>running Lamentations of the Gingerbread Princess module in 5e
>players get to the end and have to choose between killing a child to end a wish the child made or making a wish to try end the childs wish that unknowingly entrapped the party
>trick is the wishes are always cursed in some way by the idol granting them so they have to be careful
>players wish for the childs wish to be ended
>I choose to curse their wish to mean they have to end the wish by their own hand
>player gets upset and claims I'm taking away player agency by essentially forcing their character to kill the child
>I figured because their player is so reluctant to kill the child it as the obvious curse to their wish
>session ends with an argument over how unfair it is and that I railroaded them
Did I fuck up? I realize I did make the wish option into a trap to force them to kill the child anyway, but I figured an evil idol knows you don't ant to kill the girl so it is going to force you to do so. Seems reasonable right? It wasn't too dickish? The player said he didn't care about killing the child but he was pissed I took away player agency and railroaded them.
Last group I ran it for wished for selfish shit and just killed the girl and I expected much the same since this group is way more morally ambiguous.