Last one : Post any art requests you have ITT. Keep in mind, the drawfriends are doing this for fun, so do not be surprised or upset if they gloss over your post. The artists are here to draw what they WANT to draw, not what you THINK should be drawn.
Be patient, and bump your request one time every 24 hours from the time you posted the request. There is no exception to this rule, it doesn't matter if you "have work" or "are going to bed".
Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for as best you can.
Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, and be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.
Mind your manners and say thank you! We appreciate our artists and their amazing work!
Don't be an asshole and immediately repost your request because you don't like the FREE art you received.
And for fuck's sake, when someone is being an obvious cunt, DO NOT REPLY TO THEM. All you're doing is wasting bumps and fanning the fire.
>Artists and Artists-to-Be:
Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information drawfriends.
Books and Tutorials:
Figure Drawing:
Beginners Guide to Drawing:
The w/ic/i art guide:
>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.