Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Your local Meta?
>Next MTG Purchase?
>Thoughts on the current Meta?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Your local Meta?
>Next MTG Purchase?
>Thoughts on the current Meta?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
The overall and paper Modern Metagame.
Information on Tiers and how they're calculated:
Direct link to the spreadsheet:
Modern deck primers link:
Second for Tasty Mardu Brews
Third for tasty temur brews
Third for Asylum Visitor.
I am playing UWR with resto and kiki. I know the Nihiri deck is super strong but eh I'm not really into that play style.
Should I see my deck now that the prices for UWR cards are still high? Hmm...
Why not both?
That's really neat. I don't think the exarchs and pestermites are worth it, are they?
Only if you want to? Depends on what you want, though. Like, do you cash out entirely? Get a new deck?
Honestly, I like to keep my decks, because more often or not, they'll have staple cards for other decks. I'd advise you keep your stuff, and just buy into another deck you like with some similar cards.
Drop Exarch and Pestermite, play Mana Leak.
>Depends on what you want, though
I really want to play, but I'm just so busy right now. I love this game. So I guess it's stupid to sell cause I want to play it in the future. It's just that the prices are high right now so it's kinda tempting?
Well they won't go down so buying back in will just lose you money
Yeah, go ahead and keep them. Unless you're really strapped for cash, just set them somewhere safe. If you sold now, and next year wanted to come back, you'd only end up paying more for the same cards.
Mana Leak is good, Exarch and Pestermite allow for pesky creature and artifact tapping to remove with Nahiri. I'm all for the synergy.
How is it working out for you?
Do you think it would be a good idea to make a card like donate that works for instant and sorcery spells instead of permanents?
verb: cast; 3rd person present: casts; past tense: cast; past participle: cast; gerund or present participle: casting
Too abusable with things like pacts unless you really push the mana cost towards complete unplayability.
Would you fucking kill yourself already?
Bogles with an open the armory in it
Building kci eggs, and need some suggestions on the 16 card mana base
>local meta
Jund and jeskai nahiri
>next purchase
The mox opal assuming it survives the ban hammer
>thoughts on meta
Literally anything is better than eldrazi winter
Hows Bogles treating you these days? I've been looking into getting a new deck and thought Bogles looked interesting
Bogles is the least interesting deck in Modern. Probably in Magic. At least combo decks have to think about sequencing.
Bogles plays itself
The only reason I see to play it is for the massiveamount of salt it induces
>At least combo decks have to think about sequencing.
I've been brewing Knightfall lately, and sequencing is starting to be a detriment. Courser of Kruphix is fantastic in the deck, but when you combo out, you have to reveal the top card of your library inbetween every land drop, which is a massive hassle.
Not saying combo is too complex for the game, but trying to keep your opponent in the know while you have multiple triggers going off is getting to Second Breakfast levels of solitaire. I wouldn't blame anyone for wanting to play a simple deck like burn, infect or boggles.
The same can be said of any modern deck.
>Burn plays itself. Lol, count to 20
>Infect plays itself, count to 10
>Tron plays itself.
>[Insert Deck Here]
It doesn't mean it's not fun for me to play or interesting to me.
Ooh, salt. salt.
To be fair Burn and Tron are pretty much on the same tier as bogles as far as how easy it is to pilot. Not saying you can't have fun with it.
So I took my Jund Burn deck apart to make something I like much better and now it's just red green burn. I don't really enjoy it anymore so I've been thinking of selling it and buying some staples or Bobs or something. Should I keep it just incase I want to play burn? Or sell it and reinvest into some cards?
burn and bogles are actually decks youre gonna get bored with real fast if you dont like doing the exact same thing every game and wanna think really hard about your plays
say what you will that's just the thing
The closest thing to a local game store is about 100 miles away, so I only get out there to play during pre-releases so I decided to do FNM for once. The FNM the day before the pre-release is two headed giants modern, and my friend and I are going to play. I have a pretty effective Naya Zoo deck that works, so I was planning on playing that. My friend, after I told him that stuff like Extort hits twice as hard in 2HG, he decided he really wanted to make a WB with stuff like Drama's Emissary and Cliffhaven Vampire.
I figured we're not really going to win, but can anybody give me an estimate of how badly we'll get slaughtered?
I had a question about gameplay from GP LA I saw and there were people's cards that had black stars on them what's that about?
Pretty bad. In 2h modern the best team is Adnauseum + Counterspell.dec.
Underneath that is probably something like double Burn or Double Affinity.
I doubt you'll make it out of the bottom brackets. And that's if you don't go 0-2 Drop.
Perhaps play it a few more times as a farewell and then sell it.
No point having decks you don't like playing.
At high-level draft events like the pro tour, booster packs are opened ahead of time and stamped by the staff to make sure no cards are sneaked into the draft.
But this was a modern constructed event?
You get to keep the cards from the draft.
You get to keep the cards from the draft.
Does anyone else think that a tokens strategy is the best one for Mardu? You get lingering souls, intangible virtue, young pyro, bitterblossom, boros charm, etc. Plus, lots of burn.
Fuck off.
it's been done before but those decks suck
Tokens are nice but they won't win you the game. Pyro is just bait for bolts mostly. Lingering is good for chump blockers and late game attackers. Try using big creatures like kalitas or hell just jam nahiri into your deck.
No no no. No. No no. No.
How do I make modern hydras good? Is it possible? I've had a deck that I've tweaked over and over but I don't think mono green hydras are good enough to be even kinda good.
>How do I make modern hydras good?
You don't
Counterspells and doubling season
Building some Meme. WU Artifact Control.
Running Dispatches, Erayo and Curse of Exaustion.
I need something to hold Zoo, suggestions? Supreme Veredict is always one turn too late.
Go Esper Tezzerator with Thought Scour + Whispers of Emrakul. Crack fetch turn 1, Scour, if you hit a Phyrexian Revoker or Hangarback Walker you're casting Hymn turn 2.
You using glinthawk + 0mana artifacts to pull it off?
Quest for holy relic is another cool combo that functions the same and can go in an erayo deck.
Quest for Erayo is a pretty nice meme.
Is zombie tribal viable in modern at FNM-tier?
This is a general MTG question but there was no legacy general to post in bc ded format
Who does the best alters? I'm not going to be using really expensive cards for the alters, just like some 9$ cards and MAYBE a few 3$ cards, I want them to have realistic versions of people on them but I also want a kind of cartoony look. Who's the most legit and does it for a decent price?
Depends on what you mean by Zombie tribal.
If you mean Fish, but with zombies, then probably not.
Post a decklist
What do you guys think of this deck? I kinda just threw it together. It's basically just Izzet burn stuff. Any suggestions?
No idea really I was just thinking of a fun deck to play that can win at a semi-competitive level.
why play this over regular burn
and for tribal I mean in the most basic sense a deck that drops small creatures and grows them with lords.
It's not really meant to be super competitive aggro burn. It's mostly just because I wanted to build a BU deck and this is how it turned out.
I don't plan on taking it to a tournament or anything. It's just for semi-competitive funsies.
Grow up
That's the wrong way to play zombies user kun.
There is only 1 zombie lord you should be playing and that is death baron. Zambies is all about just suicide attacking and reanimating.
if youre gonna play this kind of deck you might as well play the good version which has kilnfiend and can get turn 3 wins with a cheese hand
its also like $20
Ah, that seems like a much better deck than this. Thanks for the suggestion. It looks way more fun than the burn gimmick, as well.
that sounds good enough, anything like that viable?
Or first hand experiences playing?
I'm still working on making something that actually does well at FNM. (Its pretty hard because just about everyone at my store is super competitive.) Gravecralwer, Relentless Dead, and Death Barron make for some really nasty synergy. Try checking out Drdgevine, its a decent enough deck that doesn't get completely hosed by sideboards.
The problem you can't get around is that 1) the name of the tribe you're using is irrelevant since all you're doing is trying to reach a critical mass of power, and 2) Merfolk does it much better. Sure there's a good few Zombie lords and some good Zombie cards like Gravecrawler and Geralf's Messenger, but 3 mana lords are sort of unplayable.
play twin, thats a really good izzet deck :^)
Honest question. Is Arlinn Kord Complete shit in modern or actually viable?
How did you buy your deck?
I want to acquire Merfolk since it's staying in the meta and isn't as expensive as other decks. It is still around 600 dollars which is about the same price as a burn new 50+ inch HDTV.
How can I justify the cost? For 600 I could buy groceries for my family for a month. I guess I don't get it.
What do you guys think this means? Possibly a highly desired reprint like Veil Lili/Damnnation? Or yet another stupid meme like the legendary werewolf.
>Wizards reprinting anything worthwhile outside of jewscams like Modern Masters and Eternal Masters
How naive
She's not that bad. At least she has 5 readily avaliable abilities that provide a lot of utility. 3 starting loyalty is equal to Lilliana though.
Worst case it's probably Ludevic, though that isnt even that dissapointing, best case it's Damnation with Lilianna art or LOTV
She doesn't fit into any currently existing decks, nor is she good enough on her own to enable a totally new one. Also, shes pretty much outclassed by Huntmaster of the Fells.
Is it possible to build a functioning Eldrazi deck after the ban of Eye? If so, in what colors would it function best?
I've got a Red/Black aggro deck lying around that uses a lot of little Eldrazi to get shit done, but I'd like to beef it up.
I like the Eldrazi style (art, flavor, etc.), so I don't want to give up. Any suggestions?
The only deck that would consider playing her is Jund, and at the moment they have much better options; Kalitas, Tasigur and Olivia just to name a few.
Mind actually telling us which playstyles/strategies you like playing before we spoonfeed you?
What are you talking about user? MM2 and EMA were really really good! They accomplished what they were made for!
I prefer aggro, but I've been thinking about dipping into more of the token generating stuff.
The old deck I used stuff like Forerunner of Slaughter and Vile Aggregate to deal damage fast. I'm open to other colors though.
Also, is Eldrazi Temple at 4 a must? I feel like it should be, but I could be missing something.
The two Eldrazi decks that are even a thing, are Eldrazi n Taxes (all it pretty much plays is Displacer though), and Bant Eldrazi. I'm going to assume the latter is going to be out of your budget since it has Noble Heirachs, a ton of shocklands and fetchlands and sometimes Tarmogoyfs.
Your next best bet after that is maybe UR Eldrazi or BR, but don't expect to get the results that Bant Eldrazi gets.
Heres an example UR Eldrazi list.
Wow. Guess modern isn't really a fun format then.
Yeah, Bant is a bit beyond my usual budget, but that Izzet list at least looks solid. I'll probably take a few cues from that list to improve my current deck and I may start work on a U/R. I'm not too worried about lesser returns because I'm not looking to be too competitive, but I do want it to have some umf to it. I sold my old collection a while back, and I was looking to build something fun again.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, user.
If you want to brew something with her or stick her in your Jund deck, go right ahead. Nothing is stopping you from that. Literally all new cards are compared to older ones to see if they are better, or provide a whole new niche. Most of them don't happen to.
It's overpriced garbage with the worst fanbase in the game next to EDH players
>Wow. Guess modern isn't really a fun format then.
Welcome to the format. Get out while you can.
It's either Modern, #muhreservelist the format, or Creature Staredown the format. Pick your poison.
Heh. Even modern players don't like modern.
What about standard?
>Even modern players don't like modern.
We're all a bunch of degenerate masochists who get off to WotC abusing us. We're also really tsundere.
>What about standard?
Standard is trash user-kun
Nice digits though
Standard is usually shit, and even when it isn't it's only temporary
>Modern is shit
>Standard is shit
>Vintage is shit
>Legacy is shit
What isn't shit?
Casual with good friends
>Even modern players don't like modern.
Pretty much this, I only play because I have time right before EDH nights and rheres no legacy scene at my LGS. I show up with a different niche solitaire deck every week but my latest favorites have been Eggs and Storm with a bit of UB Tezzerator on the sidem. Shame theres as fun as Metalworker decks in Modern.
Who's going to the World Cup Qualifier this weekend? I'm driving a couple hundred miles to lose some Magic at the Last Chance Qualifier. Very excited.
I like that Twin got banned for being a robust combo deck that could switch to control but Collected Company's a robust combo deck that's also a goodstuff midrange deck and that won't get hit at all. Bring Twin back or ban Company - I don't want more bans but the inconsistency is bullshit.
5 player EDH is pretty fun so long as you have beer, wings and plenty of napkins.
Modern is fine. You can safely buy up a Tier 2-3 deck without worrying about the cards being banned.
You can also shitbrew in certain metas.
Standard is just so annoying to buy for. Your cards are going to be bulk rares when your deck rotates out.
If it weren't for that, it's a great format for keeping a fresh meta, especially since they changed how rotation works. Hopefully they push the format by lowering the cost of entry somehow, but they're mostly just concerned with limited right now.
Everything can be shit. Everything can be great.
EDH is fun as fuck, but as soon as you start getting in an MLD/Stax arms race, it can start getting badwrongfun for people who don't want in on that arms race.
Honestly, just put together a cube to draft with your friends. Fun as hell and completely balanced.
This man has it. Unless you're playing with friends you're not going to have a good time.
Budget standard decks range from $20-$50 and are easily upgradable. Budget modern you just add a 0.
>Budget modern you just add a 0.
Unless its stompy
Stompy never wins mate.