Take your waifu, wherever she comes from, and make a solid BBEG out of her
Could your waifu be the bad guy?
A waifu is a serious commitment, not your fapbait of the month. I bet you change your waifu all the time, you dumb wannabe waifuposter. A waifu is forever, by ever changing you confirm you didn't have a waifu in the first place and no understanding of what a waifu is. A waifu is everything you could ever need, everything you aspire to deserve. It's the most serious commitment a person can possibly engage in: at the same time, it's not a commitment at all, because nobody with an actual waifu would ever even consider wanting to be without them. You don't know shit, my man.
Expand her reach from one city to the whole kingdom. Enjoy watching the party try to stop an angry god who wants nothing more than to kill the boy who rejected her any everyone he cares about. If they make her mad she'll decide to kill everyone. Hope they're ready to spend a lot on offerings and wine.
Mad scientist?
I imagine it'd be like when Peter gets angry, but more adorable.
She's already a minion for the BBEG of her world, maybe just give her a power boost.
And a harem of girls to drain energy from, orally.
After nearly losing her sister to a foreign degenerate after opening the country's borders for the first time in ~10 years, as well as being imprisoned and nearly assassinated herself, she determined that outsiders are untrustworthy traitors who are only concerned with advancing their own agendas. After that incident, she fully conquered all her subservient neighbors, intending to bring them into the light of Arrandalic culture and ideals, as well as relying on a secret police to ensure that no one would ever harm her sister ever again.
How's the secret police called? Icestapo?
>Noel Vermillion
Depending on your interpretation, she's enough of a BBEG to keep the Blazblue universe running around in incomprehensible circles for at least 4 games and God knows how many visual updates.
I mean, she apparently can tap into enough power to either destroy the world or manipulate reality from the ground up, so I guess she would be the villain of a campaign where the world looks fine and dandy on the surface but literally everything is either twisted or fake.
She also seems to have some sort of maiden in distress complex, so maybe she gets rescued by one of the heroes and goes yandere trying to force them to care about her.
At least she's got a nice ass.
We had this thread before.
Yes we can, just need to change nothing.
Guess what...
But she IS the bad guy.
>tfw she is not my girlfriend
I gotta thing for fearboners, pretty much any BBEG who's female, dangerous, and somewhat attractive would be my waifu
I can't decide of she's a changer of ways or some kind of super Nurgle Daemon.
She could be some kinda Muslim terrorist suicide bomber mastermind, I suppose.
You, good user, do not know what a waifu is, and you ain't my nigga.
fran is so kindhearted though
I believe that is you who can not truly comprehend the power of the villainous waifu.
Stop pretending to be black, it's weird
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Yes, I am quite certain my waifu is evil, but we can work on that.
She already is, I just need to be her favorite.
I guess I just need to be more competent than Jack. That seems like an easy feat but the dude could build a robot army on his own so I got my work cut out for me.
Oh, man, fucking Laori.
Overwatches and waifus...I'm glad we can hide threads, but I'm sad we can't double hide then.
Excellent taste, guys
Glad to share a board with you
Already there, friend.
Psychopathic nymphomaniac who gets off on ultraviolence.
>fucking Laori
That assumes you both don't get distracted with the foreplay
Done and done.
She's technically a minion of the actual waifu-turned-villain in this state but w/e
She has the disposition to be a BBEG in her own right at least.
She was working for Umbrella the whole time?!?
Layer on some Wesker level powers. I can see it.
easy, she's halfway there already.
how do you stop angry lesbian superman? just get Jessica Drew to go out on a date with her
Mercy is not "evil" but every bit of the lore points to the fact that she ruined everything or did everything wrong whenever she tried to fix something
>Brought back Reyes as an imperfect psychopathic immortal as Reaper.
>Inadvertently disobeyed direct orders which caused Overwatch to dissolve in a domino effect after an investigation by the higher-ups, which also made Morisson turn in his resignation.
>Revived Genji, but again, went AWOL and killed a bunch of yakuzas before learning to chill the fuck out with Zenyatta.
Chaos Undivided?
...I got nothing.
>Mei, despite being cryofrozen, actually commented how Mercy barely aged a day
>Knows the exact science for how widowmaker was created as the cold-blue-bitch that she is
Yeah, you know what? Mercy IS secretly the BBEG of Overwatch
Pretty sure the actual BBEG of Overwatch is Bastion mains
got no skills
can't even aim
yeah you guessed it
bastion main
She's essentially a pawn of an existing BBEG already in her original setting.
Though if we take spinoffs into account, she already was a minor one by killing everything and taking over the ruins. Or her profile there pretty much saying that this form of hers could easily just exist in her normal timeline as a tyrannical version of her.
She'd be this ghost, attacking from long range, never in the same spot twice. And even if you did get the drop on her, she'd have at least two side arms, which she's just as deadly with. She'd be like Sniper Wolf.
I don't know
user, I don't think you know what you're asking for.
Hawkeye would work a lot better as the BBEG's trusted lieutenant than as a BBEG herself.
Campaign where you are playing as Incubators is the only way
Man, I hate when I get matched with match loss mains.
Or as post-Rebellion Homura. At least in the same sense that Azathoth could be the BBEG of a Call of Cthulhu campaign.
Ain't got one. I guess the PCs can fight Nothingness. Might make for an interesting game. Sort of like the opening sequence of tides of numenera.
Loneliness can be painful, make you go mad. Especially if you feared as a abomination. Maybe she rallies those that were discarded and invade Anor Londo . Xanthous king jeremiah her general and right-hand. OR she could have a knack for twisted experiments like her dear ol' dad. A sociopath that gets easily bored. But is happy to have visitors. Those that reach her are the best catches. Being strong enough to make it to her, and easily smitten by her grace that ends in a horrible trap.
Manipulative and powerful bard who seduces men only to drain them of their souls, which she uses to bind their essence to a song to transmit her dark bardic magiks and enthrall a population to gain fame and wealth. Which she uses to entrap even more powerful men (with more potent essences) to repeat the process.
My waifu could easily be a BBEG,
she's a sky pirate, if her stronghold and crew were taken hostage, she'd do just about anything to free them, even if it meant doing evil on the world.
She said yes to Crayax.
The real question is what happens to Tobias. Everyone else is fucked, but what happens to bird boy?
you'd have to rework the setting significantly but that goes without saying.
>facing humiliation, demotion and replacement, a pilot steals a cutting-edge prototype mech and goes awol, escaping with a ruined based and decimated qrf in her wake. response is bogged down as civilian authorities seeking to minimize damage to homes and infrastructure clash with military brass who want to reclaim their multi-billion dollar R&D investment at any cost.
or something with that sort of gist, a villain of impulse and circumstances. wouldn't work as a schemer or someone with a grand aim larger than themselves
Yes, she definitely could. I mean, look at how she used to dress. It won't take much work.
So basically no changes?
I'm worried
you have doomed us all. just imagine, for a second, if she HATED her job...
You have good taste.
Not difficult, my waifu is Shodan from system shock.
>tfw I'm panting and sweating as I "run" down her corridor
How new?
I want her to kick my face off.
>using "BBEG"
>using "waifu"
So, female character I like as a villain. What a fucking topic.
I'm not sure if this counts as cheating or not.
Mad Scientist? Mad Scientist.
Dr. Grey from Red vs Blue webseries (halo parody)
The worst thing is, she is the BBEG and the group don't even see it coming.
Only shitters complain about Bastion. If you can't deal with him, you're just bad.
My waifu is already a villain.
>Neutral Evil
But a bit more seriously she would be a pretty good villain for a political campaign.
You know, I KNOW what her story is, but the way you wrote it makes it so much better. I even came here looking for some BBEG inspiration. This will do. Thanks user.
You scallywag.
God I'm glad they fixed her model. And kinda sad at the same time. In Brood War, she looks fucking evil and Medusa-like. In SC2... I just wanna stick my dick between them asscheeks. I'm so confused now...
Makise will never stop shitposting on !Veeky Forums long enough to be actively evil. She could be used by an evil doer for nefarious purposes, though.
Military campaigns everywhere, conquering in the name of stability. Her goals lead her to make some morally vague choices before descending into a tyranny of the worst kind. "Ends justify the means" and all that.
Man, Zero.
>disregard for life
>fucks men off-screen
>kills quest givers before the quests can be proposed
>unreasonably angry at the prospect of losing whatever she stole
>constantly bored/angry
>lies, pretends to be better than she is, backstabs people and laughs about It
>only person in the world that puts emphasis on getting more and more bloody
>scoffs at riddles and attacks mechanisms behind them
>blames snow for avalanches. The exact quote "Pussy ass snow, I wasn't yelling that hard!"
>Zero, no!
>Zero, YES.
>kill the boy who rejected her
Not at all, user. She wants to kill him because she's never asked, and he might NOT reject her.
Confessing is uncertain, rejection is painful, and relationships are hard, but clinging to a lost love is easy and demands nothing from you.
Snake wanted to hold on to unrequited love for dead guy forever because that way she's safe from ever having to worry about love again.
I feel you. SC1 Kerrigan was actually intimidating and characterful, even if her unit icon was a blob. SC2 Kerrigan turned into this roflstomping love interest with laundry list of superpowers, at various points having:
-psychic powers
-super duper mega psychic powers
-hyper regeneration
-breathes lightning (with upgrade to chain lightning)
-spits zerglings
-farts nukes
-leaps tall buildings in a single bound
-mind bullets
Oh and PLOT TWIST she wasn't actually evil, the Zerg weren't actually evil, it was a bigger bad behind it all along. Feh.
Not my waifu, but thinking about Mercy as a BBEG:
>"Hey, let's take over the world."
>And they don't stop dying
>And they just keep on dying, and dying, and dying...
>Not even death can relinquish one from services.
>Soon, it's not just heroes - entire nations are forcibly raised.
>Understandably, the minds of those who are ressed so often are shattered.
>Nothing changes - rebels? Killed, given some time to cool off, ressed.
>People start trying to kill her in the vague, desperate hope that people can finally die.
>And even then, most people have been returned so many times that it's a "maybe"
>If you serve her, you die.
>If you oppose her, you die.
>There is no escape, only torture until someone succeeds.
What's the deal with the flower?
Also anybody who wears that kind of dress deserves to be molested.
It's, uh. Bad. Like fuck up the multiverse bad.
That's part of the fun of Zero. She's an absolute monster, but she's still sort of working to save the world, 'cause she keeps her stuff there, so you can still sort of root for her.
he gets fucked, but in the other sense.
The flower is the main villain of the game. It spawned Zero's five sisters after Zero attempted to kill herself to be rid of it, and it won't let her die. The only way to kill it is to have a dragon kill Zero, but unless she kills her sisters then the flower would just switch to one of them instead.
Did you miss the second poiint? She's molesting kaine cause she has a dick. The dress is secondary and actually there to distract from this.
Or a campaign where you play as Witches or villainous magical girls like early Kyouko
At no point does the text imply the one in the pic has a dick. Get your head out of your ass.
Kaine has a dick dude
Are you stupid? Its canon unless you played the edited american version which only hints kaine has a dick. It's literally why she wears that dress so you only notice her feminine assets and won't find out about her male one. Hell in one of the other jap only games she almost rapes the almost identical to teen nier guy for being backed up by being around the dude with zero privacy. Google it. It's also why she has a mother complex cause she can't give birth.
Didn't contest that chuckle fuck.
Are you stupid? At no point do I imply a gender.
All I said that wearing that outfit is a guaranteed groping.
Again, pull your head out of your ass.
The whole point is she's going for the D. That is literally THE point of that pic.
And that means she's not molesting this Kaine person how?
And this means that Kaines' blue outfit isn't oh so molestable how?
Well if you'd follow the series images yo; know its not molestation. And that she had a dick.
So you have literally nothing to say outside of your rampant cocklust.
>interested in the image set
Yeah na, I got better things to whack it to.
She already was
Is it so wrong to lust after a body that good with a mind so twisted?
That you ignore everything else around you to fixate on the cock is a little problematic.