>It's a fantasy world with blacksmiths, whitesmiths, greensmiths, bluesmiths, and redsmiths.
It's a fantasy world with blacksmiths, whitesmiths, greensmiths, bluesmiths, and redsmiths
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There are already different kinds. Blacksmiths, silversmiths, goldsmiths.
>not knowing that the 'black' referred to the type of metal being worked and how. 'black iron'.
There were tinsmiths and silversmiths.
It could work if there are than many different metals in a setting.
Saying Redsmith is easier than Adamantiumsmith
so bluesmiths would work with cobalt, what would red/greensmiths work with?
I don't know about greensmiths
but the rest of those are real things
Red was copper and bronze I think.
That's another fucking way of fucking saying coppersmith you fucking piece of fucking poop.
blacksmith is iron, whitesmith is tin, greensmith and bluesmith don't exist
redsmith is copper
High Speed Cart Ram was single most awesome skill in any vidya ever.
>It's a fantasy world with blacksmiths, whitesmiths, greensmiths, bluesmiths, and redsmiths.
Fucking Dwarves!
Fucking Gnomes!
Fucking Elves!
Fucking Wizards!
Fucking Goblins!
Wait, what's blue then? Because I have never heard of that one
well it is very toxic, and the name actually comes from the same origin as the creature 'kobolds' as in 'kobold ore' or 'goblin ore'
because it was ore that turned nasty when you tried to smelt it.
And even when cobalt was used, it was as a pigment, so those whould be paint and dye makers who don't make just one color. Cobalt isn't smithable.
This is a fantasy setting though, so you can have whatever color metals you want.
>elven pinksmiths and purplesmiths have come to your village demanding to trade
wouldn't that bar between her legs be really really warm?
Like pants on fire warm?
nope, iron doesn't conduct heat that fast.
Copper, it naturally has a reddish hue and it turns green when oxidized
Sounds racist!
>MFW nobody mentions the blacksmith's daughter
>The blacksmith's daughter is impregnated by the whitesmith's son.
A campaign I was in had a group of human druids who had an occupation known as "greensmith" effectively they just created housing/decoration using magic to shape trees and planets into various natural buildings and ornamentation.
This guy makes my shitty backyard forge look high class
Blacksmiths work with iron. Whitesmiths work with metals like tin and zinc. Redsmiths work with copper.
You only made up the other ones.
What do the other ones do?>
Well, in a fantasy world, Greensmiths might work with Adamantium or some similarly fantastic metal. I seem to recall it being green in some instances, so that would make Greensmiths very skilled indeed.
Bluesmiths could similarly refer to the working of Mithral, though that might also just fall under Whitesmiths.
>implying the blacksmith's daughter isn't impregnated by the blacksmith
What's up dog?
About 5 lbs.
She clearly knows how to handle a warm bar between her legs.
a blacksmith works steel and iron, a whitesmith works silver and pewter, a redsmith works bronze and bellmetal, a bluesmith would probably work mythril?
in real life we have black, white, gold, and red smiths already
>mad-as-a-hatter kobold machinists making horrible toxic weapons and traps
Well, I can't promise I won't ever use this.
Whitesmithing is a worker in tin, and redsmith is a bronzeworker. Those are actual terms that have existed for a long time.
I look forward to it.
Like I look forward to using an evil cleric who adopts a tribe of kobolds and comes to care for them. Still evil, fatherly affection towards 'his children'.
>not motherfucking creating metal alloys with magic
>The king wishes for the mightiest castle in all the land
>The kingdoms greatest blacksmith forges a castle for the king
>His work is so good that the walls of the very walls of the castle are razor sharp
>The king ends up dead when sits on his throne and is split in twain by his seat
Not all of us can afford to go to a fancy magic school and spend 20 years learning to use magic for practical purposes after the first 10 theoretical years of studies just to not blow yourself up when casting a spell.
>needing to go to a school to learn how to cast spells
wizardscrubs are hilarious.
>sorcerer taking crafting/creation spells.
you're the hilarious one.
>low-magic fantasy
>the knowledge of how to create magical artifacts is long lost save for those most powerful of the higher ups, and the shadowy of secret magicians
>neither are keen on sharing
>the exertion of magic always results in a corruptive taint of the soul
>over exertion makes such taint permanent
>binding magical constructs to oneself results in permanent corruption
>learning magical rituals and spells results in permanent corruption
>permanent corruption eventually manifests in perceptible stigmas, and mark you for hunting down
>once a permanent corruption threshold is reached, you lose your free will and become a monstrous slave to darkness, essentially dead but worse
Yeah, I guess I could basically wither my body and soul away for a shiny sword that's marginally better than a steel sword I can get at any bladesmith for a nominal fee, slowly crippling myself and stigmatizing myself from society, making me the target of witch hunters and those sworn against the destructive corruption. Seems like a good trade.
Iron, since it tends to be a dark metal
Steel, since it's lighter than iron
Adamantite, which has a greenish tinge
Mithril, because it has a bluish tinge
Some other fantastic metal, I can't think of anything right now.
I'd argue that greensmiths could be people who work Ironwood
Funnily enough this more or less fits into LotR
Magic: The Gathering?
So what, it's Mirrodin?
Nobody talks about poopsmiths.
They are called shitsmiths actually, so let's go into detail here. Let's say shitsmithing was invented when the a god/godess took a shit next to a village they didn't like. This was mean't to kill the villagers, but they grew tolerant to the fumes and decided to harvest what they called "Deus Boombaloom". With Gnomish scatomancy fused into their mining picks, they succeeded. They took this to their blacksmith, and he spent 40 days and 40 nights examining it, leaving his chores to his son. Afterwards he forged a mace of dark presence and foul odor, known as "Maht-Wowrd". He gave this mace to the strongest warrior of the village, Muut to go slay the god who tried to kill them. The last thing the forgotten god/godess heard before dying was "Say it! Call me your spiritual liege now, you maternal fornicator!" So that's how shitsmithing was invented.
>Not understanding what blacksmith even means
>Not knowing there were other smiths
Poo in the loosmith?
As her father taught her
epic tumblr meme dude
Iron is a really poor heat conductor.
Source: I weld.
>the difference between blue and all the others
Hahahahaha, really.
Fuark there are some stupid nerds out there.
The actual term is Gong Farmer.
But you don't weld iron do you?
So now we need a blue and green.
If they got tiers and blue is some magic metal, Blue would probably be highest tier.
Tho, now that I think about it...
This is some Runescape shit.
>how to successfully conduct a peasant uprising
so basically the power rangers of smiths?
Purplesmith is obviously the best.
What about wordsmiths?
Poo in the loo is a /pol/ and /int/ meme about indians shitting on the street. You'd get lynched for even posting that on tumblr
what about cocksmiths?
>Before the 19th century, cobalt was predominantly used as a pigment. Since the Middle Ages, it has been used in the production of smalt, a blue colored glass.
>The LD50 value for soluble cobalt salts has been estimated to be between 150 and 500 mg/kg. Thus, for a 100 kg person the LD50 for a single dose would be about 20 grams.
Isn't adamantium traditionally represented by the color blue?
Though everyone's kinda ignoring the idea of a "bluesmith" who like a blue mage can imbue the quality of anything he has personally been hit with unto any other metal that he is currently hitting.
So wandering around the place searching for unique things to get hit by things so he can make the ultimate sword, which contains the felxibility of wood, the edginess of obsidian and the durability of adamantium with the lightness of aluminium
You guys are thinking too small by just assigning metal or magic to this. Lets instead say that red through violetsmiths are chromomancers, capable of empowering themselves magically or mechanically with the energy of their chosen swatch of the visible spectrum. Fluff wise, this could mean they drain color out objects like colored potion vials or maybe tattoos. Mechanically this would function like a wizard and his prepared spells.
Now a black or whitesmith could be thought as a tradition breaker, someone capable of harnessing the quanta of any part of the spectrum, similar to a sorceror. And that's just part of your new setting. Imagine these guys up against someone harnessing gamma radiation or radio waves. Colorsmith versus Chronomancer, all that kinda thing.
fuck your homebrew
180+ ASPD, Samurai Carded Vecer Axe or Giant axe yeah you could make a lot of people salty with your vast amounts of money.
The one destined to shape the Will of men.
Go home, Oglaf, you're not drunk enough yet.