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/cyoag/ CYOA General
Poorer Family +10
Less Technologically Advanced +5
Permanently Redesign Your Look -10
1.5x Int -5
Learn 5 New Languages -5
Toxin/Poison Immune -5
Disease immune -10
Reverse Time -15
Never Have to Shower -0
Never Have to Brush Teeth -5
Persuasive Aura -10
I'll go back to being nine, except this time I'm a genius polyglot with the ability to reverse time for up to 12 hours per day.
Age: 21
Powers: Any Form Within Reason, Slightly Luckier, Supercomputer Intelligence, Telekinesis, Read Thoughts
Drawbacks: Less Technologically Advanced (Decade), Poorer Family, Highlander Mode
Any Form Within Reason is very powerful considering what the previous level gives you.
I'm going to go ahead and post this again. I have the resources and a rough notepad set up for a second version, but haven't really gotten around to working much on it past that. Not sure when it'd be done.
/cyoag/ is dead
Maybe if you're just using it to stay motivated or help yourself, but not when you're using it to tell someone there's something wrong with them for being miserable over something awful that they can't change, or telling them that if they can't "just see the positive", then they deserve to suffer anyway.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
/cyoag/ doesn't die, it merely sleeps, awaking occasionally to spew another drama filled shitstorm.
Also /cyoag/ threads are usually dead during Sundays. Apparently most of us work or have important shit to do during the weekends.
Making a google drive with some choice CYOAs; about 25 on there right now as I continue to go through them.
No waifu stuff, no fetish stuff, no meta-CYOAs, no CYOAs with only one choice. If you're into that, more power to you, and no judgement; I'm just telling you what is there.
It has both split-images of the CYOAs and the originals. I know most people like the big images; good for you. I do not. Both are there.
I've appended the author's names where I have them to the folder name. IF you know any more of the authors, I'd love to be able to give credit.
Anyway, here it is:
I'll be continuing to add to it.
This is primarily a project for my wife and I to use; I'm sharing it because why not? If you don't like it, or if you don't care that I'm sharing it, that's fine.
The motorcycle from independant is different than the hover bike in Knick-Knacks right?
>i'm making a repo
>none of the good stuff will be in it
More seriously, a curated collection is appreciated. Thanks for sharing.
Consider making an updated Info Dump the knowledge can be carried forwards.
I always feel weird when someone posts Traveller's Tale. On one hand there's clearly an immense amount of work that was put into it and I can respect that.
On the other hand, it's 164 pages and it just takes so. fucking. long. to actually read through. Then afterwards I feel the need to go back and modify everything and it takes forever. It's like it was developed past the point of any real necessity to include every suggestion or something.
>buy perks to make yourself a master wizard
>buy perks to be Suzy Home Maker, whose main talent is knowing how to get around their city and writing pretty thank you cards.
I am paralysed with indecision.
Take a fuckload of drawbacks and do both.
If it helps, there's a billion wizards that Highlander has to sift through in order to find interesting ones.
If you make Suzy Home Maker, that's sure to get her eye and get in the ranks. In fact, I'm gonna try and make something like that.
It's Freedom Day for the Amerifats soon, so I wouldn't be surprised if some fuckers are actually going camping.
Ivithar Roc’Koz
Background: The Old Civilization; Terrified Onlooker
>Skills, Perks & Traits
Advanced Tech Understanding
Mastery Ethereal Manipulation
Stone Soul
Languages Proficiency
Martial Training
Frontliner (free)
Religious Studies (free)
Silver Tongue (free)
Initial Equipment (2400 credit start)
Traveller Leathers-Upgrade 1 (200)
Plebian Attire (10)
Acloria Spider Armor (350)
Free: Segmented armor
Yuta Brace-Upgrade 1 (200)
M911-Modded (50)
Calatrop bag (10)
Hunga Munga Knives (50)
Talde.HD24 Anti Armor Rifle (500)
Grenades (Incendiary) (100)
[910] + 30 for Weapon Edge Electrification Hunga Munga Knives
Basic Survival Kit
Basic Bag
ID Card
Mutiversal Time keeper (50)
Advanced Medical Kit (100)
Mathery Travellers Encyclopedia Vol 1-8324 (20)
Coharty Plasma Shield Mark-7 (100)
Gleaner Chain (10)
Enhanced Occulatus (200)
Standard Breather (20)
Leader Line (20)
Hacking Module (100)
Infiltration equipment (100)
Lock Cracker Module (25)
Monomolecular Wire (25)
24HR Multi-Reality News Feed (20)
Self Operating Cooking Gear (10)
>Little Things
I don’t need no Governa’s dolla! x3
Weekly Donor +100
Terrorized +100
Renegade +400
Can’t wake up inside +500
My best friend +500
The Home Guard [Legiclators] (Custom Stun Weapon: A stun gun built into the Traveller’s brace)
The Temple of Great Holy Light ( -100, Sun Bros, Religious studies&Silver Tongue)
Aglan & Baglan
Mochizuki Chiyome
>Home District
Ospherous Reserve (Cabin in the Alien woods)
>Hub world
Free Traveler - In Which All Roads are Open
>Panic Button
The Duke
It also developed past the point of rationality.
Ivithar grew up in awe of the magus-engineers of his civilization, aspiring to join their ranks. But their apocalyptic mistake taught him that all that glitters is not gold. While still haunted by the ghosts of his past, Ivithar tries to put his passion of hunting to use. Having seen what evil men are capable of (intentionally or unintentionally) Ivithar joined the legislators to prevent further devastations and test his skills. So now he trains under the best mentors he could find, refining his Technomage talents and perfecting the art of the hunt. Vigilantism can be fun as well as rewarding. And with the entire multiverse to explore, there will be plenty of wanderlust, adventure, and chase to be had.
I don't know man. i just read a couple pages here and there when I had the time. Its pretty much like reading a book. Take it where you can when you can.
>Start at 3 years old.
Best to start young to adjust to the new things.
>Full shapeshifting any form -35
Technical immortality. If not by simply shapeshifting into a younger form than by taking a form that doesn't age normally. Also covers attractiveness.
>Permanent gender change -5 (changes my birth changer)
In order to be born a girl, even though it's not necessary with shapeshifting in the long run. I want to learn this way
>Less tech (10 years) +5
I'm going to take this to mean that I'm somehow born 10 years earlier, since tech and world events are pretty inextricably linked. This is actually within reason without changing anyone else, and probably explains why my parents are poorer.
>Full immune -15
In case shapeshifting can't cover disease.
>Monsterpeople world -10
Most live separate. Monsterpeople in human cities are uncommon but not unheard of, not always welcomed but very rarely harmed.
>Magic Exists -15
Most people don't know it exists, but if you know how it's relatively easy to develop magical talent. Spells are learned and cast naturally, not through ritual and study. Some monsterpeople are naturally magical but most are in the same boat as humans.
>Poorer family +10
This one is probably going to be very bad, since my parents were already struggling.
>Slightly more lucky (free)
Never understatement luck
>Easier to get fat +5
Shapeshifting nullifies it, provided I use it actively.
>Weaker +5
Compared to what I am NOW, being weaker as a girl only makes sense. Shapeshifting probably nullifies it anyway.
>Hungrier/Thirstier +5
I guess shapeshifting both explains and helps mitigate this.
Did BoxWine ever update the academy CYOA?
It's not too bad for me, since a lot of the pages can be avoided for the most part. But I know that this kind of CYOA isn't for everyone, so you do you.
If it helps, here's the 40-ish page version:
I think he said he was working on something else for a time, to avoid getting burnt out on Hero Academy. Might be misremembering.
He got burned out so he's taking a break.
Honestly not sure how to do that. I will look into it though.
I'm not really a proper Veeky Forums-er.
Could some kind user please help me out? I'm looking for a cyoa that pretty much involves taking over an african or south american nation and ruling it. It was diplomacy-based, and you could choose why you were chosen as ruler (some of the options were you had an artifact on you or the natives thought you were a divine being) as well as advisors and such. The format was similar to the Paladin cyoa I believe. If someone knows what I'm talking about, I'd really appreciate if they'd post it, or at least give me the name so I could google it.
>I'm not really a proper Veeky Forums-er.
That's for the best, really
Are you talking about The Man Who Would Be King?
Rolled 5, 16, 12, 4, 11, 9, 10, 18, 2, 12, 13, 5 = 117 (12d20)
I think he just wants you to put all the author info into and things.
Pastebin is just a site that saves plaintext data, if that's what you're wondering about.
I'm adding authors to the CYOAs for all the ones I have been able to find them. Which is, unfortunately, only about half so far.
And thanks for the info. I did know pastebin was for storing plaintext, I just haven't ever used it to store anything. I doubt it is hard to figure out, though, so no worries.
Yes! Upon googling it I have found a link! Thank you so much! Also, out of curiosity, do you know if the same person who made the paladin cyoa made this one? And if so what other cyoas they've made? Paladin and man who would be king are probably my favorites.
I made the Augment CYOA.
Thanks for making it!
And added your name to the folder.
Poorer Family - 60
Highlander Mode - 80
Str*** - 65
Shapeshifting**** - 30
Int*** - 15
5 new languages - 10
>spanish, french, german, russian, japanese
Monsterpeople world - 0
>monstergirls interspersed with humans
Slightly more lucky - 0
Was planning on using shapeshifting powers Alex Mercer style, but I'm not quite sure if that would be allowed. It does say 'within reason' after all.
Is there a requirement to be a traveller or can anyone join as long as they were recruited by one?
Highlander looks at them? I did the cyoa once and then threw it away because I figured no one would care.
Name: Hub
-10 Replication
-10 Enthrallment
-5 Perfect Memory
Companions: Iscariot, Watchmaker
Shard: -2 Outsider
-1 Home
-2 Financial Resources
+1 Identity Revealed
+8 Wanted (All)
+7 S9 Recruit
+4 Trouble Magnet
Gift: The Deck of Cards
My mind isn't clouded like most other capes.
I'll never truly have a cape identity. I'll operate entirely through clones, directing them to control key capes and other influential figures.
Despite my perfect memory, I'll likely need to consult Number Man and Contessa on who to prioritize.
I'll probably take over the villains first, but soon enough I'll control everyone.
Maybe at some point I'll be able to arrange some sort of controlled release of prisoners from the Birdcage, but that's in the (relatively) distant future.
We'll save the world, and the world will hate us for it, but it's worth it to continue our species' existence.
Highlander has at least few pages worth of builds from the threads. Some of em are in the image version.
Is this cyoa new?
The first time I saw it was a couple threads ago.
Is the author still around?
Highlander takes builds from people who submit them, generally those who add in some good lore and maybe a companion sheet, and edits them slightly then adds them.
Oh, I see, thanks. I had a question but after thinking about it I realized my question was retarded.
There's a test for ethereal and time shit iirc, but if the recruiter gives you the okay, then you're a Traveller.
Even if the system managed to recruit a Servo-skull with the intelligence of a housecat.
There's some kind of nebulous special property that even the Travellers don't really understand. A gift or power given by the Great Old Ones when they were supposed to be their harbingers. Something relating to how you interact with space and time. Hence why you can make traveller ash soap and it protects you from temporal misshaps, or why they're exempt from the time stop devices. You also have to pass a psych eval too I think.
I'm probably a moron, but what is "Bac My Goa" that's in Jackson's description under his picture? Is that a real thing?
Yep, I'm the author.
No it was made about 1-2 months ago. It never took off since I posted it about the same time as Master Beri posted his OC.
Don't think so. Couldn't find anything using google either.
Guess I'll have to redo my build then. Ho boy, that'll be fun
>enthrall the world
>1:7 ratio of your clones to the world's population
>Heroes can't do anything
That's not even how the setting works
Reposting build from last thread.
>Background: Behemoth
The Big Guy for you
Ladies love a man in uniform – oh wait you mean that's not what it does?
Prizefighter, ladies love boxers too
>Plasma Cloak
I'm hot as hell!
Aw yeeeaaah, you know what they say about a guy with big hands, right? The say, 'Damn, you got some big hands.'
>Mutated Hide
Gettin' Nemean up in this bitch.
>Fury in Agony
You hit me, I'ma hit you back even harder.
>Greater Regeneration
Not a motherfucker alive who can put me down forever now. But goddamn am I hungry as hell.
>Companion: Adrianne Gonzales
Perfect Waifu, prove me wrong. Protip, ya can't. Stallone/Rocky joke here.
>Armour: Mobius Crystals
Psychic faggots get btfo.
>Survival Items: Purifier, Radio
Don't wanna die from poison water, that's a bitch way to go. And the radio is good for when Adrianne and I split up to kick more ass.
>Faction: Plankford
Seems like the perfect place for a couple of power- and literally hungry Mutants.
How big are Behemoths and Wraiths? I was imagining 8 feet for Behemoths and 7 for Wraiths.
I think it's referring to how Cauldron shit and the Truce means that Protectorate Heroes generally can't accomplish any lasting improvements, since the status quo just rolls right back around when an Endbringer hits and all the villains are set free to help fight it.
>>enthrall the world
Just everyone in power. Mostly just Capes, but a few politicians are always good too.
It could be done, user.
>The Big Guy for you
>big hands
Big gloves.
I'd say 8 and 7 are about right.
Can't remember the last build I made, but let's do another one.
>Implanted Organs
Going biological for this one.
>Fireman, Fistfighter
Punching with the force of the Sun is always nice.
>Plasma Grenade, Piston Fist, Adamantium Skeleton, Sus-An Membrane, Organ of Mercy
Gives me some range, durability, healing, and OPM that every man should have.
>Michonne Keegan
Personally, still best girl to me.
>Mark IX "Ultra" Armor
The lack of resistance to Energy Weapons is a tad worrying, but I should be overall fine, and the Juggernaut's too slow for my build.
>Mobius Crystals
More useful for Keegan.
>Purifier, Rations
Water is essential, and the rations will help if we can't get food.
>The Dogs of Talos
Mercenary work's the best way to stay afloat in the Wasteland, and the Dogs' aren't fanatical idiots.
But why stop there, user? Imagine having an orgy with 7.4 billion people.
Background: Wraith
Perks: Plasmoid, Demolisher
Skills: Electric Storm, Mutated Hide, Fury in Agony, Exhume, Greater Regeneration
Companion: Michonne Keegan
Armor: Mobius Crystals (X2)
Survival Items: Rations, Boost
Faction: The New Human Alliance
Being immune to explosives would confer an enormous resistance to force and being immune to electricity would confer an enormous resistance to heat. The crystals would help our resistance against extreme temperatures and general defense even more. As for what I'm going to be doing I like the idea of uniting Sanctuary and The New Human Alliance to the benefit of us both. Under ideal terms they won't even have to fight so long as they help supply our faction and don't work against us. With a good head there are few things that could really stop us. If they can't be convinced our biggest threat is without a doubt The Emperor's Children. In my free time I think I'll try to help Sanctuary even if they don't want to help us directly and maybe see if I can convince Keegan to let me touch her butt.
>being immune to electricity would confer an enormous resistance to heat
Not in this case, it's more of your body is an insulator.
A Plasmoid is not resistant to high temperatures innately.
>Being immune to explosives would confer an enormous resistance to force
Can't think of a way to make it so that is not true.....I suppose you win this round until I can.
>it's more of your body is an insulator.
I hadn't thought of that. That works. I can accept that I only half look like an ass.
It could be a specific type of force. Like sudden force, or non-material force. There's a significant difference between an explosion and a bullet, for instance, even when the two have about the same amount of impact.
Hell, make it resistance, specifically, to the penetrative force of a blast wave, which can cause organ trauma to those caught in it, if the explosion is powerful enough, without leaving a scratch on the victims.
>The Stones
>The Mirror
>The Box/The Portal
No rule that says you can't continually enumerate on slight changes made with the mirror to become a completely different person.
24 hours is... not a lot of time. I have a friend that I'd like to let use the stones and mirror before I go, and they live sixteen hours away, by car, in another state. They do own a truck, however, so that's not completely off of the table.
Use the time between me receiving the gifts and them arriving to make changes to myself, to make myself fairly androgynous and athletic looking, remove fat, build muscle, make myself younger, etc, go to the store once they get here and get started with their own changes, and just while away the time until I leave, walking around, talking, etc. A couple of minutes til, put everything I've picked up into a backpack I've brought with me, find a bench, and sit down. Maybe have friend sit on my lap, with one arm around their waist to see if I can take them with me, because they'll probably be small enough to be carried by the time they get done with their changes.
I feel like builds made for fighting here are boring, lets see what can be done differently
Start new life age : 3
Defensive : Leather skin + Iron bones
Regenerative Body
Toxin/poison immune
Disease Immune
Element : Electricty
Misc : Never have to brush Teeth
Aura : Happy Aura
World : Less technologically Advanced
i hate this version, too fucking weak
>i hate this version, too fucking weak
Pathetic faggot.
Just get Path to Victory and buy the perk that let's you use your powers on the Enbringers/Scion.
Boom. Done.
Ya won.
Here's your complimentary who gives a fuck.
How important would you consider art consistency to be?
Never actually posted a build for a CYOA in the history of ever, but ooooh boy here goes.
///PERKS (Low-tech and 5 others from Watcher, 3 default, 3 from little things and 1 from the lonesome road)
Low-tech understanding
Natural Physique
Silver tongue
Martial training
Forever alone (Fuck your 'one free companion' offer, escort missions are always shit)
I don't need no Governa's dalla x3 (And I still have 300 useless credits left over)
Traveler Leathers
Yuta brace
- Upgrade kit 1
- Retrieval chain
- Custom blade launcher w/ chain winch
- Electrified
Skinning knife
Basic survival kit
Basic bag
ID card (Chip injection)
Multiversal timekeeper
Standard breather
Omni camping equipment
24hr news feed
Self-operating cooking gear
Hover bike
- I got a free motorcycle from lonesome road and another one from my home district
- Also 300 spare points and nothing I want
- Fuck it let's expend it all and make this a badass future motorcycle with a hover mode
The Lonesome Road
Fuck your churches
Fuuuck limited swaps means I can't trade my four allies for more skills...Alright just gimme the first four, then tell them to fuck off after five minutes because I don't travel with company and the next fucker who starts following me can suck electrified yuta blade.
Free traveler (Stop giving me fucking motorcycles, I can't sell them and I don't even have a use for money)
Free traveler - Courier
If you're going to use art assets, you should take the time to ensure that they're not jarring as fuck.
Moderately. If you started mixing wildly clashing art styles is awful, but most don't mind a little bit.
Also panic buttons are for faggots.
Or have friends
I don't, but I'm sure some people do
This one got way, way too long for Veeky Forums, and I don't like making several posts in a row.
Satellite - Collective Creativity
>make dream games/movies/books without lifting a finger
>get rich by doing so
Voice Modifier -1 (just to get rid of robotic voice)
Shape Modifier -1
Free Wi-Fi -3
Enhanced Intelligence -4
Wrist Communicator -1
Is temperature manipulation in Fahrenheit or Celsius, because it's a huge difference depending.
i need more points, drawbacks won't cut it
Free Will
Collective Creativity
Free Wifi(9)
Why can't this happen for a good CYOA like Paperwork Error? (Where is that CYOA gone I wonder.)
remember that time when worm cyoa was good?
>Waaah, I can't be Triumvirate-tier and stomp everyone without taking drawbacks
So, everything is fine.
Which one of them? There's five or more different ones, from what I've heard.
Paperwork error was the shit.
Wait, I made a mistake.
Paperwork error was shit.
There we go.
what's stopping you from doing it?
>Waaah, the cyoa is viable if you take all drawbacks and the 20 point powers
Geez, thanks. That doesn't make 99% of the cyoa redundant at all.
Separate forms of currency would have helped, having to spend points on items that could be spent on powers- it doesn't make it ideal to buy items. Personally I still prefer the 4th iteration of worm, simply because you have a sliding scale of power and non-power options are actually more interesting.
'Viable' means 'roflstomping everything' to you?
A question for Highlander if he is still alive.
Can I get more detail on the "Collosi" armor in the Traveller CYOA?
You've clearly got 0 knowledge of Worm. It's stomp or be stomped, and most of the single 20 point powers are not even close to making you stompworthy.
>It's stomp or be stomped
The same thing could be said about literally everything. There is no such thing as 'half-stomped'.