All hail to Alarielle's thigh edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
All hail to Alarielle's thigh edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Other urls found in this thread:
First for thic thighs.
Second for Kroak
daily reminder that alarielle WILL get killed by a random skink/gnoblar/rat swarm
and like it
What are Skullcrushers like and is the Brass Stampede good?
With the limits to summoning is Nagash over pointed now?
I'm trying for the life of me to remmmeber the name of a website in the UK that would sell warhammer slightly cheaper than GW. I am pretty sure it wasn't wayland games but i could be wrong, the only thing i remmember is that it took awhile for delivery. I know thats not much to go on but maybe someone knows what i'm on about.
Element games?
So is it just me or is AoS pretty much dead in the water on the east coast?
Maelstrom Games? Name rings a bell, but I believe they closed up years ago
What ARE the limits on summoning?
>16 wounds
>can regain wounds
>good save
>can cast eight spells a turn
>with a bonus to the casting roll
>command ability is amazing
I dunno, maybe. But that's a lot of spells. He's basically eight 100 point wizards glued into one big body, with a price to match.
Not really. He still fucking doubles you summon points after the fact, so he still allows you to play with more points than your foe.
Not to mention he is still a tremendously powerful damagecaster in his own right that can throw down in melee no problem and is pretty durable.
It could have been, i'm sure the name had "wargaming" or something in the title though. It probably is wayland, the prices look about what i remmember but i recall the site not looking as shit as it does, plus their seems to be alot of negative reviews.
Ah sod it. Thanks for helping though!
Can anyone share Sylvaneth yesterday anthology?
If someone will upload it, I'll pick up 4th part of Hunt for Mannfred audio for all of us.
Hey so I'm preparing my Brettonians for Season of War at my local GW, is it any good:
- 1x Paladin BSB
- 2x Knights Errant (two different units)
- 1x Damsell
- 2x Peasant Bowman (one unit)
It amounts to 980 points.
Any thoughts
Has anyone got the PDF of the new items in the G.Handbook
Going to use this one i think, prices seem good. Thank you!
How long do you think it will be until most of the races have been fleshed out to the point where the game is more interesting?
Feels a bit shallow at the moment in terms of variety.
That's my port of call, unless my buddy get's the GW manager job he applied for
TripleHelix do sell Warhammer at pretty decent prices as long as you're willing to wait for their dubious dispatch cycle on Thursdays each week.
I paid extra for 1st class Next Day delivery on an order placed on a Friday that didn't get dispatched for another 6 days.
Well I think he still has his uses. Remember, he has an army-wide Command and a huge modifier to his casting rolls. The latter does wonders combined with him knowing the spells of other Death Wizards. Thus, he can cast shit like Vanhel's Danse Macabre or Chillwind with a huge modifier, making those powerful spells significantly easier to get off.
Who says he doubles it AFTER you pay the points for it? As I understand it, when he summons Morghasts, you get four instead of two but also PAY four instead of two.
Yes, I do. And so would you, if you weren't a blind moron.
You do realize every faction in the game has a page of fluff and full color warscrolls in the GA books, right? Just because it doesn't have a Battletome doesn't mean you can't play it.
Now they're providing information on how to make your own terrain again.
>100 pts
>4+ save
>Sweet D6 mortal wound prayers
>Wields the legendary Liber Bubonicus
>Damage THREE for bitch-slapping man-things
>Sexy model
Lord Kroak fucking wishes he had such swagger and dirt cheap pts cost.
And don't think Grimlok is safe either, he's coming for that ass too.
I wanna oil up Alarielle's thighs.
Psst, the Realmgate Wars books have been doing that already. Besides, that isn't "making terrain". That's "buy a Realm of Battle board just to paint it like so for this tiny stretch of campaign narrative".
Awesome, they're heading back to where they were years ago. Monthly WD, make your own stuff, community features etc.
Now I'm just sitting here with mixed feelings over my wall of WHFB I brought when AoS came out.
Guess I'll just have to play both, squares on the old stuff, rounds on the new stuff whatever.
You get to set up double the amount of models you summoned, which I read as "Summon 100pts of stuff, set up 200pts worth of stuff.".
A FAQ is needed, I think.
If nagash can't get more summons then he loses his uniqueness really
>Threw down Simply because they are a beautiful range and i'm bored of my Necrons
I'll probably end up buying a few bits of terrain too for some trippy fae forest action
Have any of the most recent fiction, audio dramas, or campaign stuff been linked yet? I've been watching both Megas, but nothing seems to have come through.
You think you have it bad? I don't even play currently and I want to drop money for Sylvaneth, even if there's nobody in Northern VA who plays just because I fucking love drybrushing.
Dunk >>> Emma
Same here anons, don't even play and i'm buying a small group of ironjawz just to paint something.
All hail lord Duncan
At least i'm in London
So i have a few FLGS'es and GW's to play in
I wonder if he enjoyed painting Alarielle's thick thighs
Welp, unless any one can convince me otherwise, I guess Ill be picking up a Start Collecting!: Slaves to Darkness box set+ another box of Warriors, Chosen and a Sorceress.
Please, brothers, lead me away from this ruinious path.
>Consider getting Alarielle when I get gud enough/have enough dosh
>See those THICC thighs of hers
>MFW imagining those putting my pelvis in a death grip as I shoot streams of ivory into her Wood Elf snatch hatch
>TFW you'll never leave the forest
I really hate painting skin desu
So glad most of my new army will be Wood
Um, I play Blightkings and they only get the chalky dried-out skin look I'm going for if I dry-brush them with Pallid Wych Flesh.
And ethereal "skin" can be dry-brushed too, if you do it right.
But yes, her way of painting the Revenants was atrocious. I wanted the damn blue from pic related, not YET another tutorial on how to paint Spirit Hosts.
I'd probably just grab the start collecting box myself, don't want to give yourself too big a painting backlog right from the off.
Otherwise, go for it.
He washed them in his cum
I mean all the models are nice, but the army seems very boring and kind of dependent on allied keyword god synergy or you miss out on some abilitys
E.g: mark them all Slaanesh, then get a slaaneshi lord, use his command on them for extra attacks on 6's.
If you do it with anything else, you may as well just play Rotbringers, bloodbound, arcanites, etc
don't AOS is fucking shite.
What is the Sorceress for? Because you like the model? Or for Your Dudes'ing your army?
Other than that, why not. It's a great value box and despite what other anons say, StD are a fun army, especially if you fluff it out with god-specific units.
NoVa meetup when?
>Do you know how AoS plays?
>Do you have a point limit / know when to stop?
>Do you like the models?
>Will you be able to play regularly?
If yes to all 4 then go nuts user
The GW in Hartford CT runs leagues and such. Somewhere around 15 active players I think the rep said. I don't go up there cause it's an hour away for me andmy work schedule sucks but the rep seemed really cool. Maybe now that points are out I'll be able to pick up a game here and there.
Okay, whatever, I don't think that's in the pdf yet.
Basically, you leave out an amount of points, i.e. you only take, say, 750 points in a 1000 point army. That gives you a summoning pool of 250 points. Throughout the game you can set up new units up to 250 points, though you don't have to decide what you summon before the game starts, so you can adapt to what is happening on the table.
Note that this only counts for summoning new units, not things like Flesh-Eater Courtiers reinforcing your existing units or Daemon/Skeleton Standards resurrecting models. You can do that as much as you want BUT not to increase the unit above its starting size.
Note also that this ONLY applies to Matched Play. Open and Narrative do not have these restrictions.
Is the Silver Tower any good?
I will after I finish it.
>Alarielle's thighs thicker than her torso
Played my first game last week with two friends, it was shitloads of fun. A bit easy at the start, but when you throw advanced monsters and random shit keeps happening, it can become challenging.
Each character had his OP moment, with the Mistweaver stunning whole rooms, the Warchanter chain attacking like there's no tomorrow and the Tzeentch sorcerer lord with both his traits (splash damage and change behaviour roll of enemies).
There's also a huge range of characters to play, so that's definitely another plus (even if some a cruelly absent, like Flesh Eaters or Sylvaneth).
Depends on what you expect out of it.
Are the models good? Oh hell yes.
Do they have rules in AoS? Yes, pretty damn good ones for the most part, too.
Is it easy to play? Absolutely.
Is it fun to play? Fast-paced, lots of chances for dickery among players, though it (obviously) gets more fun if played with the maximum number of players.
Does it have replay value? Theoretically endless because of the amount of randomness. Effectively it gets a bit repetitive after a certain point, but with 4 players, you will barely notice, as cutting through goblins and horrors will always be fun.
A little bit of everything, actually: Fits in with Your dudes, I cant see any reason not to use Daemonic power, and plus, I have some really nice models in mind for her.
Any recommendation for a fantasy game? Because I already have armies for most systems.
Me and my friends are all starting armies, to celebrate the start of The Season of War. We're all building to 1000 points as a goal, and I already have a 1500 point Vampire Count army.
I am mainly asking if any of you could recommend another army. I played around with the idea of a Eshin based Skaven army, and Dark Elves, but I have no idea how they play. I also thought about Freeguild, but I have no idea about the lore behind them, or how any of them play.
Does anyone know if buffs are stackable?
Can a pair of Packmasters whip the same Rat ogre unit to give them 2+ to hit, run and charge? probably not. seems too good
I've just finished doing the models for mine. Not played a game yet but it looks fun. Me and the OH spent a while making heroes and monsters. I'll try to get a game next weekend when I've got time but shes looking forward to giving it a go.
There's a reasonable selection of heroes and lots of monsters. The boards are nice thick card and it all stays reasonably well in its box. I expect GW may expand it with more monsters/boards much like the other board game I can't remember the name of which shares similarities (dungeon something??).
They are ok but Dracoth Riders btfo them pretty hard in my experience. The Brass Stampede formation seems almost mandatory if you want to use Skullcrushers. I like them for their looks mostly.
Alright everyone, registration is officially open for the AoS grand tournament in the LVO in February. Who all is going?
I am so excited to show off my Forgesworn Eternals and dispossessed.
Eshin-themed army is fun, but limited, especially with the Deathrunner not getting points yet. Basically you play your two minimum units of Night Runners, a Deceiver and two or three Assassins and then you shell out all your other points for Gutter Runners. The Deceiver is THE best character killer in the game and almost impossible to kill at range.
Dark Elves have way too many factions currently, so you'll need to narrow it down a bit.
Freeguild are basically the Imperial Guard to the Stormcasts' Astartes. They rush from Azyr into the other realms to reclaim the realms their ancestors once had to abandon. In game they are a big gunline behind almost unkillable infantry that doesn't move unless it has to in addition to powerful shooty cav and gorgeous Demigryph Cav. Needs some assistance from Collegiate Arcane and Ironweld Arsenal though.
Only one buff with the same name, if I remember correctly. So, you can stack Bloodsecrator and Aspiring Deathbringer adding +1 attack each as they have the same effect, but not two Packmasters, as their rules have the same effect and the same name.
I'd say a year or so when all or most factions have been redone and the realms further explored. Aelfs will shake things up a bit I believe. Pretty exited about their huge centerpiece leaders. Also the eventual other new Greater Daemons.
Tournaments like this ALMOST make me wish I lived in burgerland.
The big thing that sucks about tournaments in burgerland is everything is so far away from each other. This is about a 9 hour drive from my house, and it's THE CLOSEST GT to me.
I imagine it's different over the pond because land is smaller and things would be closer. Not to mention tabletop wargames being bigger there in general and more are available within the year.
So you couldn't set as8dr points and then so am summon Chimera every turn?
English please?
You can't spam summoning spells because you have a finite amount of points set aside for the entire battle, is how I read it. Is that correct?
Atleast your country have a AoS scene.
basically its like arriving from reserve in 40k except harder to do and there are more limitations
You can put aside points for summoning and summon no more new units than that number of points would let you bring.
You can reinforce units for free up to their original size. so If you bought a squad of 30 skeletons and 1 is alive? Nagash or whoever could summon it back to 30 for 0 points.
Eh, no. Nagash etc. can only summon new UNITS of Skeletons, which does not fall under the reinforcement clause. Reinforcement refers to things like Morbidex Twiceborn or Courtiers, like "pick a unit already on the table and add X models to it". The only way you can use summoning magic to reinforce existing units is with Sepulchral Stalkers, Ushabti and the like, where the "summon X" spell says "pick a unit of X and add a model to it".
You can't resurrect with summoning spells. The spell or ability must allow to refill units. Like the healing spell of the Wanderers or the standarts of death.
THEN you don't need to spend reinforcment points. Otherwise it costs points.
Hey, that's right. With these new summoning restrictions, the Spellweaver's unique spell just got infinitely better, didn't it? I mean, the poor lady's still fucked because they took her horse-option away in GA:Order so the one target her rezz would be best for is constantly out of range (unless you use her legacy rules).
Well, Mainly I considered playing the Corsairs faction with Assassin support. I liked the idea of having a Skaven assassin force with a few slave units, like a Chaos Sorcerer or Warriors, but overall, i am not a huge fan of Skaven as a faction. I think they're just not to my taste, with way too much backstabbing. They're also just too flimsy and horde based mechanic wide
>I think they're just not to my taste, with way too much backstabbing.
>I liked the idea of having a Skaven assassin force
Pick-Choose one, man-thing
Does the Realm of Shadows have rules anywhere?
Summoning: your army pts includes summoning. You can summon to regain dead models, but never to pass the point limit of the game. You can also split your army into two pools, the main fielded pool, and a summoning pool, but again. This cannot pass the pts limit.
Advantages to summoning is to be able to restore units, and to be able to summon troops several inches away, which may put with within charge range, or surprise the enemy with a group of dudes to block off their path. Helps you maneuver better.
Might be wrong on the restoration of units though
I wanna cum all over Alarielle's thighs.
Hasn't been officially explored yet. Heck, I'm still waiting for Realm of Beasts rules, never mind Light and Shadow.
I think those three are probably being saved for the next arc, which I hope will be the Slaanesh and Aelves one. The Realmgate Wars were about the attack on the realmgates, specifically Aqshy, Shyish, Ghyran, and Chamon. I would expect that these are the four that get sealed during the assault on the Allgates, while Ghur, Ulgu, and Hysh will be the next realms focused on for the next series.
>Duncan touching dem thighs and skin
Well, Ghur is getting screentime and probably rules in All-Points, but I agree they're probably saving Hysh and Ulgu for the Aelf releases.
Now that our torrent connection is gone, where are all the tasty illicit scans?
There's like no stores in NoVA I'm aware of that care about AoS, the LGSes I've called either do Warmahordes or 40k.
In my opinion, stuff always gets leaked here first besides the PDF stuff, which is a single person on Kickass Torrents doing that
I already miss Bran.
Sylvaneth Allegiance
>Branchwych w/ Warsinger Command Trait, Ranu's Lamentiri and The Reaping
>Drycha Hamadreth w/ Squirmlings and Regrowth
>20 Dryads
>5 Tree Revenants
>3 Treekin
1000 points, not sure if I should toss the Treekin for 5 more Revenants or just enjoy my undercosted Ogor-equivalents and consider the Revenants a tax.
Literally every non GW stockist sells GW stuff at 10% lower prices.
I used Firestorm Games in Cardiff. I picked up the start collecting! For Slaves To Darkness and like 15 paints for £60.
Blame the cunt who turned the thread into a bitchfest then got an alt and slammed the mod about off topic
Now that board has a mod who hates anything Warhammer
I've been wanting to get into Warhammer for a few years now, will someone answer a few questions for a pleb? I've read large portions of the pastebins.
-AOS or 40k? I know Im in the AOS general but I figured I'd ask.
- Is it a good time to start?
- What kind of game play differences should I expect based on factions?
- How much should I reasonable expect to spend to create an intermediate army?
>Branchwych w/ Warsinger Command Trait, Ranu's Lamentiri and The Reaping
Aos is easier to start with rules wise and in my personal opinion more fun and fair to play
40k has more dept (which also tranlates into a lot more rules) and a larger fanbase globally speaking , as aos is more popular at my store
if both games are played at your local store you'll probably end up buying into both games
basically the choice really comes down to which setting do you like the most ?
everything below goes for both aos and 40k
>good time to start
depends on what faction you want to play
it are golden times for stormcast, sylvaneth, fyreslayers, orcs and chaos who have recieved new lines. the old armies are in uncertain times as to what will go and what will stay/merge . as the current subfactions make very little sense
to give an example the old empire warrior priest which was able to buff all units before now only is able to do so for a witch hunter , flaggelants and the war altar
>gameplay diffrences
kinda hard to explain , but most armies' playstyle matches their fluff
>how much €
depends on the army you choose, factions consisting of elite troops will be cheaper to flesh out than armies using human wave tactics
i'dd say anywhere between 120€-200€ for a fleshed out army (probably less if you start with an army that has start to collect) and something like 75€ for a fleshed out skirmishing force which is also really fun to play (against)
In order:
>AoS is cheaper to start out with (less minis, no expensive books necessary) and the rules are easier to pick up and play, 40k, being older, has the larger player base
>for AoS now is the literal perfect time to start. The (15-20 bucks) General's Handbook is coming out on Saturday, featuring rules for campaign play and competitive play as well as a fuckton of scenarios to play. There's also a summer campaign that doesn't just reward you for winning games but also for assembling/painting units.
>pretty drastic. You can go from Skaven or Beastmen, who field dozens upon dozens of cannonfodder models to Ogor armies with only a dozen models altogether, from static Dwarven gunlines to tree fairies who appear out of thin air and vanish back again, from cavalry armies to pure footslogging armies, from pure melee to almost pure range, whatever strikes your fancy
>in the pastebin you can find a pdf called 200-Dollar Armies. That cost will get you to a perfectly viable army. If you take an army that has a Start Collecting box or one of the two starter factions, you can push that price tag down even more.
As an example, 1000 points is a perfectly legitimate size for competitive play and for Open play you'd need even less:
2 boxes of Dryads and a box of Kurnoth Hunters. If you're decent at modeling, this can get you a Branchwraiths (Hero), 30 Dryads (infantry), 6 Treekin (big infantry) and Drycha (monstrous Hero. Comes out to 940 points and costs 112€, is perfectly legitimate and pretty powerful as well.
Sylvaneth Battletome includes two Artifact lists, a spell lore and a list of Command Traits specifically for Sylvaneth.
In short, the Branchwych has a bubble of +1 to charge rolls, gains +1 to her casting rolls (or +2 when casting from the unique lore) and a spell from said unique lore that damages all enemy units within 3".
beetle looks so happy
I wonder if we get the three nerds from NoVa that frequent here and go to an Open Game Night at Victory Comics or some place if we could get some sort of group going.
>Is it a good time to start?
Probably the best with the General's Handbook coming up.
>What kind of game play differences should I expect based on factions?
Factions are less defined in AoS than something like 40k. The Death Grand Order, for example, has a lot of magic and unit summoning and recursion. Chaos have good synergies if they share a common God. Really, if you don't have a play style you love more than others, you should pick based on visual appeal or lore.
>How much should I reasonably expect to spend to create an intermediate army?
Well, you can get stuff cheap from overseas if you don't mind the insanely long wait for shipping. Start with the Start Collecting bundles if you don't want one of the two factions from the Starter. If you can find an LGS with a good scene, see if you can get some proxy games before buying stuff. Also if you don't mind the inherent frustrations of the site, there's always eBay. It really just depends on what army you want to play.