What's the most german setting you can think of?
What's the most german setting you can think of?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is World War 1 a valid answer?
A pair of dice, the full gurps system but without the flavor text besides descriptions for guns.
No dm needed.
Inside a mosque
AdEva set at NERV Berlin with symbolism from continental German myths replacing Abrahamic symbolism?
Because I would play the piss out of that shit.
A setting where nerdy little girls get preyed on by muscular men
This desu.
They probably sell Currywurst on the streets of Altdorf.
Das Schwarze Auge?
how about wilhelminic-steampunk-horror?
Germany. During the time of leterhozen bratwurst and beer! maybe have the party leave and when they come back its Nazi Germany.
But NPCs are all German, and martials.
And PCs must be either Slavs or Muslims, and always full casters.
A compilation of all the simulator games?
Certain German Veeky Forumsizen took up loli-grooming and seems to be quite serious about it.
that would be japan, satan
I thought Veeky Forums liked fat older women, not skinny little girls
>What's the most german setting you can think of?
Deutschland sie dumme Jude.
Right now in my setting, there's a surrogate Germany made up of multiple states that are proud of their individual histories, but respect the others and are willing to unite in a common cause to protect their motherland.
I'm not so sure, but I think it's Germany.
Der Deutschritterorden
worst girl
A dark and foggy forest where unevolved and savage apes fling shit and rocks at each other, before they're forcibly civilized by glorious not!Romans.
the godless barbarian confederation
Die Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz.
pub in germany
The last World Cup.
Dubs confirm.
I think that that is the most german setting.
Veeky Forums likes men and thats a fact.
We don't talk about the Huelocaust.
Das Schwarze Auge, of course. Can't get any more german.
Das Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz.
Please use the German language correctly, thanks.
It's such a shame that the system was so barebones and they never released more than one book.
Of existing fictional settings?
Warhammer Fantasy comes to mind.
Everything about that game looks super awesome, but it's also all in fucking German.
Translation never?
A complex well-balanced system with many interacting rules on many layers.
You aren't allowed to play it as player characters are banned.
Going by popularity, Shadowrun
Beer becomes a fatal poison if poured with insufficient head.
A setting where they lose to the Americans.
DSA or Darklands
An opressive regime powered BY the people.
Also completely lack of fun if you dont like the occasional scat fetish party.
What's with the recent Voltaire shitposting? Did some underage b& just learn who he was?
It seems the core book didn't sell well enough, so it's basically dead.
Cute, I hope they're happy together
best boy
Refugee: the immigrating
He used to drop his pants and run at ladies ass first in the hope that they would spank him.
You'll find noone here who wasn't in at least one game and it's glorious
Shadowrun Dragonfall?
HRE memeing spread outside /gsg/ via Veeky Forums
as if
Eternal World Wide Kaiserreich
t. Willy
>Willy even kills threads that he posts in
Is there anything this man can't destroy?
His enemies
Source? Looks cute and entertaining.
Laura a best
All others a shit
Hitlerdubs even.
Google the filename.
It is entertaining and violent.
This post is the most German setting.
>want to play shadowrun
>can't find game in English
>start learning German so I can actually play.
Arabian nights
German Empire did nothing wrong
Yes to warhammer fantasy but 40k not so much.
>German setting
>Satan trips
[desire to partition Germany intensifies]
WW1 caused the downfall of Germany, Poor fucks went insane and still suffer from it.
>WW1 caused the downfall of Germany,
And what caused WW1?
>Das vaterland muss grosser sein
>Archduke gets killed and his wife
>Guess we better not do anything what so ever, I mean its not like anybody important just died right?
Next you'll tell me we should've dropped flowers and love ontop of the fuckers who did 9/11 right?
>The archduke of an entirely different country gets killed
>Let's totally give them our unconditional support instead of trying to reach a peaceful agreement with Serbia
>Let's totally support them in case of war, and actually encourage them to quickly declare war on Serbia
>War with Serbia and Russia? Let's invade France too
>Why not invade Belgium and Luxembourg too? Why the FUCK not?
>We declared war on everyone and lost? Clearly the Jews are behind this!
Wrong! Nele forever.
In fairness, everyone wanted their vaterlands to grosser sein, the problem being that they'd run out of other continents to colonise.
Everyone was itching to start killing each other for ages. Bismarck even said back in the 1840s or 50s that 'the great European war would come out of some little trifle in the Balkans' or something along those line because all the mutual aggression pacts in the area meant someone would eventually have casus belli on someone else and then all hell would break loose. On top of that, the German brass knew they'd have to beat both France and Russia at once or else the other would invade them while they were busy. It's kind of funny actually, but there were dozens and dozens of revisions of the invasion plans over the span of decades with different percentages of troops sent to each front and different offensive and defensive strategies so they were planning it for a while, but then Germany fucked up because they invaded France through Belgium, which had a pact with Britain; the Germans had asked Britain to remain neutral and the British were probably going to say yes, but the invasion began before Britain could actually declare it and Germany ended up fighting them too.
Then their invasion force, which had to funnel over the top of the French defensive line all along the border, obviously had very narrow supply lines and kind of petered out. Seeing they were fucked, the German brass surrendered before they could be pushed back far into Germany and get all their soldiers killed and land taken. This, combined with them getting fucked by the reparations, meant the common soldier and his drinking buddies were probably pretty pissed feeling like they hadn't been allowed to properly try and defend their country and yet were still paying dearly for the defeat. And then this charismatic veteran shows up and starts telling everyone whose fault it REALLY all is...
Long live Belka.
Oh please.
If the US hadn't intervened, the world might have been a better place. Armistice probably would've happened anyway, nobody would have been to blame, and then maybe Germany would've exploded into socialist revolution and done it correctly instead of leaving it to Lenin and the goddamned Russians to fuck up. Better yet the Allies would've been too tired to intervene (probably).
Wouldn't a non-US WW1 just mean that it'd cost more lives and bodies before Germany agreed to pay impossible reparations?
It means germany would've most likly been ripped apart even worse then it had been.
Not likely, France was very close to just giving up. Or should I say the French army.
Wasn't there also a thing with how fast armies could be mobilized and how fast they could move. It took ages to get armies assembled, but thanks to railways they could move very fast. So if you waited for an attack before you started mobilizing troops, the enemy would move far into your country with little resistance, but if you start mobilizing troops everyone's like "uh-oh, they're mobilizing troops, they could invade any day, better to start mobilizing our troops too." I remember reading something like that.
>ctrl+f barbarossa
>0 hits
also, standard fantasy is the most german setting. your typical fantasy setting is mostly a mash-up of medieval germany with medieval england.
A swimming pool full of immigrants encircling young girls.
Aye, the railways were the basis of the Schlieffen Plan. Essentially Germany would mobilize, beat the shit out of the French, and then move their entire army from the west to the east before Russia could get its shit together.
What's with all the post about middle easterns?
10001 nights
/pol/ tries to be funny, failing as usual.
/int/ memes taken too far, as usual.