So, what's the equivalent of Mexico in your setting?
So, what's the equivalent of Mexico in your setting?
I live in Europe, so Poland.
The Nine Hells of Baator.
>rich heritage going back thousands of years
>changed greatly a few hundred years ago due to colonization by other planes
>currently ruled by clashing forces of the people's government and demon drug lords while many natives just try to live their lives in relative peace
>natives oftentimes spill out into other planes to avoid the conflict in their home plane
>make some great-ass food
I can dig this flavor.
Neo-Mexico. With leopard people
>hellishly spicy
i usually dont have Mexicans and if i do there human travelers.
i feel lizard-folk could make great Mexicans. put a sombrero on them and tequila in the other.
Literally Mexico. It's a superhero setting.
I'm playing a Latina.
Don't lizard-folk also take a mid-afternoon hybernation?
Really? Another thread about Mexico? The other one isn't even dead yet.
I'm telling you guys, these illegal posters crossing the boards need to be dealt with. We can't have them leeching off our board quality any longer.
What are you suggesting? We program a firewall? Have the illegals pay for the bandwidth?
You know, that sounds like a great idea. I think we should do exactly that. And before the rest of you thin-skinned white knights get your panties in a bunch of over this, let me tell you: I'm not a boardist. I have absolutely no issue with posters from across the boards coming here and learning about our culture, adopting our values, and most of all obeying our board rules. The board rules are there for a reason, and we can't just open our arms to people who aren't interested in contributing positively to the quality of the board, and who instead do nothing but lower the quality of discourse and posting here. Our board, our posters, and our rules have the top priority.
What's this, someone saying something other than a lazy immigration joke? Where am I
Fucking lizards stealing our jobs
Also it should be Turkey.
What? You mean Spain, right, they're literally the same place but from different continents.
Define Mexico
>They steal our jobs!
>They're lazy!
Choose one, no, really, it's impossible that they steal our jobs and are lazy at the same time
Turkey is not Europe's Mexico.
For one, Turkey is closer to Bolivia.
Two, Turkey is not Europe.
It's a new Empire, only a few generations old, with nobility more or less equally made up of the richest clans and families of the old and ancient empire of the natives and the surviving noble families of the equivalent of Spain, which is currently in ruins. It's a land of stone and sand. Lots of idle rich and antsy peasantry. Basically, I needed a machine for making Zorros.
For a little while now I've wanted to include "Hexicans" in a fantasy game, essentially a nation of flamboyant, festive, friendly Day of the Dead styled skeletons.
You misunderstand user, the hard working ones steal our jobs, the lazy ones live off welfare.
10/10 would play
goblin lands
half naked colored men running around with sticks and hats
Isn't that every race tho?
All elves are lazy fucks