a few.
You have a literal green thumb. It can be covered with a glove but glows a little in the dark. You can restore a single wilted plant to green liveliness, but only once a day. It would take you a week to heal a blighted tree.
You carry an alter of the Gods on your back. If you encounter enemy clerics or evil ones- they will treat you with respect. Also your alter counts as an alter for any religious or magical rituals.
You have a fairy in a bottle. It is said if you let her out soon, she'll grant you a wish. If you wait to long, instead she will curse you when released. You don't know when the turning point is.
Only Paladin of the Dwarf Beer Goddess
Character met God once as a child. Asked for an answer to the problem of evil. He can't quite remember but he doesn't think he got a good answer. Currently searching for more satisfying answers.
I literally have no unique ideas.
Shouldn't they be switched in the last one? Otherwise they would let the faerie out immediately.
Character carries a candle around. Once a year on her birthday she lights it for 10 minutes, then pours the hot wax over the back of her hand. She believes that the splatter pattern can show the future. She believes that when the candle burns out, she will die, but she lights it every year anyway.
You are sexually attracted to swords and other sharp weaponry.
As such, you are immune to all forms of attraction and charms unless they come from a construct whose physical form could be defined as "sharp."
Part of what I had in mind, yeah.
That and
- It is difficult to fuck a sword
+ It is not impossible to fuck a sword
>Wear edgy armor not cause you're an edgelord, but because you just love all those sharp protrusions
>End up falling in love with your party's warforged and teach them to love
Would I be correct in assuming such a character would consider an armory a 'harem'?
Is the attractiveness of a sword based on its appearance, its sharpness, or its total enhancement bonus?
Appearance is the equivalent of seeing a hot chick on the street.
The overall enhancement would be the "personality."
And no, a weapon rack filled would be a harem. An armory would be the garden of Eden.
My monk nearly drowned as a child, and is now terrified of water
does it give examples or did the person who wrote this literally sit down and make it up?
I like this. It reminds me of one of the things I like in 5e, the question of "What changed?"
>"What changed?"
Let me put on my doofus hat and ask in what context that question was asked in 5e?
It comes after the book asks you to imagine your character's backstory. In other words, why did they decide to quit being a noble or a shepherd or a wizard's apprentice or a farmer or a town guard and become an adventurer.
The rough, half-Orc paladin gets hay fever around grass/pollen, and has a very feminine sneeze
The Fey pact warlock wears a wedding ring of glassy ice, to signify she's the bride of the Winter King
The rogue ties her hair in a violet ribbon every time she encounters a trap.
The wizard wears women's shoes under his cloak, it makes him feel pretty.
The fighter tends to giggle a lot when nervous or afraid.
That third one was an unfortunate reference, wasn't it?
The Druid constantly has a long smoking pipe in his mouth, and will lecture anyone about the health benefits of smoking given the chance.
The Ranger prefers sleeping in trees. And carries a hammock as his camping gear
The bard really REALLY likes cheese.
The half-elf sits as far away from the campfire as he can whilst still feeling it's warmth.
I outgrew the series before I finished it, but yes.
What's better
>the barbarian always carries books with him, despite his inability to read
>the wizard always has a book in his hand, barely lifting his nose from it, even during combat.
Barbarian, and events reference aside, you've posted the best traits.
The chaos sorcerer obsessively counts groups of random objects, but always seems to miscount
The monk meditates balancing a jug of stones on his head.
The dwarf has small momentos of his travels tied into his beard
The deep gnome often has long conversations with a gemstone he keeps tied around his neck, referring to it as "mother". The gem is completely non-magical
The halfling has a tall tale for every tattoo on her wrinkled skin
The Aasimar hums in his sleep, no one knows this except his tiefling lover.
The cleric always finds a reason to not visit his god's church every time the party is in a city
the fighter has a crest of his shield that none versed in nible history recognise, but causes intelligent undead to flee upon seeing it
Do not ask about the missing scales just above the Dragonborn's eye, just don't.
The elf has has a lock of red hair tied at the top of his longbow, he kisses it every time he puts an arrow between a hobgoblin's eyes
The cleric likes to knit small gifts for the other party members and constantly asks when they plan to have children.
The warforged cares for a small hive of bees that took up in his torso as he stood guard at a crumbling tower for many years.
The bard is very fidgety and tends to drum his fingers on all available surfaces.
The gladiator loves the colour orange, and wears a fabulous orange cloak his wife made him into battle.
The paladin is dead, doesn't know it, and is only up and walking around because his god is cheating a little. Soothsayers start screaming if they read his palm.
The wizard is prophesised to stand astride the world as a conqueror... for his skill at arms, and really wishes people would stop asking him about it.
The rogue is actually a long-lost prince... of a theocracy, and there's gonna be some serious problems if he ever goes 'home'.
One of the party is an amnesiac doppleganger.
The character was captured by a sadistic regime and fleshwarped into a body double for the dictator. Or he's the dictator faking it.
Fallen Paladin still has access to divine powers and has no clue.
I actually have this thing for an existing character (haven't had the chance to play her).
>The paladin will always eat an orange or anything orange-flavored, if it is offered and she is not already full to bursting. If it's poisoned or is simply colored orange rather than being the actual citrus fruit, however, she doesn't consider it 'orange-tasting enough'. She's spent a disproportionate amount of money on mimosa.
A half-monster makes up fake monstrous rituals to impress and intimidate humans. He has no idea how real monsters live, and only says that Bargains Must Be Sealed In Blood because he likes how squeamish prissy humans get about pricking their finger to draw blood.
The gnome has a habit of sniffing people, it's creepy considering he's at crotch level to most people
The Eladrin never has the same hair colour or style longer than two weeks
The sorceress gets really gay after a few drinks
The thri-keen is super ticklish but has a very ugly laugh, you know, mandibles clacking and such
The diviner does not like large, loud crowds, especially if they're singing or chanting.
The fighter bites her nails, not just the ones on her fingers.
A paladin uses their immunity to poison and disease to eat actively hazardous things as a penance, or just because he has weird tastes. He's also willing to eat literally anything at least once.
Mummified sheep baked in a drake venom with a black lotus reduction over the top, anyone?
Sorcerer uses Prestidigitation to change all consumables to Strawberry flavor.
The elf has been smoking the same cigarette for the past forty years, at least as he reckons. He chain smokes, and always rolls the same combination of elven slow-weed and tobacco in the same yew-stock paper. A single smoke can last for hours, and since he never sleeps he's never seen reason to let it go out. He inherited the smoldering cigarette from his father, who was killed in battle but never let it slip from his lips.
I hope you go with that for your next paladin- I actually have an explanation for the Pink Sauce-esque orange situation.
She's secretly half-drow, and drow as a race have personal psychic compulsions that differ by individual.
I never thought of that, actually. She'd probably take the time to study arcane magic if she ever found out that could be done.
He has a terrifying fear of armidillos
Once played a fighter who mastered the infernal and celestial tongues. He would constantly pray to good gods in the infernal tongue, and evil gods in the celestial tongue. He had a real hatred for outsider entities.
The rogue will always skip a stone on or otherwise disrupt a large body of still water. She will begin to panic if she can't.
The barbarian has surprisingly pristine teeth and rather pleasant breath.
The cleric insists that covering his body head-to-toe is required by his God
The ranger's pet bear loves rolling down hills and will keep doing so until he's completely exhausted unless the ranger instructs him otherwise
There's one dagger the rogue never takes out of its sheath, even when he's in battle with no other options.
The paladin insists she's allergic to potatoes, she isn't, but she just really doesn't like them.
My first character had a necklace of fingers and every person he killed he had to add a finger to the necklace, though I guess it only works if you intend to play a psychopath
>The cleric insists that covering his body head-to-toe is required by his God
Secretly a woman.
>There's one dagger the rogue never takes out of its sheath, even when he's in battle with no other options.
Gonna kill his nemesis with it.
I didn't have a specific reason for either of them but those are quite good.
The dwarf is always chewing on a nail. Not a fingernail, she's got a bag of roofing nails and always has one tucked into the corner of her mouth like a stogie.
The elf doesn't have practice in the arcane secrets, but every time there's a stop or a slight chance, he can make delicious and calming tea. Two minutes locked in a room out of sight? Tea. Halfway up a mountain in a sleeping bag with no fire? Tea. Literally manacled to a wall and suspended off the ground? Tea.
The halfling has a thing for big women. Pelvic reinforcement may become necessary if he keeps going after the orcesses.
The gnome is actually morose and serious most of the time, so his fey overlord cursed him with an obnoxious cutesy verbal tic. He's not any happier about it than anyone having to deal with it.
The half elf already has a child in another town, and sends letters every month or so, even though she knows they won't be read.
The half orc has a pair of interested ghosts following him around, each trying to mold him into their idea of a hero. They mostly just end up yelling racist insults at each other while he's trying to sleep.
The human was raised by wolves. Fortunately, they were magic talking wolves, so this mostly translates as a nigh-supernatural empathy with dogs and a deep understanding of pack structure and body language.
The tiefling has a lovingly detailed map in his possession, but it's for an area no one has ever heard of.
The dwarf is very surly but his mood will change if one offers him sweets.
The elf is deathly afraid of snakes.
The wizard's staff looks very weathered and has many initials carved into it in a child's handwriting.
And I think I'm out of imagination juice for now
I like these a lot.
"Secretly a drow" is also a fantastic reason for the first one.
The second one is literally Jack Sparrow.
Perfectly normal and just interpreted his holy scripture in a different way than most is a nice subversion
>The king cuts a fine figure in his royal attire
>One might say the high priest dresses sharply
>Her angular features lend her a certain edge
>The barmaid looks pretty knife. You could have sword you've seen her before.
Can quickly develop, stick to, and recall cover identities due to a strange form of training that his father put him through, but has a very strange and disjointed sense of self as a result.
Character was a roguish sort, had a set of skills from a life of crime, and was played a bit like a fantasy version of Michael Westen from Burn Notice.
I cum scorpions.
Ever since he joined the monastary at age 10, he had studied the nature of good. For ten years, he studied holiness, and law, and spirituality, and meditated on the nature of justice. After he earned his sash, he was sent into the world by the wise masters to do good and to further learn the nature of good. For twenty years, he walked one hundred miles a day, and helped a hundred souls a day. He saved the good from death, and the evil from temptation. He spent each night in meditation on the nature of good, and of the world.
One day, while watching a starving child steal just to eat, it occurred to him that the wise masters in their temple of ancient stone and wood had very little concern for the people they prayed for every morning from their mountain top. A thought, now planted, simply could not be uprooted. And so he changed course.
From then on, he vowed, he would spend twenty years studying the nature of evil. He researched avarice, and tyranny, and profanity, and meditated on the nature of villainy. He only walked two miles the first day, and every day after that he rode, or he sailed, or he was carried on the backs of slaves.
So here, now, he stands, ten years into his meditation on evil. Here he stands before you, a felonius monk.
Addicted to cannibalism
>Dumped by wizard girlfriend
>Raped by goblins
>Arrested by the Dark Lord's No Fun Brigade
These are pretty fun
I'd like to sheathe her later, if you know what I mean
This is one of the only decent ones in the thread. Everyone else is either lolsorandum, "This is my thing and that's why I'm immune to all damage and spells" or both.
What thread have you been reading, guy