Fuck this faggot shitcoin

Why the fuck it keeps mooning

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Cool buzz words with the tech ('The Tangle', 'Internet of Things')
People don't know about the tech and if it actually works as it's supposed to or not


people don't care about technical details
they just want to get rich quick like their friends and acquaintance

no its just being pumped by a group. as always

Microsoft. Literally the only reason. It'll crash to $1 overnight when the chinks start selling.

This token is garbage, run by SJW beta cucks that support rapefugees taking over Europe and America.

Will be sub 10 cents within 6 months.

> t. link owner

It brings me such tremendous joy that you racist shitheads have been and continue to be wrong about this and are missing out on financial freedom.

it has the the market cap of a medium sized countrys GDP. i dont think this is just a pajeet pump and dump :P

Sure :P

Pic related, its just another pnd

How the fuck can it be worth 15 billion dollars without a working wallet and without being on important exchanges like Bitthumb?

There's no way this broken shit token holds its value. This is just all the dumb new crypto money buying the first heavily shilled scam they see. Honestly most of these people don't know any better. It doesn't take a genius to see how this is gonna turn out

Like I said, hype and marketing. This is the latest version of the DGB/NEO pump (I'd include BCH too, but circumstances were a little different)

And actually the broken wallet works to their advantage. There's a decent amount of people who hold IOTA who can't actually access it because of a bug in the wallet

What is called a bubble?

Bug in the wallet? Amateur level FUD my boy.

Are you really that gullible?

>Amateur level FUD my boy.

There are people that literally can't access their IOTA

Have you researched how tangle works? It’s completely disruptive to blockchain. There’s value in it whether you want to believe it or not.

I can't sell mine. I bought in months ago, put it in my wallet, and my iota got seized somewhere around September because I technically missed the transition phase.

Reattaching or whatever works.

My address was one of the ones that got seized. E.g this situation.

Not the same problem as reattaching.

Is their down syndrome diagnosed?

Oh, okay. Hope you get your coins back in time then, before any possible correction.

They missed one deadline already when they said they were going to process reclaims i.e the Monday after wallet 2.5.4 was released. I really don't want to hold any of this shit anymore.


It's mooning for the same reason that every coin moons, speculation and hype.

Also, hype in crypto is a self fulfilling prophecy. The fact that it's reached #4 on coinmarketcap and now has an ever growing 15+ billion dollar market cap (12 billion just 3 hours ago) has set things in motion to keep the price climbing.


its crashing!!!!!

Can you invite me to that discord please

realist=/=scientific consensus