>Real life example of chaotic evil
Real life example of chaotic evil
>Real life example of chaotic evil
>Real life example of chaotic neutral
Okay, Bogleech.
Okay, /pol/.
>alignments are a spook
*alignments are multiple spooks
Such chiseled bodies can only be the result of monk training, so Lawful at least.
Yes, but even if he were to define alignments as a spook, his actions centered around egoism would certainly define him as CN
These dudes look like they're just hangin' out in the sarengheti and eating zebra. They're not really bothering anyone. I'd have pinned the Los Angeles Street Negroid as more of a Chaotic Evil type.
>Real life example of Chaotic Good
Neutral Good.
Fred Rogers should have ascended to Godhood.
Why? Dolphins are nice.
yeah if you enjoy getting fucked by aquatic mammals
I don't know, those look like some lawful motherfuckers to me.
I'm not one to recognize african groups at a glance, but aren't those guys Massai?
>wakey wakey
True Neutral at worst.
Lawful Evil, not Chaotic.
>he hasn't heard of the rape caves
Dolphins are animals. Animals are TN/N.
Only to a spook they would.
The only reason Dolphins aren't considered demonic is because Satan refuses to be associated with them.
That's a funny way of spelling "Swans".
you spell "satan" weirdly
>under fbi investigation
Those are Africans not Niggers you retard.
She's manipulating the law to get away with it.
Russian bears are baaad news man.