Solar System Edition
I tip my hat to the new Fistitution Sub-Edition
In the last thread information on how well Papa Sang flies and what the other planets in our solar system are good for in 30/40k, the Phalanax became a subject for discussion along with the appeal of the Fists, secondary reasons of the Primarchs for their parts in the Crusade were listed, the Lion's greatest enemy was posted, we saw that one picture again and that drawfag really is improving if you can believe it, another pointless muh Dorn and muh Perturabo debate happened and you guessed it the Iron Cage showed up plus more in the last thread Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
Other official downloads:
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
30k Black Library:
Strawpoll link:
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Why does the Death Guard have the best color scheme and best dice?
Reposting my question from the tail end of last thread, if that's okay.
>Speaking of the space sharks, how heretical would a shattered legions combo of loyalist death guard (in dusk raider colours) and terran raven guard (in carochadon colours, although still with a raven emblem on their shoulder) be? Couldn't decide between dusk raiders and RG, then thought why not both, and figured those two scheme colours would look good alongside each other. (Would put all the dusk raiders in Mk III and all the RG in Mk VI to meet the "must be distinguishable" shattered legions rule.) Also would prevent me having to paint a load of marines in black.
I say it's heretical depending on how's it done.
See that's what I think of when I hear "paragon blade"
If you're going to make them carcharodons, give them the carcharodons symbol as well, user. Don't be lazy.
But they wouldnt be space sharks yet, they'd be pale nomads/Terran RG, at most they'd be grey with maori tattoos all over their armor.
To be honest, the bit about them still using the RG emblem was actually an attempt to stay fluffy as I didn't think new chapters (with their own insignia) were really a thing at this point, instead becoming a thing after the siege of terra. Have I got that wrong?
There's nothing saying that they wouldn't after becoming blackshields. And they were Space Sharks by early M32, so there's nothing saying that they weren't during the Heresy when Corax sent them away because he was racist towards Terrans.
Remember that the Space Sharks are exiled Terran remnants of one of the Raven Guard's chapters from before the Heresy. Also, legion chapters with their own icons are a thing, though they were worn on the shoulder opposite of the legion icon, or on one of the knees.
Sounds legit
Pic also related, note the symbol on the Terminator's kneepad.
It's grittiness: the colour scheme in grittiness: the setting.
Power axes or swords on my BA assault marines?
I'm leaning power axes because I think the other 16 guys can handle marines competently enough and the axes might be able to tip engagements with 2+ guys in my favour or take some with me instead of it being just a massacre.
Axes, model them as really big swords though, since Bangels love swords.
Local players keep playing 2+ armor heavy lists and bringing spartans. I introduced Medusas and outflanking Vanquishers. Oh and a Malcador Infernus.
I've been looking at SoH and been wanting to play them. What are your thoughts on their special units? Reavers seem OK and their termies look badass. Are the special characters worth fielding?
Cheers for the replies lads, nobody's called it complete bullshit as an idea as yet so I guess it should be okay. Will do a bit more reading on chapter/legion iconography and that.
At 1250 points, would you play against this list or call it bullshit?
Lehio Cybernetica, 1250/1250 points
== HQ ==
Anacharis Scoria (315)
+ Xanathite Abeyant
== TROOPS ==
Tech Thralls x15 (80)
Ritual of Pure Thought, Carapace
Tech Thralls x15 (80)
Ritual of Pure Thought, Carapace
Castellax x2 (260)
Targeters, Flamers, Frags
Castellax x2 (290)
Targeters, Darkfire Cannons, Frags
Vorax x3 (225)
Scoria joins the Vorax, everything runs forward and hopefully bodies into the enemy.
I don't want to be a shithead, I just really, REALLY want to convert a Scoria.
Alright, I found ANOTHER set of rules for planets in 30/40k these being the warzone traits of 6th ed.
SoH were my first legion and I got to say, their special units are top notch. Kitted out reavers dominate the board. Always run 2 squads of 15 with jump packs. Give them power swords and watch them melt units
Lore masters: what period of the Horus Heresy does the Invasion of Paramar occur during? My understanding is within weeks after Isstvan V, lasting for a few more weeks after that. Mostly concerned with the Alpha Legion's activities and presence.
Happened right after the drop site massacre
Some user did this compilation a while ago.
Are those for the game or just general descriptions of the gamestore atmosphere?
>Corrosive Atmosphere
>cheetos dust fingers
>High Gravity
>bunch of fa/tg/uys
>Toxic Mist
>Warp Winds
>noxious farts
>it's ironic, there's actually no AC
>Pall of Night
>store's open later than usual
>Radioactive Hot Zone
>someone ate chili
>Low Gravity
>unsupervised gamestore kid
>Psychich Dead Zone
>somebody forgot their codex
>Haunted Wastes
>nothing but MTG players
>Lifeblood Spores
>someone has a flu
I've had a game set on a ghost world, it was a bitch, but also hilarious since me and my opponent combined lost two squads and a rhino to the same objective.
>charm/charisma level of customers:
Yes and no. Chapters, companies, battalions, hell, even squads developed their own heraldry and history, any one of which may have ended up being used for a post-heresy chapter. It's not a perfect one for one, but you'll pretty much guaranteed to find heraldry representing every single second founding chapter represented in some part, somewhere among their parent legion.
You proud of yourself?
Huh, I just realised that the rule section for lifeboom spores is gone.
The zog is with this?
Normally it would be axes no contest but I can't escape the feeling that I would be wasting the +1I from my RoW if I go with axes.
Alternate universe traitor-slaaneshi Bangel accosts a loyalist Iron Warrior.
I didn't even see the Slaaneshi symbol.
Paramar was 673.006.M41.
Istvaan V bvegan was 566.006.M41.
>image shows two towers
Oh you.
>Unstable Internment
>A Contemptor-Cortus must always make Sweeping Advances if it is able
>Without Remorse, Without Relent
>Models with Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) must always make Sweeping Advances if they are able.
How many more examples of this are there? Is there ever a reason you wouldn't want to sweep? Should someone tell FW this isn't really a nerf?
You're 10,000 years off.
Sorry, force of habit.
What are those cards from?
I guess the counter to your army would be lots of blasts (muh phosphex) and several lightnings, or what is your AA game?
You could say Justaerin knotch? :^)
>best dice
You may have missed some sets of dice.
Like, all of them.
Don't forget Word Bearers must also make sweeping advances as well!
You are forgiven.
>What are those cards from?
The rules are from 6th ed rulebook, some random guy made MtG card out of them for no reason.
Thanks for putting that image together, I was about to go through the HH books.
Word Eater Blood madness and Berzerker assault
30k maelstrom of war cards when
Id settle for a chart to roll on
Nah mate, the only other dice set that comes close is the Alpha Legion dice. All the other ones are pretty bad.
Sons of Horus and Emperor's Children are supreme sets.
They should release a deck of cities of death cards first, not sure why they havent.
AL dice are one of the best but you nignogs are crazy if you think the DG ones aren't classy as fuck, and I'm not even a DGfag. The minamlist ivory and snazzy pale green are great.
Is there any disadvantage to having to sweep? Surely if the enemy is already at the point where you choose to roll for sweep it's more beneficial to just kill them all?
You get shot next turn.
Wait, so after the initiative roll-off you could just say "you know what, nah, I'm not going to sweep, lets keep fighitng"?
Trying out Tamiya clear
Also thinking about using metallic red for Bangels
Fuck me, Dreadnought drop pods are huge. Worth it when my Contemptor-Cortus strolls on out right into some enemy backfield, though.
No, because at this point the enemy has already failed their morale check and are attempting to flee. If you elect not to sweep the only thin that will happen is youll have a fleeing enemy on the table who can rally next turn.
It's a pain to transport, too, because no one makes Dreadnought pod sized foam.
In the old MkV power armour description it says: "Where Mark 4 helmets, armoured plated and cabling were available these were often used." This would mean that it's possible to have suits of MkV armour with no exposed cabling on the limbs, no studs since there's no additional plating being added to inferior armour materials, and instead of the MkV helmet, it'd have a MkIV helmet. So basically a MkVII with MkV torso and MkIV helmet.
So, how little effort and dedication would this take?
Mk V is not just the official Mk V pattern you see on the models, it also refers to the mix and match combat repairs you see during the Heresy. They're saying sometimes they would grab a Mk IV helmet if they could find one, then combine it with inferior suit pieces that they had on hand. The Mk IV assault kits have torsos with no exposed cabling since the assault squads put an extra armor plate to cover the vital power cables on the chest.
Guys, what would be spookier for you? Being a Legion serf and watching your legion of choose degrade into barbaric slaves to darkness, or being a civilian on Terra and watching all of the twisted minions of Chaos come down onto the homeworld of humanity and see just how far they've fallen? Also I did a thing.
If it doesn't have studs, especially Crotch studs, why would anyone call it "MkV"?
Battle Foam does. You guys really need to stop buying from the cheaper foam companies just because it's cheaper. You get what you pay for.
Because the fluff for Mk V only says the studs are common because that's the best they had on hand? If you're making a Mk V but have good materials you can make a studless Mk V.
That's like saying why have Mk IV or II pieces on any suit other than Mk IV or II since they're so hard to manufacture.
>Traitor Legion of choice
Send me to the Frills.
>Mk V is not just the official Mk V pattern you see on the models, it also refers to the mix and match combat repairs you see during the Heresy.
Under FW fluff, there's production and non-production MkV suits. And none of the MkV suits in FW books are "just cobbled together from bits and pieces." They all have a distinct MkV style to them, they just make some things differently or use some parts from other marks.
Production MkVs are the "ones you see on the models." Though which models, is the question. When you look at official MkV models, there's clear differences.
Pic related: Non-production MkVs.
And pic related: Not MkVs.
>none of the MkV suits in FW books are "just cobbled together from bits and pieces
>they just make some things differently or use some parts from other marks
>posts image of cobbled together suits
What I'm saying is that studless MkV is like a bringing a Destroyer squad without a rad missile launcher. Sure, you could do that, but then what's the point of it?
Did you just miss which also features suits made from various parts and these are specifically not MkV suits? Or the fact that the non-production MkVs still contains a lot of the features found in the production MkV suits, just have some other bits on them?
I thought that was apparent, but I guess not.
Having something that's a bit different from the norm and still perfectly fluffy? We got decades of history on the Horus Heresy and various sources, pieces of art and models to draw inspiration from, and instead people go and buy the Official(c) Horus Heresy(tm) models from Forge World and paint them in the Official(r) Horus Heresy($) colours.
That's a shuri-frank!
Aren't the studs inferior to actual armor plates? IIRC the studs are there to attach adhoc armor and to provide some extra protection. None of which is needed if you have actual properly fitted armor plating.
Studs and cables are the hallmark of Mk V though. I guess if you had the facilities to make properly armored suits you wouldn't be making Mk V.
Just because you have a Ferrari's engine and tires doesn't mean you can just make a Ferrari. Especially since you only have experience making Audis. You can make an Audi with a Ferrari engine and tires, but not a Ferrari.
The difference between a MkIV and V is not just the size of the cabling and quality of the armour material. The V used the solid plate design of the IV, but put older style systems into the suit, because most facilities were far more used to working with them and knew them. MkIV was a relatively new and advanced suit, so making it was more demanding.
>I guess if you had the facilities to make properly armored suits you wouldn't be making Mk V.
Well, production MkV was meant to be "easier MkIV", wasn't it?
> IIRC the studs are there to attach adhoc armor and to provide some extra protection. None of which is needed if you have actual properly fitted armor plating.
Studs are an easy way of attaching extra armour, and there are occasions where you'll want extra protection even for already good armour. Like for the greaves or forward pauldron (left pauldron for right handed people). Or for the crotch.
Nice compilation. Would you happen to have the production MkV as well?
>Or for the crotch.
>posts EC
Oh you
There's not much to them, really.
It was just something I put together after having a lot of discussion about the MkV and all the different sources. The modern fluff (the cards that came with the special edition SM codex) is not that different from the old RT era stuff. Some details have been omitted, but the general description of the armour and its history is the same.
>Those crotch plates sure get worn down easily, right, frather astrotechnicus?
>You're wearing artificer armour, brother sergeant. That's 70% unaltered adamantium by weight.
>Such is war, brother. Such is war.
Yes, I remember. Thanks a lot, user.
Happy 4th HHG, Hope you all have fun blowing things up.
Why are rampagers the most useless unit in the game?
>Cost as much as vets
>No access to power weapons
>No furious charge
>They can take jump packs if you want to spend 30 points for a WS 4 dude with a jump pack and chainaxe
>They can buy caedere weapons which cost as much as power weapons for vets but are objectively worse
>They get a 6+ FnP
>They have scouts which would be cool but you can't scout and charge on the first turn
I mean I'm not asking for anything OP or even good but I want SOME reason to take them. Give them rampage (they are called rampagers), give them furious charge, make them WS 5, give them hatred, give them preferred enemy in challenges, let them charge turn 1 if they scout. Any of those would at least be a reason even if several of them aren't good reasons.
>Posts the American Legion.
Wait, it's already Freedom Day where you are? Huh.
Everything you've said is true, but I really wonder why they get Scout in the first place.
>tfw Death Guard's special units and color scheme seem awesome.
>Don't really like Morty or Typhon as characters lore-wise. Fine with them statwise.
>Did I mention that I love their colorscheme?
>Iron Warriors are pretty cool, hazard stripes look awesome.
>Special units seem pretty good, the beep-boops are cool too.
>Perty seems like a pretty cool guy.
>Don't really know much about their characters.
>They seem pretty cool all around.
>Word Bearers color scheme is nice, awesome after you factor in the runes and symbols and stuff. Still unsure between blue eyes and green eyes.
>Special units seem awesome, except the Mhara Gal, which has an awesome unit.
>Lorgat is probably my favorite primarch. Their special characters are cool too.
>I like their unique wargear too.
Y'know, from my points listed it seems like I should just go with Word Bearers, but I just feel indecisive. Especially since Death Guard have such a nice color scheme.
You listed three of the most popular legions around here so any choice won't diversify that much. I suggest Iron Warriors due to my personal bias in this situation. Torrent "Angel Extermiantus". It might endear you to them.
>Buying two 5-man squads of terminators to go with two dreadclaws
>Armed all with power weapons except one spec wep and one chain fist
Should I put both those upgrades on one Terminator or spread them out a little? My instincts say spread em but I wanted some contrary opinions and experiences.
The moment you selected Scoria, I'd refuse to play you.
lol, you just shoot him. it's not hard.
So I played with Ophion the other day. the opponent's Bangle Preator got shreked.
and then Ophion proceeded to get powerfisted by some low level veteran.
I see someone was all up on dat shark week
I love that Terminator and it's all thanks to that one picture of him. Imagine all of the horror that one RS has seen. Pic related.
Scoria's just a Primarch but shorter, more tubes, and is more into beep boops than the others.
Did the Bangel have a Perdition Blade
He did. he was regularly putting 6 wounds onto our hero.
Alright, what in a 1250 point game would you bring that could kill Scoria?
I am very interested.
Can't keep a good Night Lord down
10 man plasma support squad.
damn near guaranteed one Gets Hot! death.
I assume the idea is that they are so aggressive that they go full leeroy jenkins and charge ahead of the main army.
He dies really fast to Instant death however.
also in one of the games I took him, a Necron command squad(?) and some wraiths swept him and his squad. it was a sad day.
At rapid fire range it's only doing around 2 wounds to Scoria. That's before the It Will Not Die.
And if you are in rapid fire range that squad will die next round.
Wait, how is Scoria surviving 20 plasma shots again?
send him two plasma squads?
>send him two plasma squads?
Why not seekers with combi-plasmas?
>20 BS 5 plasma gun shots that have preferred enemy
Well, he is toughness 6 with a 3+ invul and feel no pain. He's pretty damn hard to kill.