Can you be lawful good and still be racist? Like, you hate gnomes or orcs or something?
Can you be lawful good and still be racist? Like, you hate gnomes or orcs or something?
Lawful Good is your actions and beliefs as a whole. You can be as racist as you like as long as you don't act on it, really.
I suppose so? A character being Lawful Good does not automatically mean that they have no flaws.
So long as you aren't murdering gnomes in the street just for being gnomes or something I don't see why not. Why the hell does it even matter what alignment your racist character is in a mechanical sense anyway?
Depends on how you act on it and what the society/god/religion you belong to thinks of them.
>not being racist against Evil
It's very lawful good to be racist against consistently evil races like orcs.
It's questionably lawful good to be racist against neutral or good races but not necessarily a deal breaker.
Lawful simply requires generally following a strict code, good simply requires a general willingness to self sacrifice, you could potentially follow a code and be willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good of your community but have total disdain for all other communities and still be arguably lawful good. Your average warhammer fantasy dwarf for example probably fits the bill of "racist lawful good"
>So long as you aren't murdering orcs in the dungeon just for being orcs or something I don't see why not
So, no?
Yes you can.
>You can be as racist as you like as long as you don't act on it.
No even this really. So long as you aren't say... murdering them in the street JUST for being an orc or gnome.
You LG character can still think they are ... Lazy or stupid. Your character can JUMP at the opportunity to punish proven guilty members of the race.
But trend carefully as many would view hate crimes or propaganda going too far.
Yes, totally
I don't see why not. Lawful good characters go through dungeons massacring everything like everyone else. Perhaps the line is blurred for the particular character. The racism doesn't have to be overt, but i guess wheres the fun in that.
Racism isn't an evil at all it's unjust hatred that's an issue. So basically don't kill ALL the elves but feel free to advocate very harsh laws on their tricky forest ways to keep them in line.
>murdering them in the street JUST for being an orc.
Actually depends on setting. One of my favorite setting- the Birthright setting: If you are an Orc or troll or yes- kobold that is because you HAVE committed murder, rape, etc, etc, other evil acts. So in that world I'd assume it's perfectly ok to murder Orcs on sight.
>Incredibly racist paladin who knows he's racist and became a paladin to stop being racist
>It hasn't worked yet
An orc tries to rob him on the road:
>This is why people smite on sight, you shitter.
A drow prostitute presents herself to him:
>You're going to try to eat me or sacrifice me to your goddess after we finish. No thanks.
Tiefling warlock saves his ass
>See, they're not ALL bad.
I actually have a tiefling paladin... who's himself racist against tieflings because his family's inner circle are the only Good tieflings he's ever met.
Take that shit back, he wasn't racist he was just giving GL a compliment that only modern PC fanatics would whine about.
>I actually have a tiefling paladin... who's himself racist against tieflings because his family's inner circle are the only Good tieflings he's ever met.
I said gnomes for a reason. Orcs are dicks
Did people even get mad about that back then? It was more of an "Oh grandpa" moment
Technically, racism is justified in DnD. We got measurable superiority/inferiority of some races compared to others in various domains, inherent morality based on races in certain cases, and some races are just plain out better (level adjustment).
Also, it depends on the editions, since they have different definitions.
I'm gonna go with 3.5, since 5th ed. alignment fluff is crap IMO, and say that it doesn't matter if you're racist or not, only your acts are taken into account.
There are a lot of races in D&D that it is entirely ok to be racist against. Orcs, chromatic dragons, kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls, mindflayers, yuan-ti.
Racism is A ok in fantasy settings, and ok in places other than burger land, but that's a different thread.
Gnomes are worse. They're the niggers of dwarves.
>burger land
That's a funny way to spell "European Union." ;^)
And that's the thing, depending on what you understand for racism.
Right now if you say a black athlete is fast because his physique is build for that due genetic markers and stuff most people will tell you you're being racist.
What's wrong with Chromatic dragons ?!
I'm assuming you meant to reply to , but I'd ague crime statistics and IQ tests are a little different than being 3 feet shorter or having fangs or inherit magic
They're tremendous flying douchebags.
You're a douchebag !
At least I'm not, at best, a serial cattle rustler and arsonist. When was the last time a dragon ever paid for anything? Let me guess, you're a good drake who dindu nuffin and those paladins were just hasslin' you on your way to the Temple of Bahamut to get your life together.
I assumed it was more a dig at Green Lanterns. Those guys generally suck eggs.
It helps that DnD has clearly defined races, though. You just have to look at the character sheet.
Don't suffer the thinly veiled racehate bait to bump.
What are you even saying? I don't understand.
what is racist to one person isn't to another
its kinda how racism works, racists don't see anything wrong with what they do or how they act
you can be what ever you like as long as you keep posting cuties like that
Filthy crossboarding shitposter leave.
Use your words
So racism is an invisible, intangible force whose presence can only be detected by the initiates of certain philosophies, and while it must according to your doctrine be expunged those afflicted with it cannot detect it on their own and must submit to the initiates of the aforementioned certain philosophies to be purged of their sin?
Sounds like religion. No thanks.
Dude gave GL a compliment, he came from a time (much like today, thanks to BLM) when blacks and whites didn't really consider themselves one people. Fuck off if you read anything bad into that. GL IS a credit to his people, both the lantern corps and American urban blacks.
His post makes no sense. You leave.
I know Baldur's Gate II isn't much of an authority, but my god the lawfuls are racist in that game.
I'd say the lawful tendency to have clearly defined rules and roles could easily translate to racial hierarchies and eugenics and other bullshit.
Same issue with OP here more or less.
>human orphan in a large gnomeish city
>not many have seen humans but they know they exist like most people nowadays know terrorists exist but have never seen one
>run down back alley chapel
>maybe 10x10" with only a "grand" cleric
>grand cleric answers the door and sees no one who could have knocked despite it being a pretty long alley
>concludes that while i may be the ugliest baby he's seen its a divine miracle
>takes him a bit to realize i'm newborn and not a yearling due to size and general gnomeish view of baby beauty and me not fitting it
>raises me to be a devout Baravarian
>church gets big and famous with "The Worlds Biggest Gnome" considered to be the only legitimate miracle to happen in centuries at the helm
>making dad proud keeping the church alive
>smiling knowing he's smiling back at Baravar's right side
>all grown up now
>church is huge and gnomes from everywhere come to see it
>me and the other grand clerics decide its time we spread Baravar's wisdom to the world
>know the world outside is a dangerous place and there's monsters that can eat gnomes in one bite
>volunteer myself as i'm the biggest gnome around and know i'm at least 7 gnomes worth of bites
>grand clerics are hesitant at first as i'm the biggest and grandest of clerics and they don't want to send their miraculous claim to fame out to die
>who better to show Baravar's power than his one true miracle?
>afterwards i hooked up with the group at a bar after they convinced me they were also apostles of Baravar and just didn't have the good graces to be raised right and proper over steins of God's Milk (fermented milk) and never having experienced the sinful brew assumed it truly was
>play him as a naive in the ways of the world televangelist type right down to the voice after daddies image
Viconia is a cunt, Aerie did nothing wrong. Remove drow, impregnate qt amputee.
Only issue is this: Baravar HATES goblins and kobolds and demands i kill them on sight as an affront.
My DM likes to make goblin and kobold settlements and tribes that while backwards and primitive are undeniably nuetral/chaotic good to chaotic neutral in all his settings. I and several others suspect it may be either a serious obsession or an extremely subtle magical realm and i know one day i will have to genocide them off the face of the earth and piss on their graves.
Now if I DON'T kill them or maintain my Lawful Good stance i lose my powers but i HAVE to kill them as its what Baravar would want and i KNOW the DM will get on my case over killing "innocents" and saying i'm no longer Lawful Good for it.
Tl;Dr Slave to Baravar, my one true Lord and Master. What do?
Aerie BTFO.
Viconia is literally Neutral Evil, wants you to side with Bodhi, and whines about how all drow are misjudged while boasting about the evil shit she did. Drizzt she ain't.
>His post makes no sense. You leave.
If you're not just unable to recognize, but also to understand, a slight variation of one of the oldest and most prominent 40K slogans and Veeky Forums memes, then it is most definitely you who need to leave, /pol/ shitter.
>Drizzt she ain't.
And thank fuck for that.
It depends on your GM
Seriously some GMs will say that racism is evil enough that you simply can't be Good, and some won't care.
you can be lawfull good and be racist in real life user. Why couldn't you in fantasy?
>my unfunny attempt at a 'fresh' twist on a meme isn't kewl, you must be /pol/!
If you go by classic D&D, then yes.
Dwarves were almost ALWAYS culturally Lawful Good and got along really poorly with elves, seeing them as flighty and unreliable in a pinch.
This is in fact racism; stereotyping an entire group as one single negative thing without regards to individual personalities.
It's a compliment to the GLC. You'd say the same to a good soldier in the military or the marine who shot osama.
Except the GLC, the military generally just fucks up civillians instead of accidentally releasing and failing to re-detain universe destroying entities every thursday between 10am and 8pm.
There is absolutely nothing wrong, and in fact quite a lot right, about posting on /pol/.
Viconia is a very soft Neutral Evil.
Basically she's selfish and mean and doesn't particularly care about the well-being and rights of others, but she says outright that she doesn't kill people for no reason at all and isn't a cold-blooded murder.
She'll pick the more "this benefits me directly even if it hurts other people" choices, but she hardly regularly goes out of her way to hurt people unless they seriously get in her way and stuff.
It's actually fairly believable that you can turn her True Neutral, mostly because her evil aspects are extremely passive compared to a lot of other characters.
It's not. Its a racial trait. Dwarves are short, elves are tall. Dwarves are muscular, elves are lithe. Dwarves are brave, elves are cowards. It's like how It's a safe bet that the latino playing jai alai is gay.
good intentions, but it's still racist
ask a white man? he'll say its a compliment
ask a black man? he'll say that's racist
ask a white man? he'll say that's racist
ask a black man? he'll say its a compliment
its about perception, user don't. get so upset.
>liking things that are genetically chaotic evil
your allowed to hate if you want ya stupid SJW, as long as you don't go genocide innocents and things that arn't considered evil and thus killable with no penalty.
i bet you have Literal ISIS terrorists living in your house you europoor.
It's just a general warm southernly compliment. You get a coach who runs a football team and he sees another player doing mad plays. He'll probably go over and say "you're a credit to your team, son." Before shaking the hand of the coach. It's pretty big praise actually if you grew up the same way. Same for boy or eagle scouts or any organization. It's him highlighting and saying that while your group is good you're better and they're better for it.
>Elves are cowards
Faggot short man, you listen and you listen good. Every fucking time evil threatens the world, you know who actually goes out and blandas upp with the humans and does something about it? We do. Meanwhile, you lock yourselves in your mountainhomes behind expensive runic seals and wank to your ugly women about how "brave" you are because you don't give a single shit about whether the outside world falls to whichever Dark Lord or Overlich or Baleful God has shown up to sodomize everything this time so long as you get a few more days to drink beer and craft useless trinkets.
I'd tell you to get fucked, but that's a compliment to you furry little shits.
Long live the forests.
"Good" doesn't necessarily mean "nice". You can be the most hateful monster in the universe, yet be Lawful Good who goes around paladining the shit out of people's problems while noting that the people are idiots of the greatest magnitude for not being able to do it themselves, yet never would say no to helping them because reasons.
>I clearly didn't understand this thing any fa/tg/uy would recognize, quick I must pretend I meant it just wasn't funny instead
Kill urself my mong. You're a disgrace to shitposters everywhere.
I never implied there was anything wrong with it. What's wrong is the board: you're posting it on Veeky Forums instead of /pol/.
How? What baffling line of SJW logic are you following this time?
Yeah, that's actually still racism. In your case a very soft and mild racism that mostly makes you look silly at the worst, but that's about it.
Elves are certainly less lawful (meaning less rigid and code-bound), but this doesn't make them flighty or unreliable, it just means that they sort of feel their way through stuff as they go. Unreliability and flightyness (which is flitting from one random thing to another) largely depends on the elf, hence why there's so many elf wizards or master craftsman; they just spend a LOT of time doing their one thing that they enjoy and are good at.
Similarly, dwarves are not ALL dour and humorless people ("stiff-necked") who have difficulty not thinking in straight lines. Dwarves laugh and enjoy themselves just like anyone, though they may not always do it in front of complete strangers.
In unrelated news, jai alai is a fucking insane sport and seems to me like a step above an elaborate form of suicide sometimes with it's ridiculous pitching speeds.
>elf so scared he can't even spell brave the post
9/10 times you're responsible for the evil that threatens the world.
>abloobloobloo muh feminine sensitivities, muh gaymer gurl fanaticism to the fact everyone who doesn't do as i say since i have tits means they are shitlords who must be purged
>fuck you, i know i'll call you /pol/ and keep spamming shit until muh feefees feel better
user you are literally a shitposting tumblrite shitter, plz go.
Wow, it's not every day you catch a shitposter who's genuinely retarded or insane.
>confirmed never having played traditional LaCrosse
Seriously. Take the speeds that granite ball flies in Jai Alai then imagine what the same scoop with less drag and a much bigger fulcrum can do with no padding or helmet.
There's a reason it's still called Big War on the rez's.
No, I think LaCrosse when not using a lighter projective is insane too.
>*lighter projectile
>proceed to shitpost everywhere pushing your retarded fuck agenda taking a perfectly innocuous phrase and making it seem racist cause muh feefees
>continue to shitpost when someone calls you out on it
>someone else calls you for the SJW tumblrshit you are
>dis guy is clearly racist, insane or retarded, please disregard every single thing said, i win the end fuck you.
your arguments are shit and i can smell the cancer coming right off you, and i would know that putrid disgusting smell after my mother died from it.
Take it up with OP little buddy. The issue of fantasy racism has been around for a good, long time, and it never twisted anyone's panties until the SJW trend got popular with you college kids.
>What baffling line of SJW logic are you following this time?
>if I don't agree with it, its SJW!
I said traditional god damn it!
Seriously though i hate the recent need to make all things baby proof for teens these days. Tell them it's dangerous as fuck then let them make the decision cause i fucking hated having to drive 20 miles one way to play actual LaCrosse.
Also this. Lighter is for safety type LaCrosse like that of local highschool or private school Leagues so baby doesn't bruise his skin.
in a setting where there are actually evil races, the whole racism thing is quite the norm i guess
Well, I just didn't bring up or comment on LaCrosse because nobody was talking about LaCrosse.
Someone WAS talking about jai alai.
I spelled it correctly. Do you even speak Common, or should I communicate by slapping an anvil against a mithril chastity cage to form the syllables of the traditional dwarven dialect you fat little neckbearded tantrumer?
It's not us digging too greedily and too deep, shorty. That time with the magic gemstones was an exception, normally the ancient evil comes from humans, and we're okay with that because humans are our bros.
Are you sure you're human and not a Salt Elemental or something? Orc apologists need to go and stay gone.
>your arguments are shit and I'll prove it by calling you a cancerous SJW
If you care even a little about your family's dignity you should consider joining your mother post haste.
Take what up with the OP? Your obvious and complete lack of understanding of the most basic Veeky Forums memery and how it exposes you as a crossboarding shitposter who's unwisely skipped the customary period of lurking? Because it's you I'm addressing right now, not the OP, you who I'm talking about. Unless of course you are the OP, but I suggest nothing of the sort.
>Can't even explain his views
>You're racist because I say so!
>Not a SJW
Havin' a giggle?
I was talking Jai Alai. Good game and fun and i'm not saying it's lesser just that if you see a latino playing it it's a 100% chance he's gay. It's just a LOT safer compared to traditional LaCrosse.
>It's not us digging too greedily and too deep, shorty
We've what, one balrog on our conscience? That never even left the underground? Remember the Silmarils? The Ring? Who was responsible for those, hm? I mean, you literally invited Sauron of all Maia into the heart of your power.
Gygaxian LG: yes.
Blue state urbanite in the current year: no.
Except it was a shit twist on a Veeky Forums meme. One that did not make sense. Oh, right, it had "suffer" in it, so it's totally kosher, amirite? His variant made no sense, how does that ever imply someone doesn't understand your precious meme?
Fuck off SJW, and take your bitching about racism with you. Don't contaminate 40k with your dumb shit.
Don't forget they willing accepted rings that corrupted their leaders and the leaders themselves STILL keep them knowing full well what they do just because it keeps them looking pretty.
>WAAAAH! My face is burnt so i'll use soul dissolving magic to look pretty!
>WAAAAH! I'm the biggest whore in the world and can't stand the idea i'm not the prettiest and that all eyes aren't on me so i'll use soul dissolving magic to prevent this!
Seriously they're the biggest bitches around right down to their leaders let alone the lessers of their species.
>Lord of the Rings is all fantasy
>Sauron is an elf
He seemed like a cool guy, no regrets. That's not 9/10 times anyway.
Could you people please fuck off back to tumblr or reddit or wherever you come from?
>Except it was a shit twist on a Veeky Forums meme. One that did not make sense
Literally the exact same meaning mate, a couple of words switched for a couple of other words which have the exact same meaning, which anyone with a strong enough grasp of the English language to understand the meme in its original form would be well aware of. "Kosher" you say though, that doesn't smell of /pol/ at all. You really ought to hide such bad and telling habits if you want to continue this farce of pretending that you're not a shitposting newfag.
>Havin' a giggle?
are you?
>see something that's racist
>doesn't believe it racist
you might be racist, user
but everyone is a little bit racist
We got three and gave one away. You got seven and were promptly rekt by dragons. Elves 1, Dorfs 0.
>>Lord of the Rings is all fantasy
The "digging too greedly" thing is straight out of Tolkien. This is basic fantasy knowledge, mate. Anyway, your "back to tumbbit hurr" argument grows thin: reinvent your bait or fuck off. I'm only saying this to help you, you know. It's tough love. Sometimes, the path to trolldom must be accompanied with the occasional verbal smackdowns.
40K is the antithesis of your intellectually bankrupt women's studies philosophy. Being this butthurt that a comment you intended to be clever wasn't well-received doesn't make you look like less of a tumblrite.
Also, using kosher makes me from /pol/? Haha, sure, okay. I thought /pol/ hated Jews?
5/10 you got replies despite being this salty, 2/10 if I wasn't grading you on persistence.
At least we had the good graces to bury our living corpses. You fucks know they're absolutely fucked up and still keep them around. Hell we recently killed ours as the abominations they are unlike you dumbfucks who let them bodily into heaven, spoilers if you don't know: this gets you guys kicked into to the void as you're all poisoned and thus unworthy. Have fun.
>refuses to explain why something is racist
>but it's totally racist because I say so
You show those nazis, strong fellow womyn!
No. You seriously need to go back to whatever cancerous website you come from.
I wouldn't know anything about what the antithesis of women's studies are, mate, same way you don't know shit about Veeky Forums memes. It's because I've been subjected to one but not the other.
The first and last person who had the capacity to convince me to fuck off of Veeky Forums was Nazimod, in '11 or so, and only because he banhammered my ass for a year straight, so your dumb ass can suck my dick like your dad taught you.
Different user here.
>antithesis of womens studies
Honestly it's probably the Study of Logic and Reasoning as the modern Women's Studies you'd find on campuses these days merely finds ways to bring people down to the level women perceive themselves to be at while attempting to elevate just them. This is inherently sexist, biased, and racist in its thoughts and implementation and i truly believe if we merely studied Logic and Reasoning and used a morally sound base of philosophy we'd grow insanely quickly as a society and everyone's lives would be better and closer to this ideal they feel is reserved solely for men whereas it's reserved for a select few who just happen to be men.
>Haha, sure, okay. I thought /pol/ hated Jews?
Yeah, I mean, it's not, like, /pol/ love to use Jewish terms so much that they're the most prominent memes on the board behind "cuck" and "nigger". But you sure convinced me you're not from /pol/ with that feigned ignorance. Hell, you even convinced me you're not from this fucking side of the internet, given how literally everyone who's spend more than a week on any board knows exactly how much /pol/ loves its Jewishry!
Guys, we have an actual tumblr derail going on here. It's time we ignore it and move on.
Let me tell you all about why gnomes are awful and need to be purged. Firstly, they're ripoff Dwarves. Being short, bearded, and skilled at engineering and crafts is a Dwarvish trait. Being silly and short and lackadaisical is a Halfling trait, so Gnomes are basically Dwarves with all of the worst Halfling traits. Second, zero self-awareness, all Gnomes are basically autists. If you see a Gnome, the best thing to do is spit on him, and the second best thing to do is to split his skull and quietly bury him in an unmarked grave. Gnomes were created by secretive Dragonborn supremacists in a bid to destroy the superior Dwarven race, using forbidden homosex magic only Dragonborn know. Wherever Gnomes go, they steal Dwarf and Halfling jobs, and endear themselves to the human authorities by being "cute" and "wacky."
I propose we ally against these two most cancerous of races, Gnome and Dragonborn, and eliminate them to secure a future for our children.
>bragging about being gay
>bragging about being unsubtle enough to get banned
It's like you were born to be cringe.
Stop responding to the SJW fags, they're hoping if they shitpost hard enough this triggering thread will get deleted.
Unsubtle? I told that dumbass off like I'm telling you, and I never regretted it for a moment, because Veeky Forums was an awful board under his supervision. And if you think the word "subtle" had anything to do with Nazimod's purges you're just flaunting your ignorance.