What if the act of casting a spell was kinda like human defecation?
What if the act of casting a spell was kinda like human defecation?
Then this thread would make you a wizard.
My tiefling Sorceress would shit gold.
And everyone else would (correctly) call bullshit as she then becomes everything I want in a woman.
So....fart wizards?
I'd imagine you'd have many less spells per day
Please leave and never return
>mfw I just realized that somewhere on the internet someone already masturbated to this concept
To be clear, I wasn't talking about spells coming out of butts.
This is most definitely not a fetish thread in poor disguise. Carry on with the constructive discussion op
Can we go one day without having this thread?
Poo in the grimoor?
It already kind of is. I mean, casters shit all over martials.
3.PF already has that feature
Because spellcasters shit on everyone and everything else
3.PF hate hivemind.
Wasn't there a D20 modern (I assume 3rd party) supplement that had that sort of shit? Black Tokyo or something like that
Unless this is the world's most poorly disguised fetish thread, you might want to rephrase your question OP. Or at least elaborate on it.
Casting magic requires some sort of prolonged internal gestation. Casting a spell can happen all at once, or may require a sort time-consuming of pushing out. Sometimes the spells come out in bits and pieces. Sometimes the spells are bigger than expected. etc.
Then you'd literally be magic.
First post best post.
Wow, coming in I thought you meant that you just feel like you are taking a shit when you magic (bigger spells feeling even shittier), but holy fuck poorly disguised thread is poorly disguised.
Jesus christ I just saw op get bodied