Getting back into 40k? Or is GW dying?

So lads I want to know if it's worth getting back into 40k or GW games generally.
I stopped collecting and painting around 10 years ago and haven't followed the releases much since, so is it worth it to get back in?
Am I going to be wasting my money on a dying game? I don't want to drop 500 pounds on the game and then have it die in 5 years or so.
If I do get back into this then what's a good starter set to get? I'm most interested in 40k but fantasy is also an option.

pls reply

don't drop 500 GBP on an army then?

for 85 USD you can get a 400 point army for most any faction, and if you turn to ebay you can get things even cheaper

as stated in the general thread, people having been saying the game is going to die for the last 20 years. I don't think it is too much closer to dying now.

Good starter sets?

The dark vengeance box comes with the core rules and two small forces (chaos space marines and dark angels). Rules for the included models are there, along with a handful of scenarios for the included models, but it doesn't have the full army books.

There are also "Start Collecting!" boxes which offer a good deal on the included models, but they do not include the core rulebook and army book.

Personally, I would recommend a Dark Vengeance box if you intend to play either of the included factions. Otherwise, you can get the rulebook from the dark vengeance box on ebay for 20 USD (~13 GBP or so?). Get a Start Collecting! box for your desired faction, along with the army book.

If you're looking to start, now is probably the best time you could possibly pick.

As said. the getting started boxes are actually good savings on the models. The rules are still shit for 40k, but that's nothing new since it's inception.

Okay, I might go down to my game store tomorrow.
Any youtube channels you could recommend to teach me the rules or show me how battles work?

Specialist games getting revived left and right for tabletop. They were/are (I barely glanced at the article) auctioning their IP off to be made into video games (afaik: Space Hulk FPS, 40k MMO, Dawn of War 3, Man o' War, etc.) and now a slew of AoS elves have arrived. In my opinion, I don't think GW is going anywhere for at least a good while.

Thank being said, same boat and getting back into it (haven't played since 3rd)--are Black Templars garbage or will I be okay fielding 'em?

Example: If you wanted to play Dark Angels, you could get the Dark Vengeance box, a Start Collecting Space Marines Box, and a Dark Angels upgrade sprue (not necessary, but can help your dudes look cool). If you buy all this online and not through GW, it might come to less than 200 dollars for all of that.

>Chapter master
>3 ravenwing bikers
>5 Deathwing terminators
>20 tactical marines
>a veteran dreadnaught
>a terminator captain


>A chaos Lord
>an aspiring champion
>a helbrute
>7 chosen
>20 cultists
>the core rulebook

If you end up getting the Dark Vengeance box, the included scenarios are designed to tech players

You also might look up battle reports on youtube.

Black Templars are fine. They lost a lot of their flavor, but Space Marines are one of the strongest factions right now with the largest number of options available to them.

Do not give this horrible company your money. Let them fucking die since they clearly hate their fucking customer base so much. Buy on ebay, buy recasts, proxy, steal, whatever, but don't give GW a fucking penny. Fuck them.



The forces included in Dark Vengeance are SHIT. The only thing really worth a damn in it are the Ravenwing and Dark Angel tacticals- but their loadouts aren't fantastic. Chaos Space Marines are a fucking joke. If you want to play space marines


>30 Tactical Marines
>5 Cataphractii Terminators
>1 Chaplain
>1 Cataphractii Terminator Captain
>1 Contemptor Dreadnought

Buy one box of assault marines and one box of devastators and you have a complete gladius.

No the games is unbalanced as hell due to horrible decisions and gw refuse to fix it. Who knows you might like it but I recommend 30ks rules or stick with older editions. Good luck friend

Don't listen to this..incredibly sane and reasonable individual. Look at the models, books etc and decide for yourself.

>my 2 cents...
If you do go the DV Dark Angels route, you can snag 'em all on eBay for $57.89 ($41.64+$16.25 shipping) and if you don't like 'em you barely loss anything--pop 'em back on eBay and recoup some of that cash if you must.


it's a beautiful set and a good value. I'm actually going to get a second box put the missile launchers together into a devastator squad and use a bunch of bits to make vets, etc

Shit I just posted this in AOS general:

I've been wanting to get into Warhammer for a few years now, will someone answer a few questions for a pleb? I've read large portions of the pastebins.
-AOS or 40k?
- Is it a good time to start?
- What kind of game play differences should I expect based on factions?
- How much should I reasonable expect to spend to create an intermediate army?

Absolutely.get betrayal at calth. If there's a 30k group you'll have forces for that game, as well. The models are phenomenal, though the game it comes with is meh.

>-AOS or 40k?

Whichever you prefer. High magic fantasy or gritty grimdark sci-fi.

>Is it a good time to start?

It's always a good time. But the "start collecting" forces that were recently released offer solid savings to get involved in either 40K/AoS. Some of the board games that have been coming out also offer a great way to start.

- What kind of game play differences should I expect based on factions?

Too big for me to list, check out the tactica articles on 1d4 chan for the various factions.

- How much should I reasonable expect to spend to create an intermediate army?

Varies by faction and force, but a few hundred usually. Can cut it down depending on how much internet deal hunting and stuff you do.

It's awesome for the sheer amount of marines you get from it allowing you to get the bedrock of a gladius formation going. It's even better if you manage to snag one for just $100 like I did.

Fantasy is already dead. 40k is a safe buy but you should space out your purchases over months and years instead of dropping 500 GBP on it immediately. This will also give you time to figure out what you really like the most and buy the right shit the first time around instead of ending up with stuff you don't like.

It doesn't matter if GW is dieing or not. Just don't get back into 40K, try some other game. Many other titles offer reasonably priced starter sets.

>reasonably priced
I want this meme to go away and stay away

Most any reaper model will run you 6-8 dollars, except the ultra-cheap bones miniatures which are 2.50 each. Nobody says reaper is expensive.

Space Marines are multi-part plastic models, great kits really, and 4 dollars per marine. That is really cheap per model for what it is.

The only reason 40k is expensive is people people play at pant-on-head retarded point levels, while buying a new army every month based on WAAC netlisting. Play 750 or 1000 points and with a consistent list, and you will find that 40k is actually not an expensive hobby.

This is even more true when you consider what the barrier to entry to some other hobbies are.

You want a high end gaming pc because your casual laptop cannot into games? Prepare to spend 800-2000 dollars.

You want to play golf? You are looking at hundreds in clubs and thousands on golf course memberships.

You want to drive cars around a track? I know a guy at work who spends a grand in a single weekend doing just that.

It's hilarious because their definition of reasonably priced is literally "costs more than GW, model per model." Then to justify their mono-pose, metal models that cost $7-15 each they point at the $20-30 GW HQs, when 40k armies only ever have 1-2 HQs and the rest are the cheap multi part models.

>You want to drive cars around a track? I know a guy at work who spends a grand in a single weekend doing just that.

You think forged wheels and sticky tires grow on trees? It takes even more money to get to the point where your car is track ready. First you gotta buy the car, then you gotta get a big brake kit and reinforce the car with sway bars and coilovers and welded roll cages and all sorts of shit. Not to mention upgrading the engine.

He builds and works on his own car, separate from the car he drives to work, and even bought a truck to tow his racing car to the track.

I never asked much that costs, and I think it is better not to know.

What I do know is, he is double income, no kids, makes a six figure salary at least, but he lives in a tiny apartment. That money is obviously going somewhere.

Then what about Perry and Mantic? And no one is claiming that model per model other games are cheaper, they are just cheaper overall as you need less figures and not nearly as many huge ones.

>drop 500 pounds on the game
Pretty soon that will be about €50

I don't know where Perry manufactures their stuff, but I am pretty sure they use different molding techniques to bring the cost down (at the cost of both quality and maybe quantity... perry doesn't have to produce or sell nearly as many as GW)

Perry is overrated shit that isn't even the same genre. Mantic is low quality shit that has gotten more expensive as their quality has gotten higher and moved out of China (surprise surprise).

Paying more for less is still paying more you dipshit. It just means you're being ripped off even harder so why the fuck do you complain about GW ripping you off. You can play small GW games too. Hell you can just play non-GW games using cheaper GW models. Fucking stupid.

>Being this assblasted about infinity.

>thinks that describes only infinity

Go back to your one single thread.

No one makes metals at that price except infinity doe chuckles.

Hasslfree is even cheaper.

>Being this assblasted in general

Go back to your sandbox junior.

They use Renedra, which uses the same machines that GW has used in the past. You can take a look at the sprues themselves if you want.

>No one makes metals at that price except infinity
privateer press singles are about that price

do they do all the weird master/production molding or just use a single mold?

But both are still cheaper than GW, so why not play better non-GW games with even cheaper non GW games, if the standard you have set is that GW is cheaper.

>do they do all the weird master/production molding or just use a single mold?
Yea, they do it like the old days which makes them pretty legit.
The figures are really nice.

>Reaper doesn't exist
>hasslefree doesn't even have a game

Fucking scrub.

The real question is why are you claiming GW is expensive and there are tons more cheaper alternatives when there's literally only one cheaper alternative for the genre? Start the thread by saying Mantic next time faggot, because every other 28mm heroic scale manufacturer charges more than GW.

This isn't even about defending GW it's about why you're so fucking stupid and wrong all the fucking time.

>you're so fucking stupid and wrong all the fucking time.
I can't help it you know... I am always letting people down

For Sci-Fi? You have options ranging from Dreamforge to now even MoM.

Fantasy you have even more as stuff like Perry works, along with Avatars of War and North Star.

perry is the wrong scale (25mm vs 28mm heroic or even the AoS 32mm), and they are historical, not fantasy

But height wise they are exactly the same. Remember, different companies have traditionally measured scale differently.

And it is not as if Perry doesn't work fine thanks to many WHFB models being takes on historical soldiers.

>But height wise they are exactly the same
I am very certain the larger AoS models will tower over Perry Models.

Have you SEEN the AoS human models? They are huge.

Of course Sigmarines are huge, they are imbued with divine energy and stand even taller than GW's own space marines. AOS fits perfectly for free peoples. Of course peasant levies aren't going to enjoy the good nutrition that divine warriors or High Elves would.

Betrayal at Calth is a pretty nice box, the CSM figs from Dark Vengeance look fantastic though.

Where did you get this bullshit from? A GW employee?

Perry are 28mm, I know some wargamers with true old 25mm miniatures and they are noticeably smaller than their 28mm historicals.

maybe it's just my personal taste but I feel the CSM suffer from a lot of the recent GW trend of being overly cluttered, like they're just covered in junk. Very few smooth surfaces.

Maybe that's why the Calth marines appeal to me more (though they have the opposite problem unless you get some legion pauldrons going)

They remind me of updated Realms of Chaos era models.

no I mean the regular humans are huge too

the war priest in the silver tower box is taller than a terminator, and he is just some dude

I got it from looking at perry miniatures on the sprue

they have very nice designs, but the detail is not nearly as crisp

Always give your local tabletop stores a thorough browsing before you start buying if you're at all interested in the gaming side of the hobby. Figure out if there are GW customers you actually want to spend a lot of time around.

It's all on you to decide while toy soldiers are the most aesthetically pleasing to you, but the playerbase will make or break enjoyment of their actual use.

Couldn't agree more. The staff at my local shop are all great enthusiastic blokes but then the mainstay of the customer base are autistic man children who cry if they get a bad roll of forget a rule

>Then what about Perry and Mantic?
Perry is rock solid, but limited to historicals.

Mantic has quality issues, but can be a good alternative if you don't mind the sculpts themselves.

>They are just cheaper overall as you need less figures
that's because people compare skirmish rulesets to the fucktarded 1850+ point level

I recently got back into gorkamorka with a few local bros and it cost less than any of my infinity armies, to put things into perspective.

GW isn't healthy. I honestly would describe them as "dying" at this point, but "dying" sounds hyperbolic, like I'm predicting their imminent bankruptcy, which isn't going to happen. They're just very steadily losing business and have been able to mitigate it through a series of short-term fixes, but they're, well, short-term. It's not sustainable, and sales are still declining.

Like, all signs point to them turning things around slightly this financial year, BUT this is going to be a result of royalties from the amount of IP licensing they've done recently. One that dries up, they'll have to find another way to deal with it.

What will "kill" them isn't likely to be bankruptcy, but rather that their share value plummets and they're bought out.

Aside from all that, 40k is apparently getting a new edition next year, with the last quarter of 2016 introducing an "end times" style narrative campaign deal, with the daemon primarchs coming back. This might reinvigorate the game and turn things around.

Last report showed no drops and they're still making millions but please tell me more about your non-existent business/economy degree.

everything you've been saying are things people have been saying for the last 20 years except for a few things

>AoS sales are getting better
>the start collecting boxes and titan renegade boxes sold tons... pretty much everyone bought them
>silver tower sold shitloads and people really liked it

but also as you mentioned

>End Times: Vermintide keeps going on steam sale... it is never that popular but imo it is a fun game.
>tons of ios slop... all sucks
>Total War: Warhammer was the fastest selling Total War game ever.
>Battlefleet Gothic Armada and Eternal Crusade are just around the corner and looking like they are going to move a lot of copies
>Dawn of War 3 was announced this year and people are already getting hyped

In a way I think GW is very much like the Imperium of Man in their setting.

>In a way I think GW is very much like the Imperium of Man in their setting.

It is poetic.

Where did GW touch you? It's ok, you can tell us

40k's best days are well behind it, but it really all depends on your local community

with all the new factions, new models, start collecting boxes, new paints, etc it is a great time for the hobby side of it

the rules are a clusterfuck, but the rules are only like 10% of the overall hobby anyway

I'd just like to point out that Battlefleet Gothic: Armada came out in April.

isn't it only in beta or something?

It's the full release, but the game feels unfinished and not properly balanced so it might be another 'stealth beta' deal. Being able to patch games easily was a mistake, now developers can rush and release a half-baked game and just say 'oh but we'll patch it' instead of being roasted alive for releasing an unfinished product.

Also as per usual the Eldar are the most powerful faction, and strategies against them keep getting nerfed with each patch.

You could always play Kill Team (either official or Heralds of Ruin) and save money that way. Definitely worth doing if you want to avoid all the superheavy vehicles that are rolling around in 40k this edition.

AOS is better for a newb because you get to first pick one alliance which cuts down the models you will have to one day buy buy 3/4th that's huge and helps new players a lot.

40k is harder to get into because of this and because in 40k really you should be aiming to get a collection of the entire range and not just "picking a army" that wins for afue years that's not really how you play 40k because that never works out. in AOS it might so sticking to aos is a better idea.

if some one disagrees with this they have only played 40k for a year or so and yet to have the big "rebuy" the secret with 40k is small forces allied that you can use in diferent ways to limit the amount of "new army" you need to get every 6-12months.

GW isn't dying but the games they make are some of the worst on the market.

Buy the minis if you like them but you'd be better off using them to play other companies games.

>500 pounds
>5 years
>100 pounds per year
>less than two quid a week

You tell me where you'll find better value for money in a hobby.

I don't like GW games but if you have to choose for some reason, I would 40k, at least you can find a game everywhere. AoS apart of being a bad game shatered the comunity big time, were I live it simply doesn't exist and oldhammer, 9th age, KoW or other skirmishing games (fucking x-wing everywhere) are played. But really look the nearby points of game (clubs, shops etc) and see what people play. If you only like the minis paint them but to play gw games are more a chore than fun to play, imo.

GW has been dying for 15 years. Most people consider this 'living', but Veeky Forums, DakkaDakka and Whineseer disagree.

Never EVER buy a full army. Never EVER buy models direct from GW if you do bulk buys, always buy from 3rd parties, they do 5%-30% off.

Dude, your on Veeky Forums, most people here don't even know the basic of a budget, let alone have the capacity to calculate money over a set course of time.
People on Veeky Forums wants to buy the whole god damn house with straight up cash, go nag about how fucking expensive it was, then sell it to get a new house the following weak, because they like that color better.