Just once, maybe, we'll meet someone who happens to be into just flower arranging and not flower arranging and murder. Today is not that day.
Dr Ure (pic related - well it's the corpse he's reanimating or a dramatisation) is very pleased to welcome us, as are the small pack of GalviDeinoychus that scutter about his feet.
We have decided (having met plenty of lunatics by now) that we should start very slowly and softly.
He welcomes us into the great hall. (note although the picture above shows Slain's Castle it did in fact have a roof for most of its history) the chained and mostly assembled item which he describes as "THE GALVASAURUS" is bigger than the Spinosaurus and indeed Babi if anyone remembers him.
We ask him: What are you doing up here?
>The Royal charter [n.b. they only last for four years and need renewed when a monarch dies] should tell you all you need. The kingdom needs soldiers, my original research in Oxford was deemed too unseemly for the populace so I was sent to quieter, more... unseeing areas to complete it. Helpfully new discoveries from Araby [shit was that us?] have assisted enormously.
Party: So you're making the traditional ubersoldats then?
>No, these are so much more, imagine a galvasaurus pulling plough shares, or a hundred powering pumps, why we could drain the Irish sea if we wanted to. Think of the engineering potential.
Party: Ok that's...that's actually less bonkers than it sounds. You err...you don't happen to be using any crazy blood magic or anything that'd mean we have to kill you? [we asked this a bit more tactfully, but then the bard just asked it straight out]
>No? Just science. Why should I use anything else? With science man can usurp the reigns of power from G-d! G-d has other things to take care of, such as our souls, (I don't know how he managed to pronounce it like that but somehow he did) he has allowed science to assist him!