>His paladin/Cleric isn't a virgin
How can you play as a degenerate """"holy"""" man, Veeky Forums?
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What's with the superfluous quotes? Two would suffice.
You can't. That's like asking how to play a straight gay guy. You're either gay (degenerate) or not.
I'd play him like a loose cannon cop.
Only instead of the police, he works for the church, and instead of the mayor or something, have his god complain to his bishop or whatever.
You could simply make him have a rank of a low-leveled noble (Think duke?) and he cares for the kids whenever he gets the opportunity like a good family god devotee.
That's how it was originally, but he got raped.
I don't understand what content there is to this question.
Either your brand of holiness bans degeneracy, in which case you shouldn't.
Or your holiness doesn't ban degeneracy, in which case it's like asking "how can you play as a short holy man". Well, you play a holy man, and he's short.
Well, he's not Christian or whatever, he's part of some kind of pseudopagan fantasy religion like everyone else. Anyway, he's one of those devoted to a virtue and/or powered by pure will paladins. So there's no concrete reason for that sort of thing to matter, really.
Adam, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Samson, Joshua, and the list goes on. These men of God (because Paladins tend to be based on the Abrahamic religions) were in no way virgins. "Be fruitful and multiply", Song of Solomon, all the marriage and wedding imagery between the Church and Christ. Being a Holy Man had no ties to being a virgin.
Two quotes already indicates "emphasis."
It's like excessive exclamation points in that regard. Just settle with one, maybe three for a nice symmetry to distinguish it from a singular one in a previous sentence, and an odd two should you feel the need to show a rising exclamation between the first and the third. Make it look nice and neat, like there's a structure to it.
Otherwise "emphasis," ""emphasis,"" """emphasis,""" and """"emphasis"""" come off like teens who want to be cool when making usernames, and so prefix and suffix something like shitty like "dArKlOrD69" with "xXx" to create awful usernames like "xXx_dArKlOrD69_xXx."
Or rather; """"xXx_dArKlOrD69_xXx!!!!""""
There's no greater prude than reformed whore.
The most pious and zealous are often those who have ventured deeper into sin than most would ever contemplate, only to hit rock bottom, realize the error of their ways, and turn to god for a new way of life. Full of pride in their success at getting their life back on track, they become authoritarian moral busybodies who seek to police transgressions that are nothing in comparison to what they themselves once got up to.
Why do you think the catholic church is full of pedophiles?
Make them like the worst example of a real life "holy" man. You know, child molesting, corrupt and/or completely hypocritical.
The faith doesn't place stupid and needless emphasis on virginity. He's the cleric of a sex god. The list goes on and on.
The Bishop from the V for Vendetta movie would be a great example.
>Why do you think the catholic church is full of pedophiles?
It's actually not. There was a survey which found that relative to size, it's no more full of pedophiles than your average protestant or jewish church (survey didn't check muslims), it's just bloody huge and so there's a large absolute number of pedophiles even if the rate is low.
Now, do you want to guess where the survey did find a high rate of pedophiles? American public school teachers.
>the rate is low
6% is breddy high, friend
In fairness, the use of excessive amounts of quotation marks already existed as a meme
Paladin of Sune.
If it's lovely he'll casually stick his dick in it after serenading it with poetry and romance, always treating his partners with respect and letting them know his mission to fight evil and protect good comes first and that she deserves at least one wonderful night of joy.
Unless she's a drow chick. Guy will make gentle love to every woman he meets but he knows not to stick his dick in crazy, especially not the kind of crazy that considers mass endlavement and torture okay hobbies. He's promiscuous sure, but a guy's gotta have STANDARDS.
Uh... Those aren't "reformed," user. They used their positions of authority as a means to shield themselves from prosecution from their crimes.
It's been suspected that they seek positions of authority and opportunity, positions where they can have both ready access to victims and authority over them to silence them, favorably positions with lots of autonomy and little oversight or lots of trust; so coaches, teachers, and priests.
Well, with objectivity. You need a sinner, to catch a sinner.
Because having children and passing on his faith is an important part of his religion
It is notorious for using its institutional power to cover up abuse by its priest though.
He's never considered himself a holy man. The power doesn't come from the man, OP.
>That's like asking how to play a straight gay guy.
Two ways:
1. Bisexual that's only ever slept with the opposite sex.
2. Pay to gay.
If it's the same as other churches and lower than pubic schools, what's it high compared to? Policemen?
Not every holy guy has to take a vow of chasity
>he takes sexual orientation into consideration when making characters
Glad I'm not in your group
>pubic schools
Sune Firehair accepts Paladins in her service. I can't imagine too many virgins among them.
What about Paladins who are saving themselves for Sune in the afterlife
I'm living it
After a certain point you just stop caring
Why should a priest be virgin? It's not like Pelor was a 30 y.o. virgin living with his mother.
A servant of god should aim to have a loving family and many children.
I'm more interested in the way they determined pedophiles. I have a hard time believed those would just straight up tell them, even anonymously.
Then they were pretty shitty Paladins of Sune in life and probably weren't rewarded with her Firehair.
You got to stop putting the pussy on a pedestal.
It's nothing like that, I just don't have time for it.
Because my god is one of Blood, Struggle, and Civilization. Fucking covers all three of his domains.
I now have my next cleric.
>I'm taking you off this crusade, Mattias. Turn in your holy symbol and your mace.
What? No! You can't do this, I'm the best Cleric you got! You think these alter boys can handle those demons out there? The cults run these streets!
>I know, I know.. But this is coming down from up top, Matt! You defiled two virgins last week, what do you want me to do?
Hey! Those girls were cultists, and I did what I had to do to get in there and get the info we needed to take that slimey bastard down. Was Az'aga'neth not banished behind abyssal bars because of that?
>When you're right, you're right.. You're a loose fireball, Mattias but you make a damn good Cleric.
mmmm yeah redheaded pussy
Also, seriously, you can be a holy person and not be a virgin.
...Do tell, brother in faith (assuming it's Abrahamic)
It was /ss/ and therefore pure.
That's fucking brilliant user.
>Every good aligned religion has to be a fully veiled version of Christianity.
>Not playing the cleric of a religion that practices sacred prostitution.
>Not playing a paladin who's in a pederastic relationship with his/her squire.
>Not playing a monk that practices Tantric sex.
>sacred prostitution
Which god/goddess's domain is that?
It does for women for better or worse. I don't think male virginity was really a thing to them
Those are like all of the worst contexts for fucking
Bastet and some Aztec unpronounceable thing.
If you mean D&D, you can probably shove it under Sune or Lamashtu
What about marriage?
Only when you do twenty years of servitude.
The queen of heaven is worshiped by many names, Inanna, Ishtar, Astare, Mary. She is worshiped through the act of Heiros Gamos, or sacred marrage where the high priestess fucks the king, who represents Her son and consort, commonly known as Dumuzid, Tammuz, Ba`al, Jesus.
It was a film reference. To the 40 year old virgin. Seemed relevant.
Have you read the bible?!
As a holy man I should have like 20 wives and 70 children taken care of by my 100 servants,it's dope as fuck!
It's a /pol/ meme.
Probably, but no one ever said my Paladin was 100% sane or made good decisions. Don't let my post fool you, the way he tries to go about it, he's the one who's usually bleeding and struggling. Otherwise his lover would be venerating his god more than him, and that just won't do.
>Every fantasy religion must be Catholic-flavored
Aside from theological disputes I have nothing against Catholics, but I'm a bit tired of this assumption.
My deities are more fun than yours.
It means Jews.
I'm pretty sure it refers to that Hebrewdar "coincidence detector" browser extension
>but a guy's gotta have STANDARDS.
Sounds like he has them at the expense of faith, if you ask me.
Medieval Catholics did a lot of kinky shit behind the scenes. You could be as lewd as you wanted if you bought indulgences, the Byzantine empire (orthodox catholic, whatever) was ruled by a literal prostitute once, and some popes even had orgies.
In some Judaic and Biblical sources, Eisheth Zenunim, Na'amah, Lilith and Agrat Bat Mahlat are angels of sacred prostitution, married to Samael, the Venom of God.
>His Paladin/Cleric isn't a slut
Someone has to fight for the honor of harlots everywhere, OP.
Paladins already have enough restrictions as is. See the Janissaries for what happens when you keep them pent up too much: the end result is not pretty.
Drow women are just too much work man!
They already got their own redemption goddess, let her handle it!
I tried playing a virgin paladin once in a group with 2 female players. They, 1 other dude who played a girl and GM were more than happy to abandon any semblance of plot in favor of the quest for his v-card.
I didn't even get to smite anything the whole time. It was awful.
You can't just start a story like this and leave us hanging.
You do realize that """"holy"""" Mary mother of Jesus way not a virgin later, and is still worshipped.
>EZ mode holy men talking shit about how righteous they are for resisting temptation when they've never allowed themselves to experience anything tempting
You can't live in a bubble and then talk about how tough you are, k'nigget.
Don't get me started on angels. Ooooh, look at us, our feet don't touch the ground, we're so pure and chaste, well you DON'T HAVE DICKS, you dicks, of COURSE you're fucking chaste.
That's parenthesis.
See, this is an important question. Do you mean a degenerate - as in corrupt - holy man? History is full of examples of hopelessly corrupt religious figures.
Now, if we're going with someone who's still in the grace of God but has flaws, this gets a lot more interesting. There are bitter and embittered Paladins - Priests who really, really fucking hate a certain fantasy race - Inquisitors who holy shit you're already an inquisitor, break out the fucking thumbscrews already.
The important thing is that they're in God's good graces. The grey areas, the part where God doesn't cover, that's fine. If your God is the God of Magic, what does he care if you want to fuck all the bitches in your free time?
Theres nothing my god says about being a virgin.
You know I gotta ask, where is that name from?
Cause I only know one other and its a swedish childrens book series about a young horndog trying to get it on with hot ladies.
Garo has a very interesting thing about this.
In that show, the Makai Knights are demon-hunters. The thing is, the one thing they are not allowed to do is to kill humans. As in, it's their strongest stricture: When the purge went down, they were wiped out en masse because they wouldn't kill. (This doesn't mean that they can't knock guards aside, defend themselves non-lethally, or just run away, they simply have a very strong taboo against killing.)
The whole point is to ensure they stay spiritually pure, because their main weapon is a super-powerful armor that is made of melted-down and reforged demons.
When a Knight *does* go bad, it's a disaster. They know where all the good shit is, and have (on average) four-digit body counts before they go down. Three 'fallen' knights have independently attempted to end the world.
What about Tiefling Paladin.
A defender of the thief, the whore, the poor, the outcasts of sociatiy?
(I lack tieflings in this device)
I would argue the theif and whore doesnt deserve to be defended.
Thats neat.
Is this some squel-O moeblob anime or something cause thats pretty original for japan if it is.
You know that you have two virginities, right?
As long as you keep the other one, you'll be fine.
It's a very dark live-action series (four seasons and counting, three different sagas) and two different anime made about it.
There's nudity and violence, so it's rated 18+. Awesome music, too.
>Defender of the thief
Fuck yeah.
Thief as in the person that steals food for survival.
Whore as in the person that gives sexual services in exchange for money.
In the other words those that Lady Luck has been rather cruel.
Where can i get subs to this
Looks pretty fucking cool
It should be around. Check out /m/, there might be a thread. Be warned, this is pretty much an epic franchise now. The first installment was like, ten years ago.
Also, skip the third series.
Im on the wiki now checking for the third one and just to be sure that wikipedia isnt fucking with me ill ask you
the third one is Garo: Yami o Terasu Mono(The One Who Shines in the Darkness)?
You realize not being a virgin is only "degenerate" according to creepy old heads of the ecclesiarchy that feel extra powerful and special if no one else is allowed to have sex but they can rape any child they want, right?
A Lawful and Good paladin would be taught (probably informally while he was a bit too impressionable) to interpret some of his code as the way to treat women and be diligent in his bedtime ministrations, though it may be something REALLY silly like "she must come twice for every one of yours, and the second must be as you do" or "release naught the tits at any time"
I dunno man, you don't become "the burning hate" because you've got an active and fulfilling love life.
It's not a sequel though, it's some different universe/side-story. Quite watchable though.
Makai no Hana is the real sequel to GARO and Makai Senki, featuring Kouga's son.
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