Guys I'm getting worried, what's the longest time it can take for a Vampire/Lich to respawn at it's phylactery?
Guys I'm getting worried, what's the longest time it can take for a Vampire/Lich to respawn at it's phylactery?
As long as your GM rules.
Longest I've personally seen in a campaign was 25 years.
Please, you and I both know that his death was just a cover for his ascension to being a demi-lich. He no longer needs a coil to spread his magics.
By the rules, a lich reappears 1d10 days after its apparent death. Vampires do not have a phylactery, but they can retreat to their coffins in gaseous form, in which case they'll be back up to 1 HP in 1 hour, after which they recover 5 HP per round.
He's on a special operation to assassinate Hitler in Hell. It could take a while.
>implying he is stupid enough to let it be known to the world he came back
Christopher Lee took his rightful place by God's throne to deliver dooms at the end of days, don't you dare befoul his good name.
Charlemagne figured his "Christopher Lee" persona had lived long enough so he's faked his death once more and assumed a new guise.
user I know it hurts,but the simple sad truth is that the Great Ones are leaving us one by one.
We need to accept this and keep moving forward or we'll tear ourselves apart dwelling on the past.
I know what you meant, but I just imagined humanity devolving into a apocalyptic war over 'the Great Ones' and them becoming the gods of the tribals that would rise up after.
Best response. This needs to be an official adventure now. Would this be a team effort?
Maybe Bowie is in on it?
The mission can finally begin now that Lee has joined Ian Fleming and Jon Pertwee in God's secret base, Heaven.
He's not going to show up until someone builds a robot Christopher Lee and it goes rogue. Then he'll be forced to show up because he'll be the only one who's able to take it down.
Peter Cushing caught up with him. They are now dueling in the planes of Limbo, neither one can gain the upperhand so they will eventually break off once their energy reserves are spent.
>not making the robot possess-able by the spirit of Christopher Lee
And he will become Christopher Lee 2.0, savior of mankind against the hordes of Google AI constructs that Hitler enslaved through dark magics devised by the Ahnenerbe.
Wait, Christopher Lee karked it?
user, such a cruel jape
In what cave do you live, user ? This is old news.
Can we assassinate Woodrow Wilson in hell too?
Fuck Wilson.
Anybody try pouring virgin blood on his ashes?
Just saying.
Or at least thats what he'd tell everybody. Actually he's just a liaison between hell-RAF and hell-SAS.
He waited until after Lee was dead to make that comment, hardly the mark of someone confident he wouldn't get refuted
He is commenting specifically on inflated obituaries, not exactly something you can do before the obituaries have need to be written.